Library GraphTheory.connectivity

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import edone preliminaries digraph sgraph mgraph set_tac.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".

Graph Connectivty

In this file we prove Menger's Theorem and some of its most well-known and most-used corollaries. The proof follows Göring's "Short Proof of Menger's Theorem". The two most central notions in the proof are those of an AB-separator and an AB-connector.

Connectors, Separators, and Separations

Section SeparatorConnector.
Variables (G : diGraph).
Implicit Types (x y z u v : G) (A B S U V : {set G}).

There are two notions af separators used in the literature, "AB-separators" (i.e., sets disconnecting two not necessariliy disjoint sets of vertices) and "(vertex) separarors" (i.e., sets of vertices disconnecting a given graph).

Definition separator (A B S : {set G}) :=
   (a b : G) (p : Path a b), a \in A b \in B exists2 s, s \in S & s \in p.

Lemma separatorI A B S :
  ( (a b : G) (p : Path a b), irred p a \in A b \in B exists2 s, s \in S & s \in p)
   separator A B S.
  moveH a b p aA bB. case: (uncycle p) ⇒ p' sub_p Ip. case: (H _ _ p') ⇒ //.
  moves sS /sub_p sp. by s.

Definition separatorb (A B S : {set G}) :=
  [ a in A, b in B, p : IPath a b, s in S, s \in p].

Lemma separatorP (A B S : {set G}) : reflect (separator A B S) (separatorb A B S).
  rewrite /separatorb. apply: (iffP forall_inP) ⇒ [H|H a aA].
  - apply: separatorIa b p Ip aA bB.
    move/(_ _ aA) : H ⇒ /forall_inP /(_ _ bB) /forallP /(_ (Sub p Ip)) /exists_inP [s sS in_p].
    by s.
  - apply/forall_inPb bB. apply/forallP ⇒ [[p ?]]. apply/exists_inP.
    case: (H a b p) ⇒ // s S1 S2. by s.

Lemma separatorPn (A B S : {set G}) :
  reflect ( x y (p: IPath x y), [/\ x \in A, y \in B & [disjoint p & S]]) (~~ separatorb A B S).
  rewrite negb_forall_in. apply: (iffP exists_inP).
  - casex xA /forall_inPn [y] yB /forallPn [p] /exists_inPn H.
     x; y; p; split ⇒ //. apply/disjointPz Z1 /H. by rewrite Z1.
  - casex [y] [p] [aA yB /disjointP D]. x ⇒ //. apply/forall_inPn; y ⇒ //.
    apply/forallPn; p. apply/exists_inPnz /D H. exact/negP.

Lemma separator_cap A B S : separator A B S A :&: B \subset S.
  movesepS. apply/subsetPx /setIP [xA xB].
  case: (sepS _ _ (idp x)) ⇒ // s in_S. by rewrite mem_idp ⇒ /eqP <-.

Lemma separator_min A B S : separator A B S #|A :&: B| #|S|.
Proof. move/separator_cap. exact: subset_leq_card. Qed.

Definition separates x y U := [/\ x \notin U, y \notin U & p : Path x y, exists2 z, z \in p & z \in U].

Standard trick to show decidability: quantify only over irredundant paths
Definition separatesb x y U := [&& x \notin U, y \notin U & [ p : IPath x y, z in p, z \in U]].

Lemma separatesI x y (U : {set G}) :
  [/\ x \notin U, y \notin U & p : Path x y, irred p exists2 z, z \in p & z \in U] separates x y U.
  caseS1 S2 S3. split ⇒ // p. case: (uncycle p) ⇒ p' sub_p Ip'.
  case: (S3 _ Ip') ⇒ z Z1 Z2. z ⇒ //. exact: sub_p.

Lemma separatesP x y U : reflect (separates x y U) (separatesb x y U).
  apply: (iffP and3P) ⇒ [[? ? A]|[? ? A]].
  - apply: separatesI. split ⇒ // p Ip.
    move/forallP/(_ (Build_IPath Ip)) : A.
    case/exists_inPz Z1 Z2. by z.
  - split ⇒ //. apply/forallPp. by move/exists_inP : (A p).
Arguments separatesP {x y U}.

Fact separatesNeq x y U : separates x y U x != y.
  caseHx _ Hp. apply: contraNN Hx ⇒ /eqP C. subst y. case: (Hp (idp x)).
  move ⇒ ?. by rewrite mem_idp ⇒ /eqP→.

TOTHINK: conn_disjoint could also be expressed as x \in p i x \in p j i = j NOTE: Unlike the definition of Göring, we do not allow single edge paths inside A :&: B
Record connector (A B : {set G}) n (p : 'I_n pathS G) : Prop :=
  { conn_irred : i, irred (tagged (p i));
    conn_begin : i, [set x in p i] :&: A = [set fst (p i)];
    conn_end : i, [set x in p i] :&: B = [set lst (p i)];
    conn_disjoint : i j, i != j [set x in p i] :&: [set x in p j] = set0 }.

Section ConnectorTheory.
Variables (A B : {set G}) (n : nat) (p : 'I_n pathS G).
Hypothesis conn_p : connector A B p.

Lemma connector_fst i : fst (p i) \in A.
  move/setP : (conn_begin conn_p i) ⇒ /(_ (fst (p i))).
  rewrite !inE eqxx. by case/andP.

Lemma connector_lst i : lst (p i) \in B.
  move/setP : (conn_end conn_p i) ⇒ /(_ (lst (p i))).
  rewrite !inE eqxx. by case/andP.

Lemma connector_left i x : x \in p i x \in A x = fst (p i).
  movein_pi in_A. move/setP : (conn_begin conn_p i) ⇒ /(_ x).
  rewrite !inE in_pi in_A /=. by move/esym/eqP.

Lemma connector_right i x : x \in p i x \in B x = lst (p i).
  movein_pi in_B. move/setP : (conn_end conn_p i) ⇒ /(_ x).
  rewrite !inE in_pi in_B /=. by move/esym/eqP.

Lemma lst_idp i : lst (p i) \in A lst (p i) = fst (p i).
  moveH. move/setP : (conn_begin conn_p i) ⇒ /(_ (lst (p i))).
  rewrite !inE H. by move/esym/eqP.

Lemma fst_idp i : fst (p i) \in B fst (p i) = lst (p i).
  moveH. move/setP : (conn_end conn_p i) ⇒ /(_ (fst (p i))).
  rewrite !inE H. by move/esym/eqP.

Lemma connector_eq i j x : x \in p i x \in p j i = j.
  move Hi Hj. apply: contraTeq isT ⇒ /(conn_disjoint conn_p)/setP/(_ x).
  by rewrite !inE Hi Hj.

Lemma fst_lst_eq i j : fst (p i) = lst (p j) i = j.
  moveE. apply: (connector_eq (x := fst (p i))); first exact: fst_mem.
  by rewrite E lst_mem.

Lemma fst_inj : injective (@fst G \o p).
  apply: wlog_neg ⇒ /injectivePn [i] [j] /(conn_disjoint conn_p)/setP S /= H.
  move/(_ (fst (p i))) : S. by rewrite !inE H fst_mem.

Lemma lst_inj : injective (@lst G \o p).
  apply: wlog_neg ⇒ /injectivePn [i] [j] /(conn_disjoint conn_p)/setP S /= H.
  move/(_ (lst (p i))) : S. by rewrite !inE H lst_mem.

End ConnectorTheory.

