Library RelationAlgebra.untyping
untyping: untyping theorem for typed structures
Section clean.
Context {Sigma: cmpType}.
Variables (s t: Sigma → positive).
Notation expr := (expr s t).
more aggressive hint for level constraint resolution
induction scheme for syntax.expr (in)equality:
(since (in)equality in the syntactic model (syntax.expr) is defined
by impredicative encoding, we need to provide the induction scheme
by ourselves). The impredicative encoding gives it almost directly
Definition expr_ind leq weq := mk_ops _
(fun n m ⇒ lattice.mk_ops (expr n m) (leq n m) (weq n m)
(@e_pls _ _ _ _ _)
(@e_cap _ _ _ _ _)
(@e_neg _ _ _ _ _)
(@e_zer _ _ _ _ _)
(@e_top _ _ _ _ _)
(@e_dot _ s t)
(@e_one _ s t)
(@e_itr _ s t)
(@e_str _ s t)
(@e_cnv _ s t)
(@e_ldv _ s t)
(@e_rdv _ s t).
Lemma expr_ind_eval leq weq n m (e: expr n m):
eval (X:=expr_ind leq weq) (f':=id) (@e_var _ _ _) e = e.
Proof. induction e; simpl; f_equal; assumption. Qed.
(fun n m ⇒ lattice.mk_ops (expr n m) (leq n m) (weq n m)
(@e_pls _ _ _ _ _)
(@e_cap _ _ _ _ _)
(@e_neg _ _ _ _ _)
(@e_zer _ _ _ _ _)
(@e_top _ _ _ _ _)
(@e_dot _ s t)
(@e_one _ s t)
(@e_itr _ s t)
(@e_str _ s t)
(@e_cnv _ s t)
(@e_ldv _ s t)
(@e_rdv _ s t).
Lemma expr_ind_eval leq weq n m (e: expr n m):
eval (X:=expr_ind leq weq) (f':=id) (@e_var _ _ _) e = e.
Proof. induction e; simpl; f_equal; assumption. Qed.
Lemma expr_leq_weq_ind l leq weq (L: laws l (expr_ind leq weq)) n m (e f: expr n m):
(e <==_[l] f → leq n m e f) ∧ (e ==_[l] f → weq n m e f).
split; intro H;
rewrite <-(expr_ind_eval leq weq e), <-(expr_ind_eval leq weq f);
apply (H _ L id).
(e <==_[l] f → leq n m e f) ∧ (e ==_[l] f → weq n m e f).
split; intro H;
rewrite <-(expr_ind_eval leq weq e), <-(expr_ind_eval leq weq f);
apply (H _ L id).
The following predicate specifies when an expression is considered
as "clean": it does not contain any occurrence of 0 or residuals
(0 has to be factored out for the following proof to work, and
residuals cannot be handled with the following methodology)
Fixpoint is_clean n m (x: expr n m) :=
match x with
| e_one _
| e_var _ ⇒ True
| e_pls x y
| e_dot x y ⇒ is_clean x ∧ is_clean y
| e_cnv x
| e_itr x
| e_str x ⇒ is_clean x
| _ ⇒ False
cleaning constructors: use annihilation laws to remove all
occurrences of 0 (but the last one, if the expression reduces to
Definition e_pls' n m (x y: expr n m) :=
(if is_zer x then y else if is_zer y then x else x+y)%ast.
Definition e_dot' n m p (x: expr n m) (y: expr m p) :=
(if is_zer x then 0 else if is_zer y then 0 else x ⋅ y)%ast.
Definition e_itr' n (x: expr n n) :=
(if is_zer x then 0 else x^+)%ast.
Definition e_str' n (x: expr n n) :=
(if is_zer x then 1 else x^*)%ast.
Definition e_cnv' n m (x: expr n m) :=
(if is_zer x then 0 else x°)%ast.
Fixpoint clean n m (x: expr n m): expr n m :=
match x with
| e_zer _ _ ⇒ 0
| e_one _ ⇒ 1
| e_pls x y ⇒ e_pls' (clean x) (clean y)
| e_dot x y ⇒ e_dot' (clean x) (clean y)
| e_itr x ⇒ e_itr' (clean x)
| e_str x ⇒ e_str' (clean x)
| e_cnv x ⇒ e_cnv' (clean x)
| e_var a ⇒ e_var a
unused cases, ruled out later by level constraints
| x ⇒ x
Lemma is_zer_clean n m (x: expr n m): is_clean x → is_zer x = false.
Proof. induction x; simpl; intuition. Qed.
Lemma is_zer_clean n m (x: expr n m): is_clean x → is_zer x = false.
