Library GraphTheory.open_confluence
Require Import Relation_Definitions Morphisms RelationClasses.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import edone finite_quotient preliminaries bij equiv.
Require Import setoid_bigop structures pttdom rewriting.
Require Import finmap_plus.
Open Scope fset_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import edone finite_quotient preliminaries bij equiv.
Require Import setoid_bigop structures pttdom rewriting.
Require Import finmap_plus.
Open Scope fset_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
Picking fresh vertices/edges
Definition fresh (E : {fset nat}) : nat := (\max_(e : E) val e).+1.
Lemma freshP (E : {fset nat}) : fresh E \notin E.
have S e' : e' \in E → e' < fresh E.
{ rewrite /fresh ltnS ⇒ inE. by rewrite -[e']/(val [`inE]) leq_bigmax. }
apply/negP ⇒ /S. by rewrite ltnn.
Lemma freshP' (E E' : {fset nat}) : E' `<=` E → fresh E \notin E'.
Proof. apply: contraTN ⇒ H. apply/fsubsetPn. ∃ (fresh E) ⇒ //. exact: freshP. Qed.
Lemma fresh_eqF (E : {fset nat}) (x : E) : val x == fresh E = false.
Proof. by rewrite fsval_eqF // freshP. Qed.
Open Graphs
Definition VT := nat.
Definition ET := nat.
Canonical VT_eqType := [eqType of VT].
Canonical VT_choiceType := [choiceType of VT].
Canonical VT_countType := [countType of VT].
Canonical ET_eqType := [eqType of ET].
Canonical ET_choiceType := [choiceType of ET].
Canonical ET_countType := [countType of ET].
Unlike the typed graphs in mgraph.v and mgraph2.v, the definition of open
graphs is split into a Record for the computational content and a Class for the
well-formedness predicate is_graph. This allows us to separate the definition
of operations on open graphs and the fact that they preserve well-formedness
Section OpenGraphs.
Variable (Lv Le : Type).
Record pre_graph := { vset : {fset VT};
eset : {fset ET};
endpt : bool → ET → VT;
lv : VT → Lv;
le : ET → Le;
p_in : VT;
p_out : VT }.
Class is_graph (G : pre_graph) :=
{ endptP (e:ET) b : e \in eset G → endpt G b e \in vset G;
p_inP : p_in G \in vset G;
p_outP : p_out G \in vset G}.
End OpenGraphs.
Declare Scope open_scope.
Bind Scope open_scope with pre_graph.
Delimit Scope open_scope with O.
Class inh_type (A : Type) := { default : A }.
Section PttdomGraphTheory.
Variable tm : pttdom. Notation test := (test tm).
Global Instance tm_inh_type : inh_type tm.
exact: Build_inh_type (1%ptt).
Notation pre_graph := (pre_graph test tm).
Strong Equivalence
Set Primitive Projections.
Record eqvG (G H : pre_graph) : Prop := WeqG {
sameV : vset G = vset H;
sameE : eset G = eset H;
same_endpt b : {in eset G, endpt G b =1 endpt H b };
eqv_lv x : x \in vset G → lv G x ≡ lv H x;
eqv_le e : e \in eset G → le G e ≡ le H e;
same_in : p_in G = p_in H;
same_out : p_out G = p_out H
Notation "G ≡G H" := (eqvG G H) (at level 79).
Global Instance eqvG_Equivalence : Equivalence eqvG.
split ⇒ //.
- move ⇒ G H W. split ⇒ //; repeat intro; symmetry; apply W.
all: by rewrite ?(sameE W,sameV W).
- move ⇒ F G H W1 W2.
have S1 := (sameV W1,sameE W1,same_endpt W1,
eqv_lv W1,eqv_le W1,same_in W1,same_out W1).
split ⇒ //; repeat intro.
all: try rewrite S1; try apply W2. all: rewrite -?S1 //.
Lemma eqvG_sym : Symmetric eqvG.
Proof. move ⇒ ×. by symmetry. Qed.
Lemma eqvG_graph (G H : pre_graph) (isG : is_graph G) : G ≡G H → is_graph H.
move ⇒ [EV EE Eep Elv Ele Ei Eo]. econstructor.
- move ⇒ e b Ee. rewrite -EE in Ee. rewrite -EV -Eep //. exact: endptP.
- rewrite -EV -Ei. exact: p_inP.
- rewrite -EV -Eo. exact: p_outP.
Experimental: A class of boxed properties to allow inference of "non-class" assumptions
Class box (P : Type) : Type := Box { boxed : P }.
Hint Extern 0 (box _) ⇒ apply Box; assumption : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 0 (box _) ⇒ apply Box; assumption : typeclass_instances.
Making e \in eset G part of the definition of oarc allows us to mostly avoid
explicitly mentioning this assumption in the step relation. Moreover,
it avoids spurious lemmas such as oarc G e x u y → oarc (G \ z) e x u y
Definition oarc e x u y :=
e \in eset G ∧
∃ b, [/\ endpt G b e = x, endpt G (~~b) e = y & le G e ≡[b] u].
Definition is_edge e x u y :=
e \in eset G ∧ [/\ endpt G false e = x, endpt G true e = y & le G e ≡ u].
Definition incident x e := [∃ b, endpt G b e == x].
Definition edges_at x := [fset e in eset G | incident x e].
End PreGraphOps.
Global Instance oarc_morphism : Proper (eqvG ==> eq ==> eq ==> eqv ==> eq ==> iff) oarc.
move ⇒ G H GH ? e ? ? x ? u v uv ? y ?. subst.
wlog suff: G H GH u v uv / oarc G e x u y → oarc H e x v y.
{ move ⇒ W. split; apply: W ⇒ //; by symmetry. }
case: GH ⇒ [EV EE Eep Elv Ele _ _] [He [b] [A B C]].
split; first by rewrite -EE.
∃ b. rewrite -!Eep //. split ⇒ //. by rewrite -Ele // -uv.
Section PreGraphTheory.
Variables (G : pre_graph).
e \in eset G ∧
∃ b, [/\ endpt G b e = x, endpt G (~~b) e = y & le G e ≡[b] u].
Definition is_edge e x u y :=
e \in eset G ∧ [/\ endpt G false e = x, endpt G true e = y & le G e ≡ u].
Definition incident x e := [∃ b, endpt G b e == x].
Definition edges_at x := [fset e in eset G | incident x e].
End PreGraphOps.
Global Instance oarc_morphism : Proper (eqvG ==> eq ==> eq ==> eqv ==> eq ==> iff) oarc.
move ⇒ G H GH ? e ? ? x ? u v uv ? y ?. subst.
wlog suff: G H GH u v uv / oarc G e x u y → oarc H e x v y.
{ move ⇒ W. split; apply: W ⇒ //; by symmetry. }
case: GH ⇒ [EV EE Eep Elv Ele _ _] [He [b] [A B C]].
split; first by rewrite -EE.
∃ b. rewrite -!Eep //. split ⇒ //. by rewrite -Ele // -uv.
Section PreGraphTheory.
Variables (G : pre_graph).
Note that the incident predicate does not check whether the edge
is present in the graph. The right way to check whether e is an edge
attached to x is e \in edges_at x
lemmas about edges_at
Lemma edges_atE e x : e \in edges_at G x = (e \in eset G) && (incident G x e).
Proof. rewrite /edges_at. by rewrite !inE. Qed.
Lemma edges_atP e z : reflect (e \in eset G ∧ ∃ b, endpt G b e = z) (e \in edges_at G z).
rewrite edges_atE /incident. apply: (iffP andP); intuition.
- case/existsP : H1 ⇒ b /eqP<-. by ∃ b.
-case: H1 ⇒ b <-. apply/existsP. by ∃ b.
Lemma edges_atF b e x (edge_e : e \in eset G) :
e \notin edges_at G x → (endpt G b e == x = false).
Proof. rewrite !inE /= edge_e /=. apply: contraNF ⇒ ?. by existsb b. Qed.
Lemma degree_one_two x y e e1 e2 : e1 != e2 →
edges_at G x = [fset e] → edges_at G y = [fset e1;e2] → x != y.
move ⇒ A Ix Iy. apply: contra_neq A ⇒ ?;subst y.
wlog suff S : e1 e2 Iy / e1 = e.
{ rewrite (S _ _ Iy). symmetry. apply: S. by rewrite Iy fsetUC. }
apply/eqP. by rewrite -in_fset1 -Ix Iy in_fset2 eqxx.
lemmas about pIO
Definition pIO := [fset p_in G; p_out G].
Lemma pIO_Ni x : x \notin pIO → p_in G != x.
Proof. apply: contraNneq ⇒ <-. by rewrite in_fset2 eqxx. Qed.
Lemma pIO_No x : x \notin pIO → p_out G != x.
Proof. apply: contraNneq ⇒ <-. by rewrite in_fset2 eqxx. Qed.
Lemma pIO_fresh (isG : is_graph G) x :
x \notin vset G → x \notin pIO.
Proof. apply: contraNN. rewrite !inE. case/orP ⇒ /eqP ->; [exact: p_inP|exact: p_outP]. Qed.
lemmas about is_edge
Lemma is_edge_vsetL {isG : is_graph G} e x y u : is_edge G e x u y → x \in vset G.
Proof. case ⇒ E [<- _ _]. exact: endptP. Qed.
Lemma is_edge_vsetR {isG : is_graph G} e x y u : is_edge G e x u y → y \in vset G.
Proof. case ⇒ E [_ <- _]. exact: endptP. Qed.
lemmas about oarc
Lemma edges_at_oarc e x y z u :
e \in edges_at G z → oarc G e x u y → x = z ∨ y = z.
move ⇒ Iz [Ee [b] [<- <- _]]. case/edges_atP : Iz ⇒ _ [[|]]; case: b; tauto.
Lemma oarc_cnv e x y u : oarc G e x u y ↔ oarc G e y u° x.
wlog suff W : x u y / oarc G e x u y → oarc G e y u° x.
{ split; first exact: W. move/W. by rewrite cnvI. }
case ⇒ E [b] [A B C]. split ⇒ //. ∃ (~~b). rewrite negbK.
split ⇒ //. by rewrite eqvb_neq cnvI.
Lemma oarc_edge_atL e x y u :
oarc G e x u y → e \in edges_at G x.
Proof. case ⇒ E [b] [A B C]. rewrite !inE E /= /incident. existsb b. exact/eqP. Qed.
Lemma oarc_edge_atR e x y u :
oarc G e x u y → e \in edges_at G y.
Proof. rewrite oarc_cnv. exact: oarc_edge_atL. Qed.
Lemma oarc_cases e x u y :
oarc G e x u y → is_edge G e x u y ∨ is_edge G e y u° x.
Proof. by case ⇒ E [[|]] [A B C]; [right|left]. Qed.
Lemma oarc_vsetL (isG : is_graph G) e x y u :
oarc G e x u y → x \in vset G.
Proof. case ⇒ E [b] [<- _ _]. exact: endptP. Qed.
Lemma oarc_vsetR (isG : is_graph G) e x y u :
oarc G e x u y → y \in vset G.
Proof. case ⇒ E [b] [_ <- _]. exact: endptP. Qed.
Lemma oarcxx_le e x u : oarc G e x u x → 1∥le G e ≡ 1∥u.
Proof. case ⇒ E [[|] [A B /= C]]; by rewrite C ?par_tst_cnv. Qed.
Lemma oarc_uniqeR e e' x y u :
edges_at G y = [fset e] → oarc G e' x u y → e' = e.
Proof. move ⇒ Iy /oarc_edge_atR. rewrite Iy. by move/fset1P. Qed.
