Library RelationAlgebra.traces
traces: the model of finite traces
Require Export prop.
Require Import monoid positives comparisons.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section l.
Variable State: Type.
Notation Sigma := positive.
starting/ending state of a trace
Definition thead w := match w with tnil a | tcons a _ _ ⇒ a end.
Fixpoint ttail w := match w with tnil a ⇒ a | tcons _ _ w ⇒ ttail w end.
Fixpoint ttail w := match w with tnil a ⇒ a | tcons _ _ w ⇒ ttail w end.
Inductive tapp: trace → trace → trace → Prop :=
| tapp_nil_nil: ∀ a, tapp (tnil a) (tnil a) (tnil a)
| tapp_nil_cons: ∀ a i u, tapp (tnil a) (tcons a i u) (tcons a i u)
| tapp_cons_x: ∀ a i u v w, tapp u v w → tapp (tcons a i u) v (tcons a i w).
| tapp_nil_nil: ∀ a, tapp (tnil a) (tnil a) (tnil a)
| tapp_nil_cons: ∀ a i u, tapp (tnil a) (tcons a i u) (tcons a i u)
| tapp_cons_x: ∀ a i u v w, tapp u v w → tapp (tcons a i u) v (tcons a i w).
appending a letter and a state to a trace (not used)
Fixpoint tsnoc u i b :=
match u with
| tnil a ⇒ tcons a i (tnil b)
| tcons a j u ⇒ tcons a j (tsnoc u i b)
match u with
| tnil a ⇒ tcons a i (tnil b)
| tcons a j u ⇒ tcons a j (tsnoc u i b)
reversing a trace (not used)
we consider sets of traces
Untyped traces as a lattice
Canonical Structure traces_lattice_ops :=
lattice.mk_ops traces leq weq cup cap neg bot top.
Global Instance traces_lattice_laws:
lattice.laws (BDL+STR+DIV) traces_lattice_ops := lower_lattice_laws (H:=pw_laws _).
Definition traces_dot (n m p: traces_unit) (x y: traces): traces :=
fun w ⇒ exists2 u, x u & exists2 v, y v & tapp u v w.
fun w ⇒ exists2 u, x u & exists2 v, y v & tapp u v w.
left and right residuals
Definition traces_ldv (n m p: traces_unit) (x y: traces): traces :=
fun w ⇒ ∀ u uw, x u → tapp u w uw → y uw.
Definition traces_rdv (n m p: traces_unit) (x y: traces): traces :=
fun w ⇒ ∀ u wu, x u → tapp w u wu → y wu.
fun w ⇒ ∀ u uw, x u → tapp u w uw → y uw.
Definition traces_rdv (n m p: traces_unit) (x y: traces): traces :=
fun w ⇒ ∀ u wu, x u → tapp w u wu → y wu.
unit: the set of "empty" traces, those consisting of just one state
Definition traces_one (n: traces_unit): traces :=
fun w ⇒ match w with tnil _ ⇒ True | _ ⇒ False end.
fun w ⇒ match w with tnil _ ⇒ True | _ ⇒ False end.
reversed traces
Fixpoint traces_iter (y x: traces) i :=
match i with O ⇒ y | S i ⇒ traces_dot tt tt tt x (traces_iter y x i) end.
match i with O ⇒ y | S i ⇒ traces_dot tt tt tt x (traces_iter y x i) end.
strict iteration: union of finite iterations, starting with x
Kleene star: union of finite iterations, starting with 1
Definition traces_str (n: traces_unit) (x: traces): traces :=
fun w ⇒ ∃ i, traces_iter (traces_one n) x i w.
fun w ⇒ ∃ i, traces_iter (traces_one n) x i w.
packing all operations in a canonical structure
Canonical Structure traces_monoid_ops :=
monoid.mk_ops _ (fun _ _ ⇒ traces_lattice_ops)
traces_dot traces_one traces_itr traces_str traces_cnv traces_ldv traces_rdv.
