Library GraphTheory.mgraph2

Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import edone finite_quotient preliminaries bij equiv.
Require Import setoid_bigop structures pttdom mgraph ptt.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".

Two-pointed labelled multigraphs

2pdom-operations on such graphs and proof that they form a 2pdom-algebra local operations on such graphs (for the rewrite system)

Set Primitive Projections.
Record graph2 Lv Le :=
  Graph2 {
      graph_of:> graph Lv Le;
      input: graph_of;
      output: graph_of }.
Arguments input {_ _ _}, [_ _] G : rename.
Arguments output {_ _ _}, [_ _] G : rename.
Notation point G := (@Graph2 _ _ G).

Section s1.

Variables (Lv : Type) (Le : Type).
Notation graph := (graph Lv Le).
Notation graph2 := (graph2 Lv Le).
Local Notation point G := (@Graph2 Lv Le G).
Implicit Types (a : Lv) (u v : Le).

Definition add_vertex2 (G: graph2) a := point (add_vertex G a) (unl input) (unl output).
Definition add_edge2 (G: graph2) (x y: G) u := point (add_edge G x y u) input output.

Notation "G ∔ a" :=
  (@add_vertex2 G a%CM) (at level 20, left associativity).
Notation "G ∔ [ x , u , y ]" :=
  (@add_edge2 G x y u) (at level 20, left associativity).

Definition unit_graph2 a := point (unit_graph a) tt tt.
Definition two_graph2 a b := point (two_graph a b) (inl tt) (inr tt).
Definition edge_graph2 a u b := two_graph2 a b [inl tt, u, inr tt].

End s1.

Declare Scope graph2_scope.
Bind Scope graph2_scope with graph2.
Delimit Scope graph2_scope with G2.

Arguments add_edge2 [_ _] _ _ _ _.
Notation "G ∔ [ x , u , y ]" :=
  (add_edge2 G x y u) (at level 20, left associativity) : graph2_scope.
Arguments add_vertex2 [_ _] _ _.
Notation "G ∔ a" :=
  (add_vertex2 G a%CM) (at level 20, left associativity) : graph2_scope.

Arguments two_graph2 [Lv Le] _ _, [Lv] Le _ _.
Arguments unit_graph2 [Lv Le] _, [Lv] Le _.
Arguments edge_graph2 [Lv Le] _ _ _.

Section s1.
Variables (Lv : comMonoid) (Le : elabelType).
Notation LvS := (ComMonoid.sort Lv).
Notation LeS := (Elabel.sort Le).
Notation graph := (graph Lv Le).
Notation graph2 := (graph2 Lv Le).
Local Notation point G := (@Graph2 LvS LeS G).
Implicit Types (a : Lv) (u v : Le).
Local Open Scope cm_scope.

Definition add_vlabel2 (G: graph2) (x: G) a := point (add_vlabel G x a) input output.
Definition merge2 (G: graph2) (r: equiv_rel G) := point (merge G r) (\pi input) (\pi output).
Arguments merge2 _ _: clear implicits.
Notation "G [tst x <- a ]" :=
  (@add_vlabel2 G x a) (at level 20, left associativity).
Notation merge2_seq G l := (merge2 G (eqv_clot l)).

Isomorphisms of 2p-graphs

Universe S2.
Set Primitive Projections.
Record iso2 (F G: graph2): Type@{S2} :=
  Iso2 { iso2_iso:> F G;
         iso2_input: iso2_iso input = input;
         iso2_output: iso2_iso output = output }.
Infix "≃2" := iso2 (at level 79).

Definition iso2_id (G: graph2): G ≃2 G.
Proof. by iso_id. Defined.
Hint Resolve iso2_id : core.
Definition iso2_sym F G: F ≃2 G G ≃2 F.
  intro h. (iso_sym h).
    by rewrite /= -(bijK h input) iso2_input.
    by rewrite /= -(bijK h output) iso2_output.

Definition iso2_comp F G H: F ≃2 G G ≃2 H F ≃2 H.
  movef g.
   (iso_comp f g); by rewrite /= ?iso2_input ?iso2_output.

Global Instance iso2_Equivalence: CEquivalence iso2.
Proof. split. exact iso2_id. exact iso2_sym. exact iso2_comp. Qed.

Definition iso2prop (F G: graph2) := inhabited (F ≃2 G).
Infix "≃2p" := iso2prop (at level 79).
Global Instance iso2prop_Equivalence: Equivalence iso2prop.
  - by constructor.
  - intros G H [f]. constructor. by symmetry.
  - intros F G H [h] [k]. constructor. etransitivity; eassumption.
HB.instance Definition g2_setoid :=
  Setoid_of_Type.Build (mgraph2.graph2 LvS LeS) iso2prop_Equivalence.