Proof. induction x; simpl; intuition. Qed.
an expression reduces either to 0 or to a clean expression
Lemma clean_spec n m (x: expr n m): e_level x ≪ BOT+CKA → clean x = 0%ast ∨ is_clean (clean x).
induction x; simpl e_level; simpl clean;
unfold e_pls', e_dot', e_itr', e_str', e_cnv';
simpl is_clean; try intuition discriminate_levels.
intro Hl.
destruct IHx1 as [->|IHx1]. solve_lower'. apply IHx2. solve_lower'.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption.
destruct IHx2 as [->|IHx2]. solve_lower'. now right.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption. right; now split.
intro Hl.
destruct IHx1 as [->|IHx1]. solve_lower'. now left.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption.
destruct IHx2 as [->|IHx2]. solve_lower'. now left.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption. right; now split.
intro Hl.
destruct IHx as [->|IHx]. solve_lower'. now left.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption. now right.
intro Hl.
destruct IHx as [->|IHx]. solve_lower'. now right.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption. simpl. tauto.
intro Hl.
destruct IHx as [->|IHx]. solve_lower'. now left.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption. now right.
induction x; simpl e_level; simpl clean;
unfold e_pls', e_dot', e_itr', e_str', e_cnv';
simpl is_clean; try intuition discriminate_levels.
intro Hl.
destruct IHx1 as [->|IHx1]. solve_lower'. apply IHx2. solve_lower'.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption.
destruct IHx2 as [->|IHx2]. solve_lower'. now right.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption. right; now split.
intro Hl.
destruct IHx1 as [->|IHx1]. solve_lower'. now left.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption.
destruct IHx2 as [->|IHx2]. solve_lower'. now left.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption. right; now split.
intro Hl.
destruct IHx as [->|IHx]. solve_lower'. now left.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption. now right.
intro Hl.
destruct IHx as [->|IHx]. solve_lower'. now right.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption. simpl. tauto.
intro Hl.
destruct IHx as [->|IHx]. solve_lower'. now left.
rewrite is_zer_clean by assumption. now right.
simple tactic to do a case analysis on all encountered tests, in a
bottom-up fashion
Ltac destruct_tests :=
unfold e_pls', e_dot', e_itr', e_str', e_cnv'; simpl e_level;
match goal with
| |- context[is_zer ?x] ⇒
lazymatch x with context[is_zer _] ⇒ fail | _ ⇒ idtac end;
case (is_zer_spec x); trivial; destruct_tests
| _ ⇒ idtac
unfold e_pls', e_dot', e_itr', e_str', e_cnv'; simpl e_level;
match goal with
| |- context[is_zer ?x] ⇒
lazymatch x with context[is_zer _] ⇒ fail | _ ⇒ idtac end;
case (is_zer_spec x); trivial; destruct_tests
| _ ⇒ idtac
the cleaning function does not increase the level of the expressions
Lemma clean_level n m (x: expr n m): e_level (clean x) ≪ e_level x.
induction x; try reflexivity; simpl clean;
revert_prop; destruct_tests; simpl e_level;
intros; solve_lower' || reflexivity.
Lemma is_zer_level n m (x: expr n m): is_zer x → BOT ≪ e_level x.
Proof. case is_zer_spec. reflexivity. discriminate. Qed.
induction x; try reflexivity; simpl clean;
revert_prop; destruct_tests; simpl e_level;
intros; solve_lower' || reflexivity.
Lemma is_zer_level n m (x: expr n m): is_zer x → BOT ≪ e_level x.
Proof. case is_zer_spec. reflexivity. discriminate. Qed.
if an expression reduces to 0, then 0 was appearing somewhere in that expression
Lemma clean_0_level n m (x: expr n m): clean x = 0%ast → BOT ≪ e_level x.
Proof. rewrite <-clean_level. now intros →. Qed.
Proof. rewrite <-clean_level. now intros →. Qed.
cleaning constructors are "correct": they correspond to their syntactic counterparts
Lemma e_pls_weq l n m x y: `{CUP + e_level x + e_level y ≪ l} → @e_pls' n m x y ==_[l] x+y.
Proof. destruct_tests; intros; lattice. Qed.
Lemma e_dot_weq l n m p x y: e_level x + e_level y ≪ l → @e_dot' n m p x y ==_[l] x⋅y.
Proof. destruct_tests; symmetry. apply dot0x. apply dotx0. Qed.
Lemma e_itr_weq l n x: STR + e_level x ≪ l → @e_itr' n x ==_[l] x^+.
Proof. destruct_tests. intros. now rewrite itr0. Qed.
Lemma e_str_weq l n x: STR + e_level x ≪ l → @e_str' n x ==_[l] x^*.
Proof. destruct_tests. intros. now rewrite str0. Qed.
Lemma e_cnv_weq l n m x: CNV + e_level x ≪ l → @e_cnv' n m x ==_[l] x°.
Proof. destruct_tests. intros. now rewrite cnv0. Qed.
Proof. destruct_tests; intros; lattice. Qed.
Lemma e_dot_weq l n m p x y: e_level x + e_level y ≪ l → @e_dot' n m p x y ==_[l] x⋅y.
Proof. destruct_tests; symmetry. apply dot0x. apply dotx0. Qed.
Lemma e_itr_weq l n x: STR + e_level x ≪ l → @e_itr' n x ==_[l] x^+.
Proof. destruct_tests. intros. now rewrite itr0. Qed.
Lemma e_str_weq l n x: STR + e_level x ≪ l → @e_str' n x ==_[l] x^*.
Proof. destruct_tests. intros. now rewrite str0. Qed.