monoid.mk_ops _ (fun _ _ ⇒ traces_lattice_ops)
traces_dot traces_one traces_itr traces_str traces_cnv traces_ldv traces_rdv.
shorthand for traces, when a morphism is expected
Lemma tapp_ass u v w uv uvw: tapp u v uv → tapp uv w uvw →
∃ vw, tapp v w vw ∧ tapp u vw uvw.
intro H. revert uvw. induction H.
inversion_clear 1; eexists; split; constructor.
inversion_clear 1. eexists; split; constructor; assumption.
inversion_clear 1. edestruct IHtapp as (?&?&?). eassumption.
eexists; split. eassumption. constructor. assumption.
Lemma tapp_ass' u v w vw uvw: tapp v w vw → tapp u vw uvw →
∃ uv, tapp u v uv ∧ tapp uv w uvw.
intros H' H. induction H.
inversion_clear H'; eexists; split; constructor.
inversion_clear H'. eexists; split; constructor. eexists; split; constructor; eassumption.
destruct (IHtapp H') as (?&?&?). eexists (tcons _ _ _). split; constructor; eassumption.
∃ vw, tapp v w vw ∧ tapp u vw uvw.
intro H. revert uvw. induction H.
inversion_clear 1; eexists; split; constructor.
inversion_clear 1. eexists; split; constructor; assumption.
inversion_clear 1. edestruct IHtapp as (?&?&?). eassumption.
eexists; split. eassumption. constructor. assumption.
Lemma tapp_ass' u v w vw uvw: tapp v w vw → tapp u vw uvw →
∃ uv, tapp u v uv ∧ tapp uv w uvw.
intros H' H. induction H.
inversion_clear H'; eexists; split; constructor.
inversion_clear H'. eexists; split; constructor. eexists; split; constructor; eassumption.
destruct (IHtapp H') as (?&?&?). eexists (tcons _ _ _). split; constructor; eassumption.
administrative lemmas (to be reworked)
Lemma tapp_bounds u v w: tapp u v w →
ttail u = thead v ∧
thead w = thead u ∧
ttail w = ttail v.
Proof. induction 1; simpl; intuition. Qed.
Lemma tapp_tail_head u v w: tapp u v w → ttail u = thead v.
Proof. now induction 1. Qed.
Lemma tapp_head u v w: tapp u v w → thead u = thead w.
Proof. now destruct 1. Qed.
Lemma tapp_tail u v w: tapp u v w → ttail v = ttail w.
Proof. now induction 1. Qed.
Lemma tapp_nil_x u: tapp (tnil (thead u)) u u.
Proof. destruct u; constructor. Qed.
Lemma tapp_x_nil u: tapp u (tnil (ttail u)) u.
Proof. induction u; constructor. assumption. Qed.
Lemma tapp_cat u v: ttail u = thead v → ∃ w, tapp u v w.
induction u; simpl; intros Hu.
rewrite Hu. eexists. apply tapp_nil_x.
destruct IHu as [w ?]; trivial. eexists. constructor. eassumption.
Lemma tapp_nil_x_eq a u v: tapp (tnil a) u v → a = thead u ∧ v = u.
Proof. now inversion_clear 1. Qed.
Lemma tapp_x_nil_eq a u v: tapp u (tnil a) v → a = ttail u ∧ v = u.
revert v; induction u. inversion_clear 1. now idtac.
inversion_clear 1. edestruct IHu as (?&?). eassumption. subst. now idtac.
ttail u = thead v ∧
thead w = thead u ∧
ttail w = ttail v.
Proof. induction 1; simpl; intuition. Qed.
Lemma tapp_tail_head u v w: tapp u v w → ttail u = thead v.
Proof. now induction 1. Qed.
Lemma tapp_head u v w: tapp u v w → thead u = thead w.
Proof. now destruct 1. Qed.
Lemma tapp_tail u v w: tapp u v w → ttail v = ttail w.
Proof. now induction 1. Qed.
Lemma tapp_nil_x u: tapp (tnil (thead u)) u u.
Proof. destruct u; constructor. Qed.
