Positions open
My group has positions open. Contact Lucile at lucile.savary@ens-lyon.fr to find out more!
Phase diagrams and excitations of anisotropic S = 1 quantum magnets on the triangular lattice now on the arXiv
In this manuscript, we explore the phase diagram and excitations of a bilinear-biquadratic model with single-ion and XXZ exchange anisotropies in both the bilinear and biquadratic sectors.
(published 24 March 2022) -
Condensed matter theory seminar at the University of Geneva, March 31st, 2022
I will visit the University of Geneva on March 30-31, 2022 and give a seminar.
(published March 2022) -
Thermal Conductivity and Theory of Inelastic Scattering of Phonons by Collective Fluctuations now on the arXiv
In this manuscript, we provide a very general formulation to calculate the scattering of phonons with an arbitrary quantum degree of freedom Q, and from it we derive the consequences on the thermal conductivity tensor of the phonons, i.e. both its longitudinal and Hall components. This should apply to any material---conductor, insulator, magnet etc---for any correlations of the degrees of freedom (the Q may in particular be a strongly interacting field), provided only that the material is not too disordered. A central result is that the thermal Hall conductivity is proportional to a four-point correlation function of Q, which we give explicitly. This shows how chiral/handed scattering probes highly non-trivial structure of correlations.
(published 2 Feb. 2022)
As an illustration of the method, we apply our results to the case where the fluctuating field Q arises from magnon excitations of an ordered antiferromagnet. For a reasonable set of parameters, we find that the Hall angle can be of the order of magnitude of that in systems where it is lauded as "large", and obtain various power-law regimes of the longitudinal and Hall thermal conductivities. -
Quantum Coherence: Quantum Spin Ice and Lattice Gauge Theory now published
In this chapter, we review the theory of quantum spin ice and moreover provide a somewhat pedagogical presentation of duality and the excitations of Coulombic spin liquids, as well as a new, thus far unpublished, discussion of the wavefunctions of the various phases of quantum spin ice.
(published Oct. 2022) -
Harvard Physics Colloquium, Harvard University, September 20th, 2021
I will give the Harvard Physics Colloquium on Monday, September 20th, 2021 at 4:30pm.
(published Sep. 2021) -
Announcing PCWH2021: Dynamics, frustration and correlations in condensed matter, Dec. 14-16, 2021 at ENS de Lyon
Together with Ludovic Jaubert and Tommaso Roscilde, we are organizing PCWH2021 at ENS de Lyon, which will will gather international experts in emergent phenomena, topological properties and non-equilibrium physics in systems as diverse as magnetic materials, glasses and soft matter. It will also be the opportunity to celebrate the 60th anniversary of our dear colleague Peter C. W. Holdsworth!
(published Sept. 2021) -
Anisotropic exchange and magnetism in noncentrosymmetric fcc lattices as in the half-Heuslers now on the arXiv
In this manuscript, we explore the magnetism of half-Heusler compounds, a large family of frustrated three-dimensional noncentrosymmetric compounds. In our work we explore in particular the nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor exchange parameter space and in which regions of the latter multi-q states are the ground states.
(published 8 July 2021) -
Phonon Hall Viscosity in Magnetic Insulators now on the arXiv
In this manuscript, we derive the phonon Hall viscosity in magnetic insulators and consequences on two observables.
(published 8 March 2021) -
Pro-QM Zeminar at Columbia University, NY, April 7th, 2021 (online)
Léo and I will give the Columbia University Pro-QM Zeminar online on April 7th, 2021. I will discuss our work on TBG. See on the TBG Project page »
(published 2021) -
Condensed Matter Seminar at UIUC, IL, March 22nd, 2021 (online)
I will give the UIUC condensed matter seminar online on March 22nd, 2021.
(published 2021) -
Quantum Cafe at the Flatiron Institute, NY, on March 9th, 2021 (online)
I will give the Quantum Cafe seminar at the Flatiron Institute on March 9th, 2021.
(published 2021) -
Invited talk at the Correlated synthetic quantum matter: theory meets experiment workshop at Univ. Bremen, Feb. 8th-12th, 2021 (online)
I will give an invited talk about our work on TBG at the Correlated synthetic quantum matter: theory meets experiment workshop on Feb. 8th, 2021. Slides are here: pdf. See on the TBG Project page »
(published 2020) -
Nematic insulator at charge neutrality in twisted bilayer graphene on the arXiv
In this manuscript, we propose new, analytical, methodology to handle correlated phases in materials such as magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (TBG), with a vanishing kinetic energy scale. Applying widely-applicable methodology to TBG we find that, at charge neutrality, the leading instability is a layer-polarized, gapped state with a spatial modulation of interlayer correlations, which we call nematic insulator. The properties of the latter are in accord with recent experiments. Our work combines an algebraic group theory classification of the possible normal (particle-hole) order parameters in TBG at charge neutrality and addresses their appearance, competition or couplings within an analytical renormalization group approach. See on the TBG Project page »
(published 12 Aug 2020) -
Dimer description of the SU(4) antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice published in Scipost
In systems with many local degrees of freedom, high-symmetry points in the phase diagram can provide an important starting point for the investigation of their properties throughout the phase diagram. Of particular interest are SU(4)-symmetric points, due to their relevance to several systems of recent focus, such as small-angle twisted bilayer graphene (TBG). In this manuscript, we consider the self-conjugate six-dimensional representation of SU(4), relevant to TBG, the classical limit of SU(4)-invariant "spin" models in this representation, derive a nearest-neighbor dimer model expansion of the "spin" Hamiltonian, and present numerical results obtained within these approaches for the SU(4) "Heisenberg" model on the triangular lattice. See on the SU(4) Project page »
(published 13 May 2020) -
Boston College physics colloquium, November 18th, 2020
I will give a colloquium at Boston College on November 18th, 2020 (online).
