PhD. Students :

PhD. co advising :

  • Emile Egreteau-Druet : "Analyzing full life cycle of IoT based 5G solutions for smart agriculture", PEPR Future Networks / PC Just Enough Networks, co-directd with Nathalie Mitton (Inria Lille) and Doreid Ammar (Aivancity) (since December 2024)
  • Thomas Stavis : "Replay of environmental leverages in cloud infrastructures and continuums", PEPR Cloud / CareCloud, co-directed with Anne-Cécile Orgerie (CNRS, Magellan team, Irisa Rennes) (since October 2024)
  • Simon Lambert : "Dynamic provisioning of resources in virtualized infrastructures" with Ciril Group, co-directed with Eddy Caron (Avalon, LIP, ENS Lyon) and Rémi Grivel (Ciril Group) (since May 2022)
  • Maxime Agusti : "Energy observing and optimizing of bare-metal infrastructures", FrugalCloud Inria-OVHCloud challenge, co-directed with Anne-Cécile Orgerie (CNRS, Myriads team, Irisa Rennes), Eddy Caron (Avalon, LIP, ENS Lyon) and Benjamin Fichel (OVHcloud) (since February 2022)
  • Vladimir Ostapenco : "Modeling and design of a framework and its environmental Gantt Chart in order to manage heterogeneous energy leverages", FrugalCloud Inria-OVHCloud challenge, co-directed with Anne-Cécile Orgerie (CNRS, Myriads team, Irisa Rennes) and Benjamin Fichel (OVHcloud) (2021-2024)
  • Adrien Berthelot : "Evaluation of IT environmental impact", with Octo Technology, co-directed with Christian Faure (Octo Technology) and Eddy Caron (Avalon, LIP, ENS Lyon) (2021-2024)
  • Mathilde Jay : "Low-cost learning algorithm at the edge", co directed with Denis Trystram (LIG, UGA) (2021-2024)
  • Hugo Hadjur : "Designing and modeling sustainable, autonomous, smart, and energy efficient Internet of Things systems, applied to precision beekeeping", co directed with Doreid Ammar (Aivancity group) (2020-2023)
  • Dorra Boughzala : "Simulating Energy Consumption of Continuum Computing between Heterogeneous Numerical Infrastructures in HPC", IPL Hac-Specis Inria, co directed with Martin Quinson and Anne-Cécile Orgerie (2017-2020)
  • Alexandre Veith : "Elastic Mechanisms for Big-Data Stream Analytics", Labex MiLyon, co directed with Marcos Dias de Assuncao (2016-2019)
  • Valentin Lorentz : "Energy traceability of data"(2016-2018)
  • Issam Rais : "Discover, model and combine energy leverages for large scale energy efficient infrastructures", Inria, co-directed with Anne Benoit (Roma Team, LIP, ENS Lyon) and Anne-Cécile Orgerie (CNRS, Myriads team, Irisa Rennes), ELCI Project (2015-2018)
  • Radu Carpa : "Energy Efficient Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Networks", ENS Lyon, co-directed with Olivier Gluck (Univ. of Lyon) (2014-2017)
  • Daniel Balouek-Thomert : "Scheduling and eco-efficiency of virtualized infrastructures", NewGen, co-directed with Eddy Caron (ENS Lyon) and Gilles Cieza (NewGen) (2013-2016)
  • Violaine Villebonnet: "Scheduling and Dynamic Provisioning for Energy Proportional Heterogeneous Infrastructures", Hemera/ALADDIN, co-directed with Jean-Marc Pierson and Patricia Stolf (IRIT, Toulouse) (2013-2016)
  • Teferi Assefa: "Considering Service Relocation for Energy Saving in Large Scale Wire-Line Telecom Networks", Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, co-directed with Prof. Mulugeta Libsie (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia) (2012-2014). PhD not defended as student has left to private company.
  • Christina Herzog: "Contribution to the modeling of technology transfer in Green IT with Multi-Agent System", co-directed with Jean-Marc Pierson (IRIT, Toulouse) (2011-2014)
  • Mohammed el Mehdi Diouri: "Energy efficiency in High Performance Computing : Focus on Resilience and Data Broadcasting", co-directed with Olivier Gluck and Isabelle Guerin Lassous (2010-2013)
  • Ghislain Landry Tsafack Chetsa: "System Profiling and Green Capabilities for Large Scale and Distributed Infrastructures", Hemera/ALADDIN, co-directed with Jean-Marc Pierson and Patricia Stolf (IRIT, Toulouse) (2010-2013)
  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie: "An Energy-Efficient Reservation Framework for Large-Scale Distributed Systems", co-directed with Isabelle Guerin Lassous (Univ. of Lyon) (2008- September 2011)
  • Narjess Ayari : "Contribution to session aware frameworks for next generation Internet services" - joint Thesis with France Telecom Research and Development (July 2005- October 2008) - PhD slides
  • Dino Martin Lopez Pacheco : "Propositions for a robust and inter-operable eXplicit Control Protocol on heterogeneous high speed networks", co-directed with C. Pham (Univ. Pau) (2005-2008) PhD Slides
  • Eric Lemoine : "New network interface functionalities for improved network performance on multiprocessor machines" - "Nouvelles fonctions dans les interfaces de communication pour l'augmentation des performances réseau des machines multi-processeur", CIFRE SUN Labs, with Cong-Duc Pham (May 2001- July 2004)
  • Jean-Patrick Gelas : "Towards the design of a high performance active network architecture dealing with gigabit networks" - "Vers la conception d'une architecture de réseaux actifs apte à supporter les débits des réseaux gigabits", MENRT, slides, Thesis document (September 2000 - December 2003)