Lemma e_cnv_weq l n m x: CNV + e_level x ≪ l → @e_cnv' n m x ==_[l] x°.
Proof. destruct_tests. intros. now rewrite cnv0. Qed.
the cleaning function thus returns an equivalent expression (at
any level containing the operations appearing in that expression)
Lemma clean_weq l n m (x: expr n m): e_level x ≪ l → clean x ==_[l] x.
induction x; simpl e_level; simpl clean; try reflexivity;
rewrite ?merge_spec; intuition.
rewrite e_pls_weq. apply cup_weq; auto. rewrite 2clean_level. solve_lower'.
rewrite e_dot_weq. apply dot_weq; auto. rewrite 2clean_level. solve_lower'.
rewrite e_itr_weq. apply itr_weq; auto. rewrite clean_level. solve_lower'.
rewrite e_str_weq. apply str_weq; auto. rewrite clean_level. solve_lower'.
rewrite e_cnv_weq. apply cnv_weq; auto. rewrite clean_level. solve_lower'.
induction x; simpl e_level; simpl clean; try reflexivity;
rewrite ?merge_spec; intuition.
rewrite e_pls_weq. apply cup_weq; auto. rewrite 2clean_level. solve_lower'.
rewrite e_dot_weq. apply dot_weq; auto. rewrite 2clean_level. solve_lower'.
rewrite e_itr_weq. apply itr_weq; auto. rewrite clean_level. solve_lower'.
rewrite e_str_weq. apply str_weq; auto. rewrite clean_level. solve_lower'.
rewrite e_cnv_weq. apply cnv_weq; auto. rewrite clean_level. solve_lower'.
simple tactic to discriminate unsatisfiable constraints
Ltac discr_levels Hl tac :=
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ≪ _ → _ ⇒ let Hl' := fresh "Hl" in intro Hl'; try ((rewrite Hl in Hl'; discriminate Hl') || tac Hl')
| |- _ ∨ _ ⇒ right
unfold Reflexive, Transitive, Proper, respectful; simpl;
unfold e_dot', e_pls', e_cnv', e_itr', e_str'.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ≪ _ → _ ⇒ let Hl' := fresh "Hl" in intro Hl'; try ((rewrite Hl in Hl'; discriminate Hl') || tac Hl')
| |- _ ∨ _ ⇒ right
unfold Reflexive, Transitive, Proper, respectful; simpl;
unfold e_dot', e_pls', e_cnv', e_itr', e_str'.
Lemma clean_leq_weq_0 l: l ≪ BOT+CKA →
∀ n m (x y: expr n m),
(x <==_[l] y → clean y = 0%ast → clean x = 0%ast)
∧ (x ==_[l] y → (clean x = 0%ast ↔ clean y = 0%ast)).
intros Hl. apply expr_leq_weq_ind.
constructor; [constructor; [constructor|..] |..]; simpl ob in *;
discr_levels Hl idtac; intro_vars; destruct_tests;
intuition (congruence || discriminate).
Corollary clean_leq_0 l: l ≪ BOT+CKA → ∀ n m (x y: expr n m),
x <==_[l] y → clean y = 0%ast → clean x = 0%ast.
Proof. apply clean_leq_weq_0. Qed.
∀ n m (x y: expr n m),
(x <==_[l] y → clean y = 0%ast → clean x = 0%ast)
∧ (x ==_[l] y → (clean x = 0%ast ↔ clean y = 0%ast)).
intros Hl. apply expr_leq_weq_ind.
constructor; [constructor; [constructor|..] |..]; simpl ob in *;
discr_levels Hl idtac; intro_vars; destruct_tests;
intuition (congruence || discriminate).
Corollary clean_leq_0 l: l ≪ BOT+CKA → ∀ n m (x y: expr n m),
x <==_[l] y → clean y = 0%ast → clean x = 0%ast.
Proof. apply clean_leq_weq_0. Qed.
the cleaning function is idempotent
Lemma clean_idem n m (e: expr n m): clean (clean e) = clean e.
induction e; simpl; trivial; destruct_tests;
intros; simpl; rewrite ?IHe1, ?IHe2, ?IHe; destruct_tests; congruence.
Lemma lower_bot h k: has_bot h = false → h ≪ BOT + k → h ≪ k.
Proof. rewrite 2lower_spec. simpl. intros →. intuition discriminate. Qed.
induction e; simpl; trivial; destruct_tests;
intros; simpl; rewrite ?IHe1, ?IHe2, ?IHe; destruct_tests; congruence.
Lemma lower_bot h k: has_bot h = false → h ≪ BOT + k → h ≪ k.