Tactic Notation "Iso2" uconstr(f) :=
  match goal with |- ?F ≃2 ?Grefine (@Iso2 F G f _ _)=>// end.

Lemma iso_iso2 (F G: graph) (h: F G) (i o: F):
  point F i o ≃2 point G (h i) (h o).
Proof. now h. Defined.

Lemma iso_iso2' (F G: graph) (h: F G) (i o: F) (i' o': G):
  h i = i' h o = o' point F i o ≃2 point G i' o'.
Proof. intros. Iso2 h. Defined.

Tactic Notation "irewrite" uconstr(L) := (eapply iso2_comp;[apply L|]); last 1 first.
Tactic Notation "irewrite'" uconstr(L) := eapply iso2_comp;[|apply iso2_sym, L].

2pdom operations on graphs

Definition g2_par (F G: graph2) :=
  point (merge_seq (F G) [::(unl input,unr input); (unl output,unr output)])
        (\pi (unl input)) (\pi (unr output)).

Definition g2_dot (F G: graph2) :=
  point (merge_seq (F G) [::(unl output,unr input)])
        (\pi (unl input)) (\pi (unr output)).

Definition g2_cnv (F: graph2) := point F output input.

Definition g2_dom (F: graph2) := point F input input.

Definition g2_one: graph2 := unit_graph2 1.

Definition g2_top: graph2 := two_graph2 1 1.

Definition g2_var u : graph2 := edge_graph2 1 u 1.

HB.instance Definition g2_ops :=
  Ops_of_Type.Build (mgraph2.graph2 LvS LeS) g2_dot g2_par g2_cnv g2_dom g2_one g2_top.

Laws about low level operations (union/merge/add_vertex/add_vlabel/add_edge) (mostly recasting the ones proved in mgraph)
isomorphisms about unit_graph2

Local Arguments unit_graph_iso [Lv Le x y] _, [Lv] Le [x y] _.
Local Arguments add_vlabel_two [Lv Le] a b x c, [Lv] Le a b x c.

Global Instance unit_graph2_iso: CProper (eqv ==> iso2) (@unit_graph2 Lv Le).
Proof. intros a b e. Iso2 (unit_graph_iso e). Defined.

isomorphisms about two_graph2

Global Instance two_graph2_iso: CProper (eqv ==> eqv ==> iso2) (@two_graph2 Lv Le).
Proof. intros a b ab c d cd. Iso2 (union_iso (unit_graph_iso ab) (unit_graph_iso cd)). Defined.

isomorphisms about two_vertex2

Global Instance add_vertex2_iso: CProper (iso2 ==> eqv ==> iso2) (@add_vertex2 Lv Le).
  moveF G FG u v uv.
  Iso2 (union_iso FG (unit_graph_iso uv))=>/=; rewrite /unl/=; f_equal; apply FG.

isomorphisms about add_edge2

Lemma add_edge2_iso'' F G (h: F ≃2 G) x x' (ex: h x = x') y y' (ey: h y = y') u v (e: u v):
  F [x, u, y] ≃2 G [x', v, y'].
Proof. Iso2 (add_edge_iso'' ex ey e); apply h. Defined.

Lemma add_edge2_iso' F G (h: F ≃2 G) x u v y (e: u v): F [x, u, y] ≃2 G [h x, v, h y].
Proof. by eapply add_edge2_iso''. Defined.

Lemma add_edge2_iso F G (h: F ≃2 G) x u y: F [x, u, y] ≃2 G [h x, u, h y].
Proof. by apply add_edge2_iso'. Defined.

Lemma add_edge2_C F x u y z v t: F [x, u, y] [z, v, t] ≃2 F [z, v, t] [x, u, y].
Proof. Iso2 (add_edge_C _ _ _). Defined.

Lemma add_edge2_rev F x u v y (e: u ≡' v): F [x, u, y] ≃2 F [y, v, x].
Proof. Iso2 (add_edge_rev _ _ e). Defined.

