Library RelationAlgebra.glang

glang: the KAT model of guarded string languages

The model of guarded string languages is the model of traces, when states are the atoms of a Boolean lattice, we prove here that this it is a model of Kleene algebra with tests (KAT), where the Boolean subalgebra is just the free one: the set of Boolean expressions.
Like for traces, we provide both untyped and typed models.

Require Export traces.
Require Import kat lsyntax ordinal comparisons boolean.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Section s.

Untyped model

We consider the free Boolean lattice over a set of pred predicates, whose atoms are just functions a: ord pred bool assigning a truth value to each variable.

Variable pred: nat.
Notation Sigma := positive.

to avoid extensionality problems, we call "atom" an element of ord (pow2 pred), relying on the bijection between ord pred bool and that set when needed

Notation Atom := (ord (pow2 pred)).

Boolean expressions over pred variables are injected into traces as follows: take all traces reduced to a single atom (i.e., state) such that the Boolean expression evaluates to true under the corresponding assignation of variables
Definition glang_inj (n: traces_unit) (x: expr_ops (ord pred) BL):
  traces Atom :=
  fun w
    match w with
      | tnil ais_true (eval (set.mem a) x)
      | _False

packing this injection together with the Kleene algebra of traces and the Boolean algebra of expressions
Canonical Structure glang_kat_ops := kat.mk_ops _ _ glang_inj.

This model satisfies KAT laws
Global Instance glang_kat_laws: kat.laws glang_kat_ops.
  constructor. apply lower_laws. intro. apply expr_laws.
  assert (inj_leq: n, Proper (leq ==> leq) (@glang_inj n)).
  intros n e f H [a|]. 2: reflexivity.
   apply (fn_leq _ _ (H _ lower_lattice_laws _)).
  constructor; try discriminate.
  apply inj_leq.
  apply op_leq_weq_1.
  intros _ x y [a|]. 2: compute; tauto. simpl.
   setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff. reflexivity.
  intros _ [a|]. 2: reflexivity. simpl. intuition discriminate.
  intros ? [a|]. 2: reflexivity. simpl. now intuition.
  intros ? x y [a|]. simpl. setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff. split.
   intros (Hx&Hy). repeat (tnil a); try split; trivial. constructor.
   intros [[b|] Hu [[c|] Hv H]]; try elim Hu; try elim Hv.
   inversion H. intuition congruence.
   intros. simpl. split. intros [].
   intros [[b|] Hu [[c|] Hv H]]; try elim Hu; try elim Hv. inversion H.

Typed model

the typed model is obtained in a straighforward way from the typed traces model: Boolean expressions can be injected as in the untyped case since there are no typing constraints on the generated traces (they are reduced to a single state).

Variables src tgt: Sigma positive.

Program Definition tglang_inj n (x: expr_ops (ord pred) BL): ttraces Atom src tgt n n :=
  glang_inj traces_tt x.
Next Obligation. intros [a|???] []. constructor. Qed.

Canonical Structure tglang_kat_ops := kat.mk_ops _ _ tglang_inj.

Global Instance tglang_kat_laws: kat.laws tglang_kat_ops.
  constructor. apply lower_laws. intro. apply expr_laws.
  assert (inj_leq: n, Proper (leq ==> leq) (@tglang_inj n)).
  intros n e f H [a|]. 2: reflexivity.
   apply (fn_leq _ _ (H _ lower_lattice_laws _)).
  constructor; try discriminate.
  apply inj_leq.
  apply op_leq_weq_1.
  intros _ x y [a|]. 2: compute; tauto. simpl.
   setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff. tauto.
  intros _ [a|]. 2: reflexivity. simpl. intuition discriminate.
  intros ? [a|]. 2: reflexivity. simpl. now intuition.
  intros ? x y [a|]. simpl. setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff. split.
   intros (Hx&Hy). repeat (tnil a); try split; trivial. constructor.
   intros [[b|] Hu [[c|] Hv H]]; try elim Hu; try elim Hv.
   inversion H. intuition congruence.
   intros. simpl. split. intros [].
   intros [[b|] Hu [[c|] Hv H]]; try elim Hu; try elim Hv. inversion H.

End s.