Lemma tapp_x_nil u: tapp u (tnil (ttail u)) u.
Proof. induction u; constructor. assumption. Qed.
Lemma tapp_cat u v: ttail u = thead v → ∃ w, tapp u v w.
induction u; simpl; intros Hu.
rewrite Hu. eexists. apply tapp_nil_x.
destruct IHu as [w ?]; trivial. eexists. constructor. eassumption.
Lemma tapp_nil_x_eq a u v: tapp (tnil a) u v → a = thead u ∧ v = u.
Proof. now inversion_clear 1. Qed.
Lemma tapp_x_nil_eq a u v: tapp u (tnil a) v → a = ttail u ∧ v = u.
revert v; induction u. inversion_clear 1. now idtac.
inversion_clear 1. edestruct IHu as (?&?). eassumption. subst. now idtac.
auxiliary lemmas, to establish that traces form a residuated Kleene lattice
Lemma traces_dotA n m p q x y z:
traces_dot n m q x (traces_dot m p q y z) ≡ traces_dot n p q (traces_dot n m p x y) z.
intro w. simpl. split.
intros [? ? [? [? ? [? ? E]] E']].
destruct (tapp_ass' E E') as (?&?&?). repeat eexists; eassumption.
intros [? [? ? [? ? E]] [? ? E']].
destruct (tapp_ass E E') as (?&?&?). repeat eexists; eassumption.
Lemma traces_dot_leq n m p: Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) (@traces_dot n m p).
intros x y H x' y' H' w [u Hu [v Hv Hw]].
∃ u. apply H, Hu. ∃ v. apply H', Hv. assumption.
Lemma traces_dotx1 x: traces_dot tt tt tt x (traces_one tt) ≡ x.
intro w. split.
intros [u Hu [[|] Hv E]]. 2: elim Hv. now apply tapp_x_nil_eq in E as [? ->].
intro Hw. ∃ w. assumption. ∃ (tnil (ttail w)). reflexivity.
apply tapp_x_nil.
Lemma traces_dot1x x: traces_dot tt tt tt (traces_one tt) x ≡ x.
intro w. split.
intros [u Hu [v Hv E]]. destruct u as [?|]. 2: elim Hu. inversion E; subst; assumption.
intro Hw. ∃ (tnil (thead w)). reflexivity. ∃ w. assumption.
apply tapp_nil_x.
Lemma traces_iter_S i x: traces_iter x x i ≡ traces_iter (traces_one tt) x (S i).
induction i; simpl traces_iter. symmetry. apply traces_dotx1.
now apply (op_leq_weq_2 (Hf:=@traces_dot_leq _ _ _)).
traces form a residuated Kleene lattice
(we do not have an allegory, since the converse operation does not
satisfy the law x ≦x⋅x°⋅x)
Global Instance traces_monoid_laws: monoid.laws (BDL+STR+DIV) traces_monoid_ops.
constructor; try (intro; discriminate); try now left.
intros. apply traces_lattice_laws.
exact traces_dotA.
intros. apply traces_dot1x.
right. intros. apply traces_dotx1.
intros. intros w Hw. now ∃ O.
intros. intros w [u Hu [v [i Hv] Hw]]. ∃ (S i). repeat eexists; eassumption.
intros _ ? ? x z H w [u [i Hu] [v Hv Hw]].
revert u v w Hu Hv Hw; induction i; intros u v w Hu Hv Hw.
destruct u. 2: elim Hu. now apply tapp_nil_x_eq in Hw as [_ <-].
destruct Hu as [u1 Hu1 [u2 Hu2 Hu]]. destruct (tapp_ass Hu Hw) as (?&?&?).
apply H. repeat eexists. eassumption. eapply IHi; eauto. eassumption.
intros _ ? x w. split.
intros [i H]. apply traces_iter_S in H as [? ? [? ? ?]]. repeat eexists; eauto.
intros [? ? [? [i H] ?]]. ∃ i. apply traces_iter_S. repeat eexists; eauto.
intros _ n m p x y z. split.