Lemma add_edge2_vlabel F x a y u z: F [tst x <- a] [y, u, z] ≃2 F [y, u, z] [tst x <- a].
Proof. Iso2 (add_edge_vlabel _ _ _). Defined.

isomorphisms about edge_graph2

Global Instance edge_graph2_iso: CProper (eqv ==> eqv ==> eqv ==> iso2) (@edge_graph2 Lv Le).
Proof. intros a b ab u v uv c d cd. refine (add_edge2_iso' (two_graph2_iso ab cd) _ _ uv). Defined.

isomorphisms about add_vlabel2

Lemma add_vlabel2_iso'' F G (h: F ≃2 G) x x' (ex: h x = x') a b (e: a b): F [tst x <- a] ≃2 G [tst x' <- b].
Proof. Iso2 (add_vlabel_iso'' ex e); apply h. Defined.

Lemma add_vlabel2_iso' F G (h: F ≃2 G) x a b (e: a b): F [tst x <- a] ≃2 G [tst h x <- b].
Proof. by eapply add_vlabel2_iso''. Defined.

Lemma add_vlabel2_iso F G (h: F ≃2 G) x a: F [tst x <- a] ≃2 G [tst h x <- a].
Proof. by apply add_vlabel2_iso'. Defined.

Lemma add_vlabel2_C F x a y b: F [tst x <- a] [tst y <- b] ≃2 F [tst y <- b] [tst x <- a].
Proof. Iso2 (add_vlabel_C _ _). Defined.

Lemma add_vlabel2_unit a x b: unit_graph2 a [tst x <- b] ≃2 unit_graph2 (ab).
Proof. Iso2 (add_vlabel_unit _ _). Defined.

Lemma add_vlabel2_unit' x b: unit_graph2 b ≃2 unit_graph2 1 [tst x <- b].
Proof. apply iso2_sym. irewrite add_vlabel2_unit. apply unit_graph2_iso. by rewrite monC monU. Defined.

Lemma add_vlabel2_two a b (x: unit+unit) c:
  two_graph2 a b [tst x <- c] ≃2 two_graph2 (if x then ac else a) (if x then b else bc).
Proof. Iso2 (add_vlabel_two _ _ _ _); by case x; case. Defined.

Lemma add_vlabel2_edge a u b (x: unit+unit) c:
  edge_graph2 a u b [tst x <- c] ≃2 edge_graph2 (if x then ac else a) u (if x then b else bc).
Proof. Iso2 (add_vlabel_edge _ _ _ _ _); by case x; case. Defined.

Lemma add_vlabel2_mon0 G x: G [tst x <- 1] ≃2 G.
Proof. Iso2 (add_vlabel_mon0 x). Defined.

isomorphisms about merge
note: h should be informative so that map_pairs can be simplified.
Lemma merge2_iso2 F G (h: F ≃2 G) l:
  merge2_seq F l ≃2 merge2_seq G (map_pairs h l).
Proof. Iso2 (merge_iso h l); by rewrite h_mergeE ?iso2_input ?iso2_output. Qed.

Lemma merge_iso2 (F G : graph) (h: F G) l (i o: F):
  point (merge_seq F l) (\pi i) (\pi o) ≃2
  point (merge_seq G (map_pairs h l)) (\pi (h i)) (\pi (h o)).
Proof. Iso2 (merge_iso h l); by rewrite h_mergeE. Defined.

Lemma merge2_surj (G: graph2) (r: equiv_rel G) (H: graph2)
    (fv : G H) (fv': H G) (fe : bij (edge G) (edge H)) fd :
  ( x y, reflect (kernel fv x y) (r x y))
  cancel fv' fv
  is_hom fv fe fd
  fv input = input fv output = output
  merge2 G r ≃2 H.
  intros H1 H2 H3 I O.
  Iso2 (merge_surj H1 H2 H3); by rewrite merge_surjE.

Lemma merge_same (F : graph) (h k: equiv_rel F) (i i' o o': F):
  (h =2 k)
  h i i'
  h o o'
  point (merge F h) (\pi i) (\pi o) ≃2 point (merge F k) (\pi i') (\pi o').
  intros H Hi Ho.
  Iso2 (merge_same' H);
    rewrite merge_same'E =>//;
    apply /eqquotP; by rewrite <- H.

Lemma merge_same' (F : graph) (h k: equiv_rel F) (i o: F):
  (h =2 k)
  point (merge F h) (\pi i) (\pi o) ≃2 point (merge F k) (\pi i) (\pi o).
Proof. intros. by apply merge_same. Defined.

Lemma merge2_same (F : graph) (h k: equiv_rel F) (i i' o o': F):
  (h =2 k) h i i' h o o' merge2 (point F i o) h ≃2 merge2 (point F i' o') k.
Proof. apply merge_same. Qed.

Lemma merge2_same' (F : graph2) (h k: equiv_rel F):
  (h =2 k) merge2 F h ≃2 merge2 F k.
Proof. intro. by apply merge2_same. Qed.

