Library GraphTheory.sgraph
Require Import Setoid CMorphisms.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import edone preliminaries bij digraph.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import edone preliminaries bij digraph.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Simple Graphs
Record sgraph := SGraph { svertex : finType ;
sedge: rel svertex;
sg_sym': symmetric sedge;
sg_irrefl': irreflexive sedge}.
Canonical digraph_of (G : sgraph) := DiGraph (@sedge G).
Coercion digraph_of : sgraph >-> diGraph.
Definition sg_sym (G : sgraph) : symmetric (@edge_rel G). exact: sg_sym'. Qed.
Definition sg_irrefl (G : sgraph) : irreflexive (@edge_rel G). exact: sg_irrefl'. Qed.
Definition sgP := (sg_sym,sg_irrefl).
Prenex Implicits sedge.
Lemma sg_edgeNeq (G : sgraph) (x y : G) : x -- y → (x == y = false).
Proof. apply: contraTF ⇒ /eqP →. by rewrite sg_irrefl. Qed.
Lemma sconnect_sym (G : sgraph) : connect_sym (@sedge G).
Proof. exact/connect_symI/sg_sym. Qed.
Lemma sedge_equiv (G : sgraph) :
equivalence_rel (connect (@sedge G)).
Proof. apply: equivalence_rel_of_sym. exact: sg_sym. Qed.
Lemma symmetric_restrict_sedge (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) :
symmetric (restrict A sedge).
Proof. apply: restrict_sym. exact: sg_sym. Qed.
Lemma srestrict_sym (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) :
connect_sym (restrict A sedge).
Proof. exact/connect_symI/symmetric_restrict_sedge. Qed.
Lemma sedge_in_equiv (G : sgraph) (A : {set G}) :
equivalence_rel (connect (restrict A sedge)).
Proof. exact/equivalence_rel_of_sym/symmetric_restrict_sedge. Qed.
Lemma sedge_equiv_in (G : sgraph) (A : {set G}) :
{in A & &, equivalence_rel (connect (restrict A sedge))}.
Proof. exact: in3W (sedge_in_equiv A). Qed.
Section JoinSG.
Variables (G1 G2 : sgraph).
Definition join_rel (a b : G1 + G2) :=
match a,b with
| inl x, inl y ⇒ x -- y
| inr x, inr y ⇒ x -- y
| _,_ ⇒ false
Lemma join_rel_sym : symmetric join_rel.
Proof. move ⇒ [x|x] [y|y] //=; by rewrite sg_sym. Qed.
Lemma join_rel_irrefl : irreflexive join_rel.
Proof. move ⇒ [x|x] //=; by rewrite sg_irrefl. Qed.
Definition sjoin := SGraph join_rel_sym join_rel_irrefl.
Lemma join_disc (x : G1) (y : G2) :
connect join_rel (inl x) (inr y) = false.
apply/negP. case/connectP ⇒ p. elim: p x ⇒ // [[a|a]] //= p IH x.
case/andP ⇒ _. exact: IH.
End JoinSG.
Prenex Implicits join_rel.
Definition hom_s (G1 G2 : sgraph) (h : G1 → G2) :=
∀ x y, x -- y → h x != h y → (h x -- h y).
Definition subgraph (S G : sgraph) :=
exists2 h : S → G, injective h & hom_s h.
Section InducedSubgraph.
Variables (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}).
Definition induced_type := sig [eta mem S].
Definition induced_rel := [rel x y : induced_type | val x -- val y].
Lemma induced_sym : symmetric induced_rel.
Proof. move ⇒ x y /=. by rewrite sgP. Qed.
Lemma induced_irrefl : irreflexive induced_rel.
Proof. move ⇒ x /=. by rewrite sgP. Qed.
Definition induced := SGraph induced_sym induced_irrefl.
Lemma induced_sub : subgraph induced G.
Proof. ∃ val ⇒ //. exact: val_inj. Qed.
End InducedSubgraph.
Definition srestrict (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) :=
Eval hnf in SGraph (restrict_sym A (@sg_sym G))
(restrict_irrefl A (@sg_irrefl G)).
Lemma eq_diso (T : finType) (e1 e2 : rel T)
(e1_sym : symmetric e1) (e1_irrefl : irreflexive e1)
(e2_sym : symmetric e2) (e2_irrefl : irreflexive e2) :
e1 =2 e2 → diso (SGraph e1_sym e1_irrefl) (SGraph e2_sym e2_irrefl).
Proof. intro E. ∃ (@bij_id T) ⇒ x y /=; by rewrite /edge_rel /= E. Qed.
Lemma iso_subgraph (G H : sgraph) : diso G H → subgraph G H.
case ⇒ g E _.
∃ g. apply (can_inj (bijK g)).
move⇒ x y e _. by apply E.
Splitting off disconnected parts
Lemma ssplit_disconnected (G:sgraph) (V : {set G}) :
(∀ x y, x \in V → y \notin V → ~~ x -- y) →
diso (sjoin (induced V) (induced (~: V))) G.
move ⇒ HV. set H := sjoin _ _.
have cast x (p : x \notin V) : x \in ~: V. by rewrite inE.
pose g (x : G) : H :=
match (@boolP (x \in V)) with
| AltTrue p ⇒ inl (Sub x p)
| AltFalse p ⇒ inr (Sub x (cast x p))
pose h (x : H) : G := match x with inl x ⇒ val x | inr x ⇒ val x end.
pose g' := @Bij _ _ g h.
apply Diso'' with h g.
- move ⇒ [x|x]; rewrite /g /h.
+ case: {-}_ /boolP ⇒ px.
× congr inl. symmetry. apply/eqP. by rewrite sub_val_eq.
× case:notF. apply: contraNT px ⇒ _. exact: valP.
+ case: {-}_ /boolP ⇒ px.
× case:notF. apply: contraTT px ⇒ _. move: (valP x). by rewrite !inE.
× congr inr. symmetry. apply/eqP. by rewrite sub_val_eq.
- move ⇒ x. rewrite /g /h. by case: {-}_ /boolP.
- move ⇒ x y. by case: x=>[x|x]; case: y=>[y|y] xy.
- move ⇒ x y xy. rewrite /g. case: {-}_/boolP ⇒ px;case: {-}_/boolP ⇒ py ⇒ //.
+ apply: contraTT xy ⇒ _. exact: HV.
+ apply: contraTT xy ⇒ _. rewrite sg_sym. exact: HV.
(∀ x y, x \in V → y \notin V → ~~ x -- y) →
diso (sjoin (induced V) (induced (~: V))) G.
move ⇒ HV. set H := sjoin _ _.
have cast x (p : x \notin V) : x \in ~: V. by rewrite inE.
pose g (x : G) : H :=
match (@boolP (x \in V)) with
| AltTrue p ⇒ inl (Sub x p)
| AltFalse p ⇒ inr (Sub x (cast x p))
pose h (x : H) : G := match x with inl x ⇒ val x | inr x ⇒ val x end.
pose g' := @Bij _ _ g h.
apply Diso'' with h g.
- move ⇒ [x|x]; rewrite /g /h.
+ case: {-}_ /boolP ⇒ px.
× congr inl. symmetry. apply/eqP. by rewrite sub_val_eq.
× case:notF. apply: contraNT px ⇒ _. exact: valP.
+ case: {-}_ /boolP ⇒ px.
× case:notF. apply: contraTT px ⇒ _. move: (valP x). by rewrite !inE.
× congr inr. symmetry. apply/eqP. by rewrite sub_val_eq.
- move ⇒ x. rewrite /g /h. by case: {-}_ /boolP.
- move ⇒ x y. by case: x=>[x|x]; case: y=>[y|y] xy.
- move ⇒ x y xy. rewrite /g. case: {-}_/boolP ⇒ px;case: {-}_/boolP ⇒ py ⇒ //.
+ apply: contraTT xy ⇒ _. exact: HV.
+ apply: contraTT xy ⇒ _. rewrite sg_sym. exact: HV.
Unpackaged Simple Paths
Section SimplePaths.
Variable (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types (x y z : G).
Definition srev x p := rev (belast x p).
Lemma last_rev_belast x y p :
last x p = y → last y (srev x p) = x.
Proof. case: p ⇒ //= a p _. by rewrite /srev rev_cons last_rcons. Qed.
Lemma path_srev x p :
path sedge x p = path sedge (last x p) (srev x p).
rewrite rev_path [in RHS](eq_path (e' := sedge)) //.
move ⇒ {x} x y. exact: sg_sym.
Lemma srev_rcons x z p : srev x (rcons p z) = rcons (rev p) x.
Proof. by rewrite /srev belast_rcons rev_cons. Qed.
Note that the converse of the following does not hold since srev
x p forgets the last element of p. Consequently, double reversal
only cancels if the right nodes are added back.
Lemma pathp_rev x y p : pathp x y p → pathp y x (srev x p).
rewrite /pathp. elim/last_ind: p ⇒ /= [|p z _]; first by rewrite eq_sym.
rewrite !srev_rcons !last_rcons eqxx andbT path_srev last_rcons srev_rcons.
by move/andP ⇒ [A /eqP <-].
Lemma srevK x y p : last x p = y → srev y (srev x p) = p.
elim/last_ind: p ⇒ // p z _.
by rewrite last_rcons !srev_rcons revK ⇒ →.
Lemma srev_nodes x y p : pathp x y p → x :: p =i y :: srev x p.
elim/last_ind: p ⇒ //; first by move/pathp_nil →.
move ⇒ p z _ H a. rewrite srev_rcons !(inE,mem_rcons,mem_rev).
rewrite (pathp_rcons H). by case: (a == x).
Lemma rev_upath x y p : upath x y p → upath y x (srev x p).
case/andP ⇒ A B. apply/andP; split; last exact: pathp_rev.
apply: leq_size_uniq A _ _.
- move ⇒ z. by rewrite -srev_nodes.
- by rewrite /= size_rev size_belast.
