Library RelationAlgebra.dfa
Require Import comparisons positives ordinal pair lset.
Require Import monoid boolean prop sups bmx.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
DFA and associated language
Record t := mk {
n: nat;
u: ord n;
M: ord n → positive → ord n;
v: ord n → bool;
vars: list positive
Notation "x ^u" := (u x) (at level 2, left associativity, format "x ^u").
Notation "x ^M" := (M x) (at level 2, left associativity, format "x ^M").
Notation "x ^v" := (v x) (at level 2, left associativity, format "x ^v").
changing the initial state
Definition reroot A i := mk i A^M A^v (vars A).
Lemma reroot_id A: A = reroot A (A^u).
Proof. destruct A; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma reroot_id A: A = reroot A (A^u).
Proof. destruct A; reflexivity. Qed.
Fixpoint lang A i w :=
match w with
| nil ⇒ is_true (A^v i)
| cons a w ⇒ In a (vars A) ∧ lang A (A^M i a) w
match w with
| nil ⇒ is_true (A^v i)
| cons a w ⇒ In a (vars A) ∧ lang A (A^M i a) w
Definition diff := mk
( (u A) (u B))
(fun p a ⇒ (M A (pair.pi1 p) a) (M B (pair.pi2 p) a))
(fun p ⇒ v A (pair.pi1 p) ⊓ ! v B (pair.pi2 p))
(vars A).
( (u A) (u B))
(fun p a ⇒ (M A (pair.pi1 p) a) (M B (pair.pi2 p) a))
(fun p ⇒ v A (pair.pi1 p) ⊓ ! v B (pair.pi2 p))
(vars A).
specification of its language
Lemma diff_spec: vars A ≦ vars B →
∀ i j, lang A i ≦ lang B j ↔ lang diff ( i j) ≦ bot.
intro H.
cut (∀ w i j, lang A i w ≦ lang B j w ↔ ¬ lang diff ( i j) w).
intros G i j. split. intros Hij w Hw. apply G in Hw as []. apply Hij.
intros Hij w. apply G. intro Hw. elim (Hij _ Hw).
induction w; intros i j; simpl lang; rewrite pair.pi1mk, pair.pi2mk.
case (v A i); case (v B j); firstorder discriminate.
split. intros Hij [HaB Hw]. apply IHw in Hw as []. intro Aw. apply Hij. now split.
intros Hw [Ha Aw]. split. apply H, Ha. eapply IHw. 2: eassumption. tauto.
End diff.
∀ i j, lang A i ≦ lang B j ↔ lang diff ( i j) ≦ bot.
intro H.
cut (∀ w i j, lang A i w ≦ lang B j w ↔ ¬ lang diff ( i j) w).
intros G i j. split. intros Hij w Hw. apply G in Hw as []. apply Hij.
intros Hij w. apply G. intro Hw. elim (Hij _ Hw).
induction w; intros i j; simpl lang; rewrite pair.pi1mk, pair.pi2mk.
case (v A i); case (v B j); firstorder discriminate.
split. intros Hij [HaB Hw]. apply IHw in Hw as []. intro Aw. apply Hij. now split.
intros Hw [Ha Aw]. split. apply H, Ha. eapply IHw. 2: eassumption. tauto.
End diff.
Decidability of DFA language emptiness
erased transition graph, represented as a Boolean matrix
reflexive transitive closure of this graph
basic properties of this closed graph
Lemma steps_refl: steps i i.
Proof. apply bmx_str_clot. constructor. Qed.
Lemma steps_snoc: ∀ j a, steps i j → In a (vars A) → steps i (M A j a).
setoid_rewrite bmx_str_clot. intros. eapply clot_snoc. eassumption.
setoid_rewrite is_true_sup. eexists. split. eassumption. apply eqb_refl.
Proof. apply bmx_str_clot. constructor. Qed.
Lemma steps_snoc: ∀ j a, steps i j → In a (vars A) → steps i (M A j a).
setoid_rewrite bmx_str_clot. intros. eapply clot_snoc. eassumption.
setoid_rewrite is_true_sup. eexists. split. eassumption. apply eqb_refl.
each unlabelled path in the erased graph corresponds to a labelled
path (word) in the DFA
Lemma steps_least: ∀ j, steps i j → ∃ w, w ≦ vars A ∧ j = Ms i w.
intros j H. apply bmx_str_clot in H. induction H as [i|i j k Hij _ [w [Hw ->]]].
∃ nil. split. lattice. reflexivity.
setoid_rewrite is_true_sup in Hij. destruct Hij as [a [Ha Hij]].
∃ (a::w). split. intros b [<-|Hb]. assumption. now apply Hw.
revert Hij. case eqb_ord_spec. 2: discriminate. now intros <-.
intros j H. apply bmx_str_clot in H. induction H as [i|i j k Hij _ [w [Hw ->]]].
∃ nil. split. lattice. reflexivity.
setoid_rewrite is_true_sup in Hij. destruct Hij as [a [Ha Hij]].
∃ (a::w). split. intros b [<-|Hb]. assumption. now apply Hw.
revert Hij. case eqb_ord_spec. 2: discriminate. now intros <-.
can we reach an accepting state from i
if not, all states reachable from i map to the empty language
Lemma empty_lang1 j: steps i j → empty → lang A j ≦ bot.
intros Hj He. setoid_rewrite is_true_inf in He. setoid_rewrite le_bool_spec in He.
pose proof (fun i ⇒ He i (ordinal.in_seq _)) as H. clear He.
intro w. revert j Hj. induction w as [|a w IH]; simpl lang; intros j Hj.
apply (H j), negb_spec in Hj. rewrite Hj. discriminate.
intros [Ha Hj']. apply IH in Hj' as []. now apply steps_snoc.
intros Hj He. setoid_rewrite is_true_inf in He. setoid_rewrite le_bool_spec in He.
pose proof (fun i ⇒ He i (ordinal.in_seq _)) as H. clear He.
intro w. revert j Hj. induction w as [|a w IH]; simpl lang; intros j Hj.
apply (H j), negb_spec in Hj. rewrite Hj. discriminate.
intros [Ha Hj']. apply IH in Hj' as []. now apply steps_snoc.
conversely, if i maps to them empty language, then there is no
reachable accepting state
Lemma empty_lang2: lang A i ≦ bot → empty.
intro H. setoid_rewrite is_true_inf. intros j _.
rewrite le_bool_spec. intro Hj. apply steps_least in Hj as [w [Hw ->]].
generalize i (H w) Hw. clear. induction w; intros i Hi Hw.
simpl in ×. destruct (v A i). now elim Hi. reflexivity.
apply IHw. intro H. elim Hi. split. apply Hw. now left. assumption.
intros ? ?. apply Hw. now right.
intro H. setoid_rewrite is_true_inf. intros j _.
rewrite le_bool_spec. intro Hj. apply steps_least in Hj as [w [Hw ->]].
generalize i (H w) Hw. clear. induction w; intros i Hi Hw.
simpl in ×. destruct (v A i). now elim Hi. reflexivity.
apply IHw. intro H. elim Hi. split. apply Hw. now left. assumption.
intros ? ?. apply Hw. now right.
decidability of language emptiness follows