Lemma merge_nothing (F: graph) (h: pairs F) (i o: F):
  List.Forall (fun pp.1 = p.2) h
  point (merge_seq F h) (\pi i) (\pi o) ≃2 point F i o.
Proof. intros H. Iso2 (merge_nothing H); by rewrite merge_nothingE. Defined.

Lemma merge2_nothing (F: graph2) (h: pairs F):
  List.Forall (fun pp.1 = p.2) h
  merge2_seq F h ≃2 F.
Proof. destruct F. apply merge_nothing. Defined.

Lemma merge_merge (G: graph) (h k: pairs G) (k': pairs (merge_seq G h)) (i o: G):
  k' = map_pairs (pi (eqv_clot h)) k
  point (merge_seq (merge_seq G h) k') (\pi (\pi i)) (\pi (\pi o))
≃2 point (merge_seq G (h++k)) (\pi i) (\pi o).
Proof. intro K. Iso2 (merge_merge_seq K); by rewrite /=merge_merge_seqE. Qed.

Lemma merge2_merge (G: graph2) (h k: pairs G) (k': pairs (merge_seq G h)):
  k' = map_pairs (pi (eqv_clot h)) k
  merge2_seq (merge2_seq G h) k' ≃2 merge2_seq G (h++k).
Proof. apply merge_merge. Qed.

Lemma merge_union_K_l (F K: graph) (i o: F+K) (h: pairs (F+K)) (k: K F)
      (kv: x: K, vlabel x = 1)
      (ke: edge K False)
      (kh: x: K, unr x = unl (k x) %[mod (eqv_clot h)]):
  point (merge_seq (F K) h) (\pi i) (\pi o)
≃2 point (merge_seq F (union_K_pairs h k)) (\pi (sum_left k i)) (\pi (sum_left k o)).
Proof. Iso2 (merge_union_K kv kh ke)=>/=; by rewrite ?merge_union_KE. Defined.

Lemma merge2_add_edge (G: graph2) (r: equiv_rel G) x u y: merge2 (G [x, u, y]) r ≃2 merge2 G r [\pi x, u, \pi y].
Proof. Iso2 (merge_add_edge _ _ _ _); by rewrite merge_add_edgeE. Defined.

Lemma merge2_add_vlabel (G: graph2) (r: equiv_rel G) x a: merge2 (G [tst x <- a]) r ≃2 merge2 G r [tst \pi x <- a].
Proof. Iso2 (merge_add_vlabel _ _ _); by rewrite merge_add_vlabelE. Defined.

2p-graphs form a 2p-algebra

Local Close Scope cm_scope.

Lemma par2C (F G: graph2): F G ≃2 G F.
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_C F G)) =>/=.
  apply merge_same. apply eqv_clot_eq; leqv. eqv. eqv.

Lemma par2top (F: graph2): F top ≃2 F.
  irewrite (merge_union_K_l (K:=g2_top) _ _ (k:=fun bif b then input else output))=>/=; try by repeat case.
  apply merge2_nothing.
  by repeat constructor.
  repeat case; apply /eqquotP; eqv.

Lemma par2A (F G H: graph2): F (G H) ≃2 (F G) H.
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_merge_r _ _)).
  rewrite /map_pairs/map 2!union_merge_rEl 2!union_merge_rEr /=.
  irewrite (merge_merge (G:=F (G H))
                        (k:=[::(unl input,unr (unl input)); (unl output,unr (unr output))]))=>//.
  irewrite' (merge_iso2 (union_merge_l _ _)).
  rewrite /map_pairs/map 2!union_merge_lEl 2!union_merge_lEr /=.
  irewrite' (merge_merge (G:=(F G) H)
                              (k:=[::(unl (unl input),unr input); (unl (unr output),unr output)]))=>//.
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_A _ _ _)).
  apply merge_same'. rewrite /unl/unr/=.
  set a := inl _. set (b := inl _). set (c := inl _). set (d := inl _). set (e := inr _). set (f := inr _).
  apply eqv_clot_eq=>/=.
   constructor. apply eqv_clot_trans with c; eqv.
   constructor. apply eqv_clot_trans with b; eqv.
   constructor. eqv.
   constructor. apply eqv_clot_trans with b; eqv.

   constructor. eqv.
   constructor. apply eqv_clot_trans with f; eqv.
   constructor. apply eqv_clot_trans with a; eqv.

