A function that returns the part of sr delimited by a and b.

cut_series(sr, channels)



tibble with columns l and z describing profile


the channel-describing data to use to cut the data into sub-series


the part of sr that is comprised between a and b


data(s1) channels=get_channels(s1,hmin=1,hmax=4.5) cut_series(s1, channels)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 10 #> id_c i_a i_b l_a l_b z_a z_b z_min z_max sr #> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <list> #> 1 1 5 20 28.2 122. 225. 225. 218. 225. <spec_tbl_df [16 × 2]> #> 2 2 32 40 173. 200. 224. 224. 222. 224. <spec_tbl_df [10 × 2]> #> 3 3 50 59 231. 251. 224. 224. 222. 224. <spec_tbl_df [10 × 2]>