Proof. rewrite 2lower_spec. simpl. intros →. intuition discriminate. Qed.
key lemma 2: proofs with bottom elements can be factorised
into a preliminary cleaning phase, followed by a "clean" proof which does not use bottom elements laws (we move from (in)equality proofs at level BOT+l to (in)equality proofs at level l)
Lemma clean_factorise_leq_weq l: l ≪ BOT+CKA →
∀ n m (x y: expr n m),
(x <==_[BOT+l] y → clean x = 0%ast ∨ clean x <==_[l] clean y)
∧ (x ==_[BOT+l] y → clean x ==_[l] clean y).
intros Hl. apply expr_leq_weq_ind.
constructor; [constructor; [constructor|..] |..];
simpl ob in *; discr_levels Hl ltac:(fun Hl' ⇒ apply lower_bot in Hl'; [|reflexivity]);
intro_vars; destruct_tests; try solve [intuition (reflexivity || discriminate)].
intros [Hx|Hxy]. now left.
intros [Hy|Hyz]. left. revert Hy.
generalize (clean_leq_0 Hl Hxy). now rewrite 2clean_idem.
right. etransitivity; eassumption.
rewrite weq_spec.
split. intros [? ?]; split; now right.
intros [[Hx|Hx] [Hy|Hy]].
rewrite Hx, Hy. now split.
generalize (clean_leq_0 Hl Hy). rewrite 2clean_idem.
intro Hy'. now rewrite Hx, Hy'.
generalize (clean_leq_0 Hl Hx). rewrite 2clean_idem.
intro Hx'. now rewrite Hx', Hy.
now split.
rewrite cup_spec. intuition discriminate.
intros; apply dotA.
intros; apply dot1x.
intros; apply dotx1.
intros ? ? ? [Hx|Hxy] H'. tauto.
generalize (clean_leq_0 Hl Hxy). rewrite clean_idem. tauto.
intros ? ? ? ? [Hx|Hxy] H'. tauto.
destruct H' as [Hx'|Hxy']. tauto.
generalize (clean_leq_0 Hl Hxy'). rewrite clean_idem. tauto.
right. apply dot_leq; tauto.
right. now rewrite dotplsx.
right. now rewrite dotxpls.
right. apply cnvdot_.
intros; apply cnv_invol.
intros ? ? [Hx|Hxy]. tauto.
generalize (clean_leq_0 Hl Hxy). rewrite clean_idem. tauto.
right. apply cnv_leq. tauto.
right. apply cnv_ext.
right. apply str_refl.
right. apply str_cons.
right. now rewrite dot1x.
right. apply str_ind_l; intuition discriminate.
right. now rewrite dotx1.
right. apply str_ind_r; intuition discriminate.
intros _ _. apply itr_str_l.
Corollary clean_factorise_leq l: l ≪ BOT+CKA →
∀ n m (x y: expr n m), x <==_[BOT+l] y → clean x = 0%ast ∨ clean x <==_[l] clean y.
Proof. apply clean_factorise_leq_weq. Qed.
End clean.
∀ n m (x y: expr n m),
(x <==_[BOT+l] y → clean x = 0%ast ∨ clean x <==_[l] clean y)
∧ (x ==_[BOT+l] y → clean x ==_[l] clean y).
intros Hl. apply expr_leq_weq_ind.
constructor; [constructor; [constructor|..] |..];
simpl ob in *; discr_levels Hl ltac:(fun Hl' ⇒ apply lower_bot in Hl'; [|reflexivity]);
intro_vars; destruct_tests; try solve [intuition (reflexivity || discriminate)].
intros [Hx|Hxy]. now left.
intros [Hy|Hyz]. left. revert Hy.
generalize (clean_leq_0 Hl Hxy). now rewrite 2clean_idem.
right. etransitivity; eassumption.
rewrite weq_spec.
split. intros [? ?]; split; now right.
intros [[Hx|Hx] [Hy|Hy]].
rewrite Hx, Hy. now split.
generalize (clean_leq_0 Hl Hy). rewrite 2clean_idem.
intro Hy'. now rewrite Hx, Hy'.
generalize (clean_leq_0 Hl Hx). rewrite 2clean_idem.
intro Hx'. now rewrite Hx', Hy.
now split.
rewrite cup_spec. intuition discriminate.
intros; apply dotA.
intros; apply dot1x.
intros; apply dotx1.
intros ? ? ? [Hx|Hxy] H'. tauto.
generalize (clean_leq_0 Hl Hxy). rewrite clean_idem. tauto.
intros ? ? ? ? [Hx|Hxy] H'. tauto.
destruct H' as [Hx'|Hxy']. tauto.
generalize (clean_leq_0 Hl Hxy'). rewrite clean_idem. tauto.
right. apply dot_leq; tauto.
right. now rewrite dotplsx.
right. now rewrite dotxpls.
right. apply cnvdot_.
intros; apply cnv_invol.
intros ? ? [Hx|Hxy]. tauto.
generalize (clean_leq_0 Hl Hxy). rewrite clean_idem. tauto.
right. apply cnv_leq. tauto.
right. apply cnv_ext.
right. apply str_refl.
right. apply str_cons.
right. now rewrite dot1x.
right. apply str_ind_l; intuition discriminate.
right. now rewrite dotx1.
right. apply str_ind_r; intuition discriminate.
intros _ _. apply itr_str_l.
Corollary clean_factorise_leq l: l ≪ BOT+CKA →
∀ n m (x y: expr n m), x <==_[BOT+l] y → clean x = 0%ast ∨ clean x <==_[l] clean y.
Proof. apply clean_factorise_leq_weq. Qed.
End clean.
Section e.
Context {Sigma: cmpType}.