Technical support and collaboration :

  • Pablo Neira Ayuso (University of Sevilla): "Contributions to the availability of stateful firewalls", with Rafael M. Gasca (University of Sevilla, Spain) (2006- July 2010)
  • Julien Laganier : "Distributed security in IPv6 networks", CIFRE SUN Labs with P. Primet (RESO) and G. Montenegro (SUN Labs) (September 2002- September 2003)
  • Geoffroy Vallee : "Conception d'un ordonnanceur de processus adaptable pour la gestion globale des ressources dans les grappes : mise en oeuvre dans le systeme Kerrighed" - "Design of an adaptable process scheduler for resources management in clusters : implementation in Kerrighed system", technical support with C. Morin (IRISA) and J.Y Berthou (EDF) in an EDF project (December 2001- March 2004)

PostDocs :

  • Vaddina Kameswar Rao: "Modeling Energy Consumption of Heterogeneous Numerical Infrastructures in HPC", co-advised with Anne-Cécile Orgerie (Myriads, Rennes) (November 2019 - October 2020).
  • Bogdan F. Cornea : "Energy consumption in simulation frameworks", within the Hemera INRIA Large Wingspan project , co-advised with Anne-Cécile Orgerie (Myriads Team, IRISA, Rennes) (December 2013-December 2014)
  • Marcos Dias de Asuncao: "Energy aware large scale systems for efficient communication and computing", within the ARC GREEN-NET project (15/9/2009-15/9/2010) and on the PrimeEnergyIT European Project (15/9/2010-15/6/2011)