Lemma connector_extend A B n (p : 'I_n pathS G) x y i :
  x \notin \bigcup_i [set z in p i] fst (p i) = y x -- y x \notin B
  connector A B p q : 'I_n pathS G, connector (x |: (A :\ y)) B q.
  moveHx Hy xy xB conn_p.
  have xDy : x != y.
  { apply: contraNneq Hx ⇒ →. apply/bigcupP; i ⇒ //. by rewrite inE -Hy fst_mem. }
  set A' := _ |: _.
  pose q (j : 'I_n) := if j == i then pcatS (PathS (edgep xy)) (p j) else p j.
  have Hj (j : 'I_n) u : j != i u \in tagged (p j) (u == y = false)*(u == x = false).
  { movejDi u_pi. split.
    - apply: contra_eqF (conn_disjoint conn_p jDi) ⇒ /eqP ?; subst.
      apply/set0Pn; (fst (p i)). by rewrite !inE u_pi.
    - apply: contraNF Hx ⇒ /eqP <-. apply/bigcupP; j ⇒ //. by rewrite inE. }
   q. split.
  - movej. rewrite /q /=.
    case: (altP (j =P i)) ⇒ [E|D]; last exact: (conn_irred conn_p).
    subst j. rewrite [p i]pathS_eta. subst y. rewrite pcatSE /= irred_edgeL.
    rewrite (conn_irred conn_p) andbT. apply: contraNN HxHx.
    apply/bigcupP. i ⇒ //. by rewrite inE.
  - movej. rewrite /q. case: (altP (j =P i)) ⇒ [E|D].
    + subst j. rewrite [p i]pathS_eta. subst y. rewrite pcatSE /=.
      apply/setPu. rewrite [A']lock !inE -lock. apply/andP/idP.
      × rewrite !inE mem_edgep /=. case: (altP (u =P x)) ⇒ [-> //|/=].
        rewrite -/(fst (p i)). case: (altP (u =P fst (p i))) ⇒ [_ _ [_ ?] //|].
        rewrite /= -/(fst (p i)) ⇒ [H1 H2 [H3 H4]].
        by rewrite -(connector_left conn_p _ H4) ?eqxx in H1.
      × move/eqP→. by rewrite mem_edgep /= !inE eqxx.
    + rewrite -(conn_begin conn_p).
      apply/setPu. rewrite !inE. case e: (u \in _) ⇒ //=. by rewrite !(Hj j) /=.
  - movej. rewrite /q. case: (altP (j =P i)) ⇒ [E|D]; last exact: (conn_end conn_p).
    subst j. rewrite [p i]pathS_eta. subst y. rewrite pcatSE /= -/(lst _).
    apply/setPu. rewrite -(conn_end conn_p i) !inE -mem_pcat. case uB : (u \in B) ⇒ //.
    rewrite !andbT. apply/edgeLP/idP ⇒ /=; last by right. case ⇒ [?|//].
    subst. by rewrite uB in xB.
  - movej1 j2. rewrite /q.
    have jP j : i != j [set x0 in pcatS (PathS (edgep xy)) (p i)] :&: [set x0 in p j] = set0.
    { movejDi. rewrite [p i]pathS_eta. subst y. rewrite pcatSE.
      apply: contra_eq (conn_disjoint conn_p jDi). case/set0Pnu /setIP [].
      rewrite 2!inE /=. case/edgeLP ⇒ /= [-> Hx'|Hu ?].
      × apply: contraNN Hx_. apply/bigcupP; j ⇒ //. by rewrite inE.
      × apply/set0Pn. u. by rewrite !inE Hu. }
    case: (altP (j1 =P i)); case: (altP (j2 =P i)).
    + move ⇒ → → . by rewrite eqxx.
    + rewrite eq_symHj2 →. exact: jP.
    + rewrite eq_sym setIC. move ⇒ → Hj2 _. exact: jP.
    + move_ _. exact: (conn_disjoint conn_p).

Lemma connector_sep P A B n (p q : 'I_n pathS G) i j x :
  separator A B P connector A P p connector P B q
  x \in p i x \in q j (x \in P) .
  movesep_P con_p con_q x_pi x_qj.
  case def_pi : (p i) ⇒ [[u v] /= pi].
  case def_qj : (q j) ⇒ [[u' v'] /= qj]. rewrite -!/(PathS _) in def_pi def_qj.
  have [x_pi' x_qj'] : x \in pi x \in qj by rewrite def_pi def_qj in x_pi x_qj.
  have Ip : irred pi. { move: (conn_irred con_p i). by rewrite def_pi. }
  have Iq : irred qj. { move: (conn_irred con_q j). by rewrite def_qj. }
  case/(isplitP Ip) def_p : _ / x_pi' ⇒ {Ip} [p1 p2 Ip1 Ip2 Ip].
  case/(isplitP Iq) def_q : _ / x_qj' ⇒ {Iq} [q1 q2 Iq1 Iq2 Iq].
  case: (sep_P _ _ (pcat p1 q2)).
  - move: (connector_fst con_p i). by rewrite def_pi.
  - move: (connector_lst con_q j). by rewrite def_qj.
  - moves in_P. rewrite inE. case/orP ⇒ [in_p1|in_q2].
    + suff ? : s = v by subst s; rewrite [v]Ip // inE in in_P.
      rewrite [s](connector_right con_p (i := i)) // def_pi //.
      change (s \in pi). by rewrite def_p inE in_p1.
    + suff ? : s = u' by subst s; rewrite [u']Iq // inE in in_P.
      rewrite [s](connector_left con_q (i := j)) // def_qj //.
      change (s \in qj). by rewrite def_q inE in_q2.

