Session "Statistical mechanics approaches in climate, atmosphere, and ocean dynamics" at EGU General Assembly

With Freddy Bouchet, Davide Faranda and Jeroen Wouters, we are organizing a session at the upcoming General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018), entitled Statistical mechanics approaches in climate, atmosphere, and ocean dynamics.

Session description

The atmosphere, the ocean, and the climate system as a whole, are complex systems with a very large number of degrees of freedom coupled by non-linear interactions. This session focuses on approaches which attempt to characterize the mean state of these systems, the typical fluctuations around the mean state, but also the rare fluctuations corresponding to extreme events, the possible existence of multiple attractors and the transitions between them. Such questions are typically those asked in statistical physics; we therefore invite contributions bridging this field with geophysical fluid dynamics and climate dynamics. In particular, studies developing methods to systematically derive macroscopic equations for the climate system (e.g. equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, reduction methods) are welcome. We also encourage contributions applying tools such as linear response theory or the fluctuation theorem to the climate system. Communications developing theoretical approaches to the probabilistic modelling of extreme events, such as large deviation theory, and their applications to the atmosphere, ocean and climate, would also be strongly appreciated. We welcome theoretical, experimental and numerical contributions ranging from idealized to realistic frameworks.

Invited Speaker: Henk Dijkstra (Utrecht University).

Session NP1.2, Programme Group Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences.

Submission Guidelines

Abstract submission

The deadline for abstract submission is 10 January 2018, 1PM CET. If you would like to apply for travel support, please submit your abstract no later than 1 December 2017.
General information on the General Assembly, in particular instructions for submitting abstracts and requests for financial support, is available on the conference website.