Lemma oarc_uniqeL e e' x y u :
edges_at G x = [fset e] → oarc G e' x u y → e' = e.
Proof. rewrite oarc_cnv. exact: oarc_uniqeR. Qed.
Lemma oarc_injL e x x' y u u' :
oarc G e x u y → oarc G e x' u' y → x = x'.
case ⇒ E [b] [? ? ?] [_ [b'] [? ? ?]]. subst.
by destruct b; destruct b'.
Lemma oarc_injR e x y y' u u' :
oarc G e x u y → oarc G e x u' y' → y = y'.
case ⇒ E [b] [? ? ?] [_ [b'] [? ? ?]]. subst.
by destruct b; destruct b'.
Lemma oarc_loop e x y x' u u' : oarc G e x u y → oarc G e x' u' x' → x = y.
Proof. case ⇒ Ee [[|]] [? ? ?]; case ⇒ _ [[|]] [? ? ?]; by subst. Qed.
Lemma same_oarc e x y x' y' u u' : oarc G e x u y → oarc G e x' u' y' →
[/\ x = x', y = y' & u ≡ u'] ∨ [/\ x = y', y = x' & u ≡ u'°].
case ⇒ Ee [b] [A B C]. case ⇒ _ [b'] [A' B' C'].
case: (altP (b =P b')) ⇒ [Eb|].
- subst. left. split ⇒ //. apply: eqvbN. apply: eqvb_transR C'. by symmetry.
- rewrite -eqb_negR ⇒ /eqP ?; subst. right; split ⇒ //. by rewrite negbK.
apply: eqvbT. apply: eqvb_transR C'. by symmetry.
Lemma oarc_eqv e x y u u' :
x != y → oarc G e x u y → oarc G e x u' y → u ≡ u'.
move ⇒ xDy arc_e arc_e'. case: (same_oarc arc_e arc_e') xDy ⇒ -[? ? ?] //; subst.
by rewrite eqxx.
End PreGraphTheory.
Hint Resolve is_edge_vsetL is_edge_vsetR : vset.
Hint Resolve oarc_vsetL oarc_vsetR : vset.
Definition remove_vertex (G : pre_graph) (x : VT) :=
{| vset := vset G `\ x;
eset := eset G `\` edges_at G x;
endpt := endpt G;
lv := lv G;
le := le G;
p_in := p_in G;
p_out := p_out G |}.
Notation "G \ x" := (remove_vertex G x) (at level 29,left associativity) : open_scope.
Global Instance remove_vertex_graph (G : pre_graph)
{graph_G : is_graph G} (x : VT) {Hx : box (x \notin pIO G)} :
is_graph (remove_vertex G x).
rewrite /remove_vertex; split ⇒ //=.
- move ⇒ e b /fsetDP [A B]. by rewrite !inE (endptP b A) edges_atF.
- case: Hx ⇒ Hx. by rewrite !inE p_inP andbT pIO_Ni.
- case: Hx ⇒ Hx. by rewrite !inE p_outP andbT pIO_No.
Definition add_vertex (G : pre_graph) (x : VT) a :=
{| vset := x |` vset G ;
eset := eset G;
endpt := endpt G;
lv := (lv G)[upd x := a];
le := le G;
p_in := p_in G;
p_out := p_out G |}.
Notation "G ∔ [ x , a ]" := (add_vertex G x a) (at level 20, left associativity) : open_scope.
Global Instance add_vertex_graph (G : pre_graph) {graph_G : is_graph G} (x : VT) a :
is_graph (add_vertex G x a).
split ⇒ //=; first by move ⇒ e b inG; rewrite inE !endptP.
all: by rewrite inE (p_inP,p_outP).
Definition remove_edges (G : pre_graph) (E : {fset ET}) :=
{| vset := vset G;
eset := eset G `\` E;
endpt := endpt G;
lv := lv G;
le := le G;
p_in := p_in G;
p_out := p_out G |}.
Notation "G - E" := (remove_edges G E) : open_scope.
Lemma remove_edges0 (G : pre_graph) : G - fset0 ≡G G.
Proof. split ⇒ //=. exact: fsetD0. Qed.
Global Instance remove_edges_graph (G : pre_graph) {graph_G : is_graph G} (E : {fset ET}) :
is_graph (remove_edges G E).
split; try by apply graph_G.
move ⇒ e b /fsetDP [He _]; by apply graph_G.
Definition add_edge' (G : pre_graph) (e:ET) x u y :=
{| vset := vset G;
eset := e |` eset G;
endpt b := update (endpt G b) e (if b then y else x);
lv := lv G;
le := update (le G) e u;
p_in := p_in G;
p_out := p_out G |}.
Definition add_edge (G : pre_graph) x u y := add_edge' G (fresh (eset G)) x u y.
Notation "G ∔ [ x , u , y ]" := (add_edge G x u y) (at level 20,left associativity) : open_scope.
Notation "G ∔ [ e , x , u , y ]" := (add_edge' G e x u y) (at level 20,left associativity) : open_scope.
Note that we do not require e to be fresh, adding an alreay
existing edge merely overwrites that edge
Lemma add_edge_graph' (G : pre_graph) (graph_G : is_graph G) e x y u :
x \in vset G → y \in vset G → is_graph (G ∔ [e,x, u, y]).
move ⇒ xG yG. split ⇒ //=; try apply graph_G.
move ⇒ e' b; case/fset1UE ⇒ [->|[? ?]]; rewrite updateE ?(endptP) //.
by case: b.
Lemma add_edge_graph'' (G : pre_graph) e z t v (graph_G : is_graph (G ∔ [e,z,v,t])) x y u :
x \in vset G → y \in vset G → is_graph (G ∔ [e,x,u,y]).
move ⇒ xG yG. split ⇒ //=; try apply graph_G.
move ⇒ e' b; case/fset1UE ⇒ [->|[? H]]; rewrite updateE ?(endptP) //.
by case: b.
generalize (endptP (is_graph:=graph_G) (e:=e') b).
rewrite /=updateE//. move⇒D. apply D. by apply fset1Ur.
Lemma add_edge_graph (G : pre_graph) (graph_G : is_graph G) x y u :
x \in vset G → y \in vset G → is_graph (add_edge G x u y).
Proof. exact: add_edge_graph'. Qed.
Definition add_test (G : pre_graph) (x:VT) (a:test) :=
{| vset := vset G;
eset := eset G;
endpt := endpt G;
lv := update (lv G) x (a ⊗ lv G x)%CM;
le := le G;
p_in := p_in G;
p_out := p_out G |}.
Global Instance add_test_graph (G : pre_graph) {graph_G : is_graph G} x a :
is_graph (add_test G x a).
Proof. split ⇒ //=; apply graph_G. Qed.
Notation "G [adt x <- a ]" := (add_test G x a)
(at level 2, left associativity, format "G [adt x <- a ]") : open_scope.
Definition flip_edge (G : pre_graph) (e : ET) :=
{| vset := vset G;
eset := eset G;
endpt b := (endpt G b)[upd e := endpt G (~~ b) e];
lv := lv G;
le := (le G)[upd e := (le G e)°];
p_in := p_in G;
p_out := p_out G |}.
Global Instance flip_edge_graph (G : pre_graph) (isG : is_graph G) e :
is_graph (flip_edge G e).
split ⇒ //=; rewrite ?p_inP ?p_outP //.
move ⇒ e0 b. case: (altP (e0 =P e)) ⇒ [->|?] E0; by rewrite updateE // endptP.
Lemma in_vsetDV (G : pre_graph) z x : x != z → x \in vset G → x \in vset (G \ z).
Proof. by rewrite !inE ⇒ → → . Qed.
Lemma in_vsetDE (G : pre_graph) x E: x \in vset G → x \in vset (G - E).
Proof. apply. Qed.
Lemma in_vsetAV (G : pre_graph) z a x : x \in vset G → x \in vset (G ∔ [z,a]).
Proof. by rewrite !inE ⇒ →. Qed.
Lemma in_vsetAE (G : pre_graph) x y z u e : x \in vset G → x \in vset (G ∔ [e,y,u,z]).
Proof. by apply. Qed.
Lemma in_vsetAV' (G : pre_graph) z a : z \in vset (G ∔ [z,a]).
Proof. by rewrite !inE eqxx. Qed.
Hint Resolve in_vsetDV in_vsetDE in_vsetAV in_vsetAE in_vsetAV' : vset.
Preservation of predicates
Lemma pIO_add_vertex (G : pre_graph) x a : pIO (add_vertex G x a) = pIO G. done. Qed.
Lemma pIO_add_edge (G : pre_graph) e x u y : pIO (add_edge' G e x u y) = pIO G. done. Qed.
Lemma pIO_add_test (G : pre_graph) x a : pIO (G[adt x <- a]) = pIO G. done. Qed.
Definition pIO_add := (pIO_add_edge,pIO_add_vertex,pIO_add_test).
Lemma incident_delv G z : incident (G \ z) =2 incident G. done. Qed.
Lemma incident_dele (G : pre_graph) E : incident (G - E) =2 incident G. done. Qed.
Lemma incident_addv (G : pre_graph) x a : incident (G ∔ [x,a]) =2 incident G. done. Qed.
Lemma incident_flip (G : pre_graph) e x : incident (flip_edge G e) x =1 incident G x.
move ⇒ e0. rewrite /incident. case: (altP (e0 =P e)) ⇒ [->|D].
- apply/existsP/existsP ⇒ [] [b] /eqP<-; ∃ (~~ b) ⇒ /=; by rewrite updateE ?negbK.
- apply/existsP/existsP ⇒ [] [b] /eqP<-; ∃ b ⇒ /=; by rewrite updateE ?negbK.
Lemma incident_flip_edge G e x u y :
incident (G ∔ [e, x, u, y]) =2 incident (G ∔ [e, y, u°, x]).
move ⇒ z f. rewrite /incident/= !existsb_case.
case: (altP (f =P e)) ⇒ [->|?]; by rewrite !updateE // orbC.
Lemma incident_vset (G : pre_graph) (isG : is_graph G) x e :
e \in eset G → incident G x e → x \in vset G.
Proof. move ⇒ He /existsP[b]/eqP<-. exact: endptP. Qed.
Lemma is_edge_remove_edges (G : pre_graph) E e x u y :
e \notin E → is_edge G e x u y → is_edge (G - E) e x u y.
Proof. move ⇒ He. by rewrite /is_edge /= inE He. Qed.
Lemma flipped_edge (G : pre_graph) e x y u :
is_edge G e x u° y → is_edge (flip_edge G e) e y u x.
rewrite /is_edge /flip_edge /= !updateE. firstorder. by rewrite H2 cnvI.
Lemma is_edge_flip_edge (G : pre_graph) e1 e2 x y u :
e2 != e1 → is_edge G e2 x u y → is_edge (flip_edge G e1) e2 x u y.
Proof. move ⇒ D. by rewrite /is_edge /flip_edge /= !updateE. Qed.
Lemma lv_add_edge (G : pre_graph) e x u y z : lv (G ∔ [e,x,u,y]) z = lv G z. done. Qed.
Notation "'src' G e" := (endpt G false e) (at level 11).
Notation "'tgt' G e" := (endpt G true e) (at level 11).
Lemma endpt_add_edge (G : pre_graph) e b x y u :
endpt (G ∔ [e,x,u,y]) b e = if b then y else x.
Proof. by rewrite /= updateE. Qed.
Lemma add_edgeV (G : pre_graph) e (x y : VT) (u : tm) :
is_graph (add_edge' G e x u y) → ((x \in vset G) × (y \in vset G))%type.
intros graph_G. case: graph_G ⇒ /(_ e) H _ _. split.
- move: (H false). rewrite endpt_add_edge. apply. by rewrite !inE eqxx.
