Library RelationAlgebra.srel
srel: heterogeneous binary relations between setoids
base type for setoids ;
if there is standard one in the standard library, we might want to switch to it
it could also be nice to have lattice.weq set up using such a structure, to share notation and lemmas
Record EqType := {
type_of:> Type@{U};
Eq: relation type_of;
Equivalence_Eq: Equivalence Eq
#[export] Existing Instance Equivalence_Eq.
Record spw (A: EqType) (X: lattice.ops) := {
spw_bod:> A→X;
spw_Eq: Proper (Eq A ==> weq) spw_bod
type_of:> Type@{U};
Eq: relation type_of;
Equivalence_Eq: Equivalence Eq
#[export] Existing Instance Equivalence_Eq.
Record spw (A: EqType) (X: lattice.ops) := {
spw_bod:> A→X;
spw_Eq: Proper (Eq A ==> weq) spw_bod
Record srel (n m: EqType) := {
hrel_of:> hrel n m;
srel_Eq: Proper (Eq n ==> Eq m ==> iff) hrel_of
Arguments hrel_of {_ _}.
Coercion car_of n m: srel n m → hrel_lattice_ops n m := hrel_of.
#[export] Existing Instance srel_Eq.
hrel_of:> hrel n m;
srel_Eq: Proper (Eq n ==> Eq m ==> iff) hrel_of
Arguments hrel_of {_ _}.
Coercion car_of n m: srel n m → hrel_lattice_ops n m := hrel_of.
#[export] Existing Instance srel_Eq.
setoid-preserving relations as a lattice; actually a sublattice of that of plain relations
Section s.
Variables n m: EqType.
Definition srel_leq (R S: srel n m): Prop := R ≦ S.
Definition srel_weq (R S: srel n m): Prop := R ≡ S.
Program Definition srel_cup (R S: srel n m): srel n m := {| hrel_of := R ⊔ S |}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.
Program Definition srel_cap (R S: srel n m): srel n m := {| hrel_of := R ⊓ S |}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.
Program Definition srel_neg (R: srel n m): srel n m := {| hrel_of := !R |}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.
Program Definition srel_bot: srel n m := {| hrel_of := bot |}.
Next Obligation. tauto. Qed.
Program Definition srel_top: srel n m := {| hrel_of := top |}.
Next Obligation. tauto. Qed.
Canonical Structure srel_lattice_ops: lattice.ops := {|
car := srel n m;
leq := srel_leq;
weq := srel_weq;
cup := srel_cup;
cap := srel_cap;
neg := srel_neg;
bot := srel_bot;
top := srel_top
Arguments srel_leq _ _ /.
Arguments srel_weq _ _ /.
Arguments srel_cup _ _ /.
Arguments srel_cap _ _ /.
Arguments srel_neg _ /.
Arguments srel_bot /.
Arguments srel_top /.
Variables n m: EqType.
Definition srel_leq (R S: srel n m): Prop := R ≦ S.
Definition srel_weq (R S: srel n m): Prop := R ≡ S.
Program Definition srel_cup (R S: srel n m): srel n m := {| hrel_of := R ⊔ S |}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.
Program Definition srel_cap (R S: srel n m): srel n m := {| hrel_of := R ⊓ S |}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.
Program Definition srel_neg (R: srel n m): srel n m := {| hrel_of := !R |}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.
Program Definition srel_bot: srel n m := {| hrel_of := bot |}.
Next Obligation. tauto. Qed.
Program Definition srel_top: srel n m := {| hrel_of := top |}.
Next Obligation. tauto. Qed.
Canonical Structure srel_lattice_ops: lattice.ops := {|
car := srel n m;
leq := srel_leq;
weq := srel_weq;
cup := srel_cup;
cap := srel_cap;
neg := srel_neg;
bot := srel_bot;
top := srel_top
Arguments srel_leq _ _ /.
Arguments srel_weq _ _ /.
Arguments srel_cup _ _ /.
Arguments srel_cap _ _ /.
Arguments srel_neg _ /.
Arguments srel_bot /.
Arguments srel_top /.
lattices laws follow from the fact that we have a sublattice of plain relations
#[export] Instance srel_lattice_laws: lattice.laws (BDL+STR+CNV+DIV) srel_lattice_ops.
Proof. apply (laws_of_injective_morphism hrel_of); trivial. now split. Qed.
End s.