Lemma upath_sym x y : unique (upath x y) → unique (upath y x).
move ⇒ U p q Hp Hq.
suff S: last y p = last y q.
{ apply: last_belast_eq S _; apply: rev_inj; apply: U; exact: rev_upath. }
rewrite !(@pathp_last _ x) //; exact: upathW.
End SimplePaths.
Lemma upathPR (G : sgraph) (x y : G) A :
reflect (∃ p : seq G, @upath (srestrict A) x y p)
(connect (restrict A sedge) x y).
Proof. exact: (@upathP (srestrict A)). Qed.
Lemma induced_path (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S) (p : seq (induced S)) :
pathp x y p → @pathp G (val x) (val y) (map val p).
elim: p x ⇒ /= [|z p IH] x pth_p.
- by rewrite (pathp_nil pth_p) pathpxx.
- rewrite !pathp_cons in pth_p ×.
case/andP : pth_p ⇒ p1 p2. apply/andP; split ⇒ //. exact: IH.
Section Packaged.
Variables (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types x y z : G.
Section Prev.
Variables (x y z : G) (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z).
Definition prev_proof := pathp_rev (valP p).
Definition prev : Path y x := Sub (srev x (val p)) prev_proof.
End Prev.
Lemma prevK x y (p : Path x y) : prev (prev p) = p.
Proof. apply/val_inj⇒ /=. apply: srevK. exact: path_last. Qed.
Lemma prev_inj x y : injective (@prev x y).
Proof. apply: (can_inj (g := (@prev y x))) ⇒ p. exact: prevK. Qed.
Lemma mem_prev x y (p : Path x y) u : (u \in prev p) = (u \in p).
Proof. rewrite !mem_path !nodesE -srev_nodes //. exact: valP. Qed.
Lemma nodes_prev (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
nodes (prev p) = rev (nodes p).
apply: rev_inj. rewrite /prev /srev !nodesE /=.
by rewrite rev_cons !revK -{2}[y](path_last p) -lastI.
Definition inE := (inE,mem_prev).
Lemma prev_cat x y z (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z) :
prev (pcat p q) = pcat (prev q) (prev p).
Proof. apply/eqP. by rewrite -val_eqE /= /srev belast_cat rev_cat path_last. Qed.
Lemma prev_irred x y (p : Path x y) : irred p → irred (prev p).
rewrite /irred /nodes ⇒ U. apply: leq_size_uniq U _ _.
- move ⇒ u. by rewrite mem_prev.
- by rewrite -!lock /= ltnS /srev size_rev size_belast.
Lemma irred_rev x y (p : Path x y) : irred (prev p) = irred p.
Proof. apply/idP/idP; first rewrite -[p as X in irred X]prevK; exact: prev_irred. Qed.
rewrite /pathp. elim/last_ind: p ⇒ /= [|p z _]; first by rewrite eq_sym.
rewrite !srev_rcons !last_rcons eqxx andbT path_srev last_rcons srev_rcons.
by move/andP ⇒ [A /eqP <-].
Lemma srevK x y p : last x p = y → srev y (srev x p) = p.
elim/last_ind: p ⇒ // p z _.
by rewrite last_rcons !srev_rcons revK ⇒ →.
Lemma srev_nodes x y p : pathp x y p → x :: p =i y :: srev x p.
elim/last_ind: p ⇒ //; first by move/pathp_nil →.
move ⇒ p z _ H a. rewrite srev_rcons !(inE,mem_rcons,mem_rev).
rewrite (pathp_rcons H). by case: (a == x).
Lemma rev_upath x y p : upath x y p → upath y x (srev x p).
case/andP ⇒ A B. apply/andP; split; last exact: pathp_rev.
apply: leq_size_uniq A _ _.
- move ⇒ z. by rewrite -srev_nodes.
- by rewrite /= size_rev size_belast.
Lemma upath_sym x y : unique (upath x y) → unique (upath y x).
move ⇒ U p q Hp Hq.
suff S: last y p = last y q.
{ apply: last_belast_eq S _; apply: rev_inj; apply: U; exact: rev_upath. }
rewrite !(@pathp_last _ x) //; exact: upathW.
End SimplePaths.
Lemma upathPR (G : sgraph) (x y : G) A :
reflect (∃ p : seq G, @upath (srestrict A) x y p)
(connect (restrict A sedge) x y).
Proof. exact: (@upathP (srestrict A)). Qed.
Lemma induced_path (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S) (p : seq (induced S)) :
pathp x y p → @pathp G (val x) (val y) (map val p).
elim: p x ⇒ /= [|z p IH] x pth_p.
- by rewrite (pathp_nil pth_p) pathpxx.
- rewrite !pathp_cons in pth_p ×.
case/andP : pth_p ⇒ p1 p2. apply/andP; split ⇒ //. exact: IH.
Section Packaged.
Variables (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types x y z : G.
Section Prev.
Variables (x y z : G) (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z).
Definition prev_proof := pathp_rev (valP p).
Definition prev : Path y x := Sub (srev x (val p)) prev_proof.
End Prev.
Lemma prevK x y (p : Path x y) : prev (prev p) = p.
Proof. apply/val_inj⇒ /=. apply: srevK. exact: path_last. Qed.
Lemma prev_inj x y : injective (@prev x y).
Proof. apply: (can_inj (g := (@prev y x))) ⇒ p. exact: prevK. Qed.
Lemma mem_prev x y (p : Path x y) u : (u \in prev p) = (u \in p).
Proof. rewrite !mem_path !nodesE -srev_nodes //. exact: valP. Qed.
Lemma nodes_prev (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
nodes (prev p) = rev (nodes p).
apply: rev_inj. rewrite /prev /srev !nodesE /=.
by rewrite rev_cons !revK -{2}[y](path_last p) -lastI.
Definition inE := (inE,mem_prev).
Lemma prev_cat x y z (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z) :
prev (pcat p q) = pcat (prev q) (prev p).
Proof. apply/eqP. by rewrite -val_eqE /= /srev belast_cat rev_cat path_last. Qed.
Lemma prev_irred x y (p : Path x y) : irred p → irred (prev p).
rewrite /irred /nodes ⇒ U. apply: leq_size_uniq U _ _.
- move ⇒ u. by rewrite mem_prev.
- by rewrite -!lock /= ltnS /srev size_rev size_belast.
Lemma irred_rev x y (p : Path x y) : irred (prev p) = irred p.
Proof. apply/idP/idP; first rewrite -[p as X in irred X]prevK; exact: prev_irred. Qed.
Fact prev_edge_proof x y (xy : x -- y) : y -- x. by rewrite sgP. Qed.
Lemma prev_edge x y (xy : x -- y) : prev (edgep xy) = edgep (prev_edge_proof xy).
Proof. by apply/eqP. Qed.
Lemma irred_edge x y (xy : x -- y) : irred (edgep xy).
Proof. by rewrite irredE nodesE /= andbT inE sg_edgeNeq. Qed.
TODO: The following lemma hold for digraphs, but the proof uses
symmetry of the edge relation
Lemma split_at_last {A : pred G} (x y : G) (p : Path x y) (k : G) :
k \in A → k \in p →
∃ (z : G) (p1 : Path x z) (p2 : Path z y),
[/\ p = pcat p1 p2, z \in A & ∀ z' : G, z' \in A → z' \in p2 → z' = z].
move ⇒ kA kp. rewrite -mem_prev in kp.
case: (split_at_first kA kp) ⇒ z [p1] [p2] [E zA I].
∃ z. ∃ (prev p2). ∃ (prev p1). rewrite -prev_cat -E prevK.
split ⇒ // z'. rewrite mem_prev. exact: I.
End Packaged.
Hint Resolve path_begin path_end : core.
Lemma path_to_induced (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S) p' :
@pathp G (val x) (val y) p' → {subset p' ≤ S} →
exists2 p, pathp x y p & p' = map val p.
move⇒ pth_p' sub_p'.
case: (lift_pathp _ _ pth_p' _) ⇒ //; first exact: val_inj.
- move⇒ z /sub_p' z_S. by apply/codomP; ∃ (Sub z z_S).
- move⇒ p [pth_p /esym eq_p']. by ∃ p.
Lemma Path_to_induced (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S)
(p : Path (val x) (val y)) :
{subset p ≤ S} → ∃ q : Path x y, map val (nodes q) = nodes p.
case: p ⇒ p pth_p sub_p. case: (path_to_induced pth_p).
- move⇒ z z_p; apply: sub_p. by rewrite mem_path nodesE /= inE z_p.
- move⇒ q pth_q eq_p. ∃ (Sub q pth_q). by rewrite !nodesE /= eq_p.
Lemma Path_from_induced (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) (x y : induced S) (p : Path x y) :
{ q : Path (val x) (val y) | {subset q ≤ S} & nodes q = map val (nodes p) }.
case: p ⇒ p pth_p.
∃ (Build_Path (induced_path pth_p)); last by rewrite !nodesE.
move⇒ z; rewrite mem_path nodesE /= -map_cons ⇒ /mapP[z' _ ->]; exact: valP.
Lemma lift_Path_on (G H : sgraph) (f : G → H) a b (p' : Path (f a) (f b)) :
(∀ x y, f x \in p' → f y \in p' → f x -- f y → x -- y) → injective f → {subset p' ≤ codom f} →
exists2 p : Path a b, map f (nodes p) = nodes p' & irred p = irred p'.
move ⇒ A I S. case: (lift_pathp_on _ I (valP p') _).
- move ⇒ x y. rewrite -!nodesE -!mem_path. exact: A.
- move ⇒ x V. apply: S. by rewrite mem_path nodesE inE V.
- move ⇒ p [p1 p2]. ∃ (Sub p p1).
+ by rewrite !nodesE /= p2.
+ by rewrite !irredE !nodesE -p2 -map_cons map_inj_uniq.