Variables (s t: Sigma → positive).
Notation uexpr := (expr (fun _: Sigma ⇒ xH) (fun _: Sigma ⇒ xH) xH xH).
Notation expr := (expr s t).
evaluation predicate, to relate untyped expressions uexpr to typed ones expr
this cannot be a function:
- an untyped expressions can correspond to several typed expressions (e.g., 1 is mapped to all identities).
- an untyped expression can possibly be ill-typed so that it does not map to any typed expression.
Inductive eval: ∀ n m, uexpr → expr n m → Prop :=
| ev_one: ∀ n, @eval n n 1 1
| ev_pls: ∀ x y n m x' y', @eval n m x x' → @eval n m y y' → eval (x+y) (x'+y')
| ev_dot: ∀ x y n m p x' y', @eval n m x x' → @eval m p y y' → eval (x⋅y) (x'⋅y')
| ev_itr: ∀ x n x', @eval n n x x' → eval (x^+) (x'^+)
| ev_str: ∀ x n x', @eval n n x x' → eval (x^* ) (x'^* )
| ev_cnv: ∀ x n m x', @eval n m x x' → eval (x°) (x'°)
| ev_var: ∀ a, eval (e_var a) (e_var a).
Arguments eval : clear implicits.
inversion lemmas for eval, for all operations
although the statements look straighforward, the proofs are a bit
technical since we avoid JMeq/eq_dep axioms ; the fact that the
types of our expressions (ob expr_ops) is a decidable type
(positive) is crucial for that: it is decidable, so that we have
strong elimination of dependent equalities.
Lemma eval_pls n m x y z: eval n m (x+y) z →
∃ x', eval n m x x' ∧ ∃ y', eval n m y y' ∧ z=e_pls x' y'.
remember (x+y)%ast as z' eqn:E. destruct 1; try discriminate.
rewrite <- (f_equal ((fun n m (e: syntax.expr _ _ n m) ⇒
match e in syntax.expr _ _ n m return syntax.expr _ _ n m with e_pls x _ ⇒ x | x ⇒ x end) _ _) E).
rewrite <- (f_equal ((fun n m (e: syntax.expr _ _ n m) ⇒
match e in syntax.expr _ _ n m return syntax.expr _ _ n m with e_pls _ y ⇒ y | x ⇒ x end) _ _) E).
Lemma eval_dot n m x y z: eval n m (x⋅y) z →
∃ p, ∃ x', eval n p x x' ∧ ∃ y', eval p m y y' ∧ z=e_dot x' y'.
remember (x⋅y)%ast as z' eqn:E. destruct 1; try discriminate.
generalize (f_equal ((fun n m e ⇒
match e in syntax.expr _ _ n m return syntax.expr _ _ n xH with
| @e_dot _ _ _ _ p _ x _ ⇒
match eqb_spec cmp_pos p xH with
| reflect_t H ⇒ eq_rect _ (syntax.expr _ _ _) x _ H
| _ ⇒ e_zer _ _
| _ ⇒ e_zer _ _
end) xH xH) E). case eqb_spec. 2: congruence.
intro. rewrite 2cmp_eq_rect_eq. intros <-.
generalize (f_equal ((fun n m e ⇒
match e in syntax.expr _ _ n m return syntax.expr _ _ xH m with
| @e_dot _ _ _ _ p _ _ x ⇒
match eqb_spec cmp_pos p xH with
| reflect_t H ⇒ eq_rect _ (fun p ⇒ syntax.expr _ _ p _) x _ H
| _ ⇒ e_zer _ _
| _ ⇒ e_zer _ _
end) xH xH) E). case eqb_spec. 2: congruence.
intro. rewrite 2cmp_eq_rect_eq. intros <-.
eauto 6.
Lemma eval_cnv n m x z: eval n m (x°) z → ∃ x', eval m n x x' ∧ z=e_cnv x'.
remember (x°)%ast as z' eqn:E. destruct 1; try discriminate.
rewrite <- (f_equal ((fun n m (e: syntax.expr _ _ n m) ⇒
match e with e_cnv x ⇒ x | _ ⇒ e_zer _ _ end) _ _) E).
Lemma eval_one' n m z: eval n m 1 z → n=m.
Proof. inversion 1. assumption. Qed.
Lemma eval_itr' n m x z: eval n m (x^+) z → n=m.
Proof. inversion 1. assumption. Qed.
Lemma eval_str' n m x z: eval n m (x^* ) z → n=m.
Proof. inversion 1. assumption. Qed.
Lemma eval_var' n m a z: eval n m (e_var a) z → n=s a ∧ m=t a.
Proof. inversion 1. auto. Qed.
Lemma eval_one n z: eval n n 1 z → z=e_one n.
assert (G: ∀ m u (z: expr n m), eval n m u z →
∀ (H: n=m), u=e_one _ → z = eq_rect _ (expr n) (e_one n) m H).
intros m z' H. destruct 1; intros; try discriminate. now rewrite cmp_eq_rect_eq.
intro Hz. apply (G _ _ _ Hz eq_refl eq_refl).