intros Hz w [u Hu [v Hv E]]. eapply Hz; eauto.
intros Hy v Hv u uv Hu Huv. apply Hy. repeat eexists; eauto.
intros _ n m p x y z. split.
intros Hz w [u Hu [v Hv E]]. eapply Hz; eauto.
intros Hy v Hv u uv Hu Huv. apply Hy. repeat eexists; eauto.
constructor; try (intro; discriminate); try now left.
intros. apply traces_lattice_laws.
exact traces_dotA.
intros. apply traces_dot1x.
right. intros. apply traces_dotx1.
intros. intros w Hw. now ∃ O.
intros. intros w [u Hu [v [i Hv] Hw]]. ∃ (S i). repeat eexists; eassumption.
intros _ ? ? x z H w [u [i Hu] [v Hv Hw]].
revert u v w Hu Hv Hw; induction i; intros u v w Hu Hv Hw.
destruct u. 2: elim Hu. now apply tapp_nil_x_eq in Hw as [_ <-].
destruct Hu as [u1 Hu1 [u2 Hu2 Hu]]. destruct (tapp_ass Hu Hw) as (?&?&?).
apply H. repeat eexists. eassumption. eapply IHi; eauto. eassumption.
intros _ ? x w. split.
intros [i H]. apply traces_iter_S in H as [? ? [? ? ?]]. repeat eexists; eauto.
intros [? ? [? [i H] ?]]. ∃ i. apply traces_iter_S. repeat eexists; eauto.
intros _ n m p x y z. split.
intros Hz w [u Hu [v Hv E]]. eapply Hz; eauto.
intros Hy v Hv u uv Hu Huv. apply Hy. repeat eexists; eauto.
intros _ n m p x y z. split.
intros Hz w [u Hu [v Hv E]]. eapply Hz; eauto.
intros Hy v Hv u uv Hu Huv. apply Hy. repeat eexists; eauto.
empty trace property for concatenated languages of traces
Lemma traces_dot_nil (L L': traces') a: (L⋅L')%ra (tnil a) ↔ L (tnil a) ∧ L' (tnil a).
split. intros [h H [k K E]]. inversion E. subst. clear E. now split.
intros [H H']. repeat eexists; eauto using tapp_nil_nil.
Definition traces_deriv a i (L: traces'): traces' :=
fun w ⇒ L (tcons a i w).
Lemma traces_deriv_0 a i: traces_deriv a i 0 ≡ 0.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma traces_deriv_1 a i: traces_deriv a i 1 ≡ 0.
Proof. compute. intuition discriminate. Qed.
Lemma traces_deriv_pls a i (H K: traces'):
traces_deriv a i (H+K) ≡ traces_deriv a i H + traces_deriv a i K.
Proof. intro. now apply cup_weq. Qed.
Lemma traces_deriv_dot_1 a i (H K: traces'): H (tnil a) →
traces_deriv a i (H⋅K) ≡ traces_deriv a i H ⋅ K + traces_deriv a i K.
intros Hnil w; simpl; unfold traces_deriv, traces_dot, pw2.
intros [[b|b j u] Hu [v Kv E]].
right. now apply tapp_nil_x_eq in E as [-> ->].
inversion E. subst. clear E. left. repeat eexists; eauto.
intros [[u Hu [v Kv E]]|Ka]; repeat eexists; eauto using tapp_cons_x, tapp_nil_cons.
Lemma traces_deriv_dot_2 a i (H K: traces'): ¬ (H (tnil a)) →
traces_deriv a i (H⋅K) ≡ traces_deriv a i H ⋅ K.
intros Hnil w; simpl; unfold traces_deriv, traces_dot, pw2.
intros [[b|b j u] Hu [v Kv E]].
apply tapp_nil_x_eq in E as [-> <-]. now elim Hnil.
inversion E. subst. clear E. repeat eexists; eauto.
intros [u Hu [v Kv E]]; repeat eexists; eauto using tapp_cons_x.