Lemma lift_Path (G H : sgraph) (f : G → H) a b (p' : Path (f a) (f b)) :
(∀ x y, f x -- f y → x -- y) → injective f → {subset p' ≤ codom f} →
exists2 p : Path a b, map f (nodes p) = nodes p' & irred p = irred p'.
Proof. move ⇒ ?. apply: lift_Path_on; auto. Qed.
Definition idx (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) u := index u (nodes p).
Notation "x '<[' p ] y" := (idx p x < idx p y) (at level 10, format "x <[ p ] y").
Section PathIndexing.
Variables (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types x y z : G.
Lemma idx_mem x y (p : Path x y) z :
z \in p → idx p z ≤ size (tail p).
case: p ⇒ p pth_p. rewrite /idx /irred in_collective nodesE inE /=.
case: ifP ⇒ // E. rewrite eq_sym E /= -index_mem ⇒ H. exact: leq_trans H _.
Lemma idx_start x y (p : Path x y) : idx p x = 0.
Proof. by rewrite /idx nodesE /= eqxx. Qed.
Lemma idx_end x y (p : Path x y) :
irred p → idx p y = size (tail p).
rewrite /irred nodesE ⇒ irr_p.
by rewrite /idx nodesE -[in index _](path_last p) index_last.
Lemma idx_catL (x y z u v : G) (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z) :
u \in p → v \in p → idx (pcat p q) u ≤ idx (pcat p q) v = (idx p u ≤ idx p v).
move⇒ u_p v_p. rewrite /idx (nodesE (pcat _ _)) (lock index)/= -lock.
by rewrite -cat_cons -nodesE !index_cat u_p v_p.
Lemma idx_catR (x y z u v : G) (p : Path x y) (q : Path y z) :
u \notin p → v \notin p →
idx (pcat p q) u ≤ idx (pcat p q) v = (idx q u ≤ idx q v).
move⇒ uNp vNp. rewrite /idx (nodesE (pcat _ _)) (lock index)/= -lock.
rewrite -cat_cons lastI cat_rcons path_last -nodesE !index_cat.
have /negbTE→ : u \notin belast x (val p).
{ apply: contraNN uNp. by rewrite mem_path nodesE lastI mem_rcons inE =>->. }
have /negbTE→ : v \notin belast x (val p).
{ apply: contraNN vNp. by rewrite mem_path nodesE lastI mem_rcons inE =>->. }
by rewrite leq_add2l.
Section IDX.
Variables (x z y : G) (p : Path x z) (q : Path z y).
Implicit Types u v : G.
Lemma idx_inj : {in nodes p, injective (idx p) }.
move ⇒ u in_s v E. rewrite /idx in E.
have A : v \in nodes p. by rewrite -index_mem -E index_mem.
by rewrite -(nth_index x in_s) E nth_index.
Hypothesis irr_pq : irred (pcat p q).
Let dis_pq : [disjoint nodes p & tail q].
Proof. move: irr_pq. by rewrite irred_catD ⇒ /and3P[]. Qed.
Let irr_p : irred p. by case/irred_catE : irr_pq. Qed.
Let irr_q : irred q. by case/irred_catE : irr_pq. Qed.
Lemma idxR u : u \in pcat p q → u \in tail q = z <[pcat p q] u.
move ⇒ A. symmetry.
rewrite /idx /pcat nodesE -cat_cons index_cat -nodesE path_end.
rewrite index_cat mem_pcatT in A ×. case/orP: A ⇒ A.
- rewrite A (disjointFr dis_pq A). apply/negbTE.
rewrite -leqNgt -!/(idx _ _) (idx_end irr_p) -ltnS.
rewrite -index_mem in A. apply: leq_trans A _. by rewrite nodesE.
- rewrite A (disjointFl dis_pq A) -!/(idx _ _) (idx_end irr_p).
by rewrite nodesE /= addSn ltnS leq_addr.
Lemma idx_nLR u : u \in nodes (pcat p q) →
idx (pcat p q) z < idx (pcat p q) u → u \notin nodes p ∧ u \in tail q.
Proof. move ⇒ A B. rewrite -idxR // in B. by rewrite (disjointFl dis_pq B). Qed.
End IDX.
Lemma index_rcons (T : eqType) a b (s : seq T):
a \in b::s → uniq (b :: s) →
index a (rcons s b) = if a == b then size s else index a s.
case: (boolP (a == b)) ⇒ [/eqP<- _|].
- elim: s a {b} ⇒ //= [|b s IH] a; first by rewrite eqxx.
rewrite !inE negb_or -andbA ⇒ /and4P[A B C D].
rewrite eq_sym (negbTE A) IH //.
- elim: s a b ⇒ //.
+ move ⇒ a b. by rewrite inE ⇒ /negbTE→.
+ move ⇒ c s IH a b A. rewrite inE (negbTE A) /=.
rewrite inE eq_sym. case: (boolP (c == a)) ⇒ //= B C D.
rewrite IH //.
× by rewrite inE C.
× case/and3P:D ⇒ D1 D2 D3. rewrite /= D3 andbT.
apply: contraNN D1; exact: mem_tail.
Lemma index_rev (T : eqType) a (s : seq T) :
a \in s → uniq s → index a (rev s) = (size s).-1 - index a s.
elim: s ⇒ // b s IH. rewrite in_cons [uniq _]/=.
case/predU1P ⇒ [?|A] /andP [B uniq_s].
- subst b. rewrite rev_cons index_rcons.
+ by rewrite eqxx index_head subn0 size_rev.
+ by rewrite mem_head.
+ by rewrite /= rev_uniq mem_rev B.
- have D : b == a = false. { by apply: contraNF B ⇒ /eqP→. }
rewrite rev_cons index_rcons.
+ rewrite eq_sym D IH //= D. by case s.
+ by rewrite inE mem_rev A.
+ by rewrite /= rev_uniq mem_rev B.
Lemma idx_srev a x y (p : Path x y) :
a \in p → irred p → idx (prev p) a = size (pval p) - idx p a.
move ⇒ A B. rewrite /idx /prev !nodesE SubK /srev.
case/andP: (valP p) ⇒ p1 /eqP p2.
by rewrite -rev_rcons -[X in rcons _ X]p2 -lastI index_rev // -?nodesE -?irredE.
Lemma idx_swap_aux a b x y (p : Path x y) : a \in p → b \in p → irred p →
idx p a < idx p b → idx (prev p) b < idx (prev p) a.
move ⇒ aP bP ip A. rewrite !idx_srev //. apply: ltn_sub2l ⇒ //.
apply: (@leq_trans (idx p b)) ⇒ //.
rewrite -ltnS -[X in _ < X]/(size (x :: pval p)).
by rewrite -nodesE index_mem.
Lemma idx_swap a b x y (p : Path x y) :
a \in p → b \in p → irred p → a <[p] b = b <[prev p] a.
move ⇒ aP bP ip. apply/idP/idP ⇒ /idx_swap_aux; auto.
rewrite irred_rev prevK !mem_prev. by apply.
Lemma three_way_split x y (p : Path x y) a b :
irred p → a \in p → b \in p → a <[p] b →
∃ (p1 : Path x a) (p2 : Path a b) p3,
[/\ p = pcat p1 (pcat p2 p3), a \notin p3 & b \notin p1].
move ⇒ irr_p a_in_p b_in_p a_before_b.
case/(isplitP irr_p) def_p : _ / (a_in_p) ⇒ [p1 p2' irr_p1 irr_p2' _]. subst p.
case: (idx_nLR irr_p b_in_p) ⇒ // Y1 Y2.
case/(isplitP irr_p2') def_p1' : _ / (tailW Y2) ⇒ [p2 p3 irr_p2 irr_p3 D2]. subst p2'.
∃ p1. ∃ p2. ∃ p3. split ⇒ //.
have A: a != b. { apply: contraTN a_before_b ⇒ /eqP=>?. subst b. by rewrite ltnn. }
apply: contraNN A ⇒ A. by rewrite [a]D2 // path_begin.
End PathIndexing.
Definition connected (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) :=
{in S & S, ∀ x y : G, connect (restrict S edge_rel) x y}.
Lemma eq_connected (V : finType) (e1 e2 : rel V) (A : {set V})
(e1_sym : symmetric e1) (e1_irrefl : irreflexive e1)
(e2_sym : symmetric e2) (e2_irrefl : irreflexive e2):
e1 =2 e2 →
@connected (SGraph e1_sym e1_irrefl) A ↔ @connected (SGraph e2_sym e2_irrefl) A.
move ⇒ E. split.
- move ⇒ H x y xA yA. erewrite eq_connect. eapply H ⇒ //.
move ⇒ u v. by rewrite /edge_rel /= E.
- move ⇒ H x y xA yA. erewrite eq_connect. eapply H ⇒ //.
move ⇒ u v. by rewrite /edge_rel /= E.
Definition disconnected (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) :=
∃ x y : G, [/\ x \in S, y \in S & ~~ connect (restrict S edge_rel) x y].
Lemma disconnectedE (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) : disconnected S ↔ ¬ connected S.
split; first by case⇒ [x] [y] [x_S y_S /negP xNy] /(_ x y x_S y_S).
move⇒ SNconn. apply/'exists_'exists_and3P.
rewrite -[X in is_true X]negbK. apply/negP ⇒ SNdisconn.
apply: SNconn ⇒ x y x_S y_S. move: SNdisconn.
rewrite negb_exists ⇒ /forallP/(_ x). rewrite negb_exists ⇒ /forallP/(_ y).
by rewrite x_S y_S /= negbK.
Lemma connectedTE (G : sgraph) :
connected [set: G] → ∀ x y : G, connect sedge x y.
move ⇒ A x y. move: (A x y).
rewrite !inE !restrictE; first by apply. by move ⇒ ?; rewrite !inE.
Lemma connectedTI (G : sgraph) :
(∀ x y : G, connect sedge x y) → connected [set: G].
Proof. move ⇒ H x y _ _. rewrite restrictE // ⇒ z. by rewrite inE. Qed.
