Library RelationAlgebra.srel

srel: heterogeneous binary relations between setoids

counterpart to module rel, where we provide a KAT model of relations on setoids relations have to be invariant under the setoid equalities, the identity relation is defined as the setoid equality rather than Logic.eq, Kleene star is defined accordingly.

Require Bool.
Require Export boolean prop.
Require Import kat rel.

base type for setoids ; if there is standard one in the standard library, we might want to switch to it it could also be nice to have lattice.weq set up using such a structure, to share notation and lemmas
Record EqType := {
    type_of:> Type@{U};
    Eq: relation type_of;
    Equivalence_Eq: Equivalence Eq
#[export] Existing Instance Equivalence_Eq.

Record spw (A: EqType) (X: lattice.ops) := {
    spw_bod:> AX;
    spw_Eq: Proper (Eq A ==> weq) spw_bod

setoid-preserving relations as a lattice

setoid-preserving relations
Record srel (n m: EqType) := {
    hrel_of:> hrel n m;
    srel_Eq: Proper (Eq n ==> Eq m ==> iff) hrel_of
Arguments hrel_of {_ _}.
Coercion car_of n m: srel n m hrel_lattice_ops n m := hrel_of.
#[export] Existing Instance srel_Eq.

setoid-preserving relations as a lattice; actually a sublattice of that of plain relations
Section s.
 Variables n m: EqType.
 Definition srel_leq (R S: srel n m): Prop := R S.
 Definition srel_weq (R S: srel n m): Prop := R S.
 Program Definition srel_cup (R S: srel n m): srel n m := {| hrel_of := R S |}.
 Next Obligation. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.
 Program Definition srel_cap (R S: srel n m): srel n m := {| hrel_of := R S |}.
 Next Obligation. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.
 Program Definition srel_neg (R: srel n m): srel n m := {| hrel_of := !R |}.
 Next Obligation. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.
 Program Definition srel_bot: srel n m := {| hrel_of := bot |}.
 Next Obligation. tauto. Qed.
 Program Definition srel_top: srel n m := {| hrel_of := top |}.
 Next Obligation. tauto. Qed.
 Canonical Structure srel_lattice_ops: lattice.ops := {|
  car := srel n m;
  leq := srel_leq;
  weq := srel_weq;
  cup := srel_cup;
  cap := srel_cap;
  neg := srel_neg;
  bot := srel_bot;
  top := srel_top
 Arguments srel_leq _ _ /.
 Arguments srel_weq _ _ /.
 Arguments srel_cup _ _ /.
 Arguments srel_cap _ _ /.
 Arguments srel_neg _ /.
 Arguments srel_bot /.
 Arguments srel_top /.

lattices laws follow from the fact that we have a sublattice of plain relations
 #[export] Instance srel_lattice_laws: lattice.laws (BDL+STR+CNV+DIV) srel_lattice_ops.
 Proof. apply (laws_of_injective_morphism hrel_of); trivial. now split. Qed.

End s.

setoid-preserving relations as a Kleene category

not a subcategory of plain relations: we have to modify 1 and x^*
Section RepOps.
 Implicit Types n m p : EqType.

 Program Definition srel_one n: srel n n :=
  {| hrel_of := Eq n |}.

 Program Definition srel_dot n m p (x: srel n m) (y: srel m p): srel n p :=
  {| hrel_of := xy |}.
 Next Obligation.
   split; intros [z H1 H2].
    rewrite H in H1. rewrite H0 in H2. now z.
    rewrite <-H in H1. rewrite <-H0 in H2. now z.

 Program Definition srel_cnv n m (x: srel n m): srel m n :=
   {| hrel_of := x° |}.
 Next Obligation. unfold hrel_cnv. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.

 Program Definition srel_ldv n m p (x: srel n m) (y: srel n p): srel m p :=
  {| hrel_of := x -o y |}.
 Next Obligation. unfold hrel_ldv. setoid_rewrite H. setoid_rewrite H0. reflexivity. Qed.

 Program Definition srel_rdv n m p (x: srel m n) (y: srel p n): srel p m :=
  {| hrel_of := y o- x |}.
 Next Obligation. unfold hrel_rdv. setoid_rewrite H. setoid_rewrite H0. reflexivity. Qed.

 Section i.
  Variable n: EqType.
  Variable x: srel n n.
finite iterations of a relation
  Fixpoint iter u: srel n n := match u with Osrel_one n | S usrel_dot _ _ _ x (iter u) end.
  Program Definition srel_str: srel n n := {| hrel_of i j := u, iter u i j |}.
  Next Obligation. setoid_rewrite H. setoid_rewrite H0. reflexivity. Qed.
  Definition srel_itr: srel n n := srel_dot n n n x srel_str.
 End i.

 Arguments srel_dot [_ _ _] _ _/.
 Arguments srel_ldv [_ _ _] _ _/.
 Arguments srel_rdv [_ _ _] _ _/.
 Arguments srel_cnv [_ _] _ /.
 Arguments srel_str [_] _ /.
 Arguments srel_itr [_] _ /.
 Arguments srel_one {_} /.
End RepOps.