- move: (H true). rewrite endpt_add_edge. apply. by rewrite !inE eqxx.
Lemma edges_at_test (G : pre_graph) x a z : edges_at G[adt x <- a] z = edges_at G z. done. Qed.
Lemma edges_at_del (G : pre_graph) (z x : VT) :
edges_at (G \ z) x = edges_at G x `\` edges_at G z.
apply/fsetP ⇒ k. by rewrite !(edges_atE,inE) !incident_delv !andbA.
Lemma edges_at_add_edge (G : pre_graph) x y e u :
edges_at (G ∔ [e, x, u, y]) y = e |` edges_at G y.
apply/fsetP ⇒ e0. rewrite inE !edges_atE /= !inE.
case: (altP (e0 =P e)) ⇒ //= [->|e0De].
- rewrite /incident/=. existsb true. by rewrite !update_eq.
- rewrite /incident/=. by rewrite !existsb_case !updateE.
Lemma edges_at_add_edgeL (G : pre_graph) x y e u :
edges_at (G ∔ [e, x, u, y]) x = e |` edges_at G x.
apply/fsetP ⇒ e0. rewrite inE !edges_atE /= !inE.
case: (altP (e0 =P e)) ⇒ //= [->|e0De].
- rewrite /incident/=. existsb false. by rewrite !update_eq.
- rewrite /incident/=. by rewrite !existsb_case !updateE.
Lemma edges_at_add_edge' G e x y z u :
e \notin eset G →
x != z → y != z → edges_at (G ∔ [e,x,u,y]) z = edges_at G z.
move ⇒ eGN xDz yDz. apply/fsetP ⇒ e0; rewrite !edges_atE /= !inE.
case: (altP (e0 =P e)) ⇒ //= [->|e0De].
- by rewrite (negbTE eGN) /incident /= existsb_case !updateE (negbTE xDz) (negbTE yDz).
- by rewrite /incident/= !existsb_case !update_neq.
Lemma edges_atC G e x y u : edges_at (G ∔ [e,x,u,y]) =1 edges_at (G ∔ [e,y,u°,x]).
Proof. move ⇒ z. apply/fsetP ⇒ f. by rewrite !edges_atE /= incident_flip_edge. Qed.
Lemma edges_at_added_vertex (G : pre_graph) (isG : is_graph G) x a : x \notin vset G →
edges_at (G ∔ [x, a]) x = fset0.
move ⇒ Hx. apply/fsetP ⇒ e. rewrite inE edges_atE.
case Ee : (_ \in _) ⇒ //=. rewrite incident_addv.
apply: contraNF Hx. exact: incident_vset.
Lemma edges_at_remove_edges (G : pre_graph) z E :
edges_at (remove_edges G E) z = edges_at G z `\` E.
apply/fsetP ⇒ e. by rewrite !(inE,edges_atE) -andbA incident_dele.
Lemma edges_at_flip_edge (G : pre_graph) (e : ET) (x : VT) :
edges_at (flip_edge G e) x = edges_at G x.
Proof. rewrite /edges_at. apply: eq_imfset ⇒ //= e0. by rewrite !inE incident_flip. Qed.
Lemma oarc_add_edge (G : pre_graph) e e' x y x' y' u u' :
e' != e →
oarc G e' x' u' y' → oarc (G ∔ [e,x,u,y]) e' x' u' y'.
move ⇒ eDe'.
rewrite /oarc /= !updateE // in_fset1U (negbTE eDe') /=.
case ⇒ A [b] B. split ⇒ //. ∃ b. by rewrite !updateE.
Lemma oarc_added_edge (G : pre_graph) e x y u : oarc (G ∔ [e,x,u,y]) e x u y.
- by rewrite !inE eqxx.
- by ∃ false; split; rewrite /= update_eq.
Lemma oarc_remove_edges (G : pre_graph) e x u y E :
e \notin E → oarc G e x u y → oarc (remove_edges G E) e x u y.
Proof. move ⇒ He. by rewrite /oarc /= inE He. Qed.
Lemma oarc_remove_vertex (G : pre_graph) z e x y u :
e \notin edges_at G z → oarc G e x u y → oarc (G \ z) e x u y.
Proof. move ⇒ Iz [edge_e H]. apply: conj H. by rewrite inE Iz. Qed.
Lemma oarc_flip_edge (G : pre_graph) e1 e2 x y u :
oarc G e2 x u y → oarc (flip_edge G e1) e2 x u y.
case: (altP (e2 =P e1)) ⇒ [->|D].
- case ⇒ E [b] [A B C]. split ⇒ //. ∃ (~~ b). rewrite /= !negbK !updateE.
split ⇒ //. symmetry. rewrite eqvb_neq. symmetry. by rewrite cnvI.
- case ⇒ E [b] [A B C]. split ⇒ //. ∃ b. by rewrite /= !updateE.
edges_at (G ∔ [x, a]) x = fset0.
move ⇒ Hx. apply/fsetP ⇒ e. rewrite inE edges_atE.
case Ee : (_ \in _) ⇒ //=. rewrite incident_addv.
apply: contraNF Hx. exact: incident_vset.
Lemma edges_at_remove_edges (G : pre_graph) z E :
edges_at (remove_edges G E) z = edges_at G z `\` E.
apply/fsetP ⇒ e. by rewrite !(inE,edges_atE) -andbA incident_dele.
Lemma edges_at_flip_edge (G : pre_graph) (e : ET) (x : VT) :
edges_at (flip_edge G e) x = edges_at G x.
Proof. rewrite /edges_at. apply: eq_imfset ⇒ //= e0. by rewrite !inE incident_flip. Qed.
Lemma oarc_add_edge (G : pre_graph) e e' x y x' y' u u' :
e' != e →
oarc G e' x' u' y' → oarc (G ∔ [e,x,u,y]) e' x' u' y'.
move ⇒ eDe'.
rewrite /oarc /= !updateE // in_fset1U (negbTE eDe') /=.
case ⇒ A [b] B. split ⇒ //. ∃ b. by rewrite !updateE.
Lemma oarc_added_edge (G : pre_graph) e x y u : oarc (G ∔ [e,x,u,y]) e x u y.
- by rewrite !inE eqxx.
- by ∃ false; split; rewrite /= update_eq.
Lemma oarc_remove_edges (G : pre_graph) e x u y E :
e \notin E → oarc G e x u y → oarc (remove_edges G E) e x u y.
Proof. move ⇒ He. by rewrite /oarc /= inE He. Qed.
Lemma oarc_remove_vertex (G : pre_graph) z e x y u :
e \notin edges_at G z → oarc G e x u y → oarc (G \ z) e x u y.
Proof. move ⇒ Iz [edge_e H]. apply: conj H. by rewrite inE Iz. Qed.
Lemma oarc_flip_edge (G : pre_graph) e1 e2 x y u :
oarc G e2 x u y → oarc (flip_edge G e1) e2 x u y.
case: (altP (e2 =P e1)) ⇒ [->|D].
- case ⇒ E [b] [A B C]. split ⇒ //. ∃ (~~ b). rewrite /= !negbK !updateE.
split ⇒ //. symmetry. rewrite eqvb_neq. symmetry. by rewrite cnvI.
- case ⇒ E [b] [A B C]. split ⇒ //. ∃ b. by rewrite /= !updateE.
Lemma remove_vertexC (G : pre_graph) (x y : VT) : (G \ x \ y)%O = (G \ y \ x)%O.
rewrite /remove_vertex/=; f_equal.
- by rewrite fsetDDl fsetUC -fsetDDl.
- by rewrite !edges_at_del fsetDDD fsetUC -fsetDDD.
Lemma add_testC (G : pre_graph) x y a b :
G[adt x <- a][adt y <- b] ≡G G[adt y <- b][adt x <- a].
split ⇒ //= z.
case: (altP (x =P y)) ⇒ xy; subst.
- rewrite !update_same. case: (altP (z =P y)) ⇒ zy; subst; rewrite !updateE ⇒ //=.
by rewrite monA [(b ⊗ a)%CM]monC -monA.
- case: (altP (z =P x)) ⇒ zx; case: (altP (z =P y)) ⇒ zy; subst.
by rewrite eqxx in xy. all: by rewrite !updateE.
Lemma remove_vertex_add_test (G : pre_graph) z x a :
(G \ z)[adt x <- a] ≡G G[adt x <- a] \ z.
Proof. done. Qed.
This does not hold for add_edge since add_edge takes the
lowest available edge, which may change after deleting z.
Lemma remove_vertex_add_edge (G : pre_graph) z x y u e : z != x → z != y →
e \notin eset G →
add_edge' (G \ z) e x u y ≡G (add_edge' G e x u y) \ z.
move ⇒ Hx Hy He. split ⇒ //=. rewrite edges_at_add_edge' ?[_ == z]eq_sym //.
rewrite fsetDUl [[fset _] `\` _](fsetDidPl _ _ _) //.
apply/fdisjointP ⇒ ? /fset1P →. by rewrite edges_atE (negbTE He).
Lemma remove_vertex_edges G E z : G \ z - E ≡G (G - E)\z.
split ⇒ //.
by rewrite /remove_vertex/= edges_at_remove_edges fsetDDD fsetDDl fsetUC.
Lemma add_edge_test (G : pre_graph) e x y z u a :
(G ∔ [e,x,u,y])[adt z <- a] ≡G G[adt z <- a] ∔ [e,x,u,y].
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma remove_edges_add_test (G : pre_graph) E x a :
(remove_edges G E)[adt x <- a] ≡G remove_edges G[adt x <- a] E.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma add_edge_remove_edges (G : pre_graph) e E x y u :
e \notin E → G ∔ [e,x,u,y] - E ≡G (G - E) ∔ [e,x,u,y].
Proof. move ⇒ He. split ⇒ //=. by rewrite fsetUDl mem_fsetD1. Qed.
Lemma remove_edges_vertex (G : pre_graph) E z :
(G - E) \ z ≡G G \ z - E.
Proof. split ⇒ //=. by rewrite edges_at_remove_edges fsetDDD fsetDDl fsetUC. Qed.
Lemma add_test_edge (G : pre_graph) e x y z a u :
(G[adt z <- a] ∔ [e,x,u,y])%O = ((G ∔ [e,x,u,y])[adt z <- a])%O.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma remove_edges_edges (G : pre_graph) E E' :
G - E - E' ≡G G - (E `|` E').
Proof. split ⇒ //=. by rewrite fsetDDl. Qed.
Lemma add_edge_edge G e e' x y x' y' u u' : e != e' →
G ∔ [e,x,u,y] ∔ [e',x',u',y'] ≡G G ∔ [e',x',u',y'] ∔ [e,x,u,y].
move ⇒ eDe'. split ⇒ //=; first by rewrite fsetUA [[fset _;_]]fsetUC -fsetUA.
1: move ⇒ b.
all: move ⇒ f; case/fset1UE ⇒ [->|[?]]; last case/fset1UE ⇒ [->|[? ?]].
all: by rewrite !updateE // eq_sym.
Lemma add_test_merge G x a b :
G[adt x <- a][adt x <- b] ≡G G[adt x <- [elem_of a·elem_of b]].
constructor ⇒ //= y yG.
case: (altP (y =P x)) ⇒ [->|?]; rewrite !updateE //=.
by rewrite monA [(b ⊗ a)%CM]monC -monA.
Lemma flip_edge_add_test (G : pre_graph) (e : ET) (x : VT) a :
((flip_edge G e)[adt x <- a])%O = (flip_edge (G[adt x <- a]) e)%O.