(published 2020) -
KITP Blackboard Lunch talk, November 16th, 2020
I will give KITP's blackboard lunch talk on November 16th, 2020, at 12:15 CA time, to present the Correlated20 program (online).
(published 2020) -
Organizing the Correlated20 program at KITP, September-December, 2020, is starting, online!
Together with George Jackeli, Natasha Perkins and Oskar Vafek, we are running the CORRELATED20 program, "Correlated Systems with Multicomponent Local Hilbert Spaces", at the KITP this Fall. We will be having an organizational meeting on the first day.
(published Sept. 2020) -
Condensed matter seminar at SPEC, September 16th, 2020
I will give a condensed matter seminar at SPEC on September 16th, 2020 (online).
(published 2020) -
Condensed matter seminar at the online Summer Seminar Series for Correlated Electrons and Frustrated Magnets, July 7th, 2020
I will give a condensed matter seminar at the online Summer Seminar Series for Correlated Electrons and Frustrated Magnets on July 7th, 2020, at 10am CST.
(published May 2020) -
Condensed matter seminar at Oxford, February 27th, 2020
I will give a condensed matter seminar at Oxford on February 27th, 2020.
(published 2020) -
Condensed matter seminar at ISIS/Diamond, February 26th, 2020
I will give a condensed matter seminar at ISIS/Diamond on February 26th, 2020.
(published 2020) -
Dimer description of the SU(4) antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice on the arXiv
In systems with many local degrees of freedom, high-symmetry points in the phase diagram can provide an important starting point for the investigation of their properties throughout the phase diagram. Of particular interest are SU(4)-symmetric points, due to their relevance to several systems of recent focus, such as small-angle twisted bilayer graphene (TBG). In this manuscript, we consider the self-conjugate six-dimensional representation of SU(4), relevant to TBG, the classical limit of SU(4)-invariant "spin" models in this representation, derive a nearest-neighbor dimer model expansion of the "spin" Hamiltonian, and present numerical results obtained within these approaches for the SU(4) "Heisenberg" model on the triangular lattice. See on the SU(4) Project page »
(published 11 Nov 2019) -
UCSB physics department colloquium on Nov. 5th, 2019
I will give the UCSB physics department colloquium on Nov. 5th, 2019.
(published Aug 2019) -
Plenary talk at the ANZAMP 2020 meeting, Tweed Heads, Australia, February 5th-7th 2020
I will give a plenary talk at the ANZAMP meeting next February.
(published 2019) -
Invited talk at the Journées de physique statistique 2020, Paris, January 30th-31st, 2020
I will give an invited talk at the Journées de physique statistique next January.
(published 2019) -
Invited talk at the Topological Quantum Matter conference, Munich, April 2020
I will give an invited talk at the Topological Quantum Matter conference at the MCQST in Munich next April.
(published 2019) -
Invited talk at the Electronic Correlations and Topology in Narrow Band Systems conference, Natal, Brazil, June 2020
I will give an invited talk at the Electronic Correlations and Topology in Narrow Band Systems conference in Natal next June.
(published 2019) -
Singular Angular Magnetoresistance and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in a Magnetic Nodal Semimetal published online in Science
You can find it here. The MIT News Press also has a nice article about it here, and there is also a Perspective in Science. We report on the discovery of an entirely new and remarkable effect in nodal semimetals (in particular Weyl semimetals) and its complete theoretical understanding. See on the SAMR Project page »
(published 20 June 2019) -
Organizing the Correlated20 workshop at KITP, September-December, 2020. Apply now!
Together with George Jackeli, Natasha Perkins and Oskar Vafek, I will be a organizing the CORRELATED20 workshop, "Correlated Systems with Multicomponent Local Hilbert Spaces", at the KITP in the 2020 Fall.
(published Apr. 2019) -
Participant at the Topoquant19 and Spinquant19 workshops, KITP, August-December, 2019, and invited talk during the Topoquant19 conference
I will be a participant at the TOPOQUANT19 (key participant) and SPINQUANT19 workshops at the KITP.
(published 8 Oct. 2018) -
Invited talk at the 2019 Quantum Materials Symposium, Oxford, September, 2019
I will give an invited talk at the 2019 Quantum Materials Symposium, in Oxford, in September 2019.
(published 8 Oct. 2018) -
Invited talk at the Topological Quantum Matter: From Fantasy to Reality conference, KITP, Santa Barbara, October, 2019
I will give an invited talk at the "Topological Quantum Matter: From Fantasy to Reality" conference in Santa Barbara.
(published 8 Oct. 2018) -
Invited talk at the Worshop on Frustrated Magnetism, Daejong, South Korea, October, 2019
I will give an invited talk in Korea in October 2019.
(published 8 Oct. 2018) -
Invited talk at Low-dimensional emergent phenomena in correlated systems and topological quantum matter, Tbilisi, June 3-10, 2019
I will give an invited talk at in Tbilisi, Georgia.
(published March 2019) -
Invited talk at StatPhys27 2019, Buenos Aires, July 8-12, 2019
I will receive the Young Scientist in Statistical Physics Prize and give an invited talk at StatPhys27 in Buenos Aires.
(published March 2019) -
Invited talk at Strongly correlated quantum materials, Santa Fe, NM, April 29-May 3, 2019
I will give an invited talk at in Santa Fe.
(published March 2019) -
Condensed matter seminar at Caltech, Pasadena, January 30th, 2019
I will give a condensed matter seminar at Caltech on January 30th.