Lemma eval_itr n x z: eval n n (x^+) z → ∃ x', eval n n x x' ∧ z = e_itr x'.
assert (G: ∀ m u (z: expr n m), eval n m u z →
∀ (H: n=m) x, u=e_itr x →
∃ x', eval n n x x' ∧ z = eq_rect _ (expr n) (e_itr x') m H).
intros m z' H. destruct 1; intros E v Hv; try discriminate.
rewrite <-(f_equal ((fun n m (e: syntax.expr _ _ n m) ⇒
match e in syntax.expr _ _ n m return syntax.expr _ _ n m with e_itr y ⇒ y | x ⇒ x end) _ _) Hv).
eexists. split. eassumption. now rewrite cmp_eq_rect_eq.
intro Hz. apply (G _ _ _ Hz eq_refl _ eq_refl).
Lemma eval_str n x z: eval n n (x^* ) z → ∃ x', eval n n x x' ∧ z = e_str x'.
assert (G: ∀ m u (z: expr n m), eval n m u z →
∀ (H: n=m) x, u=e_str x →
∃ x', eval n n x x' ∧ z = eq_rect _ (expr n) (e_str x') m H).
intros m z' H. destruct 1; intros E v Hv; try discriminate.
rewrite <-(f_equal ((fun n m (e: syntax.expr _ _ n m) ⇒
match e in syntax.expr _ _ n m return syntax.expr _ _ n m with e_str y ⇒ y | x ⇒ x end) _ _) Hv).
eexists. split. eassumption. now rewrite cmp_eq_rect_eq.
intro Hz. apply (G _ _ _ Hz eq_refl _ eq_refl).
Lemma eval_var a z: eval (s a) (t a) (e_var a) z → z=e_var a.
assert (G: ∀ n m u (z: expr n m), eval n m u z →
∀ a (Hs: s a=n) (Ht: t a=m), u=e_var a →
z = eq_rect _ (fun m ⇒ expr m _) (eq_rect _ (expr _) (e_var a) m Ht) n Hs).
intros n m u z'. destruct 1; intros b Hs Ht E; try discriminate.
injection E. intros →. now rewrite 2cmp_eq_rect_eq.
intro Hz. apply (G _ _ _ _ Hz _ eq_refl eq_refl eq_refl).
key lemma 3: injectivity of typing derivations
Lemma eval_types n n' m m' x x' x'':
eval n m x x' → eval n' m' x x'' → (n=n' ↔ m=m').
intro H. revert n' m' x''. induction H; intros n' m' x'' H''.
apply eval_one' in H''. subst. reflexivity.
apply eval_pls in H'' as (?&?&?&?&?). eauto.
apply eval_dot in H'' as (?&?&?&?&?&?). erewrite IHeval1 by eassumption. eauto.
apply eval_itr' in H''. subst. reflexivity.
apply eval_str' in H''. subst. reflexivity.
apply eval_cnv in H'' as (?&?&?). symmetry. eauto.
apply eval_var' in H'' as (?&?). subst. now split.
Lemma eval_types_l n m m' x x' x'': eval n m x x' → eval n m' x x'' → m=m'.
Proof. intros H H'. now apply (eval_types H H'). Qed.
Lemma eval_types_r n m m' x x' x'': eval m n x x' → eval m' n x x'' → m=m'.
Proof. intros H H'. now apply (eval_types H H'). Qed.
we deduce that the eval predicate is functionnal once types are fixed
Lemma eval_fun n m x x' x'': eval n m x x' → eval n m x x'' → x'=x''.
induction 1; intro H'.
now apply eval_one in H'.
apply eval_pls in H' as (?&?&?&?&->). firstorder congruence.
apply eval_dot in H' as (q&?&?&?&?&->).
assert(m=q) by eauto using eval_types_l.
subst. firstorder congruence.
apply eval_itr in H' as (?&?&->). firstorder congruence.
apply eval_str in H' as (?&?&->). firstorder congruence.
apply eval_cnv in H' as (?&?&->). firstorder congruence.
apply eval_var in H'. congruence.
Section l.
Variable l: level.
induction 1; intro H'.
now apply eval_one in H'.
apply eval_pls in H' as (?&?&?&?&->). firstorder congruence.
apply eval_dot in H' as (q&?&?&?&?&->).
assert(m=q) by eauto using eval_types_l.
subst. firstorder congruence.
apply eval_itr in H' as (?&?&->). firstorder congruence.
apply eval_str in H' as (?&?&->). firstorder congruence.
apply eval_cnv in H' as (?&?&->). firstorder congruence.
apply eval_var in H'. congruence.
Section l.
Variable l: level.
main lemma
Definition u_leq x y :=
(∀ n m y', eval n m y y' → ∃ x', eval n m x x' ∧ x' <==_[l] y').
Definition u_weq x y :=
(∀ n m x', eval n m x x' → ∃ y', eval n m y y' ∧ x' ==_[l] y')
∧ (∀ n m y', eval n m y y' → ∃ x', eval n m x x' ∧ x' ==_[l] y').