Proof. done. Qed.
e \notin eset G →
add_edge' (G \ z) e x u y ≡G (add_edge' G e x u y) \ z.
move ⇒ Hx Hy He. split ⇒ //=. rewrite edges_at_add_edge' ?[_ == z]eq_sym //.
rewrite fsetDUl [[fset _] `\` _](fsetDidPl _ _ _) //.
apply/fdisjointP ⇒ ? /fset1P →. by rewrite edges_atE (negbTE He).
Lemma remove_vertex_edges G E z : G \ z - E ≡G (G - E)\z.
split ⇒ //.
by rewrite /remove_vertex/= edges_at_remove_edges fsetDDD fsetDDl fsetUC.
Lemma add_edge_test (G : pre_graph) e x y z u a :
(G ∔ [e,x,u,y])[adt z <- a] ≡G G[adt z <- a] ∔ [e,x,u,y].
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma remove_edges_add_test (G : pre_graph) E x a :
(remove_edges G E)[adt x <- a] ≡G remove_edges G[adt x <- a] E.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma add_edge_remove_edges (G : pre_graph) e E x y u :
e \notin E → G ∔ [e,x,u,y] - E ≡G (G - E) ∔ [e,x,u,y].
Proof. move ⇒ He. split ⇒ //=. by rewrite fsetUDl mem_fsetD1. Qed.
Lemma remove_edges_vertex (G : pre_graph) E z :
(G - E) \ z ≡G G \ z - E.
Proof. split ⇒ //=. by rewrite edges_at_remove_edges fsetDDD fsetDDl fsetUC. Qed.
Lemma add_test_edge (G : pre_graph) e x y z a u :
(G[adt z <- a] ∔ [e,x,u,y])%O = ((G ∔ [e,x,u,y])[adt z <- a])%O.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma remove_edges_edges (G : pre_graph) E E' :
G - E - E' ≡G G - (E `|` E').
Proof. split ⇒ //=. by rewrite fsetDDl. Qed.
Lemma add_edge_edge G e e' x y x' y' u u' : e != e' →
G ∔ [e,x,u,y] ∔ [e',x',u',y'] ≡G G ∔ [e',x',u',y'] ∔ [e,x,u,y].
move ⇒ eDe'. split ⇒ //=; first by rewrite fsetUA [[fset _;_]]fsetUC -fsetUA.
1: move ⇒ b.
all: move ⇒ f; case/fset1UE ⇒ [->|[?]]; last case/fset1UE ⇒ [->|[? ?]].
all: by rewrite !updateE // eq_sym.
Lemma add_test_merge G x a b :
G[adt x <- a][adt x <- b] ≡G G[adt x <- [elem_of a·elem_of b]].
constructor ⇒ //= y yG.
case: (altP (y =P x)) ⇒ [->|?]; rewrite !updateE //=.
by rewrite monA [(b ⊗ a)%CM]monC -monA.
Lemma flip_edge_add_test (G : pre_graph) (e : ET) (x : VT) a :
((flip_edge G e)[adt x <- a])%O = (flip_edge (G[adt x <- a]) e)%O.
Proof. done. Qed.
Global Instance add_edge_morphism' : Proper (eqvG ==> eq ==> eq ==> eqv ==> eq ==> eqvG) add_edge'.
move ⇒ G H [EV EE Eep Elv Ele Ei Eo] ? e ? ? x ? u v uv ? y ?. subst.
split ⇒ //= [|b|e'].
- by rewrite EE.
- apply: in_eqv_update ⇒ // ?. exact: Eep.
- exact: in_eqv_update.
Global Instance add_edge_morphism : Proper (eqvG ==> eq ==> eqv ==> eq ==> eqvG) add_edge.
move ⇒ G H GH e e' E. apply: add_edge_morphism' ⇒ //. by rewrite (sameE GH).
Lemma eqvG_edges_at G H : G ≡G H → edges_at G =1 edges_at H.
move ⇒ GH. move ⇒ x. apply/fsetP ⇒ e.
rewrite !edges_atE -(sameE GH). case E : (_ \in _) ⇒ //=.
apply: existsb_eq ⇒ b. by rewrite (same_endpt GH).
Global Instance remove_vertex_morphism : Proper (eqvG ==> eq ==> eqvG) remove_vertex.
Proof with apply/fsubsetP; exact: fsubsetDl.
move ⇒ G H [EV EE Eep Elv Ele Ei Eo] ? x ?. subst.
have EGH : edges_at G =1 edges_at H by exact: eqvG_edges_at.
split ⇒ //=; rewrite -?EE -?EV -?EGH //.
- move ⇒ b. apply: sub_in1 (Eep b) ⇒ //...
- apply: sub_in1 Elv ⇒ //...
- apply: sub_in1 Ele ⇒ //...
Global Instance add_test_morphism : Proper (eqvG ==> eq ==> eqv ==> eqvG) add_test.
move ⇒ G H [EV EE Eep Elv Ele Ei Eo] ? x ? u v uv. subst.
split ⇒ //= y Hy. case: (altP (y =P x)) ⇒ [?|?].
- subst y. by rewrite !updateE Elv // uv.
- by rewrite !updateE // Elv.
Lemma remove_vertexK (G : pre_graph) (isG : is_graph G) z :
z \in vset G →
(G \ z) ∔ [z,lv G z] ≡G G - edges_at G z.
Proof. split ⇒ //= [|x _]; by rewrite ?fsetD1K ?update_fx. Qed.
Lemma remove_edgesK (G : pre_graph) E z :
E `<=` edges_at G z → (remove_edges G E) \ z ≡G G \ z.
move ⇒ subE. split ⇒ //=.
by rewrite edges_at_remove_edges fsetDDD (fsetUidPr _ _ subE).
Lemma remove_edgeK (G : pre_graph) (isG : is_graph G) e x y u :
is_edge G e x u y → (G - [fset e]) ∔ [e,x,u,y] ≡G G.
case ⇒ E [A B C]. split ⇒ //=.
- by rewrite fsetD1K.
- move ⇒ b. rewrite fsetD1K // ⇒ e'. case: (altP (e' =P e)) ⇒ [->|?] ?; rewrite updateE //.
by case: b; rewrite ?A ?B.
- move ⇒ e'. rewrite fsetD1K // ⇒ He'. by case: (altP (e' =P e)) ⇒ [->|?]; rewrite updateE // C.
Lemma add_edge_remove_vertex (G : pre_graph) e x u y :
e \notin eset G → G ∔ [e,x,u,y] \ y ≡G G \ y.
move ⇒ He. split ⇒ //=; rewrite edges_at_add_edge. 2: move ⇒ b.
all: rewrite fsetUDU ?fdisjoint1X // ⇒ f /fsetDP [Hf _];
rewrite update_neq //; by apply: contraNneq He ⇒ <-.
Definition add_edgeKr := add_edge_remove_vertex.
Lemma add_edgeKl (G : pre_graph) e x u y :
e \notin eset G → G ∔ [e,x,u,y] \ x ≡G G \ x.
move ⇒ He. split ⇒ //=; rewrite edges_at_add_edgeL. 2: move ⇒ b.
all: rewrite fsetUDU ?fdisjoint1X // ⇒ f /fsetDP [Hf _];
rewrite update_neq //; by apply: contraNneq He ⇒ <-.
Lemma add_testK (G : pre_graph) x a : G[adt x <- a] \ x ≡G G \ x.
Proof. split ⇒ //= y /fsetD1P [? _]. by rewrite updateE. Qed.
Lemma add_vertexK (G : pre_graph) (isG : is_graph G) x a :
x \notin vset G → G ∔ [x, a] \ x ≡G G.
move ⇒ Hx. split ⇒ //=.
- by rewrite fsetU1K.
- by rewrite edges_at_added_vertex // fsetD0.
- rewrite fsetU1K // ⇒ y Hy. rewrite update_neq //.
by apply: contraNneq Hx ⇒ <-.
Lemma add_edge_remove_edgesK (G : pre_graph) e E x y u :
e \in E → G ∔ [e,x,u,y] - E ≡G (G - E).
move ⇒ eE.
have X : (e |` eset G) `\` E = eset G `\` E.
{ by rewrite fsetDUl fset1D eE fset0U. }
split ⇒ //=; rewrite X. 1: move ⇒ b.
all: move ⇒ f Hf; rewrite updateE //.
all: apply: contraTneq Hf ⇒ ->; by rewrite inE eE.
Lemma remove_edges_vertexK (G : pre_graph) E z :
E `<=` edges_at G z → (G - E) \ z ≡G G \ z.
move ⇒ EIz. split ⇒ //=.
by rewrite fsetDDl edges_at_remove_edges fsetUDl fsetDv fsetD0 (fsetUidPr _ _ EIz).
Lemma flip_edgeK (G : pre_graph) (e : ET) (x : VT) :
e \in edges_at G x → (flip_edge G e) \ x ≡G G \ x.
move ⇒ He. split; rewrite //= edges_at_flip_edge //.
- move ⇒ b e' /fsetDP [A B]. rewrite updateE //. by apply: contraNneq B ⇒ →.
- move ⇒ e' /fsetDP [A B]. rewrite updateE //. by apply: contraNneq B ⇒ →.
Lemma flip_edgeK' (G : pre_graph) (e : ET) (E : {fset ET}) :
e \in E → (flip_edge G e) - E ≡G G - E.
move ⇒ He. split; rewrite //= ?edges_at_flip_edge //.
- move ⇒ b e' /fsetDP [A B]. rewrite updateE //. by apply: contraNneq B ⇒ →.
- move ⇒ e' /fsetDP [A B]. rewrite updateE //. by apply: contraNneq B ⇒ →.
We turn the first argument into a parameter, this keeps
case/destruct from introducing a new name for G
Variant ostep (G : pre_graph) : pre_graph → Type :=
| ostep_v0 z : z \in vset G →
edges_at G z = fset0 → z \notin pIO G → ostep G (G \ z)
| ostep_v1 x z e u :
edges_at G z = [fset e] → z \notin pIO G → oarc G e x u z → x != z →
ostep G (add_test G x [dom(u·elem_of (lv G z))] \ z)
| ostep_v2 x y z e1 e2 u v :
edges_at G z = [fset e1;e2] → e1 != e2 → z \notin pIO G → x != z → y != z →
oarc G e1 x u z → oarc G e2 z v y →
ostep G ((G \ z) ∔ [maxn e1 e2, x,u·elem_of (lv G z)·v,y])
| ostep_e0 x e u :
oarc G e x u x →
ostep G ((remove_edges G [fset e])[adt x <- [1∥le G e]])
| ostep_e2 x y e1 e2 u v : e1 != e2 →
oarc G e1 x u y → oarc G e2 x v y →
ostep G ((remove_edges G [fset e1;e2]) ∔ [maxn e1 e2,x,u∥v,y]).
End ostep.
Variant fstep: relation pre_graph :=
| flip_step: ∀ (G : pre_graph) e x y u v,
u° ≡ v →
x \in vset G → y \in vset G →
fstep (G ∔ [e,x,u,y])%O (G ∔ [e,y,v,x])%O.
Inductive osteps: relation pre_graph :=
| eqvG_step: RelationClasses.subrelation eqvG osteps
| fstep_step: RelationClasses.subrelation fstep osteps
| ostep_step: CRelationClasses.subrelation ostep osteps
| osteps_trans: RelationClasses.Transitive osteps.
Global Instance osteps_preorder: PreOrder osteps.
split. intro. by apply eqvG_step.
apply osteps_trans.
Global Existing Instance eqvG_step.
Global Existing Instance fstep_step.
Global Existing Instance ostep_step.
Lemma osteps_refl (G : pre_graph) : osteps G G.
Proof. exact: eqvG_step. Qed.
Hint Resolve osteps_refl : core.