Engineers recruitment and advising

  • Emeline Pegon : "Dealing with environmental impacts data of ICT", ALT-Impact program, since October 2024
  • Mathilde Boutigny : "Energy leverages", Ingenieur expert Inria, ANR MOEBUS Project and FSN ELCI Project, 1/1/2017-30/3/2018
  • Olivier Mornard : "Energy reporting for multi-criteria efficient scheduling", Ingenieur expert Inria, ANR MOEBUS Project, 1/4/2016-30/11/2016
  • Marcos Dias de Asuncao : "Energy efficient networking", Ingenieur Expert Inria, Chist-ERA STAR Project, 1/6/2014-31/12/2015
  • Francois Rossigneux : "Energy efficiency for HPC as a service" Ingenieur Expert INRIA, FSN XLCLOUD Project, 1/1/2013-31/12/2014
  • Julien Carpentier : "Energy efficient monitoring and exposing", Ingenieur Expert INRIA, FUI Compatible One Project, 1/1/2012-31/12/2012 and XLCLOUD Project, 1/1/2013-21/4/2013
  • Maxime Morel : "Energy efficient Open Source Cloud", Ingenieur Expert INRIA, FUI Compatible One Project, 15/9/2011-15/9/2012
  • Olivier Mornard : "Green Cloud", Ingenieur Expert INRIA, FUI Compatible One Project, 1/6/2011-31/5/2012
  • Olivier Mornard : "Service Enablers in Virtual Networks in Autonomic Internet", Ingenieur Expert INRIA, Autonomic Internet Project, 1/1/2010-31/6/2010
  • Abderhaman Cheniour : "Service Enablers Plane : Deployment of autonomic services in Autonomic Internet", Ingenieur Expert INRIA, Autonomic Internet Project, 15/7/2008-31/6/2010
  • Augustin Ragon : "Project management and dissemination activities", Ingenieur Expert INRIA, OGF-Europe Project, 2009-2010
  • Pierre Bozonnet : "Network adaptation and large scale deployment", Ingenieur Expert INRIA, RNRT Temic, 1/3/2006-31/7/2006
  • Jean-Patrick Gelas : "Lightweight network functionnalities and network support", Ingenieur Expert INRIA, RNRT Temic, 17/1/2005-17/1/2006
  • Martine Chaudier : "Multimedia and adaptive programmable network services", Ingenieur Expert INRIA, RNRT Temic, 15/3/2005-15/3/2006
  • Saad El Hadri : "Experimenting and testing high performance active router around VTHD backbone", Ingenieur Expert INRIA, RNRT VTHD++ Project, 1/4/2002-15/11/2003
  • Roland Westrelin : "High performance communications libraries on top of Windows 2000", Ingenieur Expert INRIA, Microsoft Project, 2002

Graduate advising (M2 / Master Recherche / DEA) :

  • Imene Foudi: "Pré-traitement de données pour la prédiction de la consommation énergétique d'une grappe de machines", M2 Intelligence artificielle distribuée (Paris Descartes), 01/06/2021 - 30:/09/2021, co-advised by Laurent Lefevre, Jean-Christophe Mignot and Didier Puzenat
  • Nils Moynac: "AI4Energy_Deluge : Artificial Intelligence for Energy Deluge", Internship INSA Lyon, 1/06/2020 - 30/09/2020, co-advised by Laurent Lefevre, Jean-Christophe Mignot and Didier Puzenat
  • Valentin Lorentz : "GreenBigData", M2 ENS Lyon, 1/2/2016-20/6/2016 co advised by Gilles Fedak and Laurent Lefevre
  • Issam Rais : "Contributions à l'ordonnancement sur architecture distribuée éco-responsable", M2 UVSQ 1/2/2015-15/9/2015 co-advised by Eddy Caron, Benjamin Laplane and Laurent Lefevre
  • Sulivan Daly : "GreenBigData", M2 UCB, INRIA, 3/2/2014-1/7/2014 co-advised by Jean-Patrick Gelas, Gilles Fedak, Laurent Lefevre
  • Matthieu Veyrand : "Consommer Mieux et Moins dans les infrastructures distribuées à grande échelle", M2 UCB, Hemera INRIA, 3/2/2014-1/7/2014 co-advised by Olivier Gluck, Laurent Lefevre
  • Radu Carpa : "Protocoles et services réseaux hautes performances efficaces en consommation énergétique" M2 UCB CHIST-ERA STAR Project, 1/3/2014-15/9/2014 co-advised by Olivier Gluck, Laurent Lefevre
  • Tsafack Chetsa Ghislain Landry : "Green Internet networks", M2 IFI Hanoi, Vietnam, 1/4/2010-1/12/2010, co-advising with Jean-Patrick Gelas
  • Roya Golchay : "Energy reduction in Internet Networks", Master 2 - PFE INSA, 1/3/2010-15/7/2010, co-advising with Olivier Gluck
  • Barbara Walter : "Etude de faisabilité de la mise en oeuvre d'une architecture visant à proposer des solutions d'ordonnancement basées sur les technologies green dans un cadre de serveurs d'applications sur la grille", Master 2 - PFE INSA, 1/2/2010-15/9/2010, co-advising with Eddy Caron
  • Sylvère Tanaugh Ekponon : "Towards Green HPC nodes", M2 CCI, 03/2009-1/10/2009, co-advised with Jean-Patrick Gelas and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
  • Alejandro Fernandez-Montes : "Prediction Models for Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems", University of Sevilla, Spain, Nov 2008
  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie: "Energy aware large scale systems for efficient communication and computing", Master Recherche, 15/10/2007-15/7/2008
  • Damien Nicolet : "Large scale autonomous networking", Master Recherche, 6/2/2006-31/7/2006
  • Jean-Paul Corvo : "Lightweight network software functionalities inside large scale platforms : impact on Grid infrastructure", DEA, DIF, ENS Lyon, 1/2/04-15/7/04
  • Pablo Neira : "High availability and fault tolerant techniques for networking equipments", PFE-DEA, INSA Lyon, 1/12/03-31/7/04
  • SidaLi Guebli : "Designing collaborative cache with high performance active nodes" , DEA (1/2/2003 - 15/7/2003), with Jean-Marc Pierson LISI INSA - Report - Slides
  • Julien Laganier : "IPSec and dynamic deployment", DEA DIF (1/2/2002 - 15/7/2002), with Pascale Primet
  • Jean-Patrick Gelas : "Flux intelligents haute performance", DEA DIF (February 2000-July 2000)
  • Alice Bonhomme : "Groups consistency for efficient sharing of distributed data" (Cohérence sur groupes pour un partage efficace des données - Application aux réseaux de communication), DEA Informatique de Lyon, (1/3/1998-15/7/1998)