Lemma dot2unit_r (G: graph2) a: G · unit_graph2 a ≃2 G [tst output <- a].
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_iso iso_id (add_vlabel2_unit' output _))). simpl.
  etransitivity. refine (merge_iso2 (union_add_vlabel_r _ _ _) _ _ _). simpl.
  etransitivity. refine (iso_iso2 (merge_add_vlabel _ _ _) _ _). simpl.
  etransitivity. refine (iso_iso2 (add_vlabel_iso (merge_union_K_l (K:=g2_one) (unl input) (unl output) (k:=fun _output) _ _ _) _ _) _ _)=>//.
  case; apply /eqquotP; eqv. simpl.
  rewrite !merge_union_KE/=.
  etransitivity. refine (add_vlabel2_iso (merge2_nothing _) _ _).
  repeat (constructor=>//).
  destruct G=>/=. by rewrite merge_nothingE.

Lemma dot2unit_r' (G: graph2) a: G · unit_graph2 a ≃2 G [tst output <- a].
  unshelve Iso2
   (@merge_surj _ _
     (G unit_graph2 a) _
     (G [tst output <- a])
     (fun xmatch x with inl yy | inr ttoutput end)
     (fun xunl x)
     sumxU xpred0 _ _ _).
  4,5: by rewrite merge_surjE.
  - apply kernel_eqv_clot.
    × by constructor.
    × case=>[x|[]]; case=>[y|[]]=>//->; eqv.
  - by [].
  - split.
    + by move⇒ [e|[]] b.
    + movex/=. rewrite big_sumType big_pred1_eq.
    case: (altP (x =P output)) ⇒ [?|xDo]; subst.
    × by rewrite (big_pred1 tt) ⇒ [|[]]; rewrite 1?monC /= ?eqxx.
    × rewrite big_pred0 ?monU // ⇒ [[]]. by rewrite eq_sym (negbTE xDo).
    + by case.

Lemma dot2one (F: graph2): F · 1 ≃2 F.
Proof. irewrite dot2unit_r. apply add_vlabel2_mon0. Qed.

Lemma dot2one' (F: graph2): F · 1 ≃2 F.
  irewrite (merge_union_K_l (K:=g2_one) _ _ (k:=fun _output))=>//.
  apply merge2_nothing.
  repeat (constructor =>//).
  intros []; apply /eqquotP; eqv.

Lemma dot2Aflat (F G H: graph2):
  F·(G·H) ≃2
  point (merge_seq (F (G H))
                   [::(unr (unl output),unr (unr input));
                      (unl output,unr (unl input))])
        (\pi unl input) (\pi unr (unr output)).
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_merge_r _ _)).
  rewrite /map_pairs/map 2!union_merge_rEl 2!union_merge_rEr /fst/snd.
  irewrite (merge_merge (G:=F (G H))
                              (k:=[::(unl output,unr (unl input))])) =>//.

Lemma dot2A (F G H: graph2): F · (G · H) ≃2 (F · G) · H.
  irewrite dot2Aflat.
  irewrite' (merge_iso2 (union_merge_l _ _)).
  rewrite /map_pairs/map 2!union_merge_lEl 2!union_merge_lEr /fst/snd.
  irewrite' (merge_merge (G:=(F G) H)
                              (k:=[::(unl (unr output),unr input)])) =>//.
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_A _ _ _)).
  apply merge_same'=>/=.
  apply eqv_clot_eq; leqv.

Lemma cnv2I (F: graph2): F°° ≃2 F.
Proof. by case F. Qed.

Lemma cnv2par (F G: graph2): (F G ≃2 F° G°.
  apply merge_same. apply eqv_clot_eq; leqv. eqv. eqv.

Lemma cnv2dot (F G: graph2): (F · G ≃2 G° · F°.
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_C F G)).
  apply merge_same'=>/=. apply eqv_clot_eq; leqv.

Lemma par2dot F G: input F = output input G = output F G ≃2 F · G.
  intros HF HG. apply merge2_same; rewrite !HF !HG //.
  apply eqv_clot_eq; leqv.

Lemma par2oneone: 1 1 ≃2 1.
Proof. etransitivity. apply par2dot=>//. apply dot2one. Qed.

Lemma dom2E (F: graph2): dom F ≃2 1 (F · top).
  irewrite par2C.
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_merge_l _ _)).
  rewrite /map_pairs/map 2!union_merge_lEl 1!union_merge_lEr /=.
  irewrite (merge_merge (G:=(F g2_top) g2_one)
                              (k:=[::(inl (inl input),inr tt); (inl (inr (inr tt)),inr tt)])) =>//.
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (iso_sym (union_A _ _ _))).
  irewrite (merge_union_K_l (K:=g2_top g2_one) _ _
                            (k:=fun xmatch x with inl (inl tt) ⇒ output | _input end))=>/=.
  apply merge_nothing.
  repeat (constructor =>//=).
  by intros [[]|].
  by intros [[]|].
  repeat case; apply /eqquotP; try eqv.
  apply eqv_clot_trans with (inr (inr tt)); eqv.