Lemma eqvG_stepL G G' H : G ≡G G' → osteps G' H → osteps G H.
Proof. move ⇒ h A. by rewrite h. Qed.
Lemma ostepL G G' H : ostep G G' → osteps G' H → osteps G H.
Proof. move ⇒ A. apply: osteps_trans. exact: ostep_step. Qed.
Definition step_order G H (s: ostep G H): nat :=
match s with
| ostep_v0 _ _ _ _ ⇒ 0
| ostep_v1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ 1
| ostep_v2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ 2
| ostep_e0 _ _ _ _ ⇒ 3
| ostep_e2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ 4
| ostep_v0 z : z \in vset G →
edges_at G z = fset0 → z \notin pIO G → ostep G (G \ z)
| ostep_v1 x z e u :
edges_at G z = [fset e] → z \notin pIO G → oarc G e x u z → x != z →
ostep G (add_test G x [dom(u·elem_of (lv G z))] \ z)
| ostep_v2 x y z e1 e2 u v :
edges_at G z = [fset e1;e2] → e1 != e2 → z \notin pIO G → x != z → y != z →
oarc G e1 x u z → oarc G e2 z v y →
ostep G ((G \ z) ∔ [maxn e1 e2, x,u·elem_of (lv G z)·v,y])
| ostep_e0 x e u :
oarc G e x u x →
ostep G ((remove_edges G [fset e])[adt x <- [1∥le G e]])
| ostep_e2 x y e1 e2 u v : e1 != e2 →
oarc G e1 x u y → oarc G e2 x v y →
ostep G ((remove_edges G [fset e1;e2]) ∔ [maxn e1 e2,x,u∥v,y]).
End ostep.
Variant fstep: relation pre_graph :=
| flip_step: ∀ (G : pre_graph) e x y u v,
u° ≡ v →
x \in vset G → y \in vset G →
fstep (G ∔ [e,x,u,y])%O (G ∔ [e,y,v,x])%O.
Inductive osteps: relation pre_graph :=
| eqvG_step: RelationClasses.subrelation eqvG osteps
| fstep_step: RelationClasses.subrelation fstep osteps
| ostep_step: CRelationClasses.subrelation ostep osteps
| osteps_trans: RelationClasses.Transitive osteps.
Global Instance osteps_preorder: PreOrder osteps.
split. intro. by apply eqvG_step.
apply osteps_trans.
Global Existing Instance eqvG_step.
Global Existing Instance fstep_step.
Global Existing Instance ostep_step.
Lemma osteps_refl (G : pre_graph) : osteps G G.
Proof. exact: eqvG_step. Qed.
Hint Resolve osteps_refl : core.
Lemma eqvG_stepL G G' H : G ≡G G' → osteps G' H → osteps G H.
Proof. move ⇒ h A. by rewrite h. Qed.
Lemma ostepL G G' H : ostep G G' → osteps G' H → osteps G H.
Proof. move ⇒ A. apply: osteps_trans. exact: ostep_step. Qed.
Definition step_order G H (s: ostep G H): nat :=
match s with
| ostep_v0 _ _ _ _ ⇒ 0
| ostep_v1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ 1
| ostep_v2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ 2
| ostep_e0 _ _ _ _ ⇒ 3
| ostep_e2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ 4
Lemma edges_replace (G : pre_graph) (z z' : VT) (e1 e2 e2' : ET) (x : VT) (u : tm) :
edges_at G z = [fset e1; e2] → edges_at G z' = [fset e2; e2'] →
e1 != e2 → e2 != e2' → e1 != e2' →
edges_at ((G \ z) ∔ [maxn e1 e2, x, u, z']) z' = [fset maxn e1 e2; e2'].
move ⇒ Iz Iz' /negbTE E1 /negbTE E2 /negbTE E3.
rewrite edges_at_add_edge /= ?Iz ?maxn_fsetD //.
suff → : edges_at (G \ z) z' = [fset e2'] by [].
rewrite edges_at_del Iz Iz'. apply/fsetP ⇒ e. rewrite !inE negb_or -andbA.
apply/and3P/idP ⇒ [[A B /orP [/eqP C|/eqP C]]|/eqP->] ; subst.
- by rewrite eqxx in B.
- by rewrite eq_sym E3 in A.
- by rewrite eqxx orbT eq_sym E3 eq_sym E2.
Lemma critical_pair1 (u v a : tm) of is_test a : dom ((u∥v°)·a) ≡ 1 ∥ u·a·v.
Proof. by rewrite -dotA A10 cnvdot cnvtst partst. Qed.
Lemma critical_pair2 (u v : tm) : (1∥u)·(1∥v) ≡ 1∥(u∥v).
rewrite (par1tst u) (par1tst v) -pardot /=.
by rewrite parA [_∥1]parC !parA par11.
Lemma critical_pair3 (u u' a b : tm) of is_test a & is_test b :
dom (u'·(dom (u·a)·b)) ≡ dom (u'·b·u·a).
by rewrite dotC /= dotA -A13 !dotA.
Ltac e2split := do 2 eexists; split; [split|].
Lemma close_same_step (Gl Gr : pre_graph) (isGl : is_graph Gl) (isGr : is_graph Gr) :
Gl ≡G Gr → ∃ Gl' Gr' : pre_graph, (osteps Gl Gl' ∧ osteps Gr Gr') ∧ (Gl' ≡G Gr').
Proof. move ⇒ E. e2split; by try exact: osteps_refl. Qed.
Lemma local_confluence_aux (G : pre_graph) (isG : is_graph G) Gl Gr :
ostep G Gl → ostep G Gr → ∃ Gl' Gr', (osteps Gl Gl' ∧ osteps Gr Gr') ∧ (Gl' ≡G Gr').
Proof with eauto with typeclass_instances.
move ⇒ S1 S2.
wlog : Gl Gr S1 S2 / step_order S1 ≤ step_order S2.
{ move ⇒ W. case/orb_sum: (leq_total (step_order S1) (step_order S2)) ⇒ SS.
- exact: W SS.
- case: (W _ _ _ _ SS) ⇒ H' [G'] [[stpG stpH] E].
do 2 eexists; split; first split. 1-2:eassumption. by symmetry. }
destruct S1 as [z Vz Iz zIO|
x z e u Iz zIO arc_e xDz |
x y z e1 e2 u v Iz e1De2 zIO xDz yDz arc_e1 arc_e2|
x e u arc_e |
x y e1 e2 u v e1De2 arc_e1 arc_e2];
destruct S2 as [z' Vz' Iz' zIO'|
x' z' e' u' Iz' zIO' arc_e' xDz'|
x' y' z' e1' e2' u' v' Iz' e1De2' zIO' xDz' yDz' arc_e1' arc_e2'|
x' e' u' arc_e' |
x' y' e1' e2' u' v' e1De2' arc_e1' arc_e2'];
rewrite //=; move ⇒ CASE_TAG.
case: (altP (z =P z')) ⇒ [?|D].
+ subst z'. do 2 ∃ ((G \ z)%O). split ⇒ //.
+ ∃ (G \ z \ z')%O. ∃ (G \ z' \ z)%O. rewrite {2}remove_vertexC. split ⇒ //.
split; apply ostep_step,ostep_v0 ⇒ //=.
2,4: by rewrite edges_at_del Iz Iz' fsetD0.
all: by rewrite !inE ?D 1?eq_sym ?D.
have D : z != z'. { apply: contra_eq_neq Iz ⇒ →. by rewrite Iz' fset01. }
+ eapply ostep_step,ostep_v1. 3: eapply oarc_remove_vertex,arc_e'. all: try done.
× by rewrite edges_at_del Iz Iz' fsetD0.
× by rewrite Iz inE.
+ eapply ostep_step,(ostep_v0 (z := z)). 3:done.
× by rewrite !inE D /=.
× by rewrite edges_at_del edges_at_test Iz fset0D.
+ by rewrite remove_vertexC remove_vertex_add_test.
have D : z != z'. { apply: contra_eq_neq Iz' ⇒ <-. by rewrite Iz eq_sym fset1U0. }
have [? ?] : x' != z ∧ y' != z.
{ split.
- apply: contra_eq_neq Iz ⇒ <-. apply/fset0Pn; ∃ e1'. exact: oarc_edge_atL arc_e1'.
- apply: contra_eq_neq Iz ⇒ <-. apply/fset0Pn; ∃ e2'. exact: oarc_edge_atR arc_e2'. }
+ eapply ostep_step,ostep_v2.
6-7: apply: oarc_remove_vertex. 7: apply arc_e1'. 8: apply: arc_e2'.
all: try done.
all: by rewrite ?edges_at_del ?Iz ?Iz' ?fsetD0 ?inE.
+ eapply ostep_step,(ostep_v0 (z := z)). 3:done.
by rewrite !inE D.
rewrite @edges_at_add_edge' //=.
× by rewrite edges_at_del Iz fset0D.
× by rewrite Iz' maxn_fsetD.
+ by rewrite -remove_vertex_add_edge 1?eq_sym 1?remove_vertexC //= Iz' maxn_fsetD.
have zDx : z != x'.
{ apply: contra_eq_neq Iz ⇒ →. apply/fset0Pn. ∃ e'. exact: oarc_edge_atL arc_e'. }
+ eapply ostep_step,ostep_e0. apply: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e'. by rewrite Iz inE.
+ eapply ostep_step,(@ostep_v0 _ z) ⇒ //.
by rewrite edges_at_test edges_at_remove_edges Iz fset0D.
+ by rewrite /= -remove_vertex_add_test -remove_vertex_edges.
have[zDx zDy] : z != x' ∧ z != y'.
{ split;apply: contra_eq_neq Iz ⇒ ->;apply/fset0Pn;∃ e1'.
exact: oarc_edge_atL arc_e1'. exact: oarc_edge_atR arc_e1'. }
+ eapply ostep_step,ostep_e2. exact: e1De2'.
all: apply oarc_remove_vertex; eauto. all: by rewrite Iz inE.
+ eapply ostep_step,(@ostep_v0 _ z) ⇒ //.
rewrite edges_at_add_edge' 1?eq_sym ?maxn_fsetD //.
by rewrite edges_at_remove_edges Iz fset0D.
+ by rewrite remove_vertex_edges remove_vertex_add_edge ?maxn_fsetD.
case: (altP (z =P z')) ⇒ [E|D]; last case: (altP (e =P e')) ⇒ [E|E].
subst z'.
have ? : e' = e by apply: oarc_uniqeR arc_e'. subst e'.
have ? : x = x' by apply: oarc_injL arc_e arc_e'. subst x'.
apply: close_same_step.
suff → : [dom (u·elem_of (lv G z))] ≡ [dom (u'·elem_of (lv G z))] by [].
move ⇒ ? ?.
by rewrite eqv_testE (oarc_eqv _ arc_e arc_e').
+ subst e'.
case: (same_oarc arc_e arc_e') ⇒ [[? ? U]|[? ? U]]; subst z' x'; first by rewrite eqxx in D.
× eapply ostep_step, (@ostep_v0 _ x) ⇒ //.
rewrite !inE eq_sym D. exact: oarc_vsetL arc_e.
by rewrite edges_at_del !edges_at_test Iz Iz' fsetDv.
× eapply ostep_step, (@ostep_v0 _ z) ⇒ //.
rewrite !inE D. exact: oarc_vsetR arc_e.
by rewrite edges_at_del !edges_at_test Iz Iz' fsetDv.
× by rewrite remove_vertexC [in X in _ ≡G X]remove_vertexC !add_testK remove_vertexC.
gen have H,Hz : z z' x x' e e' u u' Iz Iz' arc_e' arc_e E {xDz xDz' zIO zIO' D} / z != x'.