Lemma traces_deriv_itr a i (H: traces'):
traces_deriv a i (H^+) ≡ traces_deriv a i H ⋅ H^*.
rewrite str_itr. apply antisym.
- intro w.
intros [n Hn]. induction n in a, i, w, Hn; simpl in Hn.
repeat eexists; eauto. 2: apply tapp_x_nil. now left.
destruct Hn as [[b|b j v] Hv [u Hu Hw]].
apply tapp_nil_x_eq in Hw as [-> <-]. apply IHn, Hu.
inversion Hw. subst. clear Hw. repeat eexists; eauto. right. eexists; eauto.
- intros w [u Hu [v [Hv|[n Hv]] Hw]].
destruct v as [b|]. 2: elim Hv. apply tapp_x_nil_eq in Hw as [-> <-]. now ∃ O.
∃ (S n). repeat eexists; eauto using tapp_cons_x.
all traces consisting of the single letter i
Definition tsingle (i: Sigma): traces :=
fun w ⇒ match w with tcons _ j (tnil _) ⇒ i=j | _ ⇒ False end.
Lemma traces_deriv_inj a i p: traces_deriv a i (tinj p) ≡ 0.
Proof. now intro. Qed.
Lemma traces_deriv_single a i j: traces_deriv a i (tsingle j) ≡ ofbool (eqb i j).
intros [b|???].
unfold traces_deriv. simpl. case eqb_spec; simpl; intuition; discriminate.
unfold traces_deriv. simpl. case eqb_spec; reflexivity.
fun w ⇒ match w with tcons _ j (tnil _) ⇒ i=j | _ ⇒ False end.
Lemma traces_deriv_inj a i p: traces_deriv a i (tinj p) ≡ 0.
Proof. now intro. Qed.
Lemma traces_deriv_single a i j: traces_deriv a i (tsingle j) ≡ ofbool (eqb i j).
intros [b|???].
unfold traces_deriv. simpl. case eqb_spec; simpl; intuition; discriminate.
unfold traces_deriv. simpl. case eqb_spec; reflexivity.
a trace is well typed if consecutive letters can be composed
according to their types (states are completely ignored)
Inductive typed: positive → positive → trace → Prop :=
| ttnil: ∀ n a, typed n n (tnil a)
| ttcons: ∀ a i m w, typed (tgt i) m w → typed (src i) m (tcons a i w).
| ttnil: ∀ n a, typed n n (tnil a)
| ttcons: ∀ a i m w, typed (tgt i) m w → typed (src i) m (tcons a i w).
a set of traces is well typed if all its elements are
administrative lemmas for constructing well-typed sets of traces
Lemma typed'_bot n m: typed' n m bot.
Proof. intros ? []. Qed.
Lemma typed'_cup n m (x y: traces): typed' n m x → typed' n m y → typed' n m (x ⊔ y).
Proof. intros ? ? ? [|]; eauto. Qed.
Lemma typed'_cap n m (x y: traces): typed' n m x → typed' n m y → typed' n m (x ⊓ y).
Proof. intros ? ? ? []; eauto. Qed.
Lemma tapp_typed (u v w: trace): tapp u v w →
∀ n m p, typed n m u → typed m p v → typed n p w.
induction 1; intros n m p Hu Hv.
now inversion_clear Hu.
now inversion_clear Hu.
inversion_clear Hu. constructor. eapply IHtapp; eassumption.
Lemma typed'_dot n m p (x y: traces'): typed' n m x → typed' m p y → typed' n p (x⋅y).
Proof. intros Hx Hy w [u Hu [v Hv H]]. eapply tapp_typed; eauto. Qed.
Lemma typed'_one n: typed' n n (one tt).
Proof. intros [|] []. constructor. Qed.
Lemma typed'_inj n p: typed' n n (tinj p).
Proof. intros [|? ? ?]. constructor. intros []. Qed.
Lemma typed'_iter n (x y: traces') i: typed' n n x → typed' n n y → typed' n n (traces_iter y x i).
Proof. intros Hx Hy. induction i. assumption. eapply typed'_dot; eassumption. Qed.