Lemma connector_cat (P A B : {set G}) n (p q : 'I_n pathS G) :
  #|P| = n separator A B P
  connector A P p connector P B q
   (r : 'I_n pathS G), connector A B r.
  movecard_P. subst n. movesep_P con_p con_q.
  have mtch i : { j | fst (q j) = lst (p i) }.
  { pose x := lst (p i).
    have Hx : x \in codom (@fst G \o q).
    { apply: (inj_card_onto_pred (P := mem P)).
      - exact: fst_inj con_q.
      - movej. exact: connector_fst con_q _.
      - by rewrite card_ord.
      - exact: connector_lst con_p _. }
     (iinv Hx). rewrite -[fst _]/((@fst G \o q) (iinv Hx)). by rewrite f_iinv. }
  have mtch_inj : injective (fun isval (mtch i)).
  { movei i' E. move: (svalP (mtch i')). rewrite -E (svalP (mtch i)).
    exact : (lst_inj con_p). }
  pose pq i := pcatS (p i) (q (sval (mtch i))).
  have pqE i : j x y z (pi : Path x y) (qi : Path y z),
      [/\ p i = PathS pi, j = sval (mtch i), q j = PathS qi & pq i = PathS (pcat pi qi) ].
  { pose j := sval (mtch i).
    have jP := svalP (mtch i) : fst (q j) = lst (p i).
     j. (fst (p i)). (lst (p i)). (lst (q j)).
     (tagged (p i)). (castL jP (tagged (q j))). split ⇒ //.
    - by rewrite {1}[p i]pathS_eta.
    - rewrite {1}[q j]pathS_eta. move: (jP). rewrite -jPjP'.
      by rewrite (eq_irrelevance jP' erefl).
    - rewrite /pq -/j. rewrite -pcatSE -pathS_eta. move: (jP). rewrite -jPjP'.
      by rewrite (eq_irrelevance jP' erefl) /= -pathS_eta. }
  have sepP i j x : x \in p i x \in q j x \in P.
  { exact: connector_sep sep_P con_p con_q. }
   pq. split.
  - movei. move: (pqE i) ⇒ [j] [x] [y] [z] [pi] [qj] [Ep Ej Eq ->] /=.
    apply: irred_catI ⇒ [u u_p u_q||].
    + have uP : u \in P. apply: (sepP i j u); rewrite ?Ep ?Eq //.
      move: (conn_end con_p i) ⇒ /setP/(_ u). rewrite Ep !inE /= u_p uP /=.
      by move/esym/eqP.
    + move: (conn_irred con_p i). by rewrite Ep.
    + move: (conn_irred con_q j). by rewrite Eq.
  - movei. move: (pqE i) ⇒ [j] [x] [y] [z] [pi] [qj] [Ep Ej Eq ->] /=.
    apply/setPu. rewrite !inE /=. apply/andP/eqP ⇒ [[/orP[u_pi|u_qj] uA]|->].
    + move/(_ i u): (connector_left con_p). rewrite Ep /= u_pi uA. by apply.
    + suff ? : u = y.
      { subst. suff: lst (p i) = fst (p i) by rewrite Ep.
        apply: (lst_idp con_p _). by rewrite !Ep. }
      have Iq : irred qj. move: (conn_irred con_q j). by rewrite Eq.
      case/(isplitP Iq) def_q : _ / u_qj ⇒ [q1 q2 _ _ I].
      have zB : z \in B. { move: (connector_lst con_q j). by rewrite Eq. }
      case: (sep_P _ _ q2) ⇒ // s sP in_q2.
      have ? : s = y.
      { by rewrite [s](connector_left con_q (i := j)) // Eq // def_q mem_pcat in_q2. }
      subst s. by rewrite [y]I // inE.
    + by rewrite inE /fst/= [x](_ : _ = fst (p i)) ?(connector_fst con_p) // Ep.
    movei. move: (pqE i) ⇒ [j] [x] [y] [z] [pi] [qj] [Ep Ej Eq ->] /=.
    apply/setPu. rewrite !inE /=. apply/andP/eqP ⇒ [[/orP[u_pi|u_qj] uB]|->].
    + have uz : u = y.
      { have Ip : irred pi. move: (conn_irred con_p i). by rewrite Ep.
        case/(isplitP Ip) def_p : _ / u_pi ⇒ [p1 p2 _ _ I].
        have xA : x \in A. { move: (connector_fst con_p i). by rewrite Ep. }
        case: (sep_P _ _ p1) ⇒ // s sP in_p1.
        have ? : s = y.
        { by rewrite [s](connector_right con_p (i := i)) // Ep // def_p mem_pcat in_p1. }
        subst s. by rewrite [y]I // inE. }
      subst u.
      suff: fst (q j) = lst (q j). by rewrite Eq.
      apply: (fst_idp con_q _). by rewrite Eq.
    + move/(_ j u): (connector_right con_q). rewrite Eq /= u_qj uB. by apply.
    + by rewrite inE /lst/= [z](_ : _ = lst (q j)) ?(connector_lst con_q) // Eq.
  - movei j iDj.
    move: (pqE i) ⇒ [i2] [x] [y] [z] [pi] [qi2] [Ep Ei Eq ->] /=.
    move: (pqE j) ⇒ [j2] [x'] [y'] [z'] [pj] [qj2] [Ep' Ej Eq' ->] /=.
    apply/eqP. apply: wlog_neg. case/set0Pnu. rewrite !inE ⇒ /andP[].
    case/orPHi; case/orPHj; case: notF.
    + move/setP/(_ u): (conn_disjoint con_p iDj). by rewrite Ep Ep' !inE Hi Hj.
    + have uP : u \in P.
      { apply: (@connector_sep P A B _ p q i j2 u) ⇒ //; by rewrite ?Ep ?Eq'. }
      have [? ?] : y' = u y = u.
      { split.
        - by rewrite {1}[u](connector_left con_q (i := j2)) ?Eq'.
        - by rewrite {1}[u](connector_right con_p (i := i)) ?Ep. }
      subst y' y. apply: contraNT iDj_. apply/eqP. apply: mtch_inj.
      rewrite -Ei -Ej. apply: (connector_eq con_q (x := u)); by rewrite ?Eq ?Eq' inE.
    + have uP : u \in P.
      { apply: (@connector_sep P A B _ p q j i2 u) ⇒ // ; by rewrite ?Ep' ?Eq. }
      have [? ?] : y' = u y = u.
      { split.
        - by rewrite {1}[u](connector_right con_p (i := j)) ?Ep'.
        - by rewrite {1}[u](connector_left con_q (i := i2)) ?Eq. }
      subst y' y. apply: contraNT iDj_. apply/eqP. apply: mtch_inj.
      rewrite -Ei -Ej. apply: (connector_eq con_q (x := u)); by rewrite ?Eq ?Eq' inE.
    + apply: contraNT iDj_. apply/eqP. apply: mtch_inj. rewrite -Ei -Ej.
      apply: contraTeq isTiDj.
      move/setP/(_ u): (conn_disjoint con_q iDj). by rewrite Eq Eq' !inE Hi Hj.

Lemma trivial_connector A B : p : 'I_#|A :&: B| pathS G, connector A B p.
   (fun iPathS (idp (enum_val i))). split.
  - movei /=. exact: irred_idp.
  - movei /=. case/setIP : (enum_valP i) ⇒ iA iB. apply/setPz.
    rewrite !inE /= mem_idp. case e: (_ == _) ⇒ //. by rewrite (eqP e).
  - movei /=. case/setIP : (enum_valP i) ⇒ iA iB. apply/setPz.
    rewrite !inE /= mem_idp. case e: (_ == _) ⇒ //. by rewrite (eqP e).
  - movei j. apply: contraNeq ⇒ /set0Pn [x /setIP[]].
    by rewrite !inE /= !mem_idp ⇒ /eqP→ /eqP /enum_val_inj→.

Lemma sub_connector A B n m (p : 'I_m pathS G) :
  n m connector A B p q : 'I_n pathS G, connector A B q.
  moven_leq_m conn_p. pose W := widen_ord n_leq_m. (fun ip (W i)).
  case: conn_pC1 C2 C3 C4. split ⇒ // i j. exact:(C4 (W i) (W j)).

End SeparatorConnector.
Arguments separatesP {G x y U}.

Section VSeparator.
Variable (G : sgraph).
Implicit Types (x y z u v : G) (S U V : {set G}).

Fact separates0P x y : reflect (separates x y set0) (~~ connect edge_rel x y).
  apply:(iffP idP) ⇒ [nconn_xy|].
  - rewrite /separates !inE. split ⇒ // p. by rewrite Path_connect in nconn_xy.
  - case_ _ H. apply/negP. case/connect_irredPp _. case: (H p) ⇒ z. by rewrite inE.

TODO: this does not actually depend on G being simple
Lemma separatesNE x y (U : {set G}) :
  x \notin U y \notin U ¬ separates x y U connect (restrict [predC U] edge_rel) x y.
  movexU yU /(introN separatesP). rewrite /separatesb xU yU !negb_and //= negb_forall.
  case: (altP (x =P y)) ⇒ [<-|xDy H]; first by rewrite connect0.
  apply/connect_irredRP ⇒ //. case/existsP : Hp Hp. p ⇒ //.
  exact/subsetP/(exists_inPn Hp).

Definition vseparator U := x y, separates x y U.

Lemma vseparatorNE U x y : ¬ vseparator U ¬ separates x y U.
Proof. movensepU sepU. by apply nsepU; x; y. Qed.

Lemma svseparator_connected S :
  smallest vseparator S 0 < #|S| connected [set: G].
  moveSS gt0 x y _ _.
  have: (connect (restrict [predC set0] sedge) x y).
  { apply (@separatesNE x y set0); rewrite ?inE ⇒ //. rewrite -(@cards0 G) in gt0.
    move: (below_smallest SS gt0). exact: vseparatorNE. }
  rewrite !restrictE //; intro; rewrite !inE //.

vseparators do not make precises what the separated comonents are, i.e., a vseparator can disconnect the graph into more than two components. Hence, we also define separations, which make the separated sides explicit
Definition separation V1 V2 :=
  (( x, x \in V1 :|: V2) × ( x1 x2, x1 \notin V2 x2 \notin V1 x1 -- x2 = false))%type.