Proof. apply (laws_of_injective_morphism hrel_of); trivial. now split. Qed.
End s.
setoid-preserving relations as a Kleene category
Section RepOps.
Implicit Types n m p : EqType.
Program Definition srel_one n: srel n n :=
{| hrel_of := Eq n |}.
Program Definition srel_dot n m p (x: srel n m) (y: srel m p): srel n p :=
{| hrel_of := x⋅y |}.
Next Obligation.
split; intros [z H1 H2].
rewrite H in H1. rewrite H0 in H2. now ∃ z.
rewrite <-H in H1. rewrite <-H0 in H2. now ∃ z.
Program Definition srel_cnv n m (x: srel n m): srel m n :=
{| hrel_of := x° |}.
Next Obligation. unfold hrel_cnv. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.
Program Definition srel_ldv n m p (x: srel n m) (y: srel n p): srel m p :=
{| hrel_of := x -o y |}.
Next Obligation. unfold hrel_ldv. setoid_rewrite H. setoid_rewrite H0. reflexivity. Qed.
Program Definition srel_rdv n m p (x: srel m n) (y: srel p n): srel p m :=
{| hrel_of := y o- x |}.
Next Obligation. unfold hrel_rdv. setoid_rewrite H. setoid_rewrite H0. reflexivity. Qed.
Section i.
Variable n: EqType.
Variable x: srel n n.
Implicit Types n m p : EqType.
Program Definition srel_one n: srel n n :=
{| hrel_of := Eq n |}.
Program Definition srel_dot n m p (x: srel n m) (y: srel m p): srel n p :=
{| hrel_of := x⋅y |}.
Next Obligation.
split; intros [z H1 H2].
rewrite H in H1. rewrite H0 in H2. now ∃ z.
rewrite <-H in H1. rewrite <-H0 in H2. now ∃ z.
Program Definition srel_cnv n m (x: srel n m): srel m n :=
{| hrel_of := x° |}.
Next Obligation. unfold hrel_cnv. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.
Program Definition srel_ldv n m p (x: srel n m) (y: srel n p): srel m p :=
{| hrel_of := x -o y |}.
Next Obligation. unfold hrel_ldv. setoid_rewrite H. setoid_rewrite H0. reflexivity. Qed.
Program Definition srel_rdv n m p (x: srel m n) (y: srel p n): srel p m :=
{| hrel_of := y o- x |}.
Next Obligation. unfold hrel_rdv. setoid_rewrite H. setoid_rewrite H0. reflexivity. Qed.
Section i.
Variable n: EqType.
Variable x: srel n n.
finite iterations of a relation
Fixpoint iter u: srel n n := match u with O ⇒ srel_one n | S u ⇒ srel_dot _ _ _ x (iter u) end.
Program Definition srel_str: srel n n := {| hrel_of i j := ∃ u, iter u i j |}.
Next Obligation. setoid_rewrite H. setoid_rewrite H0. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition srel_itr: srel n n := srel_dot n n n x srel_str.
End i.
Arguments srel_dot [_ _ _] _ _/.
Arguments srel_ldv [_ _ _] _ _/.
Arguments srel_rdv [_ _ _] _ _/.
Arguments srel_cnv [_ _] _ /.
Arguments srel_str [_] _ /.
Arguments srel_itr [_] _ /.
Arguments srel_one {_} /.
End RepOps.
Canonical Structure srel_monoid_ops :=
monoid.mk_ops EqType srel_lattice_ops srel_dot srel_one srel_itr srel_str srel_cnv srel_ldv srel_rdv.
Program Definition srel_str: srel n n := {| hrel_of i j := ∃ u, iter u i j |}.
Next Obligation. setoid_rewrite H. setoid_rewrite H0. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition srel_itr: srel n n := srel_dot n n n x srel_str.
End i.
Arguments srel_dot [_ _ _] _ _/.
Arguments srel_ldv [_ _ _] _ _/.
Arguments srel_rdv [_ _ _] _ _/.
Arguments srel_cnv [_ _] _ /.
Arguments srel_str [_] _ /.
Arguments srel_itr [_] _ /.
Arguments srel_one {_} /.
End RepOps.