Lemma typed'_itr n (x: traces'): typed' n n x → typed' n n (x^+).
Proof. intros Hx w [i Hw]. eapply typed'_iter; eassumption. Qed.
Lemma typed'_str n (x: traces'): typed' n n x → typed' n n (x^*).
Proof. intros Hx w [i Hw]. eapply typed'_iter in Hw; eauto using typed'_one. Qed.
Lemma typed'_single i: typed' (src i) (tgt i) (tsingle i).
Proof. red.
intros [?|? ? [|]] [].
do 2 constructor.
Proof. intros ? []. Qed.
Lemma typed'_cup n m (x y: traces): typed' n m x → typed' n m y → typed' n m (x ⊔ y).
Proof. intros ? ? ? [|]; eauto. Qed.
Lemma typed'_cap n m (x y: traces): typed' n m x → typed' n m y → typed' n m (x ⊓ y).
Proof. intros ? ? ? []; eauto. Qed.
Lemma tapp_typed (u v w: trace): tapp u v w →
∀ n m p, typed n m u → typed m p v → typed n p w.
induction 1; intros n m p Hu Hv.
now inversion_clear Hu.
now inversion_clear Hu.
inversion_clear Hu. constructor. eapply IHtapp; eassumption.
Lemma typed'_dot n m p (x y: traces'): typed' n m x → typed' m p y → typed' n p (x⋅y).
Proof. intros Hx Hy w [u Hu [v Hv H]]. eapply tapp_typed; eauto. Qed.
Lemma typed'_one n: typed' n n (one tt).
Proof. intros [|] []. constructor. Qed.
Lemma typed'_inj n p: typed' n n (tinj p).
Proof. intros [|? ? ?]. constructor. intros []. Qed.
Lemma typed'_iter n (x y: traces') i: typed' n n x → typed' n n y → typed' n n (traces_iter y x i).
Proof. intros Hx Hy. induction i. assumption. eapply typed'_dot; eassumption. Qed.
Lemma typed'_itr n (x: traces'): typed' n n x → typed' n n (x^+).
Proof. intros Hx w [i Hw]. eapply typed'_iter; eassumption. Qed.
Lemma typed'_str n (x: traces'): typed' n n x → typed' n n (x^*).
Proof. intros Hx w [i Hw]. eapply typed'_iter in Hw; eauto using typed'_one. Qed.
Lemma typed'_single i: typed' (src i) (tgt i) (tsingle i).
Proof. red.
intros [?|? ? [|]] [].
do 2 constructor.
packing typed traces as a residuated Kleene lattice
restriction of an arbitrary set of traces to those that are well-typed
Program Definition restrict n m (x: traces): ttraces n m := fun w ⇒ typed n m w ∧ x w.
Next Obligation. now intros w [? _]. Qed.
Lemma is_typed n m (x: ttraces n m) w: proj1_sig x w → typed n m w.
Proof. destruct x as [x Hx]. apply Hx. Qed.
Section l.
Variables n m: positive.
Implicit Types x y: ttraces n m.
Next Obligation. now intros w [? _]. Qed.
Lemma is_typed n m (x: ttraces n m) w: proj1_sig x w → typed n m w.
Proof. destruct x as [x Hx]. apply Hx. Qed.
Section l.
Variables n m: positive.
Implicit Types x y: ttraces n m.
we directly embed all operations from untyped traces, except for
top elements and residuals, which have to be restricted. (So that
typed traces are not entirely a sub-algebra of traces.)
lattice structure
Definition ttraces_leq x y := proj1_sig x ≦ proj1_sig y.
Definition ttraces_weq x y := proj1_sig x ≡ proj1_sig y.
Program Definition ttraces_cup x y: ttraces n m := proj1_sig x ⊔ proj1_sig y.
Next Obligation. apply typed'_cup; apply proj2_sig. Qed.
Program Definition ttraces_cap x y: ttraces n m := proj1_sig x ⊓ proj1_sig y.