Lemma sep_inR x V1 V2 : separation V1 V2 x \notin V1 x \in V2.
Proof. movesepV. by case/setUP : (sepV.1 x) ⇒ →. Qed.

Lemma sep_inL x V1 V2 : separation V1 V2 x \notin V2 x \in V1.
Proof. movesepV. by case/setUP : (sepV.1 x) ⇒ →. Qed.

Definition proper_separation V1 V2 := separation V1 V2 x y, x \notin V2 y \notin V1.

Lemma separate_nonadjacent x y : x != y ~~ x -- y proper_separation [set¬ x] [set¬ y].
  movexDy xNy. split; last by y; x; rewrite !inE !eqxx.
  split ⇒ [z | x1 x2].
  - rewrite !inE -negb_and. by apply: contraNN xDy ⇒ /andP[/eqP->/eqP->].
  - rewrite !inE !negbK sg_sym ⇒ /eqP→ /eqP→. by rewrite (negbTE xNy).

Lemma separation_separates x y V1 V2:
  separation V1 V2 x \notin V2 y \notin V1 separates x y (V1 :&: V2).
  movesepV Hx Hy. split; rewrite ?inE ?negb_and ?Hx ?Hy //.
  case: (@split_at_first G (mem V2) x y p y) ⇒ // ; rewrite ?(sep_inR sepV) //.
  movez [p1 [p2 [H1 H2 H3]]]. rewrite inE in H2.
   z; rewrite ?H1 !inE ?H2 // andbT.
  case: (@splitR G x z p1) ⇒ [|z0 [p1' [z0z H4]]].
  { by apply: contraTneq H2 ⇒ <-. }
  apply: contraTT (z0z) ⇒ Hz1. rewrite sepV ?inE //.
  apply: contraTN (z0z) ⇒ H0. by rewrite [z0]H3 ?sgP // H4 !inE.

Lemma proper_vseparator V1 V2 :
  proper_separation V1 V2 vseparator (V1 :&: V2).
  caseHsep [x] [y] [Hx Hy]. x. y. exact: separation_separates.

Lemma vseparator_separation S :
  vseparator S V1 V2, proper_separation V1 V2 S = V1 :&: V2.
  casex1 [x2] [S1 S2 P12].
  set U := locked [set x | connect (restrict [predC S] sedge) x1 x].
  set V1 := U :|: S. set V2 := ~: U. V1; V2.
  have D : x1 != x2.
  { apply/negP ⇒ /eqP A. subst x2. case: (P12 (idp x1)) ⇒ ?.
    rewrite mem_idp ⇒ /eqP→ ?. contrab. }
  have HU x : x \in U x \notin S.
  { rewrite /U -lock inE srestrict_sym. case/connectP ⇒ [[/= _ <- //|/= y p]].
    rewrite inE /=. by case: (x \in S). }
  split; first split; first split.
  - movex. rewrite !inE. by case: (x \in U).
  - moveu v. rewrite !inE !(negb_or,negb_and,negbK) ⇒ [Hu] /andP [Hv1 Hv2].
    apply: contraNF Hv1uv. move: (Hu). rewrite /U -lock !inEH.
    apply: connect_trans H _. apply: connect1. by rewrite /= !inE HU.
  - x1; x2; split.
    + suff H: (x1 \in U) by rewrite !inE H.
      by rewrite /U -lock inE connect0.
    + rewrite !inE negb_or S2 (_ : x2 \notin U = true) //.
      apply: contraTN isT. rewrite /U -lock inE ⇒ /connect_irredRP.
      case ⇒ [//|p Ip /subsetP subS].
      case: (P12 p) ⇒ z /subS. rewrite inE /= ⇒ ×. contrab.
  - apply/setPx. rewrite !inE. case E: (x \in U) ⇒ //=.
    by rewrite (negbTE (HU _ _)).

Definition vseparatorb U := [ x, y, separatesb x y U].

Lemma vseparatorP U : reflect (vseparator U) (vseparatorb U).
Proof. rewrite /vseparator /vseparatorb.
  apply: (iffP existsP).
  - move ⇒ [x /existsP [y /separatesP H]]. x; y; done.
  - move ⇒ [x [y H]]. x. apply /existsP. y. by apply /separatesP.

Lemma minimal_separation x y : x != y ~~ x -- y
   V1 V2, proper_separation V1 V2 smallest vseparator (V1 :&: V2).
  movexDy xNy.
  move/proper_vseparator/vseparatorP : (separate_nonadjacent xDy xNy) ⇒ sep.
  case: (arg_minP (fun S#|S|) sep) ⇒ U /vseparatorP sepU HU {sep xDy xNy}.
  move: (vseparator_separation sepU) ⇒ [V1 [V2 [ps UV]]].
   V1; V2. repeat split ⇒ //; rewrite -UV // ⇒ V /vseparatorP. exact: HU.

Lemma separation_sym V1 V2 : separation V1 V2 separation V2 V1.
  wlog suff W : V1 V2 / separation V1 V2 separation V2 V1. { split; exact: W. }
  movesepV. split ⇒ [x|x1 x2 A B]; by rewrite 1?setUC 1?sgP sepV.

Lemma proper_separation_symmetry V1 V2 :
  proper_separation V1 V2 proper_separation V2 V1.
Proof. rewrite /proper_separation separation_sym. by firstorder. Qed.

Lemma svseparator_neighbours V1 V2 s :
  proper_separation V1 V2 smallest vseparator (V1 :&: V2)
  s \in V1 :&: V2 x1 x2, [/\ x1 \notin V2, x2 \notin V1, s -- x1 & s -- x2].
  wlog: V1 V2 / [ x1, (x1 \notin V2) ==> ~~ s -- x1].
  { moveH ps ss sS.
    case (boolP [ x1, (x1 \notin V2) ==> ~~ s -- x1]).
    - moveHH. apply (H V1 V2) ⇒ //.
    - move ⇒ /forall_inPn [x1 x1V /negPn sx1].
      case (boolP [ x, (x \notin V1) ==> ~~ s -- x]).
      + moveHH. rewrite setIC in sS ss. case (H V2 V1) ⇒ //.
        × by apply proper_separation_symmetry.
        × movey [z [? ? ? ?]]. z; y. split; done.
      + move ⇒ /forall_inPn [x2 x2V sx2].
         x1; x2. split ⇒ //; by apply negbNE. }
  move ⇒ /forall_inP Hwlog [sepV [x1] [x2] [x1V12 x2V21]] smallS sS.
  pose S' := V1 :&: V2:\ s.
  suff: vseparator S'.
  - movesS'. case: (below_smallest (V := S') smallS) ⇒ //.
    by rewrite /S' (cardsD1 s (V1 :&: V2)) sS.
     x1; x2. split; try by rewrite /S' notinD.
    + movep.
      case: (@split_at_first G (mem V2) x1 x2 p x2) ⇒ //.
      { by rewrite (sep_inR sepV x2V21). }
      movez [p1 [p2 [H1 H2 H3]]]. rewrite inE in H2.
       z; first by rewrite H1 !inE.
      case: (@splitR G x1 z p1).
      { apply: contraTN isT ⇒ /eqP ?. subst x1; contrab. }
      movez0 [p' [z0z Hp']].
      have z0V1: z0 \notin V2.
      { apply: contraTN (z0z) ⇒ ?. by rewrite [z0]H3 ?sgP // Hp' !inE. }
      rewrite !inE H2 andbT. apply/andP; split.
      × apply: contraTN (z0z) ⇒ /eqP→. by rewrite sgP Hwlog.
      × apply: contraTT (z0z) ⇒ ?. by rewrite sepV.

