
Data format

One type (1 x rivdata) or two types of files (n x rivdata + rivers) must be provided: see details below.

File rivdata

There must be as many rivdata files as there are rivers considered.

One rivdata file corresponds to

  • 1 row per sampling point with altitude measurement
  • multiple columns, 2 of which are non-optional and should correspond to:
    • a cross-section ID for the point (typically named ID)
    • an altitude measure for the point (typically named RASTERVALU)

Files rivers (optional)

To calculate the indices on multiple rivers, a table rivers containing information about the rivers should be provided.

The table should contain

  • n rows (as many as there are rivdata filepaths)
  • multiple columns, 3 of which are non-optional and should correspond to:
    • the catchment area in km² (typically named area)
    • the space between points on each transect in m (typically named points_space)
    • the path to corresponding rivdata filepath (typically named filepath)

Other columns might refer to e.g. river name, year, etc.

rivers=readr::read_csv("../data-raw/rivers.csv") %>%
    mutate(filepath=paste0("../data-raw/",filepath)) %>% 
#> Rows: 2 Columns: 6
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (3): river, reach, filepath
#> dbl (3): year, area, points_space
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

# Display the resulting table:
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   river   reach     year   area points_space filepath                           
#>   <chr>   <chr>     <fct> <dbl>        <dbl> <chr>                              
#> 1 Drac    Chabottes 2018    253            1 ../data-raw/Drac_Chabottes_2018.txt
#> 2 Durance Brillanne 2017   7850            1 ../data-raw/Durance_Brillanne_2017…

One river: apply braidHymo_one()

First, read and clean rivdata with braidHymo_read()


# Display the first lines of the resulting table:
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   ID_XS     Z
#>   <int> <dbl>
#> 1   232 1030.
#> 2   231 1030.
#> 3   231 1030.
#> 4   231 1030.
#> 5   231 1030.
#> 6   231 1030.

Then, calculate indices for this river with braidHymo_one():

#> Warning in braidHymo_one(data_Drac, area = 253, points_space = 1): The cross-
#> sections with ID 232 contain only one measure.

# Display the first lines of the resulting table:
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>   Nb_mean_meas XS_onlyone variable type  stat    value
#>          <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>    <chr> <chr>   <dbl>
#> 1         109.      0.431 BRI_mean BRI*  mean  0.00347
#> 2         109.      0.431 BRI_SD   BRI*  SD    0.00187
#> 3         109.      0.431 BRI_min  BRI*  min   0.00114
#> 4         109.      0.431 BRI_max  BRI*  max   0.0136 
#> 5         109.      0.431 W_mean   W*    mean  9.50   
#> 6         109.      0.431 W_SD     W*    SD    2.71

Multiple rivers: apply braidHymo()

Here, we generalise this to 2 rivers.

The function braidHymo() retrieves from table rivers all the necessary information about rivers, and paths to rivdata filepaths.

#> Warning in .f(rivdata = .l[[1L]][[i]], area = .l[[2L]][[i]], points_space
#> = .l[[3L]][[i]], : The cross-sections with ID 232 contain only one measure.

# Display the first lines of the resulting table:
#> # A tibble: 6 × 12
#>   river reach year   area points_space filepath Nb_mean_meas XS_onlyone variable
#>   <chr> <chr> <fct> <dbl>        <dbl> <chr>           <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>   
#> 1 Drac  Chab… 2018    253            1 ../data…         109.      0.431 BRI_mean
#> 2 Drac  Chab… 2018    253            1 ../data…         109.      0.431 BRI_SD  
#> 3 Drac  Chab… 2018    253            1 ../data…         109.      0.431 BRI_min 
#> 4 Drac  Chab… 2018    253            1 ../data…         109.      0.431 BRI_max 
#> 5 Drac  Chab… 2018    253            1 ../data…         109.      0.431 W_mean  
#> 6 Drac  Chab… 2018    253            1 ../data…         109.      0.431 W_SD    
#> # … with 3 more variables: type <chr>, stat <chr>, value <dbl>

It is then possible to graphically display the results for these rivers using function braidHymo_plot():

braidHymo_plot(result,index="BRI*", position=year, color=river)

braidHymo_plot(result,index="W*", position=year, color=river)


When using this package, please refer to Devreux et al. (2021).

Devreux, Lise, Lise Vaudor, Sandrine Lallias-Tacon, Barbara Belletti, Mathieu Cassel, Frédéric Liébault, and Margot Chapuis. 2021. braidHymo: Morphometric indices for braided rivers. (version v1.0.0). Zenodo.
Liébault, F., S. Lallias‐Tacon, M. Cassel, and N. Talaska. 2013. “Long Profile Responses of Alpine Braided Rivers in SE France.” River Research and Applications 29 (10): 1253–66.
Piégay, Hervé, Adrien Alber, Louise Slater, and Laurent Bourdin. 2009. “Census and Typology of Braided Rivers in the French Alps.” Aquatic Sciences 71 (3): 371–88.
Terrier, Benoît, Hervé Piégay, Frédéric Liébault, Simon Dufour, Barbara Belletti, Yves-François Le Lay, Pierre Marmonier, et al. 2019. “Les Rivières En Tresses - Eléments de Connaissance.” Guide. Agence de l’eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse.