
This Python package aims at providing tools to study stochastic processes, specialized for rare event computations:
- numerical integration of SDEs
- numerical solver for the Fokker-Planck equations
- first-passage time computation
- instanton computation
- rare event algorithms
The code is available on Github or Framagit, with documentation on ReadTheDocs.
I am the main developer of stochrare, with some help from Thibault Lestang (Oxford). Contributors are welcome!

GHOST (Geophysical High-Order Suite for Turbulence) is a pseudospectral code for numerical simulations of turbulent flows developed by Pablo Mininni (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Duane Rosenberg (Colorado State University, USA). It solves the Navier-Stokes equations in a tri-periodic cubic domain, and allows for adding transverse fields such as rotation, density stratification or magnetic field. GHOST can be used for direct numerical simulations, and also includes a variety of subgrid-scale models. The code is parallelized with a hybrid MPI/OpenMP method (the code also supports some GPU acceleration with CUDA), and runs on a large range of platforms, from laptops to supercomputers. More information can be found on Pablo Mininni's webpage or on GitHub.
In addition to running the code for numerical simulations, I have contributed a few additions and improvements to the code. These include for instance developing, with Duane Rosenberg, wave/vortex analysis tools for rotating-stratified turbulence, or writing a vortex tracking algorithm for 2D turbulence.
Idealized atmospheric GCM
I have been using two models based on the GFDL dynamical core: fms-idealized, developed by the group of Tapio Schneider at Caltech, and more recently, Isca, developed by the group of Geoff Vallis in Exeter.
I have also used the CliMT framework, developed in particular by Joy Monteiro and Rodrigo Caballero in Stockholm.