Note: This generalizes the corresponding lemma on checkpoints
Lemma avoid_nonseperator U x y : ¬ vseparator U x \notin U y \notin U
  exists2 p : Path x y, irred p & [disjoint p & U].
  movensep_u xU yU.
  case: (altP (x =P y)) ⇒ [?|A];first subst y.
  - (idp x); first exact: irred_idp.
    rewrite (@eq_disjoint1 _ x) // ⇒ y. by rewrite mem_idp.
  - have/separatesNE/connect_irredRP : ¬ separates x y U by apply vseparatorNE.
    case ⇒ // p irr_p. rewrite -disjoint_subset. by p.

Lemma svseparator_uniq x y S:
  smallest vseparator S separates x y S S != set0
  exists2 p : Path x y, irred p & ! z, z \in p z \in S.

Lemma separation_connected_same_component V1 V2:
  separation V1 V2 x0 x, x0 \notin V2
  connect (restrict [predC (V1:&:V2)] sedge) x0 x x \notin V2.
  set S := V1 :&: V2.
  movesepV x0 x x0NV2.
  case: (boolP (x0==x)) ⇒ [/eqP ? | x0x]; first by subst x0.
  case/(connect_irredRP x0x) ⇒ p _ /subsetP Hp.
  case: (boolP(x \in V2)) ⇒ // xV2.
  case: (@split_at_first G (mem V2) x0 x p x) ⇒ //.
    movez [p1 [p2 [H1 H2 H3]]]. rewrite inE /= in H2.
  case: (altP (x0 =P z)) ⇒ ?; first by subst x0; contrab.
  case: (@splitR G x0 z p1) ⇒ [|z0 [p1' [z0z H4]]] //.
  apply: contraTT (z0z) ⇒ _. rewrite sepV //.
  + apply: contraTN (z0z) ⇒ z0V2. by rewrite [z0]H3 ?sgP // H4 !inE.
  + have ? : (z \notin S) by apply: Hp; rewrite H1 !inE. by subst S; set_tac.

End VSeparator.

Arguments separator : clear implicits.
Arguments separatorb : clear implicits.

Lemma connector_nodes (T : finType) (e1 e2 : rel T) (A B : {set T}) :
   s (p : 'I_s pathS (DiGraph e1)) (q : 'I_s pathS (DiGraph e2)),
  ( i, nodes (tagged (p i)) = nodes (tagged (q i)) :> seq T)
  @connector (DiGraph e1) A B s p @connector (DiGraph e2) A B s q.
  set G1 := DiGraph e1. set G2 := DiGraph e2.
  moves p q Epq [C1 C2 C3 C4].
  have Spq : i, [set x in p i] = [set x in q i].
  { movei. apply/setPz. by rewrite !inE !mem_path Epq. }
  - movei /=. rewrite irredE -Epq -(@irredE G1). exact: C1.
  - movei /=. rewrite -Spq C2. f_equal.
    move: (Epq i). case: (p i) ⇒ [[x y] pi]. case: (q i) ⇒ [[x' y'] qi].
    rewrite /fst /=. rewrite !nodesE. by case.
  - movei /=. rewrite -Spq C3. f_equal.
    move: (Epq i). case: (p i) ⇒ [[x y] pi]. case: (q i) ⇒ [[x' y'] qi].
    rewrite /lst /= in pi qi ×. rewrite !nodesE ⇒ [[E1 E2]].
    by rewrite -(path_last pi) -(path_last qi) /= E2 E1.
  - movei j /C4. by rewrite -!Spq.

Lemma del_edge_connector (G : diGraph) (a b : G) (A B : {set G}) s (p : 'I_s pathS (del_edge a b)) :
  @connector (del_edge a b) A B s p connector A B (fun i : 'I_sdel_edge_liftS (p i)).
  destruct G. apply: connector_nodesi.
  case: (p i) ⇒ [[x y] pi] /=. by rewrite !nodesE.

