• Lise Devreux. Author.

  • Lise Vaudor. Author, maintainer.

  • Sandrine Lallias-Tacon. Author.

  • Barbara Belletti. Author.

  • Mathieu Cassel. Author.

  • Frédéric Liébault. Author.

  • Margot Chapuis. Author.


Devreux L, Vaudor L, Lallias-Tacon S, Belletti B, Cassel M, Liébault F, Chapuis M (2022). braidHymo: Calculation of hydromorphological indexes for braided rivers (BRI* and W*).. R package version 0.1.0.

  title = {braidHymo: Calculation of hydromorphological indexes for braided rivers (BRI* and W*).},
  author = {Lise Devreux and Lise Vaudor and Sandrine Lallias-Tacon and Barbara Belletti and Mathieu Cassel and Frédéric Liébault and Margot Chapuis},
  year = {2022},
  note = {R package version 0.1.0},