{ apply: contraTneq E ⇒ ?. subst x'.
rewrite negbK eq_sym -in_fset1 -Iz. apply: oarc_edge_atL arc_e'. }
have {H} Hz' : z' != x by apply: H arc_e arc_e' _ ; rewrite // eq_sym.
do 2 eexists. split. split.
× eapply ostep_step, ostep_v1. 3: eapply oarc_remove_vertex. 4: apply arc_e'.
all: try done.
by rewrite edges_at_del /= !edges_at_test Iz' Iz mem_fsetD1 // inE.
by rewrite edges_at_test Iz inE eq_sym.
× eapply ostep_step, ostep_v1. 3: eapply oarc_remove_vertex. 4: apply arc_e.
all: try done.
by rewrite edges_at_del /= !edges_at_test Iz' Iz mem_fsetD1 // inE eq_sym.
by rewrite edges_at_test Iz' inE.
× by rewrite !remove_vertex_add_test remove_vertexC add_testC /= !updateE.
have zDz' : z != z' by apply: degree_one_two Iz Iz'.
case: (boolP (z \in [fset x';y'])) ⇒ [z_xy'|xD'].
wlog: x' y' xDz' yDz' u' v' e1' e2' arc_e1' arc_e2' Iz' e1De2' {z_xy'} / z = y' ⇒ [W|?].
{ move: z_xy'. rewrite !inE. case/orb_sum ⇒ /eqP E ; last exact: W.
rewrite → oarc_cnv in arc_e1',arc_e2'.
move/(_ y' x' yDz' xDz' _ _ _ _ arc_e2' arc_e1') in W. rewrite fsetUC eq_sym in W.
case: W ⇒ // Gl [Gr] [[S1 S2] WG]. ∃ Gl. ∃ Gr. do 2 (split ⇒ //).
rewrite→ maxnC, flip_step ; eauto with vset.
by rewrite !cnvdot cnvtst dotA. }
subst y'.
have ? : e2' = e by apply: oarc_uniqeR arc_e2'. subst e2'.
have ? : x = z' by apply: oarc_injL arc_e arc_e2'. subst x.
have Dz : x' != z.
{ apply: contra_neq e1De2' ⇒ ?. subst. exact: oarc_uniqeL arc_e1'. }
× eapply ostep_step, ostep_v1.
3: { apply: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e1'. by rewrite Iz inE. }
all: try done.
rewrite edges_at_del !edges_at_test Iz Iz'.
by rewrite fsetDUl fsetDv fsetU0 mem_fsetD1 // inE eq_sym.
× eapply ostep_step, ostep_v1.
3: exact: oarc_added_edge.
all: try done.
rewrite edges_at_add_edge ?edges_at_del Iz Iz'.
rewrite [_ `\` _](_ : _ = fset0) ?fsetU0 //.
apply/eqP. by rewrite fsetD_eq0 fsub1set in_fset2 eqxx.
× rewrite /= updateE. set a := lv G z. set b := lv G z'.
rewrite -remove_vertex_add_test remove_vertexC add_testK.
rewrite -remove_vertex_add_test add_edgeKr /= ?Iz' ?maxn_fsetD //.
apply: add_test_morphism ⇒ //=.
rewrite eqv_testE (oarc_eqv _ arc_e2' arc_e) //. exact: critical_pair3.
move: xD'. rewrite in_fset2 negb_or ⇒ /andP [zDx zDy].
have E1 : e1' != e.
{ rewrite -in_fset1 -Iz. apply/negP ⇒ H. move:(edges_at_oarc H arc_e1').
case ⇒ ?;subst; by rewrite eqxx in zDx zDz'. }
have E2 : e2' != e.
{ rewrite -in_fset1 -Iz. apply/negP ⇒ H. move:(edges_at_oarc H arc_e2').
case ⇒ ?;subst; by rewrite eqxx in zDy zDz'. }
have Z : z' != x.
{ apply: contraTneq (oarc_edge_atL arc_e) ⇒ <-.
by rewrite Iz' in_fset2 negb_or ![e == _]eq_sym E1. }
have ? : e \notin [fset e1';e2'] by rewrite in_fset2 negb_or ![e == _]eq_sym E1.
× eapply ostep_step, ostep_v2.
6: { apply: oarc_remove_vertex. 2: apply: arc_e1'. by rewrite edges_at_test Iz inE. }
6: { apply: oarc_remove_vertex. 2: apply: arc_e2'. by rewrite edges_at_test Iz inE. }
all: try done.
by rewrite edges_at_del !edges_at_test Iz Iz' mem_fsetD1.
× eapply ostep_step, ostep_v1.
3: { apply: oarc_add_edge. 2:apply: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e.
apply: fset2_maxn_neq ⇒ //. by rewrite Iz'. }
all: try done.
rewrite edges_at_add_edge' ?[_ == z]eq_sym //= ?edges_at_del ?Iz Iz' ?maxn_fsetD //.
by rewrite -fsetDDl !mem_fsetD1 ?inE.
× set e12 := maxn _ _. set a := lv G z. set b := lv G z'. set a' := lv _ z. set b' := lv _ z'.
have <- : a = a' by []. have <- : b = b'. rewrite /b /b' /= updateE //.
rewrite remove_vertexC -remove_vertex_add_test add_edge_test. rewrite -remove_vertex_add_edge //.
by rewrite /= inE negb_and negbK Iz' !inE maxn_eq.
have De : e != e'.
{ apply: contra_neq xDz ⇒ ?; subst e'. exact: oarc_loop arc_e arc_e'. }
have Dx' : x' != z.
{ apply: contra_neq De ⇒ ?; subst x'. symmetry. exact: oarc_uniqeL arc_e'. }
× eapply ostep_step, ostep_e0. apply: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e'.
by rewrite Iz !inE eq_sym.
× eapply ostep_step, ostep_v1. 3: { apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e. by rewrite inE. }
all: try done.
by rewrite edges_at_test edges_at_remove_edges Iz mem_fsetD1 // inE eq_sym.
× rewrite /= updateE 1?eq_sym //.
rewrite remove_vertex_edges -remove_edges_add_test.
by rewrite remove_vertex_add_test add_testC.
gen have D,zDx : e1' e2' x' y' u' v' arc_e1' arc_e2' e1De2' / x' != z.
{ apply: contra_neq e1De2' ⇒ ?. subst x'.
wlog suff : e1' e2' u' v' arc_e1' arc_e2' / e1' = e.
{ move ⇒ S. by rewrite (S _ _ _ _ arc_e1' arc_e2') (S _ _ _ _ arc_e2' arc_e1'). }
apply/eqP. rewrite -in_fset1 -Iz. apply: oarc_edge_atL arc_e1'. }
have {D} zDy : y' != z.
{ rewrite → oarc_cnv in arc_e1',arc_e2'. apply: D arc_e2' arc_e1' _. by rewrite eq_sym. }
have E1 : e1' != e.
{ rewrite -in_fset1 -Iz. apply/negP ⇒ H. move:(edges_at_oarc H arc_e1').
case ⇒ ?;subst; by rewrite eqxx in zDx zDy. }
have E2 : e2' != e.
{ rewrite -in_fset1 -Iz. apply/negP ⇒ H. move:(edges_at_oarc H arc_e2').
case ⇒ ?;subst; by rewrite eqxx in zDx zDy. }
have ? : e \notin [fset e1';e2'] by rewrite in_fset2 negb_or ![e == _]eq_sym E1.
× eapply ostep_step, ostep_e2.
-- exact: e1De2'.
-- apply: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e1'. by rewrite Iz inE.
-- apply: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e2'. by rewrite Iz inE.
× eapply ostep_step, ostep_v1.
3: { apply: oarc_add_edge. 2: apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e ⇒ //.
exact: fset2_maxn_neq. }
all: try done.
rewrite edges_at_add_edge' //= ?maxn_fsetD //.
by rewrite edges_at_remove_edges -fsetDDl !mem_fsetD1 // Iz in_fset1.
× rewrite /= add_edge_test remove_edges_add_test -remove_vertex_add_edge -?remove_vertex_edges // 1?eq_sym //.
by rewrite maxn_fsetD.
move: (fset2_cases e1De2 e1De2') ⇒ [[E|D]|[e He]].
+ wlog [? ?] : x' y' e1' e2' u' v' e1De2' Iz' arc_e1' arc_e2' xDz' yDz' {E} / e1 = e1' ∧ e2 = e2'.
{ move ⇒ W.
case: (fset2_inv e1De2 E) ⇒ [[? ?]|[? ?]]; first exact: W.
move/(_ y' x' e2' e1' v'° u'°) in W. rewrite fsetUC eq_sym in W.
case: W ⇒ //. 1-2: by rewrite <- oarc_cnv.
move ⇒ Gl [Gr] [[S1 S2] E']. e2split;[exact: S1| |exact: E'].
rewrite→ maxnC, flip_step; eauto with vset.
by rewrite !cnvdot cnvtst dotA. }
subst e1' e2'.
case: (altP (z =P z')) ⇒ [?|D].
subst z'.
eapply close_same_step. 1-2: apply add_edge_graph'; eauto with vset typeclass_instances.
move: (oarc_injL arc_e1 arc_e1') (oarc_injR arc_e2 arc_e2') ⇒ ? ?. subst x' y'.
by rewrite (oarc_eqv _ arc_e1' arc_e1) ?(oarc_eqv _ arc_e2' arc_e2) // eq_sym. }
case: (same_oarc arc_e1 arc_e1') ⇒ [[? ? U]|[? ? U]]; first by subst;rewrite eqxx in D.
subst x x'.
case: (same_oarc arc_e2 arc_e2') ⇒ [[? ? U']|[? ? U']]; first by subst;rewrite eqxx in D.
subst y y'.
have ?: (maxn e1 e2 |` [fset e1; e2] `\` [fset e1; e2]) `\ maxn e1 e2 = fset0.
{ apply/fsetP ⇒ e; rewrite !inE; case: maxnP ⇒ _.
all: case (altP (e =P e1)) ⇒ [?|?]; subst; rewrite ?(negbTE e1De2) //=.
all: by case: (altP (e =P e2)). }
× apply: ostepL. apply: ostep_e0. apply: oarc_added_edge.
apply: ostep_step. apply: (@ostep_v0 _ z'). all: try done.
rewrite /= in_fsetD inE eq_sym D. exact: oarc_vsetL arc_e1.
rewrite /= edges_at_test edges_at_remove_edges edges_at_add_edge.
by rewrite edges_at_del Iz Iz'.
× apply: ostepL. apply: ostep_e0. apply: oarc_added_edge.
apply: ostep_step. apply: (@ostep_v0 _ z). all: try done.
rewrite /= in_fsetD inE D. exact: oarc_vsetR arc_e1.
rewrite /= edges_at_test edges_at_remove_edges edges_at_add_edge.
by rewrite edges_at_del Iz Iz'.
× rewrite !add_testK !add_edge_remove_edgesK. 2-3: by rewrite in_fset1.
by rewrite -!remove_vertex_edges remove_vertexC. }
move: (fdisjointP D) ⇒ D1. rewrite fdisjoint_sym in D. move: (fdisjointP D) ⇒ D2.
have ?: x != z'.
{ apply: contraTneq (oarc_edge_atL arc_e1) ⇒ →. by rewrite Iz' D1 // in_fset2 eqxx. }
have ?: y != z'.
{ apply: contraTneq (oarc_edge_atR arc_e2) ⇒ →. by rewrite Iz' D1 // in_fset2 eqxx. }
have ?: x' != z.
{ apply: contraTneq (oarc_edge_atL arc_e1') ⇒ →. by rewrite Iz D2 // in_fset2 eqxx. }
have ?: y' != z.
