The MC2 team seminar serves as a platform for regular meetings where researchers and invited speakers present and discuss topics related to complexity theory, computation theory, and algorithmics. When the seminar focuses on graph theory, it is organized jointly with the GOAL team of LIRIS under the name Graphes@Lyon.
Chemical reaction networks (CRNs) model systems where molecules or agents interact according to a finite set of reactions such as A + B → C, representing that if a molecule of A and B collide, they disappear and a molecule of C is produced. Although traditionally used to model natural chemical systems, CRNs are also studied as a programming language for describing the desired behavior of synthetic chemical systems. Synthetic CRNs can compute Boolean-valued predicates φ : ℕd → {0,1} and integer-valued functions f : ℕd → ℕ; for instance X1 + X2 → Ycan be thought to compute the function min(x1, x2).
We study the computational power of execution bounded CRNs, in which only a finite number of reactions can occur from the initial configuration (e.g., ruling out reversible reactions such as A ⇌ B). Our main negative results, showing limitations on the computational power of execution bounded CRNs, are based on characterizing execution bounded CRNs as precisely those that have a "linear potential function": a nonnegative linear function of the network's state, which every reaction strictly decreases. This equivalence is proved using a variant of Farkas' Lemma and may be of independent interest.
Joint work with Ben Heckmann.Graph theory and knot theory are two famous mathematical fields with profound interactions. I'm going to present some algorithmic results in knot theory, inspired by results and methods from graph theory.
The first problem we address concerns the decidability of a knot invariant. The genus of a knot is a classical knot invariant: it is the minimal genus of an embedded orientable surface in the 3-dimensional space admitting the knot as its boundary. It is now fairly well understood from a computational perspective. On the contrary, no algorithm is known for its 4 dimensional variants, both in the smooth and in the topological locally flat category. We investigate a class of knots and links called Hopf arborescent links, which are obtained as the boundaries of surfaces constructed by iterated plumbings of Hopf bands. We show that for such links, computing the genus defects, which measure how much the four-dimensional genera differ from the classical genus, is decidable. Our proof is non-constructive and is obtained by proving that a containment relation on surfaces associated to Hopf arborescent links forms a well-quasi-order.
The second problem we tackle is motivated by the existence of efficient algorithms to compute many knot invariants and properties on diagrams of low treewidth. It was recently proved that there exist knots which do not admit any diagram of low treewidth, and the proof relied on intricate low-dimensional topology techniques. We initiate here a thorough investigation of tree decompositions of knot diagrams (or more generally, diagrams of spatial graphs) using ideas from structural graph theory. We define an obstruction on spatial embeddings that forbids low treewidth diagrams, and we prove that it is optimal with respect to a related width invariant. We then show the existence of this obstruction whenever an embedding into a surface with high compression-representativity exists, which is the case for torus knots. Thus, we provide a new and self-contained proof that those do not admit diagrams of low treewidth.
Responsible : Malory Marin
Labratoire d'Informatique et du Parallélisme
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
46 Allée d'Italie
69364 Lyon Cedex 7