Lemma connected_restrict (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) x :
connected [set y | connect (restrict A sedge) x y].
move ⇒ u v. rewrite !inE ⇒ Hu Hv. move defP : (mem _) ⇒ P.
wlog suff W: u Hu / connect (restrict P sedge) x u.
{ apply: connect_trans (W _ Hv). rewrite srestrict_sym. exact: W. }
case: (altP (x =P u)) ⇒ [-> //|xDu].
case/connect_irredRP : Hu ⇒ // p Ip Ap.
apply connectRI with p ⇒ z in_p.
rewrite -defP inE. case/psplitP : in_p Ap ⇒ p1 p2 Ap.
apply connectRI with p1. apply/subsetP.
apply: subset_trans Ap. exact: subset_pcatL.
Lemma connect_range (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) x : x \in A →
[set y | connect (restrict A sedge) x y] =
[set y in A | connect (restrict A sedge) x y].
move ⇒ inA. apply/setP ⇒ z. rewrite !inE srestrict_sym.
apply/idP/andP ⇒ [|[//]]. by case/connect_restrict_case ⇒ [->|[]].
Lemma connected_restrict_in (G : sgraph) (A : pred G) x : x \in A →
connected [set y in A | connect (restrict A sedge) x y].
Proof. move ⇒ inA. rewrite -connect_range //. exact: connected_restrict. Qed.
Lemma iso_connected (G H : sgraph) :
diso G H → connected [set: H] → connected [set: G].
move⇒ [[h g can_h can_g] /= hom_h hom_g] con_H x y _ _.
rewrite restrictE; last by move ⇒ z; rewrite !inE.
have := con_H (h x) (h y). rewrite !inE ⇒ /(_ isT isT).
rewrite restrictE; last by move ⇒ z; rewrite !inE.
case/pathpP ⇒ p. case/lift_pathp ⇒ //.
+ move ⇒ {x y} x y. rewrite -{2}[x]can_h -{2}[y]can_h. exact: hom_g.
+ exact: can_inj can_h.
+ move ⇒ z _. apply/codomP. ∃ (g z). by rewrite can_g.
+ move ⇒ p' [Hp' _]. apply/pathpP. by ∃ p'.
Lemma connected0 (G : sgraph) : connected (@set0 G).
Proof. move ⇒ x y. by rewrite inE. Qed.
Lemma connected1 (G : sgraph) (x : G) : connected [set x].
Proof. move ⇒ ? ? /set1P <- /set1P <-. exact: connect0. Qed.
Lemma connected2 (G : sgraph) (x y: G) : x -- y → connected [set x; y].
move⇒ xy ? ? /set2P[]-> /set2P[]->; try exact: connect0.
all: apply: connect1; rewrite /= !inE !eqxx orbT //=; by rewrite sg_sym.
Lemma connected_center (G:sgraph) x (S : {set G}) :
{in S, ∀ y, connect (restrict S sedge) x y} → x \in S →
connected S.
move ⇒ H inS y z Hy Hz. apply: connect_trans (H _ Hz).
rewrite connect_symI; by [apply: H | apply: symmetric_restrict_sedge].
Lemma connectedU_common_point (G : sgraph) (U V : {set G}) (x : G):
x \in U → x \in V → connected U → connected V → connected (U :|: V).
move ⇒ xU xV conU conV.
apply connected_center with x; last by rewrite !inE xU.
move ⇒ y. case/setUP ⇒ [yU|yV].
- apply: connect_restrict_mono (conU _ _ xU yU); exact: subsetUl.
- apply: connect_restrict_mono (conV _ _ xV yV); exact: subsetUr.
Lemma connectedU_edge (G : sgraph) (U V : {set G}) (x y : G) :
x \in U → y \in V → x -- y → connected U → connected V → connected (U :|: V).
move⇒ x_U y_V xy U_conn V_conn u v u_UV v_UV.
have subl : {subset mem U ≤ mem (U :|: V)} by move⇒ ?; rewrite !inE =>->.
have subr : {subset mem V ≤ mem (U :|: V)} by move⇒ ?; rewrite !inE =>->.
case: (altP (u =P v)) ⇒ [->|uNv]; first exact: connect0.
wlog [u_U v_V] : u v uNv {u_UV v_UV} / u \in U ∧ v \in V.
{ move⇒ Hyp. move: u_UV v_UV. rewrite !inE.
move⇒ /orP[u_U | u_V] /orP[v_U | v_V].
- apply: connect_mono (U_conn u v u_U v_U). exact: restrict_mono.
- exact: Hyp.
- rewrite srestrict_sym. apply: Hyp; by [rewrite eq_sym |].
- apply: connect_mono (V_conn u v u_V v_V). exact: restrict_mono. }
apply: (@connect_trans _ _ y); last first.
{ apply: connect_mono (V_conn y v y_V v_V). exact: restrict_mono. }
apply: (@connect_trans _ _ x).
{ apply: connect_mono (U_conn u x u_U x_U). exact: restrict_mono. }
by apply: connect1; rewrite /= !inE x_U y_V xy.
Lemma path_in_connected (G:sgraph) (T : {set G}) x y : connected T → x \in T → y \in T →
exists2 p : Path x y, irred p & p \subset T.
move ⇒ C Hx Hy.
case: (altP (x =P y)) ⇒ [?|D].
- subst y. ∃ (idp x); rewrite ?irred_idp //. apply/subsetP ⇒ A. by rewrite mem_idp ⇒ /eqP→.
- case/connect_irredRP : (C _ _ Hx Hy) ⇒ // p Ip Sp. by ∃ p.
Lemma connected_path (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
connected [set z in p].
apply: (@connected_center _ x); last by rewrite inE.
move ⇒ z. rewrite inE ⇒ A. case/psplitP : _ / A ⇒ {p} p1 p2.
apply: (connectRI p1) ⇒ u Hu. by rewrite inE mem_pcat Hu.
Lemma connected_in_subgraph (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) (A : {set induced S}) :
connected A → connected [set val x | x in A].
move ⇒ conn_A ? ? /imsetP [/= x xA ->] /imsetP [/= y yA ->].
case: (boolP (x == y)) ⇒ [/eqP->|Hxy]; first exact: connect0.
move: (conn_A _ _ xA yA) ⇒ /connect_irredRP. move/(_ Hxy) ⇒ [p irr_p /subsetP subA].
case: (Path_from_induced p) ⇒ q sub_S Hq.
apply: (connectRI q) ⇒ z.
rewrite in_collective Hq ⇒ /mapP[z'] /subA Hz' →.
exact: mem_imset.
Lemma connected_induced (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) :
connected S → connected [set: induced S].
move ⇒ conn_S x y _ _.
rewrite restrictE ⇒ [|u]; last by rewrite inE.
have/connect_irredRP := conn_S _ _ (valP x) (valP y).
case: (boolP (val x == val y)) ⇒ [|E /(_ isT) [p] _ /subsetP sub_S].
- rewrite val_eqE ⇒ /eqP→ _. exact: connect0.
- case: (Path_to_induced sub_S) ⇒ q _. exact: Path_connect q.
Lemma connected_card_gt1 (G : sgraph) (S : {set G}) :
connected S → {in S &, ∀ x y, x != y → exists2 z, z \in S & x -- z }.
move⇒ conn_S x y x_S y_S xNy.
move: conn_S ⇒ /(_ x y x_S y_S)/(connect_irredRP xNy)[p] _ /subsetP p_S.
case: (splitL p xNy) ⇒ [z] [xz] [p'] [_ eqi_p'].
∃ z; last by []; apply: p_S.
by rewrite in_collective nodesE inE -eqi_p' path_begin.
Definition components (G : sgraph) (H : {set G}) : {set {set G}} :=
equivalence_partition (connect (restrict H sedge)) H.
Lemma partition_components (G : sgraph) (H : {set G}) :
partition (components H) H.
Proof. apply: equivalence_partitionP. exact: (@sedge_equiv_in G). Qed.
Lemma trivIset_components (G : sgraph) (U : {set G}) : trivIset (components U).
Proof. by case/and3P : (partition_components U). Qed.
Lemma partition0 (T : finType) (P : {set {set T}}) (D : {set T}) :
partition P D → set0 \in P = false.
Proof. case/and3P ⇒ _ _. by apply: contraNF. Qed.
Arguments partition0 [T P] D.
Hint Resolve partition_components trivIset_components : core.
Lemma components_pblockP (G : sgraph) (H : {set G}) (x y : G) :
reflect (∃ p : Path x y, p \subset H) (y \in pblock (components H) x).
apply: (iffP idP).
- case/(pblock_eqvE (@sedge_equiv_in _ _)) ⇒ xH yH.
wlog xNy : / x != y.
{ move⇒ Hyp. case: (altP (x =P y)) ⇒ [<- _|]; last exact: Hyp.
∃ (idp x). apply/subsetP⇒ z. by rewrite mem_idp ⇒ /eqP→. }
case/(connect_irredRP xNy) ⇒ p _ p_sub. by ∃ p.
- case⇒ p /subsetP p_sub. rewrite pblock_equivalence_partition.
+ exact: connectRI p_sub.
+ exact: sedge_equiv_in.
+ apply: p_sub; exact: path_begin.
+ apply: p_sub; exact: path_end.
Lemma components_nonempty (G : sgraph) (U C : {set G}) :
C \in components U → ∃ x, x \in C.
case: (set_0Vmem C) ⇒ [->|[x inC] _]; by [rewrite (partition0 U)| ∃ x].
Lemma components_subset (G : sgraph) (U C : {set G}) :
C \in components U → C \subset U.
move ⇒ comp_C.
case/and3P : (partition_components U) ⇒ /eqP <- _ _.
apply/subsetP ⇒ x. exact: mem_cover.