{ apply: contraTneq (oarc_edge_atR arc_e2') ⇒ →. by rewrite Iz D2 // in_fset2 eqxx. }
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_v2.
7: { apply: oarc_add_edge. 2:apply: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e2'.
apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite D2 // in_fset2 eqxx.
by rewrite Iz D2 // !inE eqxx. }
6: { apply: oarc_add_edge. 2:apply: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e1'.
apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite D2 // in_fset2 eqxx.
by rewrite Iz D2 // !inE eqxx. }
all: try done.
rewrite edges_at_add_edge' //= ?Iz ?maxn_fsetD // edges_at_del Iz Iz'.
by apply/fsetDidPl.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_v2.
7: { apply: oarc_add_edge. 2: apply: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e2.
apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite D1 // in_fset2 eqxx.
by rewrite Iz' D1 // in_fset2 eqxx. }
6: { apply: oarc_add_edge. 2: apply: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e1.
apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite D1 // in_fset2 eqxx.
by rewrite Iz' D1 // !inE eqxx. }
all: try done.
rewrite edges_at_add_edge' //= ?Iz' ?maxn_fsetD // edges_at_del Iz Iz'.
apply/fsetDidPl. by rewrite fdisjoint_sym.
× rewrite /=. rewrite -!remove_vertex_add_edge /= ?Iz ?Iz' 1?eq_sym ?maxn_fsetD //.
rewrite remove_vertexC add_edge_edge //.
by case: maxnP ⇒ _; rewrite fset2_maxn_neq // D1 // !inE eqxx.
wlog ? : e1 e2 x y u v arc_e1 arc_e2 Iz e1De2 zIO xDz yDz He / e = e2 ; [move ⇒ W|subst e].
{ have: e \in [fset e1;e2]. { move/fsetP : He ⇒ /(_ e). rewrite in_fset1 eqxx. by case/fsetIP. }
rewrite inE. case/orb_sum ⇒ /fset1P ⇒ E; last exact: W.
rewrite → oarc_cnv in arc_e1,arc_e2.
move/(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ arc_e2 arc_e1) in W. rewrite fsetUC eq_sym in W.
case: W ⇒ // Gl [Gr] [[S1 S2] WG]. ∃ Gl. ∃ Gr. do 2 (split ⇒ //).
rewrite→ maxnC, flip_step; eauto with vset.
by rewrite !cnvdot cnvtst dotA. }
wlog ? : e1' e2' x' y' u' v' arc_e1' arc_e2' Iz' e1De2' xDz' yDz' He / e2 = e1' ; [move ⇒ W|subst e1'].
{ have: e2 \in [fset e1';e2']. { move/fsetP : He ⇒ /(_ e2). rewrite in_fset1 eqxx. by case/fsetIP. }
rewrite inE. case/orb_sum ⇒ /fset1P ⇒ E; first exact: W.
rewrite → oarc_cnv in arc_e1',arc_e2'.
move/(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ arc_e2' arc_e1') in W. rewrite fsetUC eq_sym in W.
case: W ⇒ // Gl [Gr] [[S1 S2] WG]. ∃ Gl. ∃ Gr. do 2 (split ⇒ //).
rewrite→ maxnC, flip_step; eauto with vset.
by rewrite !cnvdot cnvtst dotA. }
have {He} E1 : e1 != e2'.
{ apply: contraNneq e1De2 ⇒ E. by rewrite -in_fset1 -He !inE E !eqxx. }
have {arc_e2} [? ? C] : [/\ z = x' , y = z' & v ≡ u' ];[| subst x' y].
{ case: (same_oarc arc_e2 arc_e1') ⇒ [//|[A B C]]; subst.
move: (oarc_edge_atR arc_e1). by rewrite Iz' !inE (negbTE e1De2) (negbTE E1). }
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_v2.
6: apply: oarc_added_edge.
6: apply: oarc_add_edge. 7: apply: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e2'.
all: try done.
-- exact: edges_replace.
-- by case/orP : (maxn_eq e1 e2) ⇒ /eqP →.
-- apply: contraTneq (oarc_edge_atL arc_e1) ⇒ →. by rewrite Iz' !inE negb_or e1De2.
-- apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite in_fset2 ![e2' == _]eq_sym negb_or E1.
-- by rewrite Iz !inE negb_or eq_sym E1 eq_sym.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_v2.
7: apply: oarc_added_edge.
6: apply: oarc_add_edge. 7: apply: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e1.
all: try done.
-- rewrite edges_atC fsetUC maxnC. apply: edges_replace; by rewrite // 1?fsetUC 1?eq_sym.
-- by case/orP : (maxn_eq e2 e2') ⇒ /eqP →.
-- apply: contraTneq (oarc_edge_atR arc_e2') ⇒ →.
by rewrite Iz !inE negb_or eq_sym E1 eq_sym.
-- apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite in_fset2 negb_or e1De2.
-- by rewrite Iz' !inE negb_or e1De2.
× rewrite !add_edgeKr ?add_edgeKl /= ?Iz ?Iz' ?maxn_fsetD //.
by rewrite remove_vertexC maxnA !dotA C.
have He : e' \notin edges_at G z.
{ rewrite Iz in_fset2 negb_or. apply/andP; split.
- apply: contra_neq xDz ⇒ ?; subst e'. exact: oarc_loop arc_e1 arc_e'.
- apply: contra_neq yDz ⇒ ?; subst e'. symmetry. exact: oarc_loop arc_e2 arc_e'. }
have xDz' : z != x' by apply: contraTneq (oarc_edge_atL arc_e') ⇒ <-.
have He' : e' != maxn e1 e2. apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite -Iz.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_e0. apply: oarc_add_edge He' _. exact: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e'.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_v2.
6: { apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e1.
rewrite inE. apply: contraNneq He ⇒ <-. by rewrite Iz !inE eqxx. }
6: { apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e2.
rewrite inE. apply: contraNneq He ⇒ <-. by rewrite Iz !inE eqxx. }
all: try done.
by rewrite edges_at_test edges_at_remove_edges -Iz mem_fsetD1.
× rewrite /= !updateE //. rewrite add_edge_remove_edges ?inE 1?eq_sym //.
by rewrite -remove_vertex_add_test remove_edges_vertex add_test_edge.
case: (boolP (z \in [fset x'; y'])) ⇒ Hz.
wlog ? : x' y' e1' e2' u' v' e1De2' arc_e1' arc_e2' {Hz} / z = y'.
{ move ⇒ W. move: Hz. rewrite in_fset2. case/orb_sum ⇒ /eqP ?; last exact: W.
subst x'. rewrite → oarc_cnv in arc_e2', arc_e1'.
case: (W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ arc_e2' arc_e1'); rewrite 1?eq_sym //.
move ⇒ Gl' [Gr'] [[Sl Sr] E]. e2split; [exact: Sl| |exact: E].
rewrite→ fsetUC, maxnC, flip_step; eauto with vset.
by rewrite cnvpar parC. }
subst y'.
wlog ? : e1 e2 u v x y e1De2 arc_e1 arc_e2 xDz yDz Iz / e1' = e1.
{ move ⇒ W. move:(oarc_edge_atR arc_e1').
rewrite Iz in_fset2. case/orb_sum ⇒ /eqP ? ; first exact: W.
subst e1'. rewrite → oarc_cnv in arc_e2, arc_e1.
case: (W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ arc_e2 arc_e1); rewrite // 1?eq_sym 1?fsetUC //.
move ⇒ Gl [Gr] [[Sl Sr] E]. e2split; [ | exact: Sr|exact: E].
rewrite→maxnC, flip_step; eauto with vset.
by rewrite !cnvdot cnvtst dotA. }
subst e1'.
have /eqP ? : e2' == e2; [|subst e2'].
{ move:(oarc_edge_atR arc_e2'). by rewrite Iz in_fset2 eq_sym (negbTE e1De2'). }
have ? := oarc_injL arc_e1 arc_e1'. subst x'.
rewrite → oarc_cnv in arc_e2. have ? := (oarc_injL arc_e2 arc_e2'); subst y.
have Eu : u ≡ u' by apply: oarc_eqv arc_e1 arc_e1'.
have Ev : v° ≡ v' by apply: oarc_eqv arc_e2 arc_e2'.
move ⇒ {arc_e1 arc_e1' arc_e2 arc_e2' yDz e1De2'}.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_e0. apply: oarc_added_edge.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_v1. 3: apply: oarc_added_edge.
all: try done.
by rewrite edges_at_add_edge ?edges_at_remove_edges -Iz ?fsetDv ?fsetU0 //= Iz maxn_fsetD.
× rewrite /= !updateE.
rewrite -remove_vertex_add_test add_edgeKr /= ?maxn_fsetD //.
rewrite add_edge_remove_edgesK ?inE ?eqxx // remove_vertex_edges.
rewrite !remove_edges_vertexK ?fsubUset ?fsub1set ?Iz ?in_fset2 ?eqxx ?maxn_eq //.
apply: add_test_morphism ⇒ //=. by rewrite eqv_testE -Eu -Ev critical_pair1.
rewrite in_fset2 negb_or ![z == _]eq_sym in Hz. case/andP : Hz ⇒ xDz' yDz'.
gen have H,H1 : e1' u' {e1De2'} arc_e1' / e1' \notin edges_at G z.
{ apply/negP ⇒ H.
case: (edges_at_oarc H arc_e1') ⇒ ?; subst; by rewrite ?eqxx in xDz' yDz'. }
move: (H _ _ arc_e2') ⇒ H2 {H}.
have He1 : e1 \notin [fset e1'; e2'].
{ apply/negP. by case/fset2P ⇒ ?; subst; rewrite Iz !in_fset2 !eqxx in H1 H2. }
have He2 : e2 \notin [fset e1'; e2'].
{ apply/negP. by case/fset2P ⇒ ?; subst; rewrite Iz !in_fset2 !eqxx ?orbT in H1 H2. }
set e := maxn e1 e2. set e' := maxn e1' e2'.
have ? : e' != e.
{ rewrite /e /e' eq_sym. case: (maxnP e1 e2) ⇒ _; exact: fset2_maxn_neq. }
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_e2.
3:{ apply: oarc_add_edge. 2:exact: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e2'.
apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite -Iz. }
2:{ apply: oarc_add_edge. 2:exact: oarc_remove_vertex arc_e1'.
apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite -Iz. }
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_v2.
7: { apply: oarc_add_edge. 2:exact: oarc_remove_edges arc_e2.
exact: fset2_maxn_neq. }
6: { apply: oarc_add_edge. 2: exact: oarc_remove_edges arc_e1.
exact: fset2_maxn_neq. }
all: try done.
rewrite edges_at_add_edge' //= ?maxn_fsetD // edges_at_remove_edges.
by rewrite -fsetDDl !mem_fsetD1.
× rewrite /=.
rewrite -remove_vertex_add_edge ?[z == _]eq_sym //= ?maxn_fsetD //.
rewrite remove_edges_vertex add_edge_edge //.
rewrite add_edge_remove_edges //. exact: mem_maxn.
case: (altP (e =P e')) ⇒ [?|xDx']; first subst e'.
have ? : x' = x by case: (same_oarc arc_e arc_e') ⇒ [[? ? ?]|[? ? ?]]; subst.
subst. exact: close_same_step.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_e0. apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e'. by rewrite inE eq_sym.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_e0. apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e. by rewrite inE.
× rewrite /=. by rewrite -!remove_edges_add_test add_testC !remove_edges_edges fsetUC.
case: (boolP (e \in [fset e1'; e2'])) ⇒ He.
wlog ? : e1' e2' u' v' x' y' arc_e1' arc_e2' e1De2' {He} / e = e1'.