(published March 2019) -
Invited talk at the National Academy of Sciences for the Frontiers in Thermal Transport and Energy Conversion workshop, Keck Center, April 11, 2019
I will give an invited talk.
(published March 2019) -
Invited talk at the Topological and Correlated Matter: New Materials and Structures Gordon Research Conference, Hong-Kong, June 16-21, 2019
I will give an invited talk at the the GRC on topological and correlated matter in Hong-Kong in June 2019.
(published 8 Oct. 2018) -
Quantization of the thermal Hall conductivity at small Hall angles published in PRL
Our paper was published in PRL today. See on the thermal Hall conductivity Project page » | See Leon's blogpost »
(published 1 Oct. 2018) -
Invited talk at the SISSA meets ENS de Lyon meeting in Trieste
I will give an invited talk at the SISSA meets ENS meeting in Trieste, in September 2018.
(published June 2018) -
Quantization of the thermal Hall conductivity at small Hall angles accepted in PRL
Our paper was accepted in PRL today. See on the thermal Hall conductivity Project page »
(published 17 Sept. 2018) -
Singular Angular Magnetoresistance and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in a Magnetic Nodal Semimetal accepted in Science
(published 27 Aug. 2018) -
Cargèse lecturer at Emergent phenomena in correlated quantum matter (EPICQUR 2019)
(published 18 Jul. 2018) -
Invited talk at MaNEP, Aug. 30, 2018
I will give an invited talk at MaNEP 2018, at Les Diablerets, in Switzerland, held Aug. 29-31, 2018.
(published 19 Aug. 2018) -
Transverse transport: Nature Physics News and Views
I wrote a News and Views article in Nature Physics on two papers discussing anomalous transverse transport in magnetic Weyl semimetals.
(published 30 July 2018) -
Invited talk at Quantum Matter: Emergence and Entanglement 3 at the Perimeter Institute, April 22-26, 2019
I will give an invited talk at the Perimeter Institute, in Waterloo, Canada, in April 2019.
(published June 2018) -
Quantization of the thermal Hall conductivity at small Hall angles now on arXiv
In this work, we show how the measured thermal Hall conductivity in systems with a propagating chiral edge mode is quantized in some regimes even in the presence of strong coupling to other bulk degrees of freedom. In fact, we show that the quantization, when it exists, relies on a strong coupling to bulk modes and breaks down at low enough temperatures. This could explain the recent measurement of a quantized thermal Hall conductivity in alpha-RuCl3, where a naïve interpretation is at odds with the large observed longitudinal conductivity. See on the thermal Hall conductivity Project page »
(published 25 May 2018) -
Invited talk at Novel Superconductors: materials and properties Nordita, Stockholm, May 7-11, 2018
I will give an invited talk at the Nordita workshop "Novel Superconductors: materials and properties". See on the half-Heusler Superconductivity Project page »
(published 18 Dec. 2017) -
Co-organizing the French Pyrochlore Magnets Meeting LPS, Orsay, April 17-18, 2018
We are organizing a meeting on pyrochlore magnets at the LPS in Orsay, on April 17-18, 2018. See on the Pyrochlore Project page »
(published Oct. 2017) -
Invited talk at the APS March Meeting 2018 in LA, March 5-9, 2018
I will give an invited talk at the APS March Meeting 2018 in Los Angeles. See on the half-Heusler Superconductivity Project page »
(published 17 Oct. 2017) -
Invited talk and tutorial at the 2018 Highly Frustrated Magnetism conference at UC Davis, July 9-14th, 2018
I will give an invited talk and a tutorial on Quantum Spin Liquids at HFM 2018 in July 2018.
(published 4 Oct. 2017) -
Pairing states of spin-3/2 fermions: Symmetry-enforced topological gap functions now published in PRX
In this work, we study the topological properties of superconductors with paired j=3/2 quasiparticles. On the basis of symmetry, we classify the topological pairing states in such systems. See on the half-Heusler Superconductivity Project page »
(published 26 Feb. 2018) -
Superconductivity three-dimensional spin-orbit coupled semimetals now an Editor's suggestion and published in Phys. Rev. B
In this work, we analyze superconductivity in low-density spin-orbit coupled systems whose band structure is formed by a symmetry-protected multiplet of states, such as the quadratic band touching. We unveil that such band structures have many dramatic consequences on the superconducting states and transition temperature as compared to usual spin-1/2 quadratic bands. We propose a mechanism for superconductivity in the YPtBi half-Heusler compound, namely the mediation of long range interations by polar phonons, which overcomes the low-density of states and can account for the observed transition temperature, and discuss the unconventional odd-parity pairing channels favored by this scenario. See on the half-Heusler Superconductivity Project page »
(published 28 Dec. 2017) -
Invited talk at "Exotic Interactions in Quantum Correlated Materials", Krakow, June 10th-14th, 2018
I will give an invited talk on at the Exotic Interactions in Quantum Correlated Materials conference to be held June 10th-14th in Krakow.
(published 5 Feb. 2018) -
Invited talk in Cologne, Sept. 10-12, 2018
I will give an invited talk in Cologne as part of a conference in the Collaborative Research Center on "Control and Dynamics of Quantum Materials".
(published 31 Oct. 2017) -
ENS de Lyon Colloquium, Monday, Oct. 16th, 2017
I will give the physics department colloquium of the ENS de Lyon on Monday, October 16th, 2017, at 11am in the Schrödinger Auditorium.
(published 21 Aug. 2017) -
Pairing states of spin-3/2 fermions: Symmetry-enforced topological gap functions now on arXiv
In this work, we study the topological properties of superconductors with paired j=3/2 quasiparticles. On the basis of symmetry, we classify the topological pairing states in such systems. See on the half-Heusler Superconductivity Project page »
(published 13 Sept. 2017) -
Invited talk at the TMS-EPiQS 2nd Alliance Workshop: Topological magnets and topological superconductors in Kyoto, Jan. 11-14th 2018
I will give an invited talk at the TMS-EPiQS 2nd Alliance Workshop in Kyoto in January 2018.