Lemma g2_A10 (F G: graph2): 1 F·G ≃2 dom (F G°).
  irewrite (par2C 1).
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_merge_l _ _)).
  rewrite /map_pairs/map 2!union_merge_lEl 1!union_merge_lEr /fst/snd.
  irewrite (merge_merge (G:=(F G) g2_one)
                              (k:=[::(unl (unl input),inr tt); (unl (unr output),inr tt)])) =>//.
  irewrite (merge_union_K_l (F:=F G) _ _ (k:=fun xunl input))=>//=.
  2: by intros []; apply /eqquotP; simpl; eqv.
  apply merge_same; simpl.
  apply eqv_clot_eq; simpl; leqv.

Lemma topL (F: graph2):
  top·F ≃2 point (F unit_graph 1%CM) (@unr _ _ F (unit_graph _) tt) (unl output).
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_C _ _))=>/=.
  etransitivity. refine (merge_iso2 (union_A _ _ _) _ _ _)=>/=.
  irewrite (merge_union_K_l (F:=F _) _ _ (k:=fun xunl input))=>//=.
  apply merge_nothing. by constructor.
  intros []. apply /eqquotP. eqv.

Lemma topR (F: graph2):
  F·top ≃2 point (F unit_graph 1%CM) (unl input) (@unr _ _ F (unit_graph _) tt).
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_iso iso_id (union_C _ _))).
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_A _ _ _)).
  irewrite (merge_union_K_l (F:=F _) _ _ (k:=fun xunl output))=>//=.
  apply merge_nothing. by constructor.
  case. apply /eqquotP. eqv.

Lemma g2_A11 (F: graph2): F·top ≃2 dom F·top.
Proof. irewrite topR. symmetry. by irewrite topR. Qed.

Lemma g2_A12' (F G: graph2): input F = output F F·G ≃2 F·top G.
  intro H.
  irewrite' (merge_iso2 (union_merge_l _ _)).
  rewrite /map_pairs/map 2!union_merge_lEl 2!union_merge_lEr /=.
  irewrite' (merge_merge (G:=(F g2_top) G)
                              (k:=[::(inl (inl input),inr input);(inl (inr (inr tt)),inr output)])) =>//.
  irewrite' (merge_iso2 (union_C (_ _) _)).
  irewrite' (merge_iso2 (union_A _ _ _))=>/=.
  irewrite' (merge_union_K_l (F:=G F) (K:=g2_top) _ _
                             (k:=fun xif x then unr input else unl output))=>//.
  2: by case. 2: by repeat case; apply /eqquotP; rewrite H; eqv.
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_C F G)) =>/=.
  apply merge_same'. rewrite H. apply eqv_clot_eq; leqv.
  repeat case=>//=; rewrite H; apply /eqquotP; eqv.

Lemma g2_A12 (F G: graph2): (F 1G ≃2 (F 1top G.
  apply g2_A12'.
  apply /eqquotP. apply eqv_clot_trans with (inr tt); eqv.

these two laws are skipped since we go through 2p algebra

Global Instance dot_iso2: CProper (iso2 ==> iso2 ==> iso2) g2_dot.
  intros F F' f G G' g. rewrite /g2_dot.
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_iso f g))=>/=.
  apply merge_same; by rewrite /= ?iso2_input ?iso2_output.

Global Instance par_iso2: CProper (iso2 ==> iso2 ==> iso2) g2_par.
  intros F F' f G G' g. rewrite /g2_par.
  irewrite (merge_iso2 (union_iso f g))=>/=.
  apply merge_same; by rewrite /= ?iso2_input ?iso2_output.

Global Instance cnv_iso2: CProper (iso2 ==> iso2) g2_cnv.
Proof. intros F F' f. eexists; apply f. Qed.

Global Instance dom_iso2: CProper (iso2 ==> iso2) g2_dom.
Proof. intros F F' f. eexists; apply f. Qed.