{ move ⇒ W. move: He. rewrite in_fset2. case/orb_sum ⇒ /eqP E; first exact: W.
case: (W _ _ _ _ _ _ arc_e2' arc_e1' _ E); rewrite 1?eq_sym //.
move ⇒ Gl [Gr] [[Sl Sr] Elr]. e2split; [exact: Sl | | exact: Elr].
by rewrite fsetUC maxnC parC. }
subst e1'. move: (oarc_loop arc_e1' arc_e) ⇒ ?. subst y'.
have ? : x' = x by case: (same_oarc arc_e arc_e1') ⇒ [] [? ? ?]; congruence.
subst x'.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_e0. apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e2'.
by rewrite inE eq_sym.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_e0. apply: oarc_added_edge.
× rewrite /= !updateE.
rewrite -remove_edges_add_test remove_edges_edges add_edge_remove_edgesK ?inE ?eqxx //.
rewrite remove_edges_edges [[fset _ ; _ ; _]]fsetUC [maxn _ _ |` _]mem_fset1U ?maxn_fset2 //.
rewrite add_test_merge. apply: add_test_morphism ⇒ //.
rewrite eqv_testE /= (oarcxx_le arc_e1') (oarcxx_le arc_e2').
by rewrite critical_pair2.
set e' := maxn _ _.
have eDe' : e != e' by rewrite fset2_maxn_neq .
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_e2; [exact: e1De2'| |].
-- apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e1'. apply: contraNN He. by rewrite !inE eq_sym ⇒ →.
-- apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e2'. apply: contraNN He. by rewrite !inE eq_sym ⇒ →.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_e0. apply: oarc_add_edge eDe' _. exact: oarc_remove_edges arc_e.
× rewrite /= -/e' updateE //.
rewrite -remove_edges_add_test add_edge_remove_edges ?remove_edges_edges ?inE 1?eq_sym //.
by rewrite fsetUC -add_test_edge.
case: (fset2_cases e1De2 e1De2') ⇒ [[E|D]|[e He]].
wlog [? ?] : e1' e2' u' v' e1De2' arc_e1' arc_e2' {E} / e1 = e1' ∧ e2 = e2'.
{ move ⇒ W. case: (fset2_inv e1De2 E) ⇒ [|[? ?]]; first exact: W.
subst e2' e1'. rewrite [[fset e2;e1]]fsetUC [maxn e2 e1]maxnC.
case: (W _ _ _ _ _ arc_e2' arc_e1') ⇒ // Gl [Gr] [[Sl Sr] EG].
e2split; [exact: Sl| |exact: EG].
by rewrite parC. }
subst e1' e2'.
wlog [? ? Hu] : x' y' u' v' {arc_e1'} arc_e2' / [/\ x = x', y = y' & u ≡ u'].
{ move ⇒ W.
case: (same_oarc arc_e1 arc_e1') ⇒ [|[? ? Hu]]; first exact: W.
subst x' y'. rewrite → oarc_cnv in arc_e2'. case: (W _ _ u'° _ arc_e2') ⇒ //.
move ⇒ Gl [Gr] [[Sl Sr] EG].
e2split; [exact: Sl| |exact: EG].
rewrite→ flip_step; eauto with vset. by rewrite cnvpar. }
subst x' y'.
have [Hv|[? Hv]]: ((v ≡ v') ∨ (x = y ∧ v ≡ v'°)).
{ case: (same_oarc arc_e2 arc_e2'); firstorder. }
× apply close_same_step. 1-2: apply: add_edge_graph'; eauto with vset.
by rewrite Hu Hv.
× subst y. e2split.
-- eapply ostep_step,ostep_e0. apply: oarc_added_edge.
-- eapply ostep_step,ostep_e0. apply: oarc_added_edge.
-- rewrite /= !updateE !add_edge_remove_edgesK ?in_fset1 ?eqxx //.
apply: add_test_morphism ⇒ //. rewrite eqv_testE Hu Hv.
by rewrite parA par_tst_cnv parA.
move: (fdisjointP D) ⇒ D1. rewrite fdisjoint_sym in D. move: (fdisjointP D) ⇒ {D} D2.
× apply ostep_step,ostep_e2.
-- exact: e1De2'.
-- apply: oarc_add_edge.
++ apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite D2 // in_fset2 eqxx.
++ apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e1'. by rewrite D2 // !inE eqxx.
-- apply: oarc_add_edge.
++ apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite D2 // in_fset2 eqxx.
++ apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e2'. by rewrite D2 // !inE eqxx.
× apply ostep_step,ostep_e2.
-- exact: e1De2.
-- apply: oarc_add_edge.
++ apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite D1 // in_fset2 eqxx.
++ apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e1. by rewrite D1 // !inE eqxx.
-- apply: oarc_add_edge.
++ apply: fset2_maxn_neq. by rewrite D1 // !inE eqxx.
++ apply: oarc_remove_edges arc_e2. by rewrite D1 // !inE eqxx.
× rewrite !add_edge_remove_edges ?D1 ?D2 ?maxn_fset2 //.
rewrite !remove_edges_edges fsetUC add_edge_edge //.
case: maxnP ⇒ _; by rewrite fset2_maxn_neq // ?D1 ?D2 // !inE eqxx.
wlog ? : e1 e2 x y u v arc_e1 arc_e2 e1De2 He / e = e2 ; [move ⇒ W|subst e].
{ have: e \in [fset e1;e2]. { move/fsetP : He ⇒ /(_ e). rewrite in_fset1 eqxx. by case/fsetIP. }
rewrite inE. case/orb_sum ⇒ /fset1P ⇒ E; last exact: W.
rewrite → oarc_cnv in arc_e1,arc_e2.
move/(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ arc_e2 arc_e1) in W. rewrite fsetUC eq_sym in W.
case: W ⇒ // Gl [Gr] [[S1 S2] WG]. ∃ Gl. ∃ Gr. do 2 (split ⇒ //).
rewrite→ maxnC, flip_step; eauto with vset.
by rewrite !cnvpar parC. }
wlog ? : e1' e2' x' y' u' v' arc_e1' arc_e2' e1De2' He / e2 = e1' ; [move ⇒ W|subst e1'].
{ have: e2 \in [fset e1';e2']. { move/fsetP : He ⇒ /(_ e2). rewrite in_fset1 eqxx. by case/fsetIP. }
rewrite inE. case/orb_sum ⇒ /fset1P ⇒ E; first exact: W.
rewrite → oarc_cnv in arc_e1',arc_e2'.
move/(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ arc_e2' arc_e1') in W. rewrite eq_sym [[fset e2';_]]fsetUC in W.
case: W ⇒ // Gl [Gr] [[S1 S2] WG]. ∃ Gl. ∃ Gr. do 2 (split ⇒ //).
rewrite→ maxnC, flip_step; eauto with vset.
by rewrite !cnvpar parC. }
have {He} E1 : e1 != e2'.
{ apply: contraNneq e1De2 ⇒ E. by rewrite -in_fset1 -He !inE E !eqxx. }
wlog [? ? Hu] : x' y' u' v' {arc_e1'} arc_e2' / [/\ x' = x, y' = y & u' ≡ v].
{ move ⇒ W. case: (same_oarc arc_e1' arc_e2) ⇒ [|[? ? E]]; first exact: W.
rewrite → oarc_cnv in arc_e2'. subst x' y'.
case: (W _ _ u'° _ arc_e2'). split ⇒ //. by rewrite E cnvI.
move ⇒ Gl [Gr] [[Sl Sr] EG]. e2split; [exact: Sl| |exact: EG].
rewrite→flip_step; eauto with vset.
by rewrite !cnvpar. }
have He2' : e2' \notin [fset e1; e2] by rewrite !inE negb_or ![e2' == _]eq_sym E1 e1De2'.
have He1 : e1 \notin [fset e2; e2'] by rewrite !inE negb_or e1De2.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_e2.
2: exact: oarc_added_edge.
2: { apply: oarc_add_edge. 2:exact: oarc_remove_edges arc_e2'.
exact: fset2_maxn_neq. }
by case: maxnP.
× eapply ostep_step,ostep_e2.
3: exact: oarc_added_edge.
2: { apply: oarc_add_edge. 2: exact: oarc_remove_edges arc_e1.
exact: fset2_maxn_neq. }
by case: maxnP.
× rewrite maxnA. set f := maxn (maxn _ _) _.
rewrite !add_edge_remove_edgesK ?inE ?eqxx // !remove_edges_edges.
apply: add_edge_morphism' ⇒ //; last by rewrite Hu parA.
pose A := [fset e1;e2;e2'].
rewrite [_ `|` _](_ : _ = A) 1?[[fset e2; e2'] `|` _](_ : _ = A) //.
rewrite [_ `|` [fset maxn _ _]]fsetUC.
all: rewrite fsetUC -!fsetUA.
all: rewrite [maxn _ _ |` _]mem_fset1U.
all: try by case: maxnP; rewrite !inE eqxx.
by rewrite fsetUA.
by rewrite fsetUC.
Hint Resolve oarc_vsetL oarc_vsetR : vset.
Lemma ostep_graph (F G : pre_graph) (isG : is_graph F) : ostep F G → is_graph G.
Proof with eauto with typeclass_instances.
case ⇒ {G}...
- move ⇒ x y z e1 e2 u v Iz D IOz xDz yDz arc_e1 arc_e2.
apply: add_edge_graph'; rewrite /= in_fsetD1 ?xDz ?yDz /=.
exact: oarc_vsetL arc_e1. exact: oarc_vsetR arc_e2.
- move ⇒ x y e1 e2 u v e1De2 arc_e1 arc_e2.
apply: add_edge_graph'. exact: oarc_vsetL arc_e1. exact: oarc_vsetR arc_e2.
Lemma osteps_graph (F G : pre_graph) (isG : is_graph F) : osteps F G → is_graph G.
move ⇒ S. elim: S isG ⇒ {F G}.
- move ⇒ F G FG H. by eauto using eqvG_graph.
- move ⇒ F G FG H. destruct FG. eauto using add_edge_graph''.
- move ⇒ F G FG isF. apply: ostep_graph FG.
- move ⇒ F G H. tauto.
Proposition local_confluence (F G1 G2 : pre_graph) (isF : is_graph F) :
ostep F G1 → ostep F G2 → ∃ H, osteps G1 H ∧ osteps G2 H.
move ⇒ S1 S2.
move: (local_confluence_aux isF S1 S2) ⇒ [H1] [H2] [[S1' S2'] I].
∃ H2. split ⇒ //. by rewrite→ S1', I.
End PttdomGraphTheory.
Notation "G ≡G H" := (eqvG G H) (at level 79).
Notation "G \ x" := (remove_vertex G x) (at level 29,left associativity) : open_scope.
Notation "G ∔ [ x , a ]" := (add_vertex G x a) (at level 20,left associativity) : open_scope.
Notation "G - E" := (remove_edges G E) : open_scope.
Notation "G ∔ [ x , u , y ]" := (add_edge G x u y) (at level 20,left associativity) : open_scope.
Notation "G ∔ [ e , x , u , y ]" := (add_edge' G e x u y) (at level 20,left associativity) : open_scope.
Notation "G [adt x <- a ]" := (add_test G x a)
(at level 2, left associativity, format "G [adt x <- a ]") : open_scope.
Hint Resolve in_vsetDV in_vsetDE in_vsetAV in_vsetAE in_vsetAV' : vset.
Hint Resolve is_edge_vsetL is_edge_vsetR oarc_vsetL oarc_vsetR : vset.
Hint Resolve osteps_refl : core.