(published 24 Aug. 2017) -
Invited talk at the Conference on topological phases and topological quantum computation in Hong-Kong, Dec. 13-19 2017
I will give an invited talk at the Conference on topological phases and topological quantum computation at the University of Hong-Kong.
(published 10 Aug. 2017) -
Visit and seminars at the University of Oxford, Nov. 29-30th, 2017
I will visit the condensed matter theory and experimental groups at Oxford and give the Condensed Matter Theory and Condensed Matter Physics seminars Nov. 29th and 30th, 2017.
(published 3 Jul. 2017, Aug. 2017) -
Superconductivity three-dimensional spin-orbit coupled semimetals now on arXiv
In this work, we analyze superconductivity in low-density spin-orbit coupled systems whose band structure is formed by a symmetry-protected multiplet of states, such as the quadratic band touching. We unveil that such band structures have many dramatic consequences on the superconducting states and transition temperature as compared to usual spin-1/2 quadratic bands. We propose a mechanism for superconductivity in the YPtBi half-Heusler compound, namely the mediation of long range interations by polar phonons, which overcomes the low-density of states and can account for the observed transition temperature, and discuss the unconventional odd-parity pairing channels favored by this scenario. See on the half-Heusler Superconductivity Project page »
(published 13 Jul. 2017) -
Quantum Loop States in Spin-Orbital Models on the Honeycomb Lattice accepted by Nature Communications
My paper was accepted for publication by Nature Communications today. See on the Honeycomb Project page »
(published 8 Mar. 2017) -
KITP workshop and invited talk at the conference on Intertwined Orders, Santa Barbara, July-August 2017
I will give an invited talk at the conference "Order, Fluctuations, and Strong Correlations: New Platforms and Developments" (Jul. 31st-Aug. 4th) and attend the workshop on "Intertwined Order and Fluctuations in Quantum Materials" at the KITP (Jul. 17th-Sep. 6th).
(published 15 Dec. 2016, 12 Feb. 2017) -
Disorder induced entanglement in spin ice pyrochlores now published in PRL
Our paper was published in PRL today. See on the Pyrochlore Project page »
(published 23 Feb. 2017) -
Invited talk at the "Tenth Workshop on Competing Interactions and Colossal Responses in Transition Metal Oxides" in Telluride, June 26th-30th 2017
I will give an invited talk in Telluride in June 2017.
(published 24 Oct. 2016) -
Invited talk at NGSCES 2017, Sept. 4th-8th, 2017, Barcelona
I will give an invited talk at the NGSCES conference in Barcelona in September 2017.
(published 2 Dec. 2016) -
F. Nevill Mott Prize 2017 and SCES 2017
I will receive the F. Nevill Mott prize and give an invited talk at SCES in Prague.
(published 5 Feb. 2017) -
Workshop and talk at ISSP, Feb. 13th-24th, 2017
I will participate in the workshop and symposium at ISSP Feb. 13th-24th, 2017 and give a talk on February 14th, 2017, at 10am.
(published 2016) -
Disorder induced entanglement in spin ice pyrochlores accepted by PRL
Our paper was accepted for publication by PRL today. See on the Pyrochlore Project page »
(published 13 Jan. 2017) -
Quantum Spin Liquids review now published in Rev. Prog. Phys.
In this manuscript, we review the field of quantum spin liquids, using entanglement as a point of view, and focusing on the nature of such phases, the tools to study and understand them, and paradigmatic models and candidate materials.
(published 8 Nov. 2016) -
Workshop on Transition Metal Oxides and invited talk in Telluride (June 26-30, 2017)
I will participate and give an invited talk at the Tenth Workshop on Competing Interactions and Colossal Responses in Transition Metal Oxides to be held in Telluride, CO June 26th-30th, 2017.
(published Oct. 2016) -
Michelson Postdoctoral Lectureship Prize
I will receive the Michelson Postdoctoral Lectureship Prize. I will give three research seminars and a colloquium at Case Western University.
(published Jul. 2016) -
Quantum spin ice on the breathing pyrochlore lattice published in Phys. Rev. B
In this work, we show how a quantum spin ice quantum spin liquid regime arises in breathing pyrochlore materials and survives at temperatures much higher than in "regular" pyrochlores. See on the Pyrochlore Project page »
(published 7 May 2016) -
Moore Foundation EPiQS meeting, Aptos, CA, August 1st-5th, 2016
I will attend the EPiQS investigator meeting and present a poster. See on the Honeycomb Project page »
(published Jun. 2016) -
Visit and talk at ISSP, August 31st-September 6th, 2016
I will visit the ISSP August 31st-September 6th and give at talk on September 2nd, 2016, at 1:30pm, on Disorder-Induced Entanglement in Quantum Spin Ice in the "Frontier of Quantum Material Science and Nanotechnology" Symposium. See on the Quantum Spin Ice Project page ».
(published Aug. 2016) -
Condensed Matter seminar at Boston University, May 18th, 2016
I will give the condensed matter seminar at Boston University on May 18th, 2016, at 11am, on Disorder-Induced Entanglement in Quantum Spin Ice. See on the Quantum Spin Ice Project page ».
(published Mar. 2016) -
Invited talk at New Quantum Phases with Frustration and Entanglement, Krakow, June 19th-22nd, 2016
I will give an invited talk on at the New Quantum Phases with Frustration and Entanglement conference to be held June 19th-22nd in Krakow. See on the Honeycomb Project page »
(published Apr. 2016) -
Invited talk at Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2016, Taipei, Sept. 7th-11th 2016
I will give an invited talk on at the Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2016 conference to be held Sept. 7th-11th in Taipei.
