Library RelationAlgebra.rel
We fix a type universe U and show that heterogeneous relations
between types in this universe form a kleene algebra.
Universe U.
Definition hrel (n m: Type@{U}) := n → m → Prop.
Identity Coercion fun_of_hrel : hrel >-> Funclass.
Relations as a (bounded, distributive) lattice
Canonical Structure hrel_lattice_ops n m :=
lattice.mk_ops (hrel n m) leq weq cup cap neg bot top.
Global Instance hrel_lattice_laws n m:
lattice.laws (BDL+STR+CNV+DIV) (hrel_lattice_ops n m) := pw_laws _.
relational composition
Definition hrel_dot n m p (x: hrel n m) (y: hrel m p): hrel n p :=
fun i j ⇒ exists2 k, x i k & y k j.
fun i j ⇒ exists2 k, x i k & y k j.
converse (or transpose)
left / right divisions
Definition hrel_ldv n m p (x: hrel n m) (y: hrel n p): hrel m p :=
fun i j ⇒ ∀ k, x k i → y k j.
Definition hrel_rdv n m p (x: hrel m n) (y: hrel p n): hrel p m :=
fun j i ⇒ ∀ k, x i k → y j k.
Section i.
Variable n: Type@{U}.
Variable x: hrel n n.
fun i j ⇒ ∀ k, x k i → y k j.
Definition hrel_rdv n m p (x: hrel m n) (y: hrel p n): hrel p m :=
fun j i ⇒ ∀ k, x i k → y j k.
Section i.
Variable n: Type@{U}.
Variable x: hrel n n.
finite iterations of a relation
Kleene star (reflexive transitive closure)
strict iteration (transitive closure)
packing all operations into a monoid; note that the unit on n is
just the equality on n, i.e., the identity relation on n
We need to eta-expand @eq here. This generates the universe
constraint U ≤ Coq.Init.Logic.8 (where the latter is the universe of
the type argument to eq). Without the eta-expansion, the definition
would yield the constraint U = Coq.Init.Logig.8, which is too strong
and leads to universe inconsistencies later on.
Canonical Structure hrel_monoid_ops :=
monoid.mk_ops Type@{U} hrel_lattice_ops hrel_dot (fun n ⇒ @eq n) hrel_itr hrel_str hrel_cnv hrel_ldv hrel_rdv.
binary relations form a residuated Kleene allegory
#[export] Instance hrel_monoid_laws: monoid.laws (BDL+STR+CNV+DIV) hrel_monoid_ops.
assert (dot_leq: ∀ n m p : Type@{U},
Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) (hrel_dot n m p)).
intros n m p x y H x' y' H' i k [j Hij Hjk]. ∃ j. apply H, Hij. apply H', Hjk.
constructor; (try now left); intros.
apply hrel_lattice_laws.
intros i j. firstorder.
intros i j. firstorder congruence.
intros i j. firstorder.
intros i j. reflexivity.
intros x y E i j. apply E.
intros i j E. ∃ O. exact E.
intros i k [j Hij [u Hjk]]. ∃ (S u). firstorder.
assert (E: ∀ i, (iter n x i: hrel n n) ⋅ z ≦ z).
induction i. simpl. firstorder now subst.
rewrite <-H0 at 2. transitivity (x⋅((iter n x i: hrel n n)⋅z)).
simpl. firstorder congruence. now apply dot_leq.
intros i j [? [? ?] ?]. eapply E. repeat eexists; eauto.
intros i k [[j Hij Hjk] Hik]. ∃ j; trivial. split; firstorder.
split. intros E i j [k Hik Hkj]. apply E in Hkj. now apply Hkj.
intros E i j Hij k Hki. apply E. firstorder.
split. intros E i j [k Hik Hkj]. apply E in Hik. now apply Hik.
intros E i j Hij k Hki. apply E. firstorder.
assert (dot_leq: ∀ n m p : Type@{U},
Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) (hrel_dot n m p)).
intros n m p x y H x' y' H' i k [j Hij Hjk]. ∃ j. apply H, Hij. apply H', Hjk.
constructor; (try now left); intros.
apply hrel_lattice_laws.
intros i j. firstorder.
intros i j. firstorder congruence.
intros i j. firstorder.
intros i j. reflexivity.
intros x y E i j. apply E.
intros i j E. ∃ O. exact E.
intros i k [j Hij [u Hjk]]. ∃ (S u). firstorder.
assert (E: ∀ i, (iter n x i: hrel n n) ⋅ z ≦ z).
induction i. simpl. firstorder now subst.
rewrite <-H0 at 2. transitivity (x⋅((iter n x i: hrel n n)⋅z)).
simpl. firstorder congruence. now apply dot_leq.
intros i j [? [? ?] ?]. eapply E. repeat eexists; eauto.
intros i k [[j Hij Hjk] Hik]. ∃ j; trivial. split; firstorder.
split. intros E i j [k Hik Hkj]. apply E in Hkj. now apply Hkj.
intros E i j Hij k Hki. apply E. firstorder.
split. intros E i j [k Hik Hkj]. apply E in Hik. now apply Hik.
intros E i j Hij k Hki. apply E. firstorder.
Relations as a Kleene algebra with tests
injection of decidable predicates into relations, as sub-identities
packing relations and decidable sets as a Kleene algebra with tests
We need to impose the constraint U < pw before proving this
lemma since otherwise we have U = pw afterwards. This leads to a
universe inconsistency when trying load ugregex_dec, kat_completeness
(as exported by kat_tac) and rel at the same time.
Constraint U < pw.
#[export] Instance hrel_kat_laws: kat.laws hrel_kat_ops.
constructor. apply lower_laws. intro. apply (pw_laws (H:=lower_lattice_laws)).
assert (inj_leq: ∀ n, Proper (leq ==> leq) (@hrel_inj n)).
intros n e f H i j [E H']. split. assumption. revert H'. apply mm_bool_Prop, H.
constructor; try discriminate.
apply inj_leq.
apply op_leq_weq_1.
intros _ x y i j. split.
intros [E H']. setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff in H'.
destruct H'; [left|right]; split; assumption.
intros [[E H']|[E H']]; split; trivial; setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff; now auto.
intros _ i j. compute. intuition discriminate.
intros ? i j. compute. tauto.
intros ? p q i j. split.
intros [E H']. setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H'. ∃ i; split; tauto.
intros [k [ik Hi] [kj Hk]]. subst. split; trivial. setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff; now split.
Definition frel {A B: Set} (f: A → B): hrel A B := fun x y ⇒ y = f x.
Lemma frel_comp {A B C: Set} (f: A → B) (g: B → C): frel f ⋅ frel g ≡ frel (fun x ⇒ g (f x)).
apply antisym. intros x z [y → ->]. reflexivity.
simpl. intros x z →. eexists; reflexivity.
#[export] Instance frel_weq {A B}: Proper (pwr eq ==> weq) (@frel A B).
Proof. unfold frel; split; intros ->; simpl. apply H. apply eq_sym, H. Qed.
Ltac fold_hrel := ra_fold hrel_monoid_ops.
Tactic Notation "fold_hrel" "in" hyp_list(H) := ra_fold hrel_monoid_ops in H.
Tactic Notation "fold_hrel" "in" "*" := ra_fold hrel_monoid_ops in ×.