Professional Experience
September 2016 - Now : Professeur agrégé (PRAG)
September 2013 - September 2016 : Agrégé préparateur (AGPR)
Ferrocene on surfaces : DFT calculations with vasp on ferrocene adsorption.
under the direction of Marie-Laure Bocquet (ENS Lyon, France)
Periodic calculations are done on metallocene molecules deposited on copper.
July 2010 - 2013 : PhD
Transport in organic radicals : ab initio spectroscopy and phenomenological approach.
September 2009 - July 2010 : M2 Internship
Transport in organic radicals : ab initio spectroscopy and phenomenological approach.
under the direction of Prof. Vincent Robert (ENS Lyon, France)
Electronic structure calculations (CASSCF,DDCI,CCSDT) are applied to radicals with magnetic and/or conduction properties.
September 2008 - July 2009 : Preparation to the "agrégation" exam
Preparation to a highly competitive national exam called "agrégation de Sciences Physiques option Chimie" to teach chemistry in universties and high schools. Received 19/45.
April - July 2007 : M1 Internship
Study of the influence of the coordination