2p-graphs form a 2pdom algebra (Proposition 5.2)
Definition g2_ptt: Ptt_of_Ops.axioms_ g2_setoid g2_ops.
  refine (Ptt_of_Ops.Build (mgraph2.graph2 LvS LeS) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
     abstract apply CProper2, dot_iso2.
     abstract apply CProper2, par_iso2.
     abstract apply CProper1, cnv_iso2.
     abstract (; apply dom2E).
     abstract (; apply par2A).
     abstract (; apply par2C).
     abstract (; apply dot2A).
     abstract (; apply dot2one).
     abstract (; apply cnv2I).
     abstract (; apply cnv2par).
     abstract (; apply cnv2dot).
     abstract (; apply par2oneone).
     abstract (; apply g2_A10).
     abstract (; apply g2_A11).
     abstract (; apply g2_A12).
HB.instance (mgraph2.graph2 LvS LeS) g2_ptt.
HB.instance (mgraph2.graph2 LvS LeS) (pttdom_of_ptt graph2_is_a_Ptt).

additional laws required for the completeness proof

Local Open Scope cm_scope.

Lemma dot2unit_l (G: graph2) a: unit_graph2 a · G ≃2 G [tst input <- a].
  irewrite (iso2_sym (cnv2I _)).
  irewrite' (iso2_sym (cnv2I _)).
  apply cnv_iso2.
  irewrite cnv2dot.
  apply dot2unit_r.

Lemma par2unitunit a b: unit_graph2 a unit_graph2 b ≃2 unit_graph2 (ab).
  etransitivity. apply par2dot=>//.
  etransitivity. apply dot2unit_r.
  apply add_vlabel2_unit.

Lemma par2edgeunit a u b c:
  edge_graph2 a u b unit_graph2 c ≃2 unit_graph2 (a⊗(bc)) [tt, u, tt].
  unshelve Iso2
   (@merge_surj _ _ (edge_graph2 a u b unit_graph2 c) _ (unit_graph2 (a⊗(bc)) [tt, u, tt])
     (fun _tt)
     (fun _inr tt)
     (bij_comp sumxU (option_bij sumxU)) xpred0 _ _ _).
  - apply kernel_eqv_clot.
    + by repeat constructor.
    + (repeat case)=>//=_; try eqv; apply eqv_clot_trans with (inr tt); eqv.
  - by case.
  - split.
    + moved. by repeat case.
    + repeat case=>//=. by rewrite eqxx /= !big_sumType !big_unitType monA.
    + by repeat case.

lemmas for term extraction
Extensionality lemma for subgraph_for, the general construction underlying bag and interval subgraphs used in the extraction function.
Lemma subgraph_for_iso (G : graph2) V1 V2 E1 E2 i1 i2 o1 o2
  (C1 : @consistent _ _ G V1 E1) (C2: consistent V2 E2) :
  V1 = V2 E1 = E2 val i1 = val i2 val o1 = val o2
  point (subgraph_for C1) i1 o1 ≃2 point (subgraph_for C2) i2 o2.
  moveeq_V eq_E eq_i eq_o. subst.
  move/val_inj : eq_i ⇒ →. move/val_inj : eq_o ⇒ →.
  unshelve Iso2 (@Iso _ _ (subgraph_for C1) (subgraph_for C2) bij_id bij_id xpred0 _).
  split=>//e b//=. by apply val_inj.

recognizing the full subgraph
Lemma iso2_subgraph_forT (G : graph2) (V : {set G}) (E : {set edge G}) (con : consistent V E) i o :
  ( x, x \in V) ( e, e \in E) val i = input val o = output
  point (subgraph_for con) i o ≃2 G.
  moveHV HE Hi Ho.
  have ? : V = [set: G] by apply/setPz; rewrite inE HV.
  have ? : E = [set: edge G] by apply/setPz; rewrite inE HE.
  transitivity (point (subgraph_for (@consistentTT _ _ G)) i o).
  - exact: subgraph_for_iso.
  - irewrite (iso_iso2 (iso_subgraph_forT _)). rewrite /= Ho Hi. by case G.

End s1.

Arguments input {_ _ _}.
Arguments output {_ _ _}.
Arguments g2_top {_ _}.
Arguments g2_one {_ _}.
Arguments add_vlabel2 [_ _] _ _ _.
Arguments merge2 [_ _] _ _.

Notation IO := [set input;output].

Notation "G [tst x <- a ]" :=
  (add_vlabel2 G x a%CM) (at level 20, left associativity) : graph2_scope.
Notation merge2_seq G l := (merge2 G (eqv_clot l)).

Arguments iso2 {_ _}.
Arguments iso2prop {_ _}.
Arguments iso2_id {_ _ _}.