(published 2016) -
Invited talk at the "Conference on Frustrated Magnetism and Topology", Kloster Nimbschen, Sept. 20th - 23rd, 2016
I will give an invited talk on at the "Conference on Frustrated Magnetism and Topology" to be held Sept. 20th - Sept. 23rd at the Kloster Nimbschen.
(published 5 Nov. 2015) -
Disorder-induced entanglement in spin ice pyrochlores now on arXiv
In this work, we show how long-range entanglement is engendered by disorder in a specific class of materials, namely non-Kramers spin ices. We model the effect of disorder in the Hamiltonian, and show how entanglement emerges. We also find that a regime akin to the Bose glass phase appears in the phase diagram as disorder is varied. See on the Pyrochlore Project page »
(published 17 Apr. 2016) -
Condensed Matter seminars and visit to the MPI Stuttgart and University of Stuttgart, April 2016
I will visit the MPI and University of Stuttgart and give condensed matter seminars. See on the Honeycomb Project page » | See on the RIXS Project page »
(published Oct. 2015) -
Condensed Matter seminar and visit to the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, March 2016
I will visit the University of Utah and give the condensed matter seminar on March 29th, 2016.
(published Sep. 2015) -
Boulder Summer School 2016
I'll attend the 2016 Boulder Summer School on Topological Phases of Quantum Matter from July 11th to August 5th, 2016.
(published Feb. 2016) -
Invited talk at the MPIPKS workshop on "Topological Phenomena in Novel Quantum Materials," Dresden, Feb 29th - March 4th, 2016
I will give an invited talk on Monday, Feb. 29th at 11am on my recent work (arXiv) on loop states in spin-orbital models on the honeycomb lattice at the workshop "Topological Phenomena in Novel Quantum Materials," to be held Feb 29th - March 4th. See on the Honeycomb Project page »
(published 16 Oct. 2015) -
Moore EPiQS meeting on "Intertwined Orders in Strongly Correlated Systems", Laguna Beach, January 29th-Feb 2nd, 2016
I will attend the Moore EPiQS meeting on "Intertwined Orders in Strongly Correlated Systems" at Laguna Beach and present our work (arXiv) on the theory of RIXS. See on the RIXS Project page »
(published 7 Oct. 2015) -
Quantum Spin Liquids review now on arXiv
In this manuscript, we review the field of quantum spin liquids, using entanglement as a point of view, and focusing on the nature of such phases, the tools to study and understand them, and paradigmatic models and candidate materials.
(published 14 Jan. 2016) -
KITP workshop and conference on Symmetry, Topology, and Quantum Phases of Matter, Santa Barbara, Oct 17th-Nov 23rd, 2016
I will attend the program on "Symmetry, Topology, and Quantum Phases of Matter: From Tensor Networks to Physical Realizations" at the KITP for six weeks this Fall (October 17th-November 23rd) as well as the conference "Topological Quantum Matter," to be held Oct 17th-21st.
(published 2016) -
Visit to Caltech and seminar on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, 2016
I will visit Caltech on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, 2016, and give a seminar at 4pm on my recent work (arXiv) on loop states in spin-orbital models on the honeycomb lattice. See on the Honeycomb Project page »
(published 11 Jan. 2016) -
Quantum spin ice on the breathing pyrochlore lattice now on arXiv
In this work, we show how a quantum spin ice quantum spin liquid regime arises in breathing pyrochlore materials and survives at temperatures much higher than in "regular" pyrochlores. See on the Pyrochlore Project page »
(published 24 Nov. 2015) -
Seminar at the Collège de France, November 23rd, 2015
I will visit the Collège de France and give a seminar on November 23rd on our work on the quantum critical point in pyrochlore iridates. See on the Iridates Project page »
(published Nov. 2015) -
Quantum Loop States in Spin-Orbital Models on the Honeycomb Lattice now on arXiv
In this work, we construct and analyze a model, relevant to spin-1 honeycomb materials with two electrons in degenerate t2g orbitals, which realizes fluctuating orbital loops decorated by Haldane chains. See on the Honeycomb Project page »
(published 5 Nov. 2015) -
APS March Meeting, Baltimore, March 15th, 2016
I will attend the APS March Meeting in Baltimore and give a talk on our recent work on quantum entanglement induced by disorder in spin ice. See on the Quantum Spin Ice Project page »
(published Nov. 2015) -
Condensed Matter seminar at Boston College, November 10th, 2015
I will visit Boston College and give the condensed matter seminar on November 10th. See on the Honeycomb Project page »
(published 29 Oct. 2015) -
Harvard Kids' seminar, Harvard University, November 3rd, 2015
I will give the Harvard Kids' seminar on Tuesday, November 3rd, at 12pm. See on the Honeycomb Project page »
(published Sep. 2015) -
Talk at the KITP workshop on Correlated Materials with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling, Santa Barbara, September 18th, 2015
I will give a talk on September 18th at 11am for the workshop "New Phases and Emergent Phenomena in Correlated Materials with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling." See on the Honeycomb Project page », Watch the talk online »
(published 26 Aug. 2015) -
Invited talk at the KITP conference on Correlated Materials with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling, Santa Barbara, July 27th-31st, 2015
I will give an invited talk on July 31st at 11am at the conference "Novel States in Spin-Orbit Coupled Quantum Matter: From Models to Materials," to be held July 27th-31st. See on the Quantum Spin Ice Project page », Watch the talk online »
(published Nov. 2014) -
Probing Hidden Orders with Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering now on arXiv
In this work, we derive a fully effective theory of RIXS and show that the latter can be used as a direct probe of many hidden orders. See on the RIXS Project page »
(published 15 Jun. 2015) -
KITP workshop and conference on Correlated Materials with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling, Santa Barbara, July 13th-October 9th, 2015
I will attend the full program on "New Phases and Emergent Phenomena in Correlated Materials with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling" at the KITP this Summer (July 13th-October 9th), and give an invited talk at the conference "Novel States in Spin-Orbit Coupled Quantum Matter: From Models to Materials," to be held July 27th-31st.
