- Images des mathématiques. Mathematical research in words and images.
- Mathematical Imagery, par Jos Leys. A great master for mathematical images ! We have been collaborating recently on the vizualisation of some mathematics. He produced several pictures on this site (like for instance the « header »).
- The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive. Fantastic!
- Gallica web site of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. One can find a huge quantity of scanned old books (in particular maths books), mostly in French.
- Archive.org. Many (legal) downloads…
- Library Genesis Project. Many downloads 🙂
- Henri Poincaré, du mathématicien au philosophe. Historical informations on Poincaré.
- Les week-ends mathématiques de Goutelas. In the last twenty years, UMPA and the maths department of ENS Lyon have been organizing interesting weekends…
- Wikipedia. A must in mathematics ?
- knot atlas contains an amazing data base on knots and links.
- MathWorld. Great encyclopedia…
- The Functions site. An incredible source of mathematical information, with « the function of the day »!
- This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics, from John Baez. To make sure that you will learn something interesting every week…