Next Obligation. apply typed'_cap; apply proj2_sig. Qed.
Program Definition ttraces_neg x: ttraces n m := restrict n m (! proj1_sig x).
Program Definition ttraces_bot: ttraces n m := fun _ ⇒ False.
Next Obligation. apply typed'_bot. Qed.
Program Definition ttraces_top: ttraces n m := typed n m.
Next Obligation. now intros ? ?. Qed.
Canonical Structure ttraces_lattice_ops :=
lattice.mk_ops (ttraces n m) ttraces_leq ttraces_weq
ttraces_cup ttraces_cap ttraces_neg ttraces_bot ttraces_top.
Global Instance ttraces_lattice_laws: lattice.laws (BDL+STR+DIV) ttraces_lattice_ops.
constructor; simpl; unfold ttraces_leq, ttraces_weq; intros.
intro. apply pw_laws.
intros x y z. apply pw_laws.
apply weq_spec.
apply cup_spec.
apply cap_spec.
right. intros ? ? [].
right. intros x u. refine (is_typed _ _).
apply cupcap_.
End l.
Program Definition ttraces_dot n m p (x: ttraces n m) (y: ttraces m p): ttraces n p :=
traces_dot tt tt tt x y.
Next Obligation. eapply typed'_dot; eapply proj2_sig. Qed.
Program Definition ttraces_ldv n m p (x: ttraces n m) (y: ttraces n p): ttraces m p :=
restrict m p (traces_ldv tt tt tt x y).
Program Definition ttraces_rdv n m p (x: ttraces m n) (y: ttraces p n): ttraces p m :=
restrict p m (traces_rdv tt tt tt x y).
Program Definition ttraces_one n: ttraces n n := traces_one tt.
Next Obligation. apply typed'_one. Qed.
Program Definition ttraces_cnv n m (x: ttraces n m): ttraces m n := fun w ⇒ False.
Next Obligation. intros ? []. Qed.
Program Definition ttraces_iter n (y x: ttraces n n) i: ttraces n n := traces_iter y x i.
Next Obligation. apply typed'_iter; apply proj2_sig. Qed.
Program Definition ttraces_itr n (x: ttraces n n): ttraces n n := traces_itr tt x.
Next Obligation. apply typed'_itr, proj2_sig. Qed.
Program Definition ttraces_str n (x: ttraces n n): ttraces n n := traces_str tt x.
Next Obligation. apply typed'_str, proj2_sig. Qed.
Canonical Structure ttraces_monoid_ops :=
monoid.mk_ops _ ttraces_lattice_ops
ttraces_dot ttraces_one ttraces_itr ttraces_str ttraces_cnv ttraces_ldv ttraces_rdv.
Notation ttraces' n m := (ttraces_monoid_ops n m).
Global Instance ttraces_monoid_laws: monoid.laws (BDL+STR+DIV) ttraces_monoid_ops.
assert(H: monoid.laws (DL+STR) ttraces_monoid_ops).
apply (laws_of_faithful_functor (f':=fun _ ⇒ tt)
(f:=fun n m ⇒ @proj1_sig _ _: ttraces' n m → traces)); trivial.
constructor; try (discriminate || reflexivity).
constructor; trivial; try discriminate; now intros ? ? ?.
constructor; try (intro; discriminate); (try now left); intros.
apply ttraces_lattice_laws.
apply dotA.
apply dot1x.
right. apply dotx1.
apply str_refl.
apply str_cons.
now apply str_ind_l.
apply itr_str_l.
setoid_rewrite <-(ldv_spec (n:=tt) (m:=tt) (p:=tt)).
split. intros H' w Hw. apply H', Hw.
intros H' w Hw. split. eapply is_typed, Hw. apply H', Hw.
setoid_rewrite <-(rdv_spec (n:=tt) (m:=tt) (p:=tt)).
split. intros H' w Hw. apply H', Hw.
intros H' w Hw. split. eapply is_typed, Hw. apply H', Hw.
Program Definition ttinj n p: ttraces n n := tinj p.