Lemma connected_in_components (G : sgraph) (H C : {set G}) :
C \in components H → connected C.
have PEQ := pblock_equivalence_partition (@sedge_equiv_in G H).
move ⇒ C_comp.
case/and3P: (partition_components H) ⇒ /eqP compU compI comp0.
have/set0Pn [x in_C] : C != set0. by apply: contraNN comp0 ⇒ /eqP<-.
have CH: {subset C ≤ H}.
{ move ⇒ z Hz. rewrite -compU. apply/bigcupP; by ∃ C. }
move/CH : (in_C) ⇒ in_H.
suff → : C = [set y in H | connect (restrict H sedge) x y].
{ exact: connected_restrict_in. }
apply/setP ⇒ y. rewrite inE. case: (boolP (y \in H)) ⇒ /= [y_in_H|y_notin_H].
- by rewrite -PEQ // ?(def_pblock _ C_comp).
- apply: contraNF y_notin_H. exact: CH.
Lemma connected_one_component (G : sgraph) (U C : {set G}) :
C \in components U → U \subset C → connected U.
move ⇒ comp_C sub_UC.
have ? : connected C by apply: connected_in_components comp_C.
suff : U == C by move/eqP→.
by rewrite eqEsubset sub_UC components_subset.
Lemma component_exit (G : sgraph) (V C : {set G}) (x y : G) :
x -- y → C \in components V → x \in C → y \in ~: V :|: C.
move⇒ xy C_comp x_C. rewrite !inE -implybE. apply/implyP ⇒ y_V.
case/and3P: (partition_components V) ⇒ /eqP compU compI comp0n.
have x_V : x \in V by rewrite -compU; apply/bigcupP; ∃ C.
rewrite -(def_pblock compI C_comp x_C) pblock_equivalence_partition //;
last exact: sedge_equiv_in.
apply: (connectRI (edgep xy)) ⇒ z; rewrite mem_edgep.
by case/orP⇒ /eqP→.
Lemma remove_component (G : sgraph) (V C : {set G}) (x0 : G) : x0 \notin V →
C \in components V → connected [set: G] → connected (~: V) → connected (~: C).
move⇒ ? C_comp G_conn VC_conn.
case/and3P: (partition_components V) ⇒ /eqP compU compI _.
have sub : C \subset V by rewrite -compU; exact: bigcup_sup.
have subr : subrel (connect (restrict (~: V) sedge))
(connect (restrict (~: C) sedge))
by apply: connect_mono; apply: restrict_mono; apply/subsetP; rewrite setCS.
suff to_x0 (x : G) : x \in ~: C → connect (restrict (~: C) sedge) x x0.
{ move⇒ x y /to_x0 x_x0 /to_x0. rewrite srestrict_sym. exact: connect_trans. }
rewrite inE ⇒ xNC. wlog x_V : x xNC / x \in V.
{ move⇒ Hyp. case: (boolP (x \in V)); first exact: Hyp. move⇒ xNV.
apply: subr. apply: VC_conn; by rewrite inE. }
case/connect_irredP: (connectedTE G_conn x x0) ⇒ p Ip.
have x0_VC : x0 \in ~: V by rewrite inE.
case: (split_at_first x0_VC (path_end p)) ⇒ [x1][p1][p2][Ep x1_VC x1_first].
have {p p2 Ep Ip} Ip1 : irred p1 by move: Ip; rewrite Ep irred_cat; case/and3P.
apply: connect_trans (subr _ _ (VC_conn _ _ x1_VC x0_VC)).
rewrite inE in x1_VC. apply: (connectRI p1) ⇒ z z_p1. rewrite inE.
case: (altP (z =P x1)) ⇒ [->|zNx1]; first by apply: contraNN x1_VC; apply/subsetP.
apply: contraNN xNC ⇒ z_C.
rewrite -(def_pblock compI C_comp z_C). apply/components_pblockP.
case/(isplitP Ip1) Ep1 : _ / z_p1 ⇒ [q1 q2 _ _ H].
have x1Nq1 : x1 \notin q1 by apply: contraNN zNx1 ⇒ A; rewrite [x1]H.
∃ (prev q1). apply/subsetP⇒ u. rewrite mem_prev ⇒ u_q1.
apply: contraNT x1Nq1 ⇒ uNV. rewrite -(x1_first u) ?inE //.
by rewrite Ep1 mem_pcat u_q1.
Component of a given vertex
Definition component_of (G : sgraph) (x : G) := pblock (components [set: G]) x.
Lemma in_component_of (G : sgraph) (x : G) : x \in component_of x.
Proof. by rewrite mem_pblock (cover_partition (D := setT)). Qed.
Lemma component_of_components (G : sgraph) (x : G) :
component_of x \in components [set: G].
Proof. by rewrite pblock_mem // (cover_partition (D := setT)). Qed.
Lemma connected_component_of (G : sgraph) (x : G) :
connected (component_of x).
Proof. apply: connected_in_components. exact: component_of_components. Qed.
Lemma same_component (G : sgraph) (x y : G) :
x \in component_of y → component_of x = component_of y.
Proof. move ⇒ xy. exact: same_pblock. Qed.
Lemma component_exchange (G : sgraph) (x y : G) :
(y \in component_of x) = (x \in component_of y).
all: case ⇒ p _; by ∃ (prev p).
Lemma mem_component (G : sgraph) (C : {set G}) x :
C \in components [set: G] → x \in C → C = component_of x.
Proof. move ⇒ comp_C inC. symmetry. exact: def_pblock. Qed.
Section Cliques.
Variables (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types S : {set G}.
Definition clique S := {in S&, ∀ x y, x != y → x -- y}.
Definition cliqueb S := [∀ x in S, ∀ y in S, (x != y) ==> x -- y].
Lemma cliqueP S : reflect (clique S) (cliqueb S).
apply: (equivP forall_inP). setoid_rewrite <- (rwP forall_inP).
setoid_rewrite <- (rwP implyP). by firstorder.
Lemma cliquePn S :
reflect (∃ x y, [/\ x \in S, y \in S, x != y & ~~ x -- y]) (~~ cliqueb S).
apply: (equivP forall_inPn). setoid_rewrite <- (rwP forall_inPn).
setoid_rewrite negb_imply. setoid_rewrite <- (rwP andP). by firstorder.
Lemma clique1 (x : G) : clique [set x].
Proof. move ⇒ y z /set1P→ /set1P →. by rewrite eqxx. Qed.
Lemma clique2 (x y : G) : x -- y → clique [set x;y].
move ⇒ xy z z'. rewrite !inE.
do 2 case/orP ⇒ /eqP→ // ; try by rewrite eqxx.
by rewrite sg_sym.
Lemma small_clique (S : {set G}) : #|S| ≤ 1 → clique S.
Proof. move/card_le1_eqP ⇒ H x y xS yS. by rewrite (H x y) ?eqxx. Qed.
End Cliques.
Forests and Trees
Section Forests.
Variables (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types (x y : G) (S : {set G}).
Definition is_forest S :=
∀ x y : G, unique (fun p : Path x y ⇒ irred p ∧ (p \subset S)).
Definition is_tree S := is_forest S ∧ connected S.
Definition is_forestb S :=
[∀ x, ∀ y, #|[pred p : IPath x y| val p \subset S]| ≤ 1] .
Lemma is_forestP S : reflect (is_forest S) (is_forestb S).
apply: (iffP idP) ⇒ [H x y p q [Ip Sp] [Iq Sq]|H].
move/forallP/(_ x)/forallP/(_ y) : H ⇒ H.
suff: Sub p Ip == Sub q Iq :> IPath x y by rewrite -val_eqE ⇒ /eqP.
apply/eqP. apply:(card_le1_eqP H); by rewrite inE.
- apply/forallP ⇒ x. apply/forallP ⇒ y.
apply/card_le1_eqP ⇒ [[p Ip]] [q Iq]. rewrite !inE /= ⇒ pS qS.
apply: val_inj ⇒ /=. exact: H.
Lemma is_forestPn (S : {set G}) :
reflect (∃ x y (p1 p2 : IPath x y), [/\ p1 \subset S, p2 \subset S & p1 != p2])
(~~ is_forestb S).
rewrite negb_forall. apply: existsPP ⇒ x.
rewrite negb_forall. apply: existsPP ⇒ y.
rewrite -ltnNge. apply: (iffP card_gt1P) ⇒ /=.
all: by move ⇒ [p1] [p2] [A B C]; ∃ p1; ∃ p2.
Lemma forest3 : is_forest [set: G] → 3 ≤ #|G| → ∃ x y : G, x != y ∧ ~~ x -- y.
move ⇒ /is_forestP forest_G card_G.
setoid_rewrite (rwP andP). do ! setoid_rewrite (rwP existsP).
apply: contraTT forest_G ⇒ P.
have {P} comp_G : ∀ x y : G, x != y → x -- y.
{ move ⇒ x y xDy. move/existsPn : P ⇒ /(_ x)/exists_inPn/(_ y xDy). by rewrite negbK. }
case/card_gt2P : card_G ⇒ x [y] [z] [_ [D1 D2 D3]].
rewrite eq_sym in D1.
apply/is_forestPn; ∃ y; ∃ x.
pose p1 := Build_IPath (irred_edge (comp_G y x D1)).
have Ip2 : irred (pcat (edgep (comp_G y z D2)) (edgep (comp_G z x D3))).
{ by rewrite irred_edgeL irred_edge andbT /= mem_edgep negb_or D1 D2. }
pose p2 := Build_IPath Ip2.
∃ p1; ∃ p2. split ⇒ //.
have: z \in p2 by rewrite !inE.
apply: contraTneq ⇒ <-. by rewrite mem_edgep negb_or D3 eq_sym D2.
Definition connectedb S :=
[∀ x in S, ∀ y in S, connect (restrict S sedge) x y].
Lemma connectedP S : reflect (connected S) (connectedb S).
apply: (iffP idP) ⇒ H.
- move ⇒ x y xS yS. by move/forall_inP/(_ _ xS)/forall_inP/(_ _ yS) : H.