Canonical Structure srel_monoid_ops :=
monoid.mk_ops EqType srel_lattice_ops srel_dot srel_one srel_itr srel_str srel_cnv srel_ldv srel_rdv.
we cannot use monoid.laws_of_faithful_functor: 1 and _^* are not preserved by rel_of;
nevertheless, we can reuse hrel_monoid_laws for quite a few axioms; and we just reprove the remaining ones
#[export] Instance srel_monoid_laws: monoid.laws (BDL+STR+CNV+DIV) srel_monoid_ops.
constructor; (try now left); intros.
apply srel_lattice_laws.
apply (dotA (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
intros i j. split.
intros [k ik kj]. simpl in ik; now rewrite ik.
intro. ∃ i. simpl; reflexivity. assumption.
apply (cnvdot_ (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
apply (cnv_invol (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
intros i j ij. now apply (cnv_leq (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
intros i j E. ∃ O. exact E.
intros i k [j Hij [u Hjk]]. ∃ (S u). now ∃ j.
assert (E: ∀ i, (iter n x i: srel n n) ⋅ z ≦ z).
induction i. simpl. intros h k [l hl lk]. simpl in hl. now rewrite hl.
rewrite <-H0 at 2. transitivity (x⋅((iter n x i: srel n n)⋅z)).
cbn. firstorder congruence. now apply (dot_leq (H:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
intros i j [? [? ?] ?]. eapply E. repeat eexists; eauto.
apply (capdotx (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
apply (ldv_spec (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
apply (rdv_spec (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
#[export] Instance Equivalence_srel_one A: Equivalence (@one srel_monoid_ops A).
Proof. cbn. typeclasses eauto. Qed.
constructor; (try now left); intros.
apply srel_lattice_laws.
apply (dotA (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
intros i j. split.
intros [k ik kj]. simpl in ik; now rewrite ik.
intro. ∃ i. simpl; reflexivity. assumption.
apply (cnvdot_ (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
apply (cnv_invol (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
intros i j ij. now apply (cnv_leq (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
intros i j E. ∃ O. exact E.
intros i k [j Hij [u Hjk]]. ∃ (S u). now ∃ j.
assert (E: ∀ i, (iter n x i: srel n n) ⋅ z ≦ z).
induction i. simpl. intros h k [l hl lk]. simpl in hl. now rewrite hl.
rewrite <-H0 at 2. transitivity (x⋅((iter n x i: srel n n)⋅z)).
cbn. firstorder congruence. now apply (dot_leq (H:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
intros i j [? [? ?] ?]. eapply E. repeat eexists; eauto.
apply (capdotx (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
apply (ldv_spec (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
apply (rdv_spec (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
#[export] Instance Equivalence_srel_one A: Equivalence (@one srel_monoid_ops A).
Proof. cbn. typeclasses eauto. Qed.
setoid-preserving relations as a Kleene category with tests
Section tests.
Variable A: ob srel_monoid_ops.
Record dset := {
dset_bod:> A → bool;
dset_Eq: Proper (Eq A ==> eq) dset_bod;
Coercion car_of_dset f: lattice.pw_ops bool_lattice_ops A := dset_bod f.
#[export] Existing Instance dset_Eq.
Variable A: ob srel_monoid_ops.
Record dset := {
dset_bod:> A → bool;
dset_Eq: Proper (Eq A ==> eq) dset_bod;
Coercion car_of_dset f: lattice.pw_ops bool_lattice_ops A := dset_bod f.
#[export] Existing Instance dset_Eq.
all operations ar imported from lattice.pw_ops
Definition dset_leq (R S: dset): Prop := R ≦ S.
Definition dset_weq (R S: dset): Prop := R ≡ S.
Program Definition dset_cup (R S: dset): dset := {| dset_bod := R ⊔ S |}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H. Qed.
Program Definition dset_cap (R S: dset): dset := {| dset_bod := R ⊓ S |}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H. Qed.
Program Definition dset_neg (R: dset): dset := {| dset_bod := !R |}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H. Qed.
Program Definition dset_bot: dset := {| dset_bod := bot |}.
Program Definition dset_top: dset := {| dset_bod := top |}.
Canonical Structure dset_lattice_ops: lattice.ops := {|
car := dset;
leq := dset_leq;
weq := dset_weq;
cup := dset_cup;
cap := dset_cap;
neg := dset_neg;
bot := dset_bot;
top := dset_top
Arguments dset_leq _ _ /.
Arguments dset_weq _ _ /.
Arguments dset_cup _ _ /.
Arguments dset_cap _ _ /.
Arguments dset_neg _ /.