Menger's Theorem

Theorem Menger (G : diGraph) (A B : {set G}) s :
  ( S, separator G A B S s #|S|) (p : 'I_s pathS G), connector A B p.
  move: G s A B. elim/(size_ind num_edges) ⇒ G IH s A B min_s.
  case: (boolP [ x : G, y : G, x -- y]) ⇒ [E|E0]; last first.
  - suff Hs : s #|A :&: B|.
    { case: (trivial_connector A B) ⇒ p. exact: sub_connector. }
    apply: min_s. apply: separatorIa b p aA bB. case: (altP (a =P b)) ⇒ [?|aDb].
    + subst b. a ⇒ //. by set_tac.
    + move/existsPn : E0 ⇒ /(_ a). case: (splitL p aDb) ⇒ x [ax] _.
      move/existsPn ⇒ /(_ x). by rewrite ax.
  - case/existsP : Ex /existsP [y xy].
    pose G' := del_edge x y.
    have HG' : num_edges G' < num_edges G by exact: card_del_edge.
    move/(_ _ HG' s) in IH.
    case: (boolP [ S : {set G'}, separatorb G' A B S && (#|S| < s)]); last first.
    { move/exists_inPnHs. case: (IH A B) ⇒ [S sepS|p conn_p].
      - rewrite leqNgt Hs //. exact/separatorP.
      - (fun i : 'I_sdel_edge_liftS (p i)). exact: del_edge_connector. }
    case/exists_inPS /separatorP sepS ltn_s.
    pose P := x |: S.
    have xP : x \in P by rewrite /P; set_tac.
    pose Q := y |: S.
    have yQ : y \in Q by rewrite /Q; set_tac.
    have [sep_G_P sep_G_Q] : separator G A B P separator G A B Q.
    { have Hp (a b : G) (p : Path a b) :
        irred p a \in A b \in B (x \in p y \in p) exists2 s, s \in S & s \in p.
      { moveIp aA bB. case: (del_edge_path_case x y Ip).
        - move ⇒ [p1] [p2] [H1 H2 H3]. left.
          rewrite !mem_path H1 !mem_cat. by rewrite -!(@mem_path G') !inE.
        - move ⇒ [p1 Ep]. right. case/sepS : (p1) ⇒ // z Z1 Z2. z ⇒ //.
          by rewrite (@mem_path G) Ep -(@mem_path G'). }
      split; apply: separatorIa b p Ip aA bB.
      all: case: (Hp _ _ _ Ip aA bB) ⇒ [[xp yp]|[s0 in_S in_p]].
      all: solve [by x | by y | s0; rewrite /P /Q; set_tac]. }
    have lift_AP T : separator G' A P T separator G A B T.
    { movesepT. apply/separatorIa b p Ip aA bB.
      case: (del_edge_path_case x y Ip).
      - move ⇒ [p1] [p2] [E Nx Ny]. case/sepT : (p1) ⇒ // t T1 T2.
         t ⇒ //. by rewrite mem_path E mem_cat -(@mem_path G') T2.
      - case. casep' Ip' /= E. case/sep_G_P : (p) ⇒ // z zP zp.
        have zp' : z \in p' by rewrite (@mem_path G') -E -(@mem_path G).
        case: (split_at_first (D := G') zP zp') ⇒ u [p1] [p2] [E' uP ?].
        case/sepT : (p1) ⇒ // t tT tp1. t ⇒ //.
        by rewrite mem_path E -(@mem_path G') E' mem_pcat tp1. }
    have lift_QB T : separator G' Q B T separator G A B T.
      movesepT. apply/separatorIa b p Ip aA bB.
      case/sep_G_Q : (p) ⇒ // z zP zp. case: (del_edge_path_case x y Ip).
      - move ⇒ [p1] [p2] [E Nx Ny]. case/sepT : (p2) ⇒ // t T1 T2.
         t ⇒ //. by rewrite mem_path E mem_cat -(@mem_path G') T2.
      - case. casep' Ip' /= E.
        have zp' : z \in p' by rewrite (@mem_path G') -E -(@mem_path G).
        case: (split_at_first (D := G') zP zp') ⇒ u [p1] [p2] [E' uP ?].
        case/sepT : (p2) ⇒ // t tT tp1. t ⇒ //.
        by rewrite mem_path E -(@mem_path G') E' mem_pcat tp1. }
    have size_AP T : separator G' A P T s #|T|. move/lift_AP. exact: min_s.
    have size_QB T : separator G' Q B T s #|T|. move/lift_QB. exact: min_s.
    have card_S u : separator G A B (u |: S) u \notin S s = #|u |: S|.
    { moveHS.
      have Hu : u \notin S.
      { apply: contraTN ltn_suS. by rewrite -leqNgt min_s // -(setU1_mem uS). }
      split ⇒ //. apply: esym. apply/eqP.
      by rewrite eqn_leq min_s // andbT cardsU1 Hu /= add1n. }
    case: (IH _ _ size_AP) ⇒ X conn_X.
    case: (IH _ _ size_QB) ⇒ Y conn_Y.
    have [i Hi] : j, lst (X j) = x.
    { suff : x \in codom (fun jlst (X j)) by case/mapPj _ ->; j.
      apply: inj_card_onto_pred xP.
      - exact: lst_inj conn_X.
      - exact: connector_lst conn_X.
      - rewrite card_ord. by apply card_S. }
    have xB : x \notin B.
    { move: (connector_fst conn_X i) ⇒ HA.
      move: (conn_end conn_X i). rewrite HiHP.
      case: (card_S _ sep_G_P) ⇒ xS _. apply: contraNN xSxB.
      have [u U1 U2] : exists2 u, u \in S & u \in X i.
      { rewrite -Hi in xB. case: (X i) HA xB ⇒ [[a b] /= p]. exact: sepS. }
      move/setP/(_ u)/esym : HP. by rewrite !inE U1 U2 orbT /= ⇒ /eqP <-. }
    move/del_edge_connector : (conn_X) ⇒ conn_X'.
    move/del_edge_connector : (conn_Y) ⇒ conn_Y'.
    case: (altP (x =P y)) ⇒ [?|xDy].
    { subst y. apply: connector_cat conn_X' conn_Y' ⇒ //. by apply esym,card_S. }
    have [j jP] : i : 'I_s, fst (Y i) = y :> G.
    { suff : y \in codom (fun jfst (Y j)) by case/mapPj _ ->; j.
      apply: inj_card_onto_pred (_ : y \in Q).
      - exact: fst_inj conn_Y.
      - exact: connector_fst conn_Y.
      - rewrite card_ord. by apply card_S.
      - by rewrite !inE eqxx. }
    case: (connector_extend (G := G) (i := j) _ _ xy xB conn_Y') ⇒ //.
    + move ⇒ {j jP}.
      apply/negP ⇒ /bigcupP [j] _. rewrite inE mem_del_edge_liftSxYj.
      case EYj : (Y j) ⇒ [[u v] /= p]. rewrite -/(PathS p) in EYj.
      have Ip : irred p. { move: (conn_irred conn_Y j). by rewrite EYj. }
      have xp : x \in p by rewrite EYj in xYj.
      case/(isplitP Ip) def_p : _ / xp ⇒ [p1 p2 Ip1 Ip2 I].
      case EXi : (X i) ⇒ [[a x'] /= q]. rewrite -/(PathS q) in EXi.
      have ? : x' = x by rewrite -Hi EXi. subst x'.
      case: (sepS a v (pcat q p2)) ⇒ [||t t_in_S].
      × move: (connector_fst conn_X i). by rewrite EXi.
      × move: (connector_lst conn_Y j). by rewrite EYj.
      × rewrite inE. case/orPHt.
        -- move: (t_in_S).
           rewrite [t](connector_right conn_X (i := i)) ?EXi ?inE ?t_in_S /lst //=.
           apply/negP. by apply card_S.
        -- move: (t_in_S). apply/negP. rewrite [t]I //; first by apply card_S.
           rewrite [t](connector_left conn_Y (i := j)) ?inE ?t_in_S //.
           ++ rewrite EYj /fst /=. by rewrite (@path_begin G').
           ++ by rewrite EYj -[_ \in _]/(t \in p) def_p inE Ht.
    + by case: (Y j) jP ⇒ [[a b] p].
    + moveY'. rewrite [_ |: _](_ : _ = P) ⇒ [conn_xY|].
      × apply: connector_cat conn_X' conn_xY ⇒ //. by apply esym,card_S.
      × apply/setPu. rewrite /Q setU1K //. by apply card_S.

Independent Path Corollaries

Vertex version

Corollary theta (G : diGraph) (x y : G) s :
  ~~ x -- y x != y
  ( S, separates x y S s #|S|)
   p : 'I_s IPath x y, i j : 'I_s, i != j independent (p i) (p j).
  movexNy xDy min_s.
  pose G' := digraph.induced (~: [set x;y]).
  pose A := [set z : G' | x -- val z].
  pose B := [set z : G' | val z -- y].
  have sepAB S : separator G' A B S separates x y [set val x | x in S].
  { movesepS. apply: separatesI; split.
    - apply/negP. case/imsetPx' _ E. move: (valP x'). by rewrite !inE -E eqxx.
    - apply/negP. case/imsetPy' _ E. move: (valP y'). by rewrite !inE -E eqxx orbT.
    - movep Ip. case: (splitL p xDy) ⇒ a [xA] [p'] [Ep _].
      have aDy : (a != y) by apply: contraNneq xNy ⇒ <-.
      case: (splitR p' aDy) ⇒ b [q] [By] Ep'.
      have Hq : {subset q ~: [set x;y]}.
      { subst. rewrite irred_edgeL irred_edgeR mem_pcat_edgeR (negbTE xDy) /= in Ip.
        case/and3P : IpI1 I2 _ u. rewrite inE.
        apply: contraTN. case/setU1P ⇒ [->//|]. by move/set1P→. }
      have [Ha Hb] : a \in ~: [set x;y] b \in ~: [set x;y] by split; apply: Hq.
      case: (@digraph.Path_to_induced G (~: [set x;y]) (Sub a Ha) (Sub b Hb) q Hq) ⇒ q' Eq.
      case: (sepS _ _ q'); rewrite ?inE // ⇒ s0 in_S in_q'.
       (val s0); last exact: mem_imset. subst.
      by rewrite !inE [_ \in q]mem_path -Eq map_f. }
  have min_s' S : separator G' A B S s #|S|.
  { moveHS.
    rewrite -[#|S|](_ : #|[set val x | x in S]| = _) ?min_s ?card_imset //.
    + exact: sepAB.
    + exact: val_inj. }
  have [p conn_p] := Menger min_s'.
  have xA (i : 'I_s) : x -- val (fst (p i)).
  { move: (connector_fst conn_p i). by rewrite inE. }
  have By (i : 'I_s) : val (lst (p i)) -- y.
  { move: (connector_lst conn_p i). by rewrite inE. }
  have X (i : 'I_s) : { pi : @IPath G x y | interior pi = [set val x | x in p i] }.
  { case def_pi : (p i) ⇒ [[a b] /= pi]. rewrite -/(PathS pi) in def_pi ×.
    case: (digraph.Path_from_induced pi) ⇒ pi' P1 P2.
    have [? ?] : a = fst (p i) b = lst (p i) by rewrite def_pi.
    set q := (pcat (edgep (xA i)) (pcat pi' (edgep (By i)))).
    have Iq : irred q.
    { rewrite /q irred_edgeL irred_edgeR mem_pcat_edgeR negb_or xDy /=. apply/and3P;split.
      - apply/negP ⇒ /P1. by rewrite !inE eqxx.
      - apply/negP ⇒ /P1. by rewrite !inE eqxx orbT.
      - rewrite irredE P2 map_inj_uniq; last exact: val_inj.
        move: (conn_irred conn_p i). by rewrite -(@irredE G') [in irred _]def_pi. }
     (Sub q Iq).
    apply/setPu. apply/setDP/imsetP ⇒ [[U1 U2]|].
    - move: (U2) U1. rewrite 4!inE negb_or mem_pcat_edgeL mem_pcat_edgeR ⇒ /andP [/negbTE→ /negbTE->] /=.
      by rewrite mem_path P2 ⇒ /mapP.
    - caseu'U1' U2'. rewrite -in_setC U2' (valP u') !inE [_ \in pi'](_ : _ = true) //.
      rewrite mem_path P2 mem_map //. exact: val_inj. }
   (fun isval (X i)).
  + movei j iDj. apply/disjointPu. rewrite (svalP (X i)) (svalP (X j)).
    case/imsetPu1 UP1 UE1. case/imsetPu2 UP2 UE2.
    have ? : u1 = u2 by apply: val_inj; congruence.
    subst u2. by rewrite [i](connector_eq conn_p UP1 UP2) eqxx in iDj.