Engineer Training Period

  • Tiphaine Pucher: "HDD vs SSD environmental impact", EME Ecole des Métiers de l'Environnement, Rennes, co-advised by Françoise Berthoud and Laurent Lefevre, May-October, 2016

Master Students M1 (Maitrise) / Licence Students L3 :

  • Mathieu Resseguier-Collar: "Validation d’algorithmes de prédiction de la consommation énergétique d'une grappe de machines", Master 1 Informatique, ICOM, University Lyon2, co-advised by Laurent Lefevre, Jean-Christophe Mignot and Didier Puzenat, 25/07/2022-25/09/2022
  • Cécile Patience Fetngo Bitchebe: "Réduction du délestage électrique au Cameroun", DUT GEII, Lyon1, co advised by Laurent Lefevre and Alain Tchana, 19/4/2022-27/6/2022
  • Ayoub Amghar: "Pré-traitements de données pour la prédiction de la consommation énergétique d'un cluster", Master 1 Informatique, ICOM, University Lyon2, co-advised by Laurent Lefevre, Jean-Christophe Mignot and Didier Puzenat, 01/07/2021-15/09/2021
  • Meriem Ghali : "Software developement for GreenCube", L3 Informatique, Lyon, June-July 2020
  • Adrien Berthelot : "Lowtech IT", M1 Informatique, Lyon, May-June 2019
  • Alice Andres : "Edge vs Cloud : focus on environmental and performance metrics", Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, March-July 2019
  • Lucas Besnard : "Energy caracterization of a datacenter", IUT Informatique, Lyon, April-June 2018
  • Bastien Marsaud : "Simulating environmental footprint of datacenters", IUT Informatique , Lyon, April-June 2018
  • Antoine Sacré : "Literature Survey on Software Eco-Design : Definitions, Impacts, Challenges and Scenarios", M1 University of Namur, Belgium, 18/9/2017-15/12/2017
  • Julien Delaborde : "Simulating energy consumption in large scale networks", M1 ENS-Lyon, 1/3/2010-15/6/2010
  • Walid El Dahabi : Network experiments on the DSLLAB platform (DSLLAB project) (24/4/07-30/9/07)
  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie : "High speed transport protocols based on XCP (eXplicit Control Protocol), with co-advising of Dino Lopez Pacheco, L3, ENS Lyon, (5/6/2006-22/7/06)
  • Pablo Pazos : "Large scale programmable network deployment on Grid5000", Master informatique Lyon1 Univ. (10/5/06-10/8/06)
  • Chien-Jon Soon : "Active Networks and Web Services", PLAS Group, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia (28/7/2005-30/10/2005), co-advising with Paul Roe
  • Grégoire Locqueneux : "Integrating active and programmable networks functions inside Globus" ("Interfacage de reseaux programmables avec middleware de Grille"), Maitrise Informatique (1/12/2003-29/2/2004)
  • Jean-Francois Rolland : "On the fly content adaptation for mobile phones", co advised with Jean-Marc Pierson (LIRIS) and 3DDL company, Stage INSA (1/12/2003-29/2/2004)
  • Aweni Saroukou : "Dynamic support for deployment of Java-based games on cellulars" ("Support dynamique de réseaux pour le déploiement de jeux Java sur téléphones portables"), Maitrise Informatique (1/12/2003-29/2/2004)
  • Pierpaolo Giacomin : "Efficient load balancing scheduling for cluster-based active routers", INSA Training period (1/4/2003 - 31/7/2003)
  • Aymeric Dudin : "Evaluating active networks technology", DESS Réseaux (15/4/2002 - 15/8/2002) with Jean-Patrick Gelas
  • Jérome Guilloux : "Kernel modules for software active nodes", Maitrise Informatique (1/12/2001-28/2/2002)
  • Lionel El-Malih : "Active multimedia services", Maitrise Informatique (1/12/2001-28/2/2002)
  • Encolpe Degoute : "DSM systems on a SCI network" (Conception et mise en oeuvre d'un environnement de MDVP sur réseau à capacité d'adressage SCI), Maitrise Informatique, 1999
  • Rémi Herilier : "Cooperative distributed shared editor" (Editeur cooperatif), Maitrise Informatique, 1999
  • Jean-Patrick Gelas : "Distributed P2P games on wide area networks" (Jeux distribués sans serveur sur réseaux longue distance), Maitrise Informatique, 1998
  • Asmina Said Ahmed : "Cooperative editor" (Réalisation d'un éditeur coopératif distribué), 1998
  • Hughes Tubert : "MPEG streams transport on high performance networks" (Transport de flux video MPEG sur Réseaux Haut Débit), Maitrise Informatique, 1998
  • Sylvain Oranger : "Tools for Grid computing" (Outils pour le Grid Computing), Maitrise Informatique, 1999 with C. Pham
  • François Goffinet : "Cluster management" (Gestion de cluster), Maitrise Informatique, 1999 with C. Pham
  • Vincent Vanackere : "High performance Distributed shared memory system on top of Myrinet networks", Magistere, 1/6/98-15/7/1998