Arguments dset_bot /.
Arguments dset_top /.
Definition dset_weq (R S: dset): Prop := R ≡ S.
Program Definition dset_cup (R S: dset): dset := {| dset_bod := R ⊔ S |}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H. Qed.
Program Definition dset_cap (R S: dset): dset := {| dset_bod := R ⊓ S |}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H. Qed.
Program Definition dset_neg (R: dset): dset := {| dset_bod := !R |}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H. Qed.
Program Definition dset_bot: dset := {| dset_bod := bot |}.
Program Definition dset_top: dset := {| dset_bod := top |}.
Canonical Structure dset_lattice_ops: lattice.ops := {|
car := dset;
leq := dset_leq;
weq := dset_weq;
cup := dset_cup;
cap := dset_cap;
neg := dset_neg;
bot := dset_bot;
top := dset_top
Arguments dset_leq _ _ /.
Arguments dset_weq _ _ /.
Arguments dset_cup _ _ /.
Arguments dset_cap _ _ /.
Arguments dset_neg _ /.
Arguments dset_bot /.
Arguments dset_top /.
lattices laws follow from the fact that we have a sublattice of plain tests
#[export] Instance dset_lattice_laws: lattice.laws (BL+STR+CNV+DIV) dset_lattice_ops.
Proof. apply (laws_of_injective_morphism dset_bod); trivial. now split. Qed.
Program Definition srel_inj (x: dset): srel A A := {|hrel_of i j := Eq A i j ∧ x i|}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H,H0. Qed.
End tests.
Proof. apply (laws_of_injective_morphism dset_bod); trivial. now split. Qed.
Program Definition srel_inj (x: dset): srel A A := {|hrel_of i j := Eq A i j ∧ x i|}.
Next Obligation. now rewrite H,H0. Qed.
End tests.
packing everything as a Kleene category with tests
like for monoid laws, we have to reprove everything since we don't have a sub-KAT of that of plain relations
#[export] Instance srel_kat_laws: kat.laws srel_kat_ops.
constructor. apply lower_laws.
intro. simpl. apply lower_lattice_laws.
assert (inj_leq: ∀ n, Proper (leq ==> leq) (@srel_inj n)).
intros n e f H i j [E H']. split. assumption. revert H'. apply mm_bool_Prop, H.
constructor; try discriminate.
apply inj_leq.
apply op_leq_weq_1.
intros _ x y i j. split.
intros [E H']. setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff in H'.
destruct H'; [left|right]; split; assumption.
intros [[E H']|[E H']]; split; trivial; setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff; now auto.
intros _ i j. compute. intuition discriminate.
intros ? i j. compute. tauto.
intros ? p q i j. split.
intros [E H']. setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H'. ∃ i; split; try tauto. reflexivity.
intros [k [ik Hi] [kj Hk]]. subst. split; trivial.
now transitivity k.
setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff; split; trivial.
now rewrite ik.
Ltac fold_srel := ra_fold srel_monoid_ops.
Tactic Notation "fold_srel" "in" hyp_list(H) := ra_fold srel_monoid_ops in H.
Tactic Notation "fold_srel" "in" "*" := ra_fold srel_monoid_ops in ×.
constructor. apply lower_laws.
intro. simpl. apply lower_lattice_laws.
assert (inj_leq: ∀ n, Proper (leq ==> leq) (@srel_inj n)).
intros n e f H i j [E H']. split. assumption. revert H'. apply mm_bool_Prop, H.
constructor; try discriminate.
apply inj_leq.
apply op_leq_weq_1.
intros _ x y i j. split.
intros [E H']. setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff in H'.
destruct H'; [left|right]; split; assumption.
intros [[E H']|[E H']]; split; trivial; setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff; now auto.
intros _ i j. compute. intuition discriminate.
intros ? i j. compute. tauto.
intros ? p q i j. split.
intros [E H']. setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H'. ∃ i; split; try tauto. reflexivity.
intros [k [ik Hi] [kj Hk]]. subst. split; trivial.
now transitivity k.
setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff; split; trivial.
now rewrite ik.
Ltac fold_srel := ra_fold srel_monoid_ops.
Tactic Notation "fold_srel" "in" hyp_list(H) := ra_fold srel_monoid_ops in H.
Tactic Notation "fold_srel" "in" "*" := ra_fold srel_monoid_ops in ×.