(published Nov. 2014) -
D O C T O R !!!!!
That's right! :-)
(published 13 Jun. 2014) -
Bris de mots, appli iPhone gratuite de jeux de mots :)
(Dédiée à... moi à l'occasion de mon doctorat :).)
(published 11 Jun. 2014)
Latest news
Talk at the ICM in Barcelona
I will attend the International Conference on Magnetism in Barcelona, July 5th-10th, 2015 and give a talk on Monday, July 6th, at 5:15pm in room D4-D6. See on the RIXS Project page »
(published Apr. 2014) -
Visit and seminar at Johns Hopkins University
I will visit the Condensed Matter Group at Johns Hopkins University, May 5th-8th, and give a seminar on Wednesday, May 6th, at 12pm. See on the RIXS Project page »
(published Apr. 2014) -
APS March Meeting, San Antonio, March 2nd-6th, 2015
I will attend the APS March Meeting in San Antonio and give a talk (L28.06) on Wednesday, March 4th, at 9am in room 205. See on the RIXS Project page »
(published 29 Dec. 2014) -
Aspen Winter Conference on Modern Quantum Field Theory, Feb. 16th-21st, 2015
I will attend the Winter conference entitled "Progress and Applications of Modern Quantum Field Theory" at the Aspen Center for Physics.
(published 1 Feb. 2015) -
(published 7 Jan. 2015) -
Talk at l'ENS de Lyon
I will give the theoretical physics seminar at l'ENS de Lyon on Tuesday, January 6th, at 2pm.
(published 13 Oct. 2014) -
Visit to the Perimeter Institute and talk at the University of Waterloo
I will visit the Perimeter Institute December 8th-12th, and I will give a seminar at the University of Waterloo on Monday, December 8th, at 10:30am.
(published 4-28 Nov. 2014) -
A New Type of Quantum Criticality in the Pyrochlore Iridates now published in PRX
In this work (see also arXiv: 1403.5255), we exhibit an entirely new type of antiferromagnetic fermionic quantum critical point relevant to real materials, namely to the pyrochlore iridates family. Despite its three-dimensional character, this quantum critical point is highly unconventional and is accompanied by a myriad of unusual properties, such as emergent enhanced anisotropy and a crucial role for Coulomb interactions, thanks to the novel theoretical structure of the field theory that describes the vicinity of the critical point. See on the Iridates Project page »
(published 13 Nov. 2014) -
I moved to MIT
(published 1 Sept. 2014) -
A New Type of Quantum Criticality in the Pyrochlore Iridates accepted by PRX
In this work, we exhibit an entirely new type of antiferromagnetic fermionic quantum critical point relevant to real materials, namely to the pyrochlore iridates family. Despite its three-dimensional character, this quantum critical point is highly unconventional and is accompanied by a myriad of unusual properties, such as emergent enhanced anisotropy and a crucial role for Coulomb interactions, thanks to the novel theoretical structure of the field theory that describes the vicinity of the critical point. See on the Iridates Project page »
(published 12 Aug. 2014) -
Talk at Novel Directions in Frustrated and Critical Magnetism, Nordita, Stockholm, July 28th - August 1st, 2014
I will attend the 2014 Nordita workshop on Novel Directions in Frustrated and Critical Magnetism and give a seminar at 11:30am on Thursday, July 31st, on our recent work on the Pyrochlore Iridates. See on the Iridates Project page »
(published 15 Jul. 2014) -
Signatures of the Helical Phase in the Critical Fields at Twin Boundaries of Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors published by Phys. Rev. B
In this paper, we analyze the effect of twin-boundaries on the critical fields, both lower and upper, of noncentrosymmetric superconductors. We find that these effects provide precious signatures of the helical phase in those materials. See on the Noncentrosymmetric Superconductivity Project page »
(published 30 May 2014) -
Talk at SCES 2014, Grenoble, July 7th-11th, 2014
I will attend the 2014 SCES Meeting in Grenoble, and give a talk on Friday, July 11th, at 10:45am in room IAE-2 on our recent work on the Pyrochlore Iridates. See on the Iridates Project page »
(published 28 Mar. 2014) -
A New Type of Quantum Criticality in the Pyrochlore Iridates now on arXiv
In this work, we exhibit an entirely new type of antiferromagnetic fermionic quantum critical point relevant to real materials, namely to the pyrochlore iridates family. Despite its three-dimensional character, this quantum critical point is highly unconventional and is accompanied by a myriad of unusual properties, such as emergent enhanced anisotropy and a crucial role for Coulomb interactions, thanks to the novel theoretical structure of the field theory that describes the vicinity of the critical point. See on the Iridates Project page »
(published 20 Mar. 2014) -
CIFAR Summer School and Meeting, Montréal, May 5th-10th, 2014
I will attend the 2014 CIFAR Summer School and Meeting in Montréal, and present a poster there on our recent work on the Pyrochlore Iridates. See on the Iridates Project page »
(published 17 Feb. 2014) -
Invited talk at the 2014 APS March Meeting (Denver, March 3rd-7th)
I will give an invited talk at the 2014 APS March Meeting in Denver on our recent project on pyrochlore iridates. My talk (W48.0004) is scheduled at 4:18pm on Th. March 6th in the Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B, and is part of the W48 session entitled "Exotic phase transitions in 5d compounds." See on the Iridates Project page »