Students projects :

  • Marine Cauchy, Theodore Decaudaveine, Luana Lignau Bossa, Nicolas Noel and Théo Pecqueur Terrail : "Energy consumption of software", EMSE3, Grenoble INP UGA, October 2023-January 2024
  • Khalilou Sakho et Jimmy Labejof : "Economie d'énergie dans les protocoles et les équipements d'interconnexion des réseaux filaires dans le domaine du calcul distribué haute performance" - "Energy reduction in protocols and network equipments for wire networks in high performance distributed computing", TER L3, 2009-2010, co-advising with A.C. Orgerie and J.P. Gelas
  • Sylvain Jourdan : "Graphical tool for visualizing network measurements on the DSLLAB platform", TER M1if, 2007-2008
  • Florent Weibel : "ULTRA DIVERT : Diverting Network Packets for Large Scale Monitoring", TER M1if, 2005-2006
  • Pierre-Emmanuel Perillon : "Emulating Inter-Planetary Networks", TER M1if, 2006-2007
  • Dame Fall : "Programmable services for Delay Tolerant Networks", TER M1if, 2005-2006
  • Pablo Pazos : "Interfacing active and web services", TER M1if, 2005-2006
  • Bastien Bonnefon & Nicolas Lacorne : "Internet by satellite / Internet par satellite", PFE, Maitrise Informatique, 1999-2000
  • Olivier Robin : "Portage de DOSMOS sur le réseaux à capacité d'adressage SCI / DSM DOSMOS on SCI", Projet de Matrise Informatique, June 1999
  • Stéphane Perrin : "Netham", PFE CPE, January 1999
  • Emmanuel Andrieux : "Parallélisation d'un algorithme de construction d'objets fractals", PFO CPE, co-advised with B. Tourancheau and J. Thollot, January 1998
  • Vincent Hérilier : "Parallel MPEG encoder on Myrinet platform / Encodeur MPEG incrémental et décodeur MPEG parallèle sur plate-forme Myrinet", PFE Maitrise Informatique, 1997-1998