Library RelationAlgebra.atoms

atoms: atoms of the free Boolean lattice over a finite set

An atom is an expression that cannot be decomposed into a non-trivial disjunction. When the set of variables is finite, the atoms are the complete conjunctions of literals, and any expression can be decomposed as a sum of atoms, in a unique way.
We work with ordinals to get the finiteness property for free: the set of variables is ord n, for some natural number n. Atoms are in bijection with ord n bool, and thus, ord (pow2 n).

Require Import lattice lsyntax comparisons lset boolean sups.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Atom corresponding to a subset of variables, encoded as an ordinal
Definition atom {n} (f: ord (pow2 n)): expr_ops (ord n) BL :=
  sup (X:=dual (expr_ops _ BL))
  (fun iif set.mem f i then e_var i else ! e_var i) (seq n).

Decomposition of the top element into atoms

Alternative definition of the top element, as the sum of all atoms the first step consists in proving that this is actaully the top element.

Definition e_top' n: expr_ BL := \sup_(a<pow2 n) atom a.

auxiliary lemmas about the set of ordinals coding for a subset: if there is at least one variable, it can be partioned into to sets, those which assign true to that variable, and those which assign false to it
Lemma seq_double n: seq (double n) map (@set.xO _) (seq n) ++ map (@set.xI _) (seq n).
  induction n. reflexivity.
  simpl double. simpl seq. fold_cons.
  rewrite IHn. simpl map.
  rewrite 2map_app. rewrite 6map_map.
  rewrite set.xO_0, set.xI_0.
  setoid_rewrite set.xO_S.
  setoid_rewrite set.xI_S.
  simpl. refine (comm4 [_] [_] _ _).

Lemma atom_xO n (f: ord (pow2 n)):
  @atom (S n) (set.xO f) ! e_var ord0 eval (fun ie_var (ordS i)) (atom f).
  unfold atom. simpl. rewrite set.mem_xO_0. apply cap_weq. reflexivity.
  setoid_rewrite eval_inf with (g := fun ie_var (ordS i)). rewrite sup_map.
  apply (sup_weq (l:=BL) (L:=lattice.dual_laws _ _ _)). 2: reflexivity. intro i.
  rewrite set.mem_xO_S. now case set.mem.

Lemma atom_xI n (f: ord (pow2 n)):
  @atom (S n) (set.xI f) e_var ord0 eval (fun ie_var (ordS i)) (atom f).
  unfold atom. simpl. rewrite set.mem_xI_0. apply cap_weq. reflexivity.
  setoid_rewrite eval_inf with (g := fun ie_var (ordS i)). rewrite sup_map.
  apply (sup_weq (l:=BL) (L:=lattice.dual_laws _ _ _)). 2: reflexivity. intro i.
  rewrite set.mem_xI_S. now case set.mem.

the deomposition of top into atoms follow by induction
Theorem decomp_top n: top e_top' n.
  unfold e_top'. induction n. symmetry. apply cupxb.
  simpl pow2. rewrite seq_double, sup_app.
  rewrite 2sup_map. setoid_rewrite atom_xO. setoid_rewrite atom_xI.
  rewrite <- 2capxsup. rewrite capC, (capC (e_var _)), <- capcup.
  rewrite cupC, cupneg, capxt.
  intros X L f. simpl. rewrite (IHn X L (fun if (ordS i))).
  rewrite 2eval_sup. apply sup_weq. 2: reflexivity. intro i.
  induction (atom i); first [reflexivity|apply cup_weq|apply cap_weq|apply neg_weq]; assumption.

Decomposition of the other expressions into atoms

Section atom_props.
Variable n: nat.
Notation Atom := (ord (pow2 n)).

auxiliary lemmas
Lemma cap_var_atom (a: Atom) b:
  e_var b atom a (if set.mem a b then atom a else bot).
  generalize (in_seq b). unfold atom. induction (seq n). intros [].
  simpl (sup _ _). intros [->|Hl].
   case set.mem. lattice. rewrite capA, capneg. apply capbx.
  rewrite capA, (capC (e_var _)), <-capA, IHl by assumption.
  case (set.mem a b). reflexivity. apply capxb.

Lemma cup_var_atom (a: Atom) b:
  e_var b !atom a (if set.mem a b then top else !atom a).
  generalize (in_seq b). unfold atom. induction (seq n). intros [].
  simpl (sup _ _). intros [->|Hl].
   case set.mem. rewrite negcap, cupA, cupneg. apply cuptx.
   rewrite negcap, negneg. lattice.
  rewrite negcap at 1. rewrite cupA, (cupC (e_var _)), <-cupA, IHl by assumption.
  case (set.mem a b). apply cupxt. now rewrite negcap.

Lemma eval_mem_cap (a: Atom) e: e atom a if eval (set.mem a) e then atom a else bot
with eval_mem_cup (a: Atom) e: e !atom a if eval (set.mem a) e then top else !atom a.
- destruct e; simpl eval.
   apply capbx.
   apply captx.
   rewrite capC, capcup, capC, eval_mem_cap, capC, eval_mem_cap.
    case (eval (set.mem a) e1); case (eval (set.mem a) e2); lattice.
   transitivity ((e1 atom a) (e2 atom a)). lattice. rewrite 2eval_mem_cap.
    case (eval (set.mem a) e1); case (eval (set.mem a) e2); lattice.
   neg_switch. rewrite negcap, negneg, eval_mem_cup.
    case (eval (set.mem a) e). now rewrite <-negbot. reflexivity.
   apply cap_var_atom.
- destruct e; simpl eval.
   apply cupbx.
   apply cuptx.
   transitivity ((e1 !atom a) (e2 !atom a)). lattice. rewrite 2eval_mem_cup.
    case (eval (set.mem a) e1); case (eval (set.mem a) e2); lattice.
   rewrite cupC, cupcap, cupC, eval_mem_cup, cupC, eval_mem_cup.
    case (eval (set.mem a) e1); case (eval (set.mem a) e2); lattice.
   neg_switch. rewrite negcup, 2negneg, eval_mem_cap.
    case (eval (set.mem a) e). apply negneg. apply negtop.
   apply cup_var_atom.

decomposition of arbitrary expressions
Theorem decomp_expr e:
  e ==_[BL] \sup_(i \in filter (fun feval (set.mem f) e) (seq (pow2 n))) atom i.
  rewrite <-capxt. setoid_rewrite decomp_top. setoid_rewrite capxsup.
  setoid_rewrite eval_mem_cap.
  induction (seq (pow2 n)). reflexivity. simpl filter. simpl (sup _ _).
  case (eval (set.mem a) e). now apply cup_weq. now rewrite cupbx.

Atoms are pairwise disjoint

Lemma eval_atom (a b: Atom): eval (set.mem a) (atom b) a=b.
  intro. apply set.ext. intro i.
  unfold atom in H. setoid_rewrite eval_inf with (g := set.mem a) in H.
  rewrite is_true_inf in H; cbv beta in H. specialize (H i (in_seq i)).
  destruct (set.mem b i). assumption. apply Bool.negb_true_iff. assumption.

Lemma empty_atom_cap (a b: Atom): ab atom a atom b bot.
  intro E. rewrite eval_mem_cap. generalize (eval_atom b a).
  case (eval (set.mem b) (atom a)). 2: reflexivity.
  intro. elim E. symmetry; auto.

End atom_props.