Definition u_lattice_ops := {|
car := uexpr;
leq := u_leq;
weq := u_weq;
cup := @e_pls _ _ _ _ _;
bot := e_zer _ _; := e_top _ _;
cap := @e_cap _ _ _ _ _;
neg := @e_neg _ _ _ _ _
Definition u_ops := {|
ob := unit;
mor n m := u_lattice_ops;
dot n m p := @e_dot _ _ _ _ _ _;
one n := e_one _;
itr n := @e_itr _ _ _ _;
str n := @e_str _ _ _ _;
cnv n m := @e_cnv _ _ _ _ _;
ldv n m p := @e_ldv _ _ _ _ _ _;
rdv n m p := @e_rdv _ _ _ _ _ _
Ltac eval_inv := repeat
(match goal with
| H: eval ?n ?m ?x _, H': eval ?n ?m ?x _ |- _ ⇒ apply (eval_fun H) in H'
| H: eval ?n _ ?x _, H': eval ?n _ ?x _ |- _ ⇒ pose proof (eval_types_l H H')
| H: eval _ ?n ?x _, H': eval _ ?n ?x _ |- _ ⇒ pose proof (eval_types_r H H')
| H: eval _ _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ first [
apply eval_pls in H as (?&?&?&?&?) |
apply eval_dot in H as (?&?&?&?&?&?) |
apply eval_itr in H as (?&?&?) |
apply eval_str in H as (?&?&?) |
apply eval_cnv in H as (?&?&?) |
apply eval_one in H |
apply eval_var in H ]
| H: eval _ _ 1 _ |- _ ⇒ pose proof (eval_one' H)
| H: eval _ _ (_^+) _ |- _ ⇒ pose proof (eval_itr' H)
| H: eval _ _ (_^* ) _ |- _ ⇒ pose proof (eval_str' H)
| H: eval _ _ ?x _, H': u_leq _ ?x |- _ ⇒
pose proof H; apply H' in H as (?&?&?); clear H'
| H: eval _ _ ?x _, H': u_weq _ ?x |- _ ⇒
pose proof H; apply H' in H as (?&?&?); clear H'
| H: eval _ _ ?x _, H': u_weq ?x _ |- _ ⇒
pose proof H; apply H' in H as (?&?&?); clear H'
end; subst).
Ltac exists_eval :=
simpl; try split; repeat intro; eval_inv;
eexists; (split; [repeat constructor; eassumption|]).
Ltac not_involved Hl :=
let H := fresh in intro H; apply (lower_trans _ _ _ H) in Hl; discriminate Hl.
Instance u_lattice_laws {Hl: l ≪ CKA}: lattice.laws l u_lattice_ops.
constructor; try not_involved Hl. constructor.
repeat intro; solve [eauto 6].
exists_eval. etransitivity; eassumption.
exists_eval; hlattice.
simpl. intros [? ?]. exists_eval; lattice.
exists_eval. eapply cup_spec. rewrite cupC. eassumption. eapply cup_spec; eassumption.
simpl. intros [? ?]. exists_eval; lattice.
Instance u_laws {Hl: l ≪ CKA}: laws l u_ops.
constructor; try not_involved Hl; repeat right.
intros. apply u_lattice_laws.
exists_eval; apply dotA.
exists_eval; apply dot1x.
exists_eval; apply dotx1.
exists_eval. apply dot_leq; assumption.
exists_eval. apply weq_leq. apply dotplsx.
exists_eval. apply weq_leq. apply dotxpls.
exists_eval. apply weq_leq. apply cnvdot.
exists_eval; apply cnv_invol.
exists_eval. apply cnv_leq; assumption.
exists_eval. apply cnv_ext.
exists_eval. apply str_refl.
exists_eval. apply str_cons.
exists_eval. apply str_ind_l; assumption.
exists_eval. apply str_ind_r; assumption.
exists_eval; apply itr_str_l.
type erasing function: replace all types by a constant one (here, xH)
Definition erase: ∀ n m, expr n m → uexpr :=
@syntax.eval _ s t (expr_ops _ _ l) (fun _ ⇒ xH) (@e_var _ _ _).
Lemma eval_erase: ∀ n m (x: expr n m), is_clean x → eval n m (erase x) x.
induction x; simpl (is_clean _); intro Hl;
try discriminate Hl; try constructor;
first [apply IHx1 | apply IHx2 | apply IHx | idtac]; tauto.
Lemma syntax_eval_id n m (e: expr n m):
syntax.eval (X:=u_ops) (f':=fun _ ⇒ tt) (@e_var _ _ _) (erase e) = erase e.
Proof. induction e; simpl; unfold str; simpl; repeat f_equal; assumption. Qed.
@syntax.eval _ s t (expr_ops _ _ l) (fun _ ⇒ xH) (@e_var _ _ _).
Lemma eval_erase: ∀ n m (x: expr n m), is_clean x → eval n m (erase x) x.
induction x; simpl (is_clean _); intro Hl;
try discriminate Hl; try constructor;
first [apply IHx1 | apply IHx2 | apply IHx | idtac]; tauto.
Lemma syntax_eval_id n m (e: expr n m):
syntax.eval (X:=u_ops) (f':=fun _ ⇒ tt) (@e_var _ _ _) (erase e) = erase e.