- do 2 apply/forall_inP ⇒ ? ?. exact: H.
Lemma forestT_unique :
is_forest [set: G] → ∀ x y, unique (fun p : Path x y ⇒ irred p).
Proof. move ⇒ H x y p q Ip Iq. exact: H. Qed.
Lemma unique_forestT :
(∀ x y, unique (fun p : Path x y ⇒ irred p)) → is_forest [set: G].
Proof. move ⇒ H x y p q [Ip _] [Iq _]. exact: H. Qed.
Lemma forestI S :
¬ (∃ x y (p1 p2 : Path x y), [/\ irred p1, irred p2 & p1 != p2] ∧
[/\ x \in S, y \in S, p1 \subset S & p2\subset S]) →
is_forest S.
move⇒ H x y p1 p2 [Ip1 Sp1] [Ip2 Sp2]. case: (altP (p1 =P p2)) ⇒ // pN12.
have [xS yS] : x \in S ∧ y \in S.
{ by split; apply: (subsetP Sp1); rewrite ?path_begin ?path_end. }
case: H. ∃ x; ∃ y; ∃ p1; ∃ p2. by repeat split.
Lemma treeI S :
connected S →
¬ (∃ x y (p1 p2 : Path x y), [/\ irred p1, irred p2 & p1 != p2] ∧
[/\ x \in S, y \in S, p1 \subset S & p2\subset S]) →
is_tree S.
Proof. move ⇒ A B. split ⇒ //. exact: forestI. Qed.
Lemma sub_forest S S' :
S' \subset S → is_forest S → is_forest S'.
move ⇒ subS H x y p q [Ip Sp] [Iq Sq].
apply: H; try split;
try solve [ done |exact: (subsetP subS) | exact: subset_trans subS].
End Forests.
Lemma induced_forest (G : sgraph) (F : {set G}) :
is_forest F → is_forest [set: induced F].
move ⇒ forest_F. apply: unique_forestT ⇒ x y p q Ip Iq.
have [p0 /subsetP p0_sub_F eq_p0] := (Path_from_induced p).
have [q0 /subsetP q0_sub_F eq_q0] := (Path_from_induced q).
have ?: irred p0 by rewrite irredE eq_p0 map_inj_uniq //; exact: val_inj.
have ?: irred q0 by rewrite irredE eq_q0 map_inj_uniq //; exact: val_inj.
have Epq : p0 = q0 by apply: forest_F.
apply/eqP; rewrite -nodes_eqE; apply/eqP. apply: (inj_map val_inj). by rewrite -eq_p0 -eq_q0 Epq.
Forest Type (for tree decompositions)
Record forest := Forest { sgraph_of_forest :> sgraph ;
forest_is_forest :> is_forest [set: sgraph_of_forest] }.
Lemma forestP (T : forest) (x y : T) (p q : Path x y) :
irred p → irred q → p = q.
move/forestT_unique : (@forest_is_forest T) ⇒ fP.
move ⇒ Ip Iq. exact: fP.
Definition sunit := @SGraph unit_finType rel0 rel0_sym rel0_irrefl.
Definition unit_forest : is_forest [set: sunit].
Proof. by move ⇒ [] [] p1 p2 [/irredxx → _] [/irredxx → _]. Qed.
Definition tunit := Forest unit_forest.
Non-standard: we do not substract 1
Definition width (T G : finType) (D : T → {set G}) := \max_(t:T) #|D t|.
Lemma width_bound (T G : finType) (D : T → {set G}) : width D ≤ #|G|.
Proof. apply/bigmax_leqP ⇒ t _; exact: max_card. Qed.
Definition rename (T G G' : finType) (B: T → {set G}) (h : G → G') :=
[fun x ⇒ h @: B x].
Lemma width_bound (T G : finType) (D : T → {set G}) : width D ≤ #|G|.
Proof. apply/bigmax_leqP ⇒ t _; exact: max_card. Qed.
Definition rename (T G G' : finType) (B: T → {set G}) (h : G → G') :=
[fun x ⇒ h @: B x].
Definition complete_rel n := [rel x y : 'I_n | x != y].
Fact complete_sym n : symmetric (@complete_rel n).
Proof. move ⇒ x y /=. by rewrite eq_sym. Qed.
Fact complete_irrefl n : irreflexive (@complete_rel n).
Proof. move ⇒ x /=. by rewrite eqxx. Qed.
Definition complete n := SGraph (@complete_sym n) (@complete_irrefl n).
Notation "''K_' n" := (complete n)
(at level 8, n at level 2, format "''K_' n").
Definition C3 := 'K_3.
Definition K4 := 'K_4.
Definition add_edge_rel (G:sgraph) (i o : G) :=
relU (@edge_rel G) (sc [rel x y | [&& x != y, x == i & y == o]]).
Lemma add_edge_sym_ (G:sgraph) (i o : G) : symmetric (add_edge_rel i o).
Proof. apply: relU_sym'. exact: sg_sym. exact: sc_sym. Qed.
Lemma add_edge_irrefl_ (G:sgraph) (i o : G) : irreflexive (add_edge_rel i o).
Proof. move ⇒ x /=. by rewrite sg_irrefl eqxx. Qed.
Definition add_edge (G:sgraph) (i o : G) :=
{| svertex := G;
sedge := add_edge_rel i o;
sg_sym' := add_edge_sym_ i o;
sg_irrefl' := add_edge_irrefl_ i o |}.
Lemma add_edge_Path (G : sgraph) (i o x y : G) (p : @Path G x y) :
∃ q : @Path (add_edge i o) x y, nodes q = nodes p.
case: p ⇒ p p_pth.
have p_iopth : @pathp (add_edge i o) x y p.
{ case/andP: p_pth ⇒ p_path p_last. apply/andP; split⇒ //.
apply: sub_path p_path. rewrite {2}/edge_rel/=. by move⇒ u v /=->. }
by ∃ (Sub (p : seq (add_edge i o)) p_iopth).
Lemma add_edge_connected (G : sgraph) (i o : G) (U : {set G}) :
@connected G U → @connected (add_edge i o) U.
move ⇒ con1 x y xU yU.
apply: connect_mono (con1 _ _ xU yU) ⇒ {x y xU yU} x y.
by rewrite {2}/edge_rel /= -andbA ⇒ /and3P[-> → ->].
Lemmas to swap the nodes of add_edge, useful for wlog. reasoning
Lemma add_edgeC (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G):
@edge_rel (add_edge s1 s2) =2 @edge_rel (add_edge s2 s1).
move ⇒ x y. rewrite /edge_rel /= [y == x]eq_sym.
by case (x -- y) ⇒ //=; do ! (case (_ == _); rewrite //=).
Arguments add_edgeC [G].
Lemma add_edge_sym (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G):
diso (@add_edge G s1 s2) (@add_edge G s2 s1).
Proof. apply: eq_diso. exact: add_edgeC. Defined.
Lemma add_edge_connected_sym (G : sgraph) s1 s2 A:
@connected (@add_edge G s1 s2) A ↔ @connected (@add_edge G s2 s1) A.
Proof. apply: eq_connected ⇒ u v. exact: (add_edgeC s1 s2). Qed.
Lemma add_edge_pathC (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 x y : G) (p : @Path (add_edge s1 s2) x y) :
∃ q : @Path (add_edge s2 s1) x y, nodes q = nodes p.
case: (@lift_Path (add_edge s2 s1) (add_edge s1 s2) id x y p) ⇒ //.
- move ⇒ u v. by rewrite add_edgeC.
- move ⇒ u. by rewrite mem_map // mem_enum.
- move ⇒ q Hq _. ∃ q. by rewrite -Hq map_id.
Lemma add_edge_avoid (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 x y : G) (p : @Path (add_edge s1 s2) x y) :
(s1 \notin p) || (s2 \notin p) → ∃ q : @Path G x y, nodes q = nodes p.
move ⇒ H.
wlog H : s1 s2 p {H} / s1 \notin p ⇒ [W|].
{ case/orP: H ⇒ [|Hs]; first exact: W.
case: (add_edge_pathC p) ⇒ p' Hp'.
case: (W _ _ p' _). by rewrite (mem_path p') Hp' -(mem_path p).
move ⇒ q Hq. ∃ q. congruence. }
have pP u : u \in p → u == s1 = false. { by apply: contraTF ⇒ /eqP→. }
case: (@lift_Path_on G (add_edge s1 s2) id x y p) ⇒ //.
- move ⇒ u v up vp /=. by rewrite {1}/edge_rel/= !(pP u,pP v) //= !andbF !orbF.
- move ⇒ u. by rewrite mem_map // mem_enum.
- move ⇒ q Hq _. ∃ q. by rewrite -Hq map_id.
Arguments add_edge_avoid [G s1 s2 x y] p.
Require Import set_tac.
Ltac set_tac_close_plus ::=
match goal with
| [ H : is_true (?x \notin (pcat ?p ?q)) |- _] ⇒
first[notHyp (x \notin p)|notHyp (x \notin q)];
have/andP [? ?]: (x \notin p) && (x \notin q) by rewrite mem_pcat negb_or in H
| [H : is_true (?u \notin (@edgep _ ?x ?y _)) |- _] ⇒
first[notHyp (u != x)|notHyp (u != y)];
have/andP[? ?]: (u != x) && (u != y) by (move: H; rewrite mem_edgep negb_or; apply)
| [H : is_true (?x \notin ?p), p : Path ?x _ |- _] ⇒ by rewrite path_begin in H
| [H : is_true (?x \notin ?p), p : Path _ ?x |- _] ⇒ by rewrite path_end in H
| [ H : is_true (?x \notin _ (pcat ?p ?q)) |- _] ⇒
first[notHyp (x \notin p)|notHyp (x \notin q)];
have/andP [? ?]: (x \notin p) && (x \notin q) by rewrite mem_pcat negb_or in H
Ltac set_tac_branch_plus ::=
match goal with
| [ H : is_true (?x \in (pcat ?p ?q)) |- _] ⇒
notHyp (x \in p);notHyp (x \in q);
have/orP [?|?]: (x \in p) || (x \in q) by rewrite mem_pcat in H
Lemma add_edge_keep_connected_l (G : sgraph) s1 s2 A:
@connected (@add_edge G s1 s2) A → s1 \notin A → @connected G A.
move ⇒ H s1A x y xA yA.
case: (altP (x =P y)) ⇒ [-> //|xDy].
case/connect_irredRP : (H _ _ xA yA) ⇒ // p Ip subA.
case: (add_edge_avoid p) ⇒ [|q Hq]; first by rewrite notinD.
apply connectRI with q. move ⇒ u.
rewrite mem_path Hq -(mem_path p). by set_tac.