Infix "≃2" := iso2 (at level 79).
Infix "≃2p" := iso2prop (at level 79).
Hint Resolve iso2_id : core.
Tactic Notation "Iso2" uconstr(f) :=
  match goal with |- ?F ≃2 ?Grefine (@Iso2 _ _ F G f _ _)=>// end.

Notation add_test := add_vlabel2 (only parsing).
Notation add_test_cong := add_vlabel2_iso' (only parsing).

Relabeling Graphs

Section h.
  Variable (Lv1 Lv2 : comMonoid) (Le1 Le2 : elabelType).
  Variable fv: Lv1 Lv2.
  Variable fe: Le1 Le2.
  Definition relabel (G: graph Lv1 Le1): graph Lv2 Le2 :=
    Graph (@endpoint _ _ G) (fv \o (@vlabel _ _ G)) (fe \o (@elabel _ _ G)).
  Hypothesis Hfv: Proper (eqv ==> eqv) fv.
  Hypothesis Hfe: b, Proper (eqv_ b ==> eqv_ b) fe.
  Global Instance relabel_iso: CProper (iso ==> iso) relabel.
    intros G H h. Iso h h.e h.d. split.
    - apply h.
    - intro. apply Hfv, h.
    - intro. apply Hfe, h.
  Lemma relabel_union F G: relabel (F G) relabel F relabel G.
  Proof. Iso bij_id bij_id xpred0. by split=>//; case. Defined.
  Hypothesis Hfvmon2: a b, fv (a b)%CM (fv a fv b)%CM.
  Hypothesis Hfvmon0: fv 1%CM 1%CM.
  Lemma relabel_merge F r: relabel (merge F r) merge (relabel F) r.
    Iso bij_id bij_id xpred0.
    split=>//= v.
    elim/big_rec2 : _ ⇒ [|i y1 y2 _ ->]; by [rewrite ?Hfvmon2|symmetry].
  Lemma relabel_add_edge F x y u: relabel (F [x, u, y]) relabel F [x, fe u, y].
    Iso bij_id bij_id xpred0. by split=>//; case.
  Lemma relabel_unit a: relabel (unit_graph a) unit_graph (fv a).
  Proof. Iso bij_id bij_id xpred0. by split. Defined.
  Lemma relabel_two a b: relabel (two_graph a b) two_graph (fv a) (fv b).
  Proof. etransitivity. apply relabel_union. apply union_iso; apply relabel_unit. Defined.
  Lemma relabel_edge a u b: relabel (edge_graph a u b) edge_graph (fv a) (fe u) (fv b).
  Proof. etransitivity. apply relabel_add_edge. by apply (add_edge_iso'' (h:=relabel_two _ _)). Defined.

  Definition relabel2 (G: graph2 Lv1 Le1): graph2 Lv2 Le2 :=
    point (relabel G) input output.
  Global Instance relabel2_iso: CProper (iso2 ==> iso2) relabel2.
  Proof. intros G H h. Iso2 (relabel_iso h); apply h. Defined.
  Lemma relabel2_dot (F G: graph2 Lv1 Le1): relabel2 (F · G) ≃2 relabel2 F · relabel2 G.
    etransitivity. apply (iso_iso2 (relabel_merge _)).
    refine (merge_iso2 (relabel_union F G) _ _ _).
  Lemma relabel2_par (F G: graph2 Lv1 Le1): relabel2 (F G) ≃2 relabel2 F relabel2 G.
    etransitivity. apply (iso_iso2 (relabel_merge _)).
    refine (merge_iso2 (relabel_union F G) _ _ _).
  Lemma relabel2_cnv (F: graph2 Lv1 Le1): relabel2 (F°) ≃2 (relabel2 F.
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
  Lemma relabel2_dom (F: graph2 Lv1 Le1): relabel2 (dom F) ≃2 dom (relabel2 F).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
  Lemma relabel2_one: relabel2 1 ≃2 1.
    transitivity (unit_graph2 Le2 (fv 1%CM)). Iso2 (relabel_unit _).
    apply unit_graph2_iso, Hfvmon0.
  Lemma relabel2_top: relabel2 g2_top ≃2 g2_top.
    transitivity (two_graph2 Le2 (fv 1%CM) (fv 1%CM)). Iso2 (relabel_two _ _).
    apply two_graph2_iso; apply Hfvmon0.
  Lemma relabel2_var a: relabel2 (g2_var _ a) ≃2 g2_var _ (fe a).
    transitivity (edge_graph2 (fv 1%CM) (fe a) (fv 1%CM)). Iso2 (relabel_edge _ _ _).
    apply edge_graph2_iso=>//.
End h.