Proof. induction e; simpl; unfold str; simpl; repeat f_equal; assumption. Qed.
untyping theorem for bottom-free structures
Theorem erase_faithful_leq_clean n m (x y: expr n m):
is_clean x → is_clean y → l ≪ CKA →
erase x <==_[l] erase y → x <==_[l] y.
intros Hx Hy Hl H.
assert (H': u_leq (erase x) (erase y)).
rewrite <-(syntax_eval_id x), <-(syntax_eval_id y).
apply (H u_ops), u_laws.
apply eval_erase in Hx.
apply eval_erase in Hy.
apply H' in Hy as (x'&Hx'&Hxy).
now rewrite (eval_fun Hx Hx').
End l.
is_clean x → is_clean y → l ≪ CKA →
erase x <==_[l] erase y → x <==_[l] y.
intros Hx Hy Hl H.
assert (H': u_leq (erase x) (erase y)).
rewrite <-(syntax_eval_id x), <-(syntax_eval_id y).
apply (H u_ops), u_laws.
apply eval_erase in Hx.
apply eval_erase in Hy.
apply H' in Hy as (x'&Hx'&Hxy).
now rewrite (eval_fun Hx Hx').
End l.
Lemma is_zer_erase l n m (e: expr n m): is_zer (erase l e) = is_zer e.
Proof. destruct e; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma clean_erase h k n m (e: expr n m): clean (erase h e) = erase k (clean e).
induction e; simpl;
unfold e_pls', e_dot', e_itr', e_str', e_pls', e_cnv'; simpl in *; trivial;
rewrite ?IHe1, ?IHe2, ?IHe, ?is_zer_erase;
repeat (case is_zer; trivial).
Lemma level_erase l n m (e: expr n m): e_level (erase l e) = e_level e.
Proof. induction e; simpl in *; congruence. Qed.
Lemma erase_0 l n m (e: expr n m): erase l e = 0%ast → e = 0%ast.
Proof. destruct e; discriminate || reflexivity. Qed.
final untyping theorem for equalities
Theorem erase_faithful_leq l n m (x y: expr n m):
e_level x + e_level y ≪ l → l ≪ BOT+CKA → erase l x <==_[l] erase l y → x <==_[l] y.
intros Hxy Hl H.
rewrite <-(clean_weq x), <-(clean_weq y) by solve_lower'.
destruct (clean_spec x) as [Hx|Hx]. rewrite <-Hl; solve_lower'.
rewrite Hx. rewrite <-clean_0_level in Hxy by assumption. lattice.
destruct (clean_spec y) as [Hy|Hy]. rewrite <-Hl; solve_lower'.
rewrite Hy. apply clean_leq_0 in H. rewrite (clean_erase l l) in H.
apply erase_0 in H. now rewrite H.
now rewrite (clean_erase l l), Hy.
set (l' :=
mk_level (has_cup l) false (has_cap l) (has_top l)
(has_str l) (has_cnv l) (has_neg l) (has_div l)).
assert (L: l' ≪ l). rewrite lower_spec. intuition discriminate.
assert (L': l ≪ BOT+l'). rewrite lower_spec. simpl. intuition.
assert (G: clean x <==_[l'] clean y).
apply erase_faithful_leq_clean.
rewrite <-L in Hl. apply Hl.
rewrite <-2(clean_erase l l').
destruct (fun Hl ⇒ clean_factorise_leq Hl (e_leq_weaken H)) as [H'|H'].
now rewrite L.
rewrite (clean_erase l l) in H'. apply erase_0 in H'. rewrite H' in Hx. inversion Hx.
apply e_leq_weaken, G.
e_level x + e_level y ≪ l → l ≪ BOT+CKA → erase l x <==_[l] erase l y → x <==_[l] y.
intros Hxy Hl H.
rewrite <-(clean_weq x), <-(clean_weq y) by solve_lower'.
destruct (clean_spec x) as [Hx|Hx]. rewrite <-Hl; solve_lower'.
rewrite Hx. rewrite <-clean_0_level in Hxy by assumption. lattice.
destruct (clean_spec y) as [Hy|Hy]. rewrite <-Hl; solve_lower'.
rewrite Hy. apply clean_leq_0 in H. rewrite (clean_erase l l) in H.
apply erase_0 in H. now rewrite H.
now rewrite (clean_erase l l), Hy.
set (l' :=
mk_level (has_cup l) false (has_cap l) (has_top l)
(has_str l) (has_cnv l) (has_neg l) (has_div l)).
assert (L: l' ≪ l). rewrite lower_spec. intuition discriminate.
assert (L': l ≪ BOT+l'). rewrite lower_spec. simpl. intuition.
assert (G: clean x <==_[l'] clean y).
apply erase_faithful_leq_clean.
rewrite <-L in Hl. apply Hl.
rewrite <-2(clean_erase l l').
destruct (fun Hl ⇒ clean_factorise_leq Hl (e_leq_weaken H)) as [H'|H'].
now rewrite L.
rewrite (clean_erase l l) in H'. apply erase_0 in H'. rewrite H' in Hx. inversion Hx.
apply e_leq_weaken, G.
final untyping theorem for (in)equalities