Adding Vertices
Section AddNode.
Variables (G : sgraph) (N : {set G}).
Definition add_node_rel (x y : option G) :=
match x,y with
| None, Some y ⇒ y \in N
| Some x, None ⇒ x \in N
| Some x,Some y ⇒ x -- y
| None, None ⇒ false
Lemma add_node_sym : symmetric add_node_rel.
Proof. move ⇒ [a|] [b|] //=. by rewrite sgP. Qed.
Lemma add_node_irrefl : irreflexive add_node_rel.
Proof. move ⇒ [a|] //=. by rewrite sgP. Qed.
Definition add_node := SGraph add_node_sym add_node_irrefl.
Lemma add_node_lift_Path (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
∃ q : @Path add_node (Some x) (Some y), nodes q = map Some (nodes p).
case: p ⇒ p0 p'.
set q0 : seq add_node := map Some p0.
have q' : @pathp add_node (Some x) (Some y) q0.
move: p'; rewrite /pathp/= last_map (inj_eq (@Some_inj _)).
move⇒ /andP[p' ->]; rewrite andbT.
exact: homo_path p'.
by ∃ (Sub _ q'); rewrite !nodesE /=.
End AddNode.
Arguments add_node : clear implicits.
Lemma add_node_complete n : diso 'K_n.+1 (add_node 'K_n setT).
pose g : add_node 'K_n setT → 'K_n.+1 := oapp (lift ord_max) ord_max.
pose h : 'K_n.+1 → add_node 'K_n setT := unlift ord_max.
apply Diso'' with h g; rewrite /g/h/=.
+ by move⇒ x; case: unliftP.
+ move⇒ [x|] /=; [by rewrite liftK | by rewrite unlift_none].
+ move⇒ x y /=; do 2 case: unliftP ⇒ /= [?|]-> //; rewrite /edge_rel //= ?eqxx //.
by rewrite (inj_eq (@lift_inj _ ord_max)).
+ move⇒ [x|] [y|]; rewrite /edge_rel//= ?[_ == ord_max]eq_sym ?neq_lift //.
by rewrite (inj_eq (@lift_inj _ ord_max)).
Lemma connected_add_node (G : sgraph) (U A : {set G}) :
connected A → @connected (add_node G U) (Some @: A).
move ⇒ H x y /imsetP [x0 Hx0 ->] /imsetP [y0 Hy0 ->].
have/connect_irredRP := H _ _ Hx0 Hy0.
case: (x0 =P y0) ⇒ [-> _|_ /(_ isT) [p _ Hp]]; first exact: connect0.
case: (add_node_lift_Path U p) ⇒ q E.
apply: (connectRI q) ⇒ ?; rewrite mem_path E.
case/mapP ⇒ z Hz →. rewrite mem_imset //. exact: (subsetP Hp).
Section Neighbor.
Variable (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types A B C D : {set G}.
Definition neighbor A B := [∃ x in A, ∃ y in B, x -- y].
Lemma neighborP A B : reflect (∃ x y, [/\ x \in A, y \in B & x -- y]) (neighbor A B).
apply:(iffP exists_inP) ⇒ [[x xA] /exists_inP [y inB xy]|[x] [y] [xA yB xy]].
- by ∃ x; ∃ y.
- ∃ x ⇒ //. apply/exists_inP; by ∃ y.
Lemma neighborC A B : neighbor A B = neighbor B A.
Proof. by apply/neighborP/neighborP ⇒ [] [x] [y] [*];∃ y; ∃ x; rewrite sgP. Qed.
Lemma neighbor_connected A B :
connected A → connected B → neighbor A B → connected (A :|: B).
move ⇒ conA conB /neighborP [x] [y] [? ? xy].
exact: connectedU_edge xy _ _.
Lemma neighborW C D A B :
C \subset A → D \subset B → neighbor C D → neighbor A B.
move/subsetP ⇒ subA /subsetP subB /neighborP [x] [y] [? ? ?].
apply/neighborP; ∃ x; ∃ y. by rewrite subA ?subB.
Lemma neighborUl A B C : neighbor A B → neighbor A (B :|: C).
Proof. apply: neighborW ⇒ //. exact: subsetUl. Qed.
Lemma neighborUr A B C : neighbor A C → neighbor A (B :|: C).
Proof. apply: neighborW ⇒ //. exact: subsetUr. Qed.
Lemma neighbor11 x y: neighbor [set x] [set y] = x -- y.
apply/neighborP/idP ⇒ [[?[?[/set1P → /set1P ->]]] //|xy].
by ∃ x,y; rewrite !inE eqxx.
End Neighbor.
Arguments neighborW : clear implicits.
Lemma neighbor_add_edgeC (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G) :
@neighbor (add_edge s1 s2) =2 @neighbor (add_edge s2 s1).
move ⇒ x y.
apply/neighborP/neighborP ⇒ [] [u] [v] [? ? ?]; ∃ u; ∃ v.
all: by rewrite add_edgeC.
Lemma neighbor_del_edgeR (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G) (A B : {set G}) :
s1 \notin B → s2 \notin B → @neighbor (add_edge s1 s2) A B → @neighbor G A B.
move ⇒ H1 H2 /neighborP [x] [y] [/= N1 N2 N3]. apply/neighborP. ∃ x; ∃ y.
case/or3P : N3 ⇒ [-> //||] /and3P [_ /eqP ? /eqP ?]; by subst;contrab.
Lemma neighbor_del_edge2 (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G) (A B : {set G}) :
s2 \notin A → s2 \notin B → @neighbor (add_edge s1 s2) A B → @neighbor G A B.
move ⇒ H1 H2 /neighborP [x] [y] [/= N1 N2 N3]. apply/neighborP. ∃ x; ∃ y.
case/or3P : N3 ⇒ [-> //||] /and3P [_ /eqP ? /eqP ?]; by subst;contrab.
Lemma neighbor_del_edge1 (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G) (A B : {set G}) :
s1 \notin A → s1 \notin B → @neighbor (add_edge s1 s2) A B → @neighbor G A B.
Proof. move ⇒ ? ?. rewrite neighbor_add_edgeC. exact: neighbor_del_edge2. Qed.
Lemma neighbor_add_edge (G : sgraph) (s1 s2 : G) :
subrel (@neighbor G) (@neighbor (add_edge s1 s2)).
move ⇒ A B /neighborP [u] [v] [? ? E].
apply/neighborP; ∃ u; ∃ v. by rewrite /edge_rel/= E.
Lemma neighbor_split (G : sgraph) (A B C1 C2 : {set G}) :
B \subset C1 :|: C2 → neighbor A B → neighbor A C1 || neighbor A C2.
move/subsetP ⇒ S /neighborP [u] [v] [? /S H E]. apply/orP.
by case/setUP : H ⇒ ?; [left|right]; apply/neighborP; ∃ u; ∃ v.
Lemma path_neighborL (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) (A : {set G}) :
irred p → interior p != set0 → x \in A → neighbor A (interior p).
move ⇒ Ip /set0Pn [z Hz] xA.
have xDy : x != y.
{ apply: contraTneq Hz ⇒ ?; subst y. rewrite (irredxx Ip).
rewrite !inE mem_idp. by case: (z == x). }
case: (splitL p xDy) ⇒ u [xu] [p'] [E _]. rewrite E irred_edgeL in Ip.
apply/neighborP; ∃ x; ∃ u; split ⇒ //. case/andP : Ip ⇒ Hp Ip.
rewrite E !inE /= andbT eq_sym sg_edgeNeq //=.
apply: contraTneq Hz ⇒ ?. subst u.
by rewrite E (irredxx Ip) pcat_idR interior_edgep inE.
Interior of irredundant paths
Lemma interior_idp (G : sgraph) (x : G) : interior (idp x) = set0.
Proof. apply/setP ⇒ z. rewrite !inE mem_idp. by (case: (_ == _)). Qed.
Lemma interior_rev (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y):
interior (prev p) = interior p.
Proof. apply/setP ⇒ z. by rewrite !inE orbC. Qed.
Lemma path_neighborR (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) (A : {set G}) :
irred p → interior p != set0 → y \in A → neighbor A (interior p).
move ⇒ Ip P0 yA. rewrite -interior_rev.
apply: path_neighborL; by rewrite // ?irred_rev ?interior_rev.
Lemma connected_interior (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
irred p → connected (interior p).
case: (altP (x =P y)) ⇒ [?|xNy] Ip; subst.
- rewrite (irredxx Ip) interior_idp. exact: connected0.
- case: (splitL p xNy) ⇒ x' [xx'] [p'] [E _].
rewrite E irred_edgeL in Ip. case/andP : Ip ⇒ xp Ip'.
case: (altP (x' =P y)) ⇒ [?|x'Ny]; subst.
+ rewrite (irredxx Ip') pcat_idR interior_edgep. exact: connected0.
+ case: (splitR p' x'Ny) ⇒ z [q] [zy] ?. subst.
rewrite irred_edgeR in Ip'. case/andP : Ip' ⇒ yq Iq.
suff → : interior (pcat (edgep xx') (pcat q (edgep zy))) = [set u in q].