Canonical Structure srel_monoid_ops :=
  monoid.mk_ops EqType srel_lattice_ops srel_dot srel_one srel_itr srel_str srel_cnv srel_ldv srel_rdv.

we cannot use monoid.laws_of_faithful_functor: 1 and _^* are not preserved by rel_of; nevertheless, we can reuse hrel_monoid_laws for quite a few axioms; and we just reprove the remaining ones
#[export] Instance srel_monoid_laws: monoid.laws (BDL+STR+CNV+DIV) srel_monoid_ops.
  constructor; (try now left); intros.
   apply srel_lattice_laws.
   apply (dotA (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
   intros i j. split.
    intros [k ik kj]. simpl in ik; now rewrite ik.
    intro. i. simpl; reflexivity. assumption.
   apply (cnvdot_ (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
   apply (cnv_invol (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
   intros i j ij. now apply (cnv_leq (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
   intros i j E. O. exact E.
   intros i k [j Hij [u Hjk]]. (S u). now j.
   assert (E: i, (iter n x i: srel n n) z z).
    induction i. simpl. intros h k [l hl lk]. simpl in hl. now rewrite hl.
    rewrite <-H0 at 2. transitivity (x⋅((iter n x i: srel n n)⋅z)).
     cbn. firstorder congruence. now apply (dot_leq (H:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
    intros i j [? [? ?] ?]. eapply E. repeat eexists; eauto.
   apply (capdotx (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
   apply (ldv_spec (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).
   apply (rdv_spec (laws:=hrel_monoid_laws)).

#[export] Instance Equivalence_srel_one A: Equivalence (@one srel_monoid_ops A).
Proof. cbn. typeclasses eauto. Qed.

setoid-preserving relations as a Kleene category with tests

setoid-preserving tests as a Boolean lattice; we redo everything, for lack of nice generic operations on spw
Section tests.
 Variable A: ob srel_monoid_ops.
 Record dset := {
     dset_bod:> A bool;
     dset_Eq: Proper (Eq A ==> eq) dset_bod;
 Coercion car_of_dset f: lattice.pw_ops bool_lattice_ops A := dset_bod f.
 #[export] Existing Instance dset_Eq.
all operations ar imported from lattice.pw_ops
 Definition dset_leq (R S: dset): Prop := R S.
 Definition dset_weq (R S: dset): Prop := R S.
 Program Definition dset_cup (R S: dset): dset := {| dset_bod := R S |}.
 Next Obligation. now rewrite H. Qed.
 Program Definition dset_cap (R S: dset): dset := {| dset_bod := R S |}.
 Next Obligation. now rewrite H. Qed.
 Program Definition dset_neg (R: dset): dset := {| dset_bod := !R |}.
 Next Obligation. now rewrite H. Qed.
 Program Definition dset_bot: dset := {| dset_bod := bot |}.
 Program Definition dset_top: dset := {| dset_bod := top |}.
 Canonical Structure dset_lattice_ops: lattice.ops := {|
  car := dset;
  leq := dset_leq;
  weq := dset_weq;
  cup := dset_cup;
  cap := dset_cap;
  neg := dset_neg;
  bot := dset_bot;
  top := dset_top
 Arguments dset_leq _ _ /.
 Arguments dset_weq _ _ /.
 Arguments dset_cup _ _ /.
 Arguments dset_cap _ _ /.
 Arguments dset_neg _ /.
 Arguments dset_bot /.
 Arguments dset_top /.

lattices laws follow from the fact that we have a sublattice of plain tests
 #[export] Instance dset_lattice_laws: lattice.laws (BL+STR+CNV+DIV) dset_lattice_ops.
 Proof. apply (laws_of_injective_morphism dset_bod); trivial. now split. Qed.

 Program Definition srel_inj (x: dset): srel A A := {|hrel_of i j := Eq A i j x i|}.
 Next Obligation. now rewrite H,H0. Qed.

End tests.

packing everything as a Kleene category with tests
like for monoid laws, we have to reprove everything since we don't have a sub-KAT of that of plain relations
#[export] Instance srel_kat_laws: kat.laws srel_kat_ops.
  constructor. apply lower_laws.
  intro. simpl. apply lower_lattice_laws.
  assert (inj_leq: n, Proper (leq ==> leq) (@srel_inj n)).
   intros n e f H i j [E H']. split. assumption. revert H'. apply mm_bool_Prop, H.
  constructor; try discriminate.
  apply inj_leq.
  apply op_leq_weq_1.
  intros _ x y i j. split.
   intros [E H']. setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff in H'.
    destruct H'; [left|right]; split; assumption.
   intros [[E H']|[E H']]; split; trivial; setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff; now auto.
  intros _ i j. compute. intuition discriminate.
  intros ? i j. compute. tauto.
  intros ? p q i j. split.
   intros [E H']. setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H'. i; split; try tauto. reflexivity.
   intros [k [ik Hi] [kj Hk]]. subst. split; trivial.
   now transitivity k.
   setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff; split; trivial.
   now rewrite ik.

Ltac fold_srel := ra_fold srel_monoid_ops.
Tactic Notation "fold_srel" "in" hyp_list(H) := ra_fold srel_monoid_ops in H.
Tactic Notation "fold_srel" "in" "*" := ra_fold srel_monoid_ops in ×.