(published 6 Nov. 2013) -
Signatures of the Helical Phase in the Critical Fields at Twin Boundaries of Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors now on arXiv
In this paper, we analyze the effect of twin-boundaries on the critical fields, both lower and upper, of noncentrosymmetric superconductors. We find that these effects provide precious signatures of the helical phase in those materials. See on the Noncentrosymmetric Superconductivity Project page »
(published 25 Feb. 2014) -
Aspen Winter Conference "Beyond Quasiparticles: New Paradigms for Quantum Fluids" (Jan. 12-18th, 2014)
I will attend the 2014 Aspen Winter conference on Quantum Fluids and present a poster on our recent project on pyrochlore iridates. See on the Iridates Project page »
(published 8 Nov. 2013) -
Visit to Harvard (Dec. 16th, 2013)
I will visit Harvard on Monday, December 16th and give a seminar. See on the Research page »
(published 8 Dec. 2013) -
Visit to MIT (Dec. 17th, 2013)
I will visit MIT on Tuesday, December 17th. See on the Research page »
(published 8 Dec. 2013) -
Visit to Caltech (Nov. 22nd, 2013)
I will visit Caltech on Friday, November 22nd and give a seminar at the IQIM. See on the Research page »
(published 15 Nov. 2013) -
Visit to Princeton (Dec. 5-6th, 2013)
I will visit Princeton on Thursday and Friday, December 5th and 6th. See on the Research page »
(published 7 Nov. 2013) -
Spin Liquid Regimes at Nonzero Temperature in Quantum Spin Ice published in PRB and accompanied by a movie
In this paper we extend the analysis developed in our earlier paper to nonzero temperature, and show the corresponding full 3D phase diagram. We find that a Thermal Spin Liquid regime with properties akin to the classical spin ice regime supplants the QSL and U(1) Coulomb Ferromagnet phases at relatively low temperatures. This constitutes a relatively rare example of study of the evolution of a quantum spin liquid at nonzero temperature. See on the Pyrochlore Project page »
(published 22 May 2013) -
Boulder Summer School 2013
I'll attend the 2013 Boulder Summer School on Disorder and Dynamics in Quantum Systems from July 8th to August 2nd, 2013.
(published 23 Apr. 2013) -
Spin Liquid Regimes at Nonzero Temperature in Quantum Spin Ice accepted by PRB
In this paper we extend the analysis developed in our earlier paper to nonzero temperature, and show the corresponding full 3D phase diagram. We find that a Thermal Spin Liquid regime with properties akin to the classical spin ice regime supplants the QSL and U(1) Coulomb Ferromagnet phases at relatively low temperatures. See on the Pyrochlore Project page »
(published 2 Apr. 2013) -
APS March Meeting (18-22 Mar. 2013)
I will give a talk on our recent work on Spin Liquid Phases at Finite Temperature in Quantum Spin Ice on Thursday, March 21st (11:51pm, room 316, session U14 talk 002) at the March meeting, in Baltimore. In addition, the whole U14 session will be devoted to Quantum Spin Ice. Come and enjoy, my talk will feature special surprise entertainment! See on the Pyrochlore Project page »
(published 23 Jan. 2013) -
Spin Liquid Regimes at Nonzero Temperature in Quantum Spin Ice now on arXiv
In this paper we extend the analysis developed in our earlier paper to nonzero temperature, and show the corresponding full 3D phase diagram. We find that a Thermal Spin Liquid regime with properties akin to the classical spin ice regime supplants the QSL and U(1) Coulomb Ferromagnet phases at relatively low temperatures. See on the Pyrochlore Project page »
(published 23 Jan. 2013) -
Definitive Evidence for Order-by-Quantum-Disorder in Er2Ti2O7 published by PRL
Our paper, which proves order-by-disorder in Er2Ti2O7, was published online by PRL today. We are now looking forward to experimental measurements of the spin wave gap (due to order-by-disorder) and comparison to the value we predict, Δ ≅ 0.02 meV = 260 mK! See on the Er2Ti2O7 Project page »
(published 15 Oct. 2012) -
Frustrated Magnetism and Quantum Spin Liquids: from Theory and Models to Experiments, KITP (13 Aug.-9 Nov.)
I will attend the whole workshop at the KITP, as well as the associated conference in October: "Exotic Phases of Frustrated Magnets".
(published 1 Jul. 2012)
Check out our work on the Coulombic Quantum Liquids in Pyrochlores: PRL » | PRX » | Pyrochlore Project page » -
Definitive Evidence for Order-by-Quantum-Disorder in Er2Ti2O7 (arXiv) accepted by PRL
Our paper (arXiv) which proves order-by-disorder in Er2Ti2O7 was accepted for publication by PRL today. See on the Er2Ti2O7 Project page »
(published 6 Aug. 2012) -
June meetings talk slides now online
The slides of the talks I gave at the Highly Frustrated Magnetism (on Order-by-Disorder in Erbium Titanate) and Mott Physics beyond the Heisenberg Model (on U(1) Quantum Spin Liquids in Pyrochlores) meetings are now online.
(published 30 Jun. 2012)
See on the Er2Ti2O7 Project page » | See on the Pyrochlore Project page » -
"Mott physics beyond the Heisenberg model", EPFL, Switzerland (26-28 June 2012)
I will give an invited talk on our work on quantum physics on the pyrochlore lattice at this workshop in Lausanne in late June this year.