In addition to the independent paths, we also get a function providing a default vertex on each path
Fact theta_vertices (G : diGraph) (x y : G) s (p : 'I_s IPath x y) :
  x != y ~~ x -- y
   (f : 'I_s G), i, f i \in interior (p i).
  movexDy xNy.
  suff S i : { s | s \in interior (p i) }.
  { (fun ival (S i)) ⇒ i. exact: (svalP (S i)). }
  case: (set_0Vmem (interior (p i))) ⇒ [I0|//].
  exfalso. case: (interior0E xDy (valP (p i)) I0) ⇒ xy.
  by rewrite xy in xNy.

Edge Version

Corollary independent_walks Lv Le (G : graph Lv Le) (a b : G) n :
  a != b ( E, eseparates a b E n #|E|)
  exists2 W : 'I_n seq (edge G),
     i, walk a b (W i) & i j, i != j [disjoint W i & W j].
  moveaDb min_sep.
  pose A := [set e : line_graph G | source e == a].
  pose B := [set e : line_graph G | target e == b].
  have sep E : separator _ A B E n #|E|.
  { movesep_E. apply: min_sepw walk_w.
    have Nw : ~~ nilp w. { case: w walk_w ⇒ //=. by rewrite (negbTE aDb). }
    case: (line_of_walk walk_w Nw) ⇒ e1 [e2] [p] [P1 P2 P3].
    case: (sep_E _ _ p) ⇒ [||e in_E in_p]; rewrite ?inE ?P1 ?P2 //.
     e ⇒ //. by rewrite mem_path P3 in in_p. }
  case: (Menger sep) ⇒ X con_X. pose W i := nodes (tagged (X i)). W.
  - movei. rewrite /W.
    case: (X i) (connector_fst con_X i) (connector_lst con_X i) ⇒ [[e1 e2] /= p].
    rewrite /fst/lst/= !inE ⇒ /eqP<- /eqP <-. exact: walk_of_line.
  - movei j iDj. apply/disjointPe. rewrite /W -!(@mem_path (line_graph G)).
    movein_i in_j. move/(_ i j e in_i in_j) : (connector_eq con_X) ⇒ E.
    by rewrite E eqxx in iDj.

Hall's Marriage Theorem

Neighboorhoods and bipartitions are the same for digraphs and simple graphs

Definition bipartition (G : diGraph) (A : {set G}) :=
   x y : G, x -- y (x \in A) = (y \notin A).

The (natural) notion of a matching on digraphs - a set of ordered pairs - is not a resonable notion of matching on simple graphs, where we should use unordered pairs. Hence, we have two separate definitions

Definition dimatching (G : diGraph) (M : {set G × G}) :=
    ( e, e \in M e.1 -- e.2)
   {in M &, e1 e2 x, x \in [set e1.1;e1.2] x \in [set e2.1 ; e2.2] e1 = e2}.

Definition matching (G : sgraph) (M : {set {set G}}) :=
  {subset M E(G) }
  {in M&, (e1 e2 : {set G}) (x:G), x \in e1 x \in e2 e1 = e2}.

Lemma connectorC_edge (G : diGraph) (A : {set G}) n (p : 'I_n pathS G) i :
  connector A (~: A) p
   fl : fst (p i) -- lst (p i), p i = PathS (edgep fl).
  case def_q : (p i) ⇒ [[a b] /= q]. rewrite -/(PathS q) in def_q ×.
  case: (irred_is_edge q).
  - move: (conn_irred conn_p i). by rewrite def_q.
  - case: (altP (a =P b)) ⇒ // ?; subst.
    move: (connector_fst conn_p i) (connector_lst conn_p i).
    by rewrite def_q !inE ⇒ →.
  - movez zq. rewrite !inE. case: (boolP (z \in A)) ⇒ [zA|zNA].
    + by rewrite [z](connector_left conn_p (i := i)) ?def_q // eqxx.
    + by rewrite {2}[z](connector_right conn_p (i := i)) ?def_q ?inE // eqxx.
  - moveab →. by ab.

Definition dimatching_of (G : diGraph) n (p : 'I_n pathS G) :=
  [set (fst (p i),lst (p i)) | i : 'I_n].

Lemma connector_dimatching (G : diGraph) (A : {set G} ) n (p : 'I_n pathS G) :
  connector A (~:A) p dimatching (dimatching_of p).
  movecon_p. split.
  + movee. case/imsetPi _ → /=.
    by case: (connectorC_edge i con_p).
  + move ⇒ [a b] [a' b'] /imsetP [i _ [-> ->]] /imsetP [j _ [-> ->]] /= x /set2P [->|->].
    × case/set2P; by [move/(fst_inj con_p) → | move/(fst_lst_eq con_p) ->].
    × case/set2P; by [move/(lst_inj con_p) → | move/esym/(fst_lst_eq con_p) ->].

Lemma card_dimatching_of (G : diGraph) A B n (p : 'I_n pathS G) :
  connector A B p #|dimatching_of p| = n.
  movecon_p. rewrite /dimatching_of card_imset ?card_ord // ⇒ i j.
  case. by move/(fst_inj con_p).

Definition matching_of (G : diGraph) (M' : {set G × G}) :=
  [set [set e.1;e.2] | e in M'].

Lemma matching_of_dimatching (G : sgraph) (A : {set G}) M :
  dimatching M @matching G (matching_of M).
  move ⇒ [M1 M2]. split.
  - movee. case/imsetPx /M1 ? ?. apply/edgesP. by x.1; x.2.
  - movee1 e2 /imsetP [x X1 X2] /imsetP [y Y1 Y2] z. subst e1 e2.
    moveZ1 Z2. by rewrite (M2 x y X1 Y1 z Z1 Z2).

Lemma card_matching_of (G : diGraph) (M : {set G × G}) :
  dimatching M #|matching_of M| = #|M|.
  move ⇒ [? dim_M]. rewrite /matching_of card_in_imset //.
  movee1 e2 /= inM1 inM2 E. apply dim_M with e1.1 ⇒ //.
  all: by rewrite -?E !inE eqxx.