{ exact: connected_path. }
apply/setP ⇒ u. rewrite 3!inE mem_pcat_edgeL mem_pcat_edgeR !inE.
case: (u =P x) ⇒ [ux|_];case: (u =P y) ⇒ [uy|_] ⇒ //=; subst u.
all: rewrite ?(negbTE yq) //; symmetry.
all: by apply: contraNF xp; rewrite !inE ⇒ →.
Lemma connected_interiorR (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
irred p → connected (y |: interior p).
move ⇒ Ip. case: (set_0Vmem (interior p)) ⇒ [->|[z Hz]].
- rewrite setU0. exact: connected1.
- apply: neighbor_connected; [exact: connected1|exact: connected_interior|].
apply: path_neighborR ⇒ //; by set_tac.
Lemma neighbor_interiorL (G : sgraph) (x y : G) (p : Path x y) :
x != y → irred p → neighbor [set x] (y |: interior p).
move ⇒ xDy Ip. case: (set_0Vmem (interior p)) ⇒ [E|[z Hz]].
- apply: neighborUl. apply/neighborP; ∃ x; ∃ y.
case: (interior0E xDy Ip E) ⇒ xy _. split ⇒ //; by rewrite inE eqxx.
- apply: neighborUr. apply: path_neighborL ⇒ //; by set_tac.
Definition sg_edge_set (G : sgraph) := [set [set x;y] | x in G, y in G & x -- y].
Notation "E( G )" := (sg_edge_set G) (at level 0, G at level 99, format "E( G )").
Lemma edgesP (G : sgraph) (e : {set G}) :
reflect (∃ x y, e = [set x;y] ∧ x -- y) (e \in E(G)).
apply: (iffP imset2P) ⇒ [[x y]|[x] [y] [E xy]].
- rewrite !inE /= ⇒ _ xy →. by ∃ x; ∃ y.
- ∃ x y ⇒ //. by rewrite inE.
Lemma in_edges (G : sgraph) (u v : G) : [set u; v] \in E(G) = (u -- v).
apply/edgesP/idP ⇒ [[x] [y] []|]; last by ∃ u; ∃ v.
by case/doubleton_eq_iff ⇒ -[-> ->] //; rewrite sgP.
Lemma edges_opn0 (G : sgraph) (x : G) : E(G) = set0 → #|N(x)| = 0.
move ⇒ E0; apply: eq_card0 ⇒ y; rewrite !inE; apply: contra_eqF E0 ⇒ xy.
by apply/set0Pn; ∃ [set x;y]; rewrite in_edges.
Lemma edges_eqn_sub (G : sgraph) (e1 e2 : {set G}) :
e1 \in E(G) → e2 \in E(G) → e1 != e2 → ~~ (e1 \subset e2).
move ⇒ /edgesP [x1 [y1 [-> xy1]]] /edgesP [x2 [y2 [-> xy2]]].
apply/contraNN; rewrite subUset !sub1set !inE ⇒ EQS.
case/andP : EQS xy1 xy2 ⇒ /pred2P[->|->] /pred2P [->|->].
all: by rewrite ?sg_irrefl // setUC.
Section del_edges.
Variables (G : sgraph) (A : {set G}).
Definition del_edges_rel := [rel x y : G | x -- y && ~~ ([set x;y] \subset A)].
Definition del_edges_sym : symmetric del_edges_rel.
Proof. by move⇒x y /=; rewrite sgP setUC. Qed.
Definition del_edges_irrefl : irreflexive del_edges_rel.
Proof. by move⇒ x /=; rewrite sgP. Qed.
Definition del_edges := SGraph del_edges_sym del_edges_irrefl.
End del_edges.
Section del_edges_facts.
Variables (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types (x y z : G) (A e : {set G}).
Local Open Scope implicit_scope.
Lemma mem_del_edges e A : e \in E(del_edges A) = (e \in E(G)) && ~~ (e \subset A).
apply/edgesP/andP ⇒ [[x] [y] [-> /andP[xy xyA]]|[]]; first by rewrite in_edges.
by move/edgesP ⇒ [x] [y] [-> xy xyNA]; ∃ x,y; split ⇒ //; apply/andP.
Neighborhood version of the above
Lemma del_edges_opn A x z :
z \in N(del_edges A;x) = (z \in N(G;x)) && ~~ ([set x; z] \subset A).
Proof. by rewrite !inE -in_edges mem_del_edges in_edges. Qed.
Lemma del_edges_sub A : E(del_edges A) \subset E(G).
Proof. by apply/subsetP ⇒ e; rewrite mem_del_edges ⇒ /andP[]. Qed.
Lemma del_edges_proper e A :
e \in E(G) → e \subset A → E(del_edges A) \proper E(G).
move⇒ edge_e e_sub_A. rewrite properE del_edges_sub /=.
by apply/subsetPn; ∃ e ⇒ //; rewrite mem_del_edges edge_e e_sub_A.
z \in N(del_edges A;x) = (z \in N(G;x)) && ~~ ([set x; z] \subset A).
Proof. by rewrite !inE -in_edges mem_del_edges in_edges. Qed.
Lemma del_edges_sub A : E(del_edges A) \subset E(G).
Proof. by apply/subsetP ⇒ e; rewrite mem_del_edges ⇒ /andP[]. Qed.
Lemma del_edges_proper e A :
e \in E(G) → e \subset A → E(del_edges A) \proper E(G).
move⇒ edge_e e_sub_A. rewrite properE del_edges_sub /=.
by apply/subsetPn; ∃ e ⇒ //; rewrite mem_del_edges edge_e e_sub_A.
Two useful lemmas for the case of deleting a single edge
Lemma del_edgesN e : e \notin E(del_edges e).
Proof. by rewrite mem_del_edges subxx andbF. Qed.
Lemma del_edges1 e : e \in E(G) → E(G) = e |: E(del_edges e).
move ⇒ edge_e; apply/setP ⇒ e'; rewrite in_setU mem_del_edges in_set1.
case: (eqVneq e e') ⇒ [<-//|eDe'/=].
case: (boolP (e' \in E(G))) ⇒ //= edge_e'; symmetry.
rewrite eq_sym in eDe'; exact: edges_eqn_sub eDe'.
End del_edges_facts.
Proof. by rewrite mem_del_edges subxx andbF. Qed.
Lemma del_edges1 e : e \in E(G) → E(G) = e |: E(del_edges e).
move ⇒ edge_e; apply/setP ⇒ e'; rewrite in_setU mem_del_edges in_set1.
case: (eqVneq e e') ⇒ [<-//|eDe'/=].
case: (boolP (e' \in E(G))) ⇒ //= edge_e'; symmetry.
rewrite eq_sym in eDe'; exact: edges_eqn_sub eDe'.
End del_edges_facts.
Section Neighborhood_theory.
Variable G : sgraph.
Implicit Types (u v : G).
Lemma v_notin_opneigh v : v \notin N(v).
Proof. by rewrite in_opn sg_irrefl. Qed.
Lemma cl_sg_sym : symmetric (@dominates G).
rewrite /symmetric /dominates /closed_neigh ⇒ x y ; by rewrite sg_sym eq_sym.
Lemma opn_proper_cln v : N(v) \proper N[v].
apply/properP; rewrite subsetUr; split ⇒ //.
by ∃ v; rewrite !inE ?eqxx sgP.
Lemma opn_edges (u : G) : N(u) = [set v | [set u; v] \in E(G)].
apply/eqP ; rewrite eqEsubset ; apply/andP ; split.
- by apply/subsetP⇒ w ; rewrite in_opn in_set in_edges.
- by apply/subsetP⇒ w ; rewrite in_opn in_set in_edges.
End Neighborhood_theory.
Local Open Scope implicit_scope.
Theorem edges_sum_degrees (G : sgraph) : 2 × #|E(G)| = \sum_(x in G) #|N(x)|.
elim/(size_ind (fun G ⇒ #|E(G)|)) : G ⇒ G IH.
case: (set_0Vmem E(G)) ⇒ [E0|[e edge_e]].
- rewrite E0 cards0 muln0.
under eq_bigr ⇒ x do rewrite edges_opn0 //.
by rewrite sum_nat_const muln0.
- have [x [y] [def_e xy]] := edgesP _ edge_e; set G' := del_edges e.
have/IH E' : #|E(G')| < #|E(G)|.
{ by apply: proper_card; exact: del_edges_proper edge_e _. }
rewrite (del_edges1 edge_e) cardsU1 del_edgesN mulnDr /= muln1 {}E' /=.
rewrite [in LHS](bigID (mem e)) [in RHS](bigID (mem e)) /= addnA.
congr (_ + _); last first.
{ apply eq_bigr ⇒ z zNe; apply eq_card ⇒ w.
by rewrite del_edges_opn subUset sub1set (negbTE zNe) /= andbT. }
rewrite def_e !big_setU1 ?inE ?sg_edgeNeq //= !big_set1.
suff Ne w : w \in e → #|N(G';w)|.+1 = #|N(G;w)|.
{ rewrite -!Ne ?def_e ?in_set2 ?eqxx ?orbT //.
by rewrite [RHS]addSn [in RHS]addnS add2n. }
rewrite {}/G' {}def_e ⇒ {edge_e} w_in_xy.
wlog w_is_x : x y xy {w_in_xy} / w = x.
{ move ⇒ W. case/set2P : w_in_xy; first exact: W.
by rewrite setUC; apply: W; rewrite sgP. }
subst w; suff → : N(G;x) = y |: N(del_edges [set x;y];x).
{ by rewrite cardsU1 del_edges_opn subxx andbF add1n. }
apply/setP ⇒ z; rewrite 2!inE del_edges_opn !inE.
rewrite subUset subsetUl sub1set !inE /=.
case: (eqVneq z y) ⇒ [-> //|zDy /=].
case: (eqVneq z x) ⇒ [->|]; by rewrite ?sg_irrefl //= ?orbT ?andbT.