(published 20 Feb. 2012) -
Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2012, McMaster University, Canada (4-8 June 2012)
I will give an invited talk on our recent work on order-by-quantum-disorder physics in Er2Ti2O7 at the HFM 2012 meeting at McMaster University.
(published 2 Dec. 2011) -
Definitive Evidence for Order-by-Quantum-Disorder in Er2Ti2O7 now on arXiv
In this paper, we exhibit for the first time definitive evidence of order-by-disorder in a real material, namely Er2Ti2O7. The proof of order-by-disorder resides within the robustness of the classical degeneracy. Order-by-disorder driven by quantum fluctuations is shown to describe all accessible experimental features. Several other predictions, in particular the existence of a measurable gap are described, and many comparisons with experiments are made. The manuscript with details of this work is now available on arXiv. See on the Research & publications page »
(published 5 Apr. 2012) -
March meeting talk slides now online
The slides of the talks I gave at the March meeting are now online.
(published 3 Mar. 2012)
See on the Impurity Project page » | See on the Pyrochlore Project page » -
APS March Meeting (27 Feb.-2 Mar. 2012)
I will give an invited talk on our work on impurities in frustrated magnets (Tues. 28 Feb., 4:54pm, room 253AB), and a contributed talk about our recent work on Quantum Spin Ice (Wed. 29 Feb., 12:27pm, room 208) at the March meeting, in Boston.
(published 28 Oct. 2011) -
Coulombic Quantum Liquids in Spin-1/2 Pyrochlores published in PRL
Our "gMFT" paper on spin-1/2 pyrochlores was published online in PRL today. See on the Research & publications page »
(published 19 Jan. 2012) -
Frustration in Brazil (11-17 Dec. 2011)
I will give a talk about our recent work on Quantum Spin Ice at this Frustrated Magnetism conference in Brazil in December.
(published 30 Mar. 2011) -
Station Q Fall Meeting
I will attend the Station Q Fall Meeting, to be held December 2nd-4th at the KITP, in Santa Barbara.
(published 20 Oct. 2011) -
Coulombic Quantum Liquids in Spin-1/2 Pyrochlores (arXiv) accepted by PRL
Our "gMFT" paper (arXiv) on spin-1/2 pyrochlores was accepted for publication by PRL today. See on the Research & publications page »
(published 11 Nov. 2011) -
Coulombic Quantum Liquids in Spin-1/2 Pyrochlores now on arXiv
In this paper, we give a nonperturbative study of spin-1/2 magnets on the pyrochlore lattice using a novel slave-particle approach and a "gauge Mean Field Theory". We show that the phase diagram contains two exotic (Coulombic) phases, the well-known U(1) Quantum Spin Liquid, which contains photon and monopole excitations, and a new phase of matter, the U(1) Coulomb Ferromagnet, which we characterize. The manuscript with details of this work is now available on arXiv. See on the Research & publications page »
(published 11 Oct. 2011) -
Quantum Excitations in Quantum Spin Ice is now published in PRX, with a "Viewpoint" in Physics by Rajiv Singh
We have been working on Yb2Ti2O7, a rare-earth pyrochlore material with the (experimental) group of Bruce Gaulin. We demonstrated that this material was a quantum version of spin ice and was likely to exhibit U(1) quantum spin liquid behavior in low field and at low temperature. The manuscript with details of this work is now published in PRX, and is accompanied by a Viewpoint in Physics by R. Singh. See on the Research & publications page »
(published 3 Oct. 2011) -
Impurity Effects in Highly Frustrated Diamond Lattice Antiferromagnets published in PRB
Our work on impurity effects in highly frustrated diamond lattice antiferromagnets is now published in PRB. Check out the new figures. See on the Research & publications page »
(published 29 Aug. 2011) -
Quantum Excitations in Quantum Spin Ice (arXiv) accepted for publication by PRX
Our work on Yb2Ti2O7 (and quantum spin ices in general) and the putative U(1) QSL within it was accepted by PRX, the new APS "excellence journal". It should appear very soon and will be free to read. See on the Research & publications page »
(published 5 Aug. 2011) -
Impurity Effects in Highly Frustrated Diamond Lattice Antiferromagnets (arXiv) accepted for publication by PRB
Our work on impurity effects in highly frustrated diamond lattice antiferromagnets was accepted by PRB. It will be published soon and is already avaible on arXiv. See on the Research & publications page »
(published 8 Jul. 2011)
Who I am

Hi, I am Lucile Savary, I am a permanent CNRS researcher in condensed matter theory at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. Before moving to the ENS, I was a PhD student at UCSB and a Moore postdoctoral fellow at MIT. My research focuses on exotic phenomena in real systems, with an emphasis on frustrated magnetism. It includes quantum spin liquids, and in particular quantum spin ice, order-by-disorder, quantum criticality, the theory of RIXS, spin-orbital systems, thermal Hall transport, the anomalous Hall effect, and non-centrosymmetric superconductors. Read more »
To contact me
Laboratoire de physique
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
69007 Lyon
Singular Angular Magnetoresistance -
Twisted bilayer graphene -
SU(4) spins and dimers -
Quantization of the thermal Hall conductivity at small Hall angles -
Quantum Loop States in Spin-Orbital Models on the Honeycomb Lattice -
Probing Hidden Orders with Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering -
Superconductivity in Spin-Orbit Coupled Semimetals -
Quantum Spin Liquids in Quantum Spin Ice -
A New Type of Quantum Criticality in the Pyrochlore Iridates -
Definitive Evidence for Order-by-Quantum-Disorder in Er2Ti2O7 -
Impurity Effects in Highly Frustrated Diamond Lattice Antiferromagnets -
Fractional Vortices on Twin-Boundaries in Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductors - See all...