Theorem diHall (G : diGraph) A :
  bipartition A ( S : {set G}, S \subset A #|S| #|NS(S)|)
   M, dimatching M A = [set x.1 | x in M].
  movebip_A N_A.
  have sep_A S : separator G A (~:A) S #|A| #|S|.
  { movesep_S. rewrite -[#|A|](cardsID S).
    apply: (@leq_trans (#|A :&: S| + #|NS(A :\: S)|)).
    - by rewrite leq_add2l N_A // subsetDl.
    - rewrite -cardsUI [X in _ + X]eq_card0 ?addn0.
      + apply: subset_leq_card. rewrite subUset subsetIr /=.
        apply/subsetPz /bigcupP [x /setDP[xA xNS]]; rewrite in_opnxz.
        have [|s inS] := sep_S _ _ (edgep xz) xA; first by rewrite inE -(bip_A _ _ xz).
        rewrite mem_edgep ⇒ /pred2P [?|<- //]; subst; contrab.
      + movez;rewrite !inE -andbA;apply/negbTE/negP.
        move ⇒ /and3P [zA zS /bigcupP [x /setDP [xA xS] xz]].
        rewrite in_opn in xz. by rewrite (bip_A _ _ xz) zA in xA . }
  case: (Menger sep_A) ⇒ p con_p. clear sep_A bip_A.
   (dimatching_of p). split; first exact: connector_dimatching con_p.
  apply/setPa. apply/idP/imsetP ⇒ [inA|[x]].
  + move: (inj_card_onto_pred (f := fun ifst (p i)) (P := (mem A))) ⇒ /=.
    case/(_ _ _ _ _ inA)/Wrap ⇒ //.
    × apply: fst_inj con_p.
    × apply: connector_fst con_p.
    × by rewrite card_ord.
    × case/mapPi _ →. (fst (p i),lst (p i)) ⇒ //. by rewrite mem_imset.
  + case/imsetPi _ → /= →. apply: connector_fst. exact: con_p.

Theorem Hall (G : sgraph) A :
  bipartition A ( S : {set G}, S \subset A #|S| #|NS(S)|)
   M, matching M A \subset cover M.
  movebip_A N_A. case: (@diHall G A) ⇒ [//|//|M' [M1 M2]].
  - case: M1M1 M1'. (matching_of M').
    split; first exact: matching_of_dimatching.
    rewrite M2. apply/subsetPa. case/imsetPe E1 E2. apply/bigcupP.
     [set e.1; e.2]; last by rewrite E2 !inE eqxx. exact: mem_imset.

König's Theorem

Section vcover.
Variables (G : sgraph) (V :{set G}).

Definition vcover := [ x, (y | x -- y), (x \in V) || (y \in V)].

Lemma vcoverP : reflect ( x y, x -- y (x \in V) (y \in V)) vcover.
  apply: (equivP idP).
  rewrite /vcover -(rwP forallP).
  setoid_rewrite <- (rwP forall_inP).
  by setoid_rewrite <- (rwP orP).

The x0 is needed to ensure that G is inhabited. Otherwise, {set G} G is empty as well.
Lemma matching_cover_map (x0 : G) M :
  matching M vcover
  exists2 f : {set G} G, ( e : {set G}, e \in M f e \in V :&: e) & {in M&, injective f}.
  move ⇒ [M1 M2] cover_V.
  pose f (A : {set G}) := if [pick x | x \in V :&: A] is Some x then x else x0.
  have fP e : e \in M f e \in V :&: e.
  { move/M1. case/edgesPx [y] [E xy].
    rewrite /f. case: pickP ⇒ [//|].
    case/(vcoverP cover_V) : xyxV;
    [move/(_ x)|move/(_ y)]; by rewrite E !inE xV eqxx ?orbT. }
   f ⇒ // e1 e2 eM1 eM2.
  move: (eM1) (eM2) ⇒ /fP /setIP [V1 E1] /fP /setIP [V2 E2] E.
  apply M2 with (f e1) ⇒ //. by rewrite E.

Lemma cover_matching (M :{set {set G}}) :
  matching M vcover #|M| #|V|.
  move ⇒ [M1 M2] cover_V.
  wlog [x0] : / inhabited G.
  { moveW. case: (set_0Vmem M) ⇒ [->|[e /M1]]; first by rewrite cards0.
    case/edgesPx _. exact: W. }
  case: (matching_cover_map x0 (conj M1 M2) cover_V) ⇒ f F1 F2.
  have f_V e : e \in M f e \in V by move/F1 ⇒ /setIP[].
  rewrite -(card_in_image F2). apply: subset_leq_card.
  apply/subsetPy /mapP [x Hx ->]. apply: f_V. by rewrite mem_enum in Hx.

Proposition min_max_cover (M : {set {set G}}) :
  vcover matching M #|M| = #|V| V \subset cover M.
  movecov_V match_V MV.
  wlog [x0] : / inhabited G.
  { moveW. case: (set_0Vmem V) ⇒ [-> //|[x _]]; first by rewrite sub0set.
    exact: W. }
  case: (matching_cover_map x0 match_V cov_V) ⇒ f F1 F2.
  pose f' (e : { e | e \in M}) := f (val e).
  have inj_f' : injective f'.
  { casee1 M1. casee2 M2. rewrite /f' /= ⇒ E.
    apply/eqP. change (e1 == e2). by rewrite (F2 _ _ M1 M2 E). }
  move: (inj_card_onto_pred (P := (mem V)) inj_f') ⇒ /=. case/(_ _ _)/Wrap.
  - casee inM. by case/setIP : (F1 _ inM).
  - by rewrite card_sig.
  - moveX. apply/subsetPv vV. case/mapP : (X _ vV) ⇒ /= [[e inM] _ E].
    apply/bigcupP. e ⇒ //. rewrite E /f' /=. by case/setIP : (F1 _ inM).

End vcover.
Prenex Implicits vcover.
Prenex Implicits matching.

Lemma bip_separation_vcover (G : sgraph) (A S : {set G}) :
  bipartition A separator G A (~: A) S vcover S.
  movebip_A sep_S. apply/vcoverPx y xy.
  wlog/andP [xA yNA] : x y xy / (x \in A) && (y \notin A).
  { move: (bip_A x y xy). case: (boolP (y \in A)) ⇒ /= yA xA; last by apply.
    rewrite or_comm. apply; by rewrite 1?sgP ?xA ?yA. }
  move: (sep_S _ _ (edgep xy)). rewrite xA inE yNA. case ⇒ // s sS.
  rewrite mem_edgep ⇒ /orP [/eqP<-|/eqP<-]; by tauto.

Lemma min_vcover_matching (G : sgraph) (A V : {set G}) :
  bipartition A smallest vcover V
  exists2 M, @matching G M & #|V| = #|M|.
  movebip_A [cover_V min_V].
  have sep_A S : separator G A (~:A) S #|V| #|S|.
  { move/bip_separation_vcover ⇒ /(_ bip_A). exact: min_V. }
  case: (Menger sep_A) ⇒ p conn_p.
  move/connector_dimatching : (conn_p) ⇒ dim_M.
   (matching_of (dimatching_of p)). exact: matching_of_dimatching.
  by rewrite card_matching_of // (card_dimatching_of conn_p).

Theorem Konig (G : sgraph) (A V : {set G}) (M : {set {set G}}) :
  bipartition A smallest vcover V largest matching M #|V| = #|M|.
  movebip_A [cov_V min_V] [match_M max_M]. apply/eqP.
  rewrite eqn_leq cover_matching // andbT.
  case: (min_vcover_matching (V := V) bip_A _) ⇒ // M' H →. exact: max_M.