
On this page I post relevant material (e.g. lecture notes, problem sets) for the courses that I teach.

Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics (M2 ENS Lyon)


  1. Introduction to the General Circulation of the Atmosphere and Ocean
  2. Fundamental Equations and Phenomena: Boussinesq approximation, primitive equations, shallow water equations, quasi-geostrophic approximation, Rossby waves, gravity waves, barotropic instability
  3. Atmospheric dynamics: baroclinic instability and mid-latitude dynamics; tropical dynamics: Hadley cell, convection and tropical waves
  4. Oceanic dynamics: wind-driven circulation, meridional overturning circulation
  5. Predictability


Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Turbulence (M2 ENS Lyon)

Course taught jointly by Mickael Bourgoin and myself.


  1. What is turbulence?
  2. The Euler and Navier-Stokes equations
  3. Empirical approaches to turbulence
  4. Kolmogorov Theory
  5. Beyond Kolmogorov Theory: selected topics


Climate Physics, Climate Change and the Energy Transition (M1 ENS Lyon)

Course taught with Freddy Bouchet and Antoine Venaille.


Past courses