Next Obligation. apply typed'_inj. Qed.
Program Definition tatom n a: ttraces n n := eq (tnil a).
Next Obligation. intros ? <-. constructor. Qed.
Program Definition ttsingle (i: Sigma): ttraces (src i) (tgt i) := tsingle i.
Next Obligation. apply typed'_single. Qed.
Program Definition tsingle' a i b: ttraces (src i) (tgt i) := eq (tcons a i (tnil b)).
Next Obligation. intros ? <-. do 2 constructor. Qed.
Lemma atom_single_atom a i b: tatom _ a ⋅ ttsingle i ⋅ tatom _ b ≡ tsingle' a i b.
intro x. split.
- intros [uv [u <- [v Hv Huvw]] [w <- Huvw']]. destruct v as [|c j [d|]]; try elim Hv.
destruct Hv. inversion Huvw. simpl. subst. setoid_rewrite <- (tapp_tail_head Huvw').
now apply tapp_x_nil_eq in Huvw' as [-> ->].
- intros <-. ∃ (tcons a i (tnil b)). eexists. reflexivity.
∃ (tcons a i (tnil b)). now idtac. constructor.
eexists. reflexivity. constructor; constructor.
Global Instance restrict_leq n m: Proper (leq ==> leq) (restrict n m).
Proof. intros x y H w [? ?]. split. assumption. now apply H. Qed.
Global Instance restrict_weq n m: Proper (weq ==> weq) (restrict n m) := op_leq_weq_1.
Lemma restrict_0 n m: restrict n m (zer tt tt) ≡ 0.
Proof. intros [|]; simpl; tauto. Qed.
Lemma restrict_1 n: restrict n n (one tt) ≡ 1.
Proof. intros [b|]; simpl. 2: tauto. intuition constructor. Qed.
Lemma restrict_pls n m (x y: traces'): restrict n m (x + y) ≡ restrict n m x + restrict n m y.
Proof. intros w; simpl; unfold pw2. tauto. Qed.
Lemma restrict_dot n m p (x y: traces'):
typed' n m x → typed' m p y →
restrict n p (x ⋅ y) ≡ restrict n m x ⋅ restrict m p y.
intros Hx Hy w; simpl. split.
intros [Hw [u Hu [v Hv H]]]. repeat eexists; eauto.
intros [u [Hu Hu'] [v [Hv Hv'] H]]. split.
eapply tapp_typed; eassumption.
repeat eexists; eassumption.
Lemma restrict_iter n (x y: traces') i: typed' n n x → typed' n n y →
restrict n n (traces_iter y x i) ≡ ttraces_iter (restrict n n y) (restrict n n x) i.
intros Hx Hy. induction i. simpl. now unfold ttraces_weq.
simpl. setoid_rewrite restrict_dot. now setoid_rewrite IHi.
assumption. now apply typed'_iter.
Lemma restrict_itr n (x: traces'): typed' n n x → restrict n n (x^+) ≡ (restrict n n x)^+.
intros Hx w. simpl. split.
intros [H [i Hw]]. ∃ i. apply restrict_iter; trivial. now split.
intros [i Hw]. split. eapply typed'_iter. 3: eassumption. now intros ? []. now intros ? [].
∃ i. eapply restrict_iter; eassumption.
Lemma restrict_inj n p: restrict n n (tinj p) ≡ ttinj n p.
intros [b|b i w]; simpl. 2: simpl; lattice.
split. now intros [_ H].
intros ?. split. constructor. assumption.
Lemma restrict_single i: restrict _ _ (tsingle i) ≡ ttsingle i.
intros [a|a j [b|???]]; simpl; try lattice.
split. now intros [_ H].
intros <-. repeat constructor.
End l.
Arguments tnil {State} a.
Arguments tcons {State} a i w.
Arguments tsingle {State} i _.
Arguments tatom {State src tgt} n a.
Arguments ttsingle {State src tgt} i.
Arguments tsingle' {State src tgt} a i b.
Notation traces' State := (traces_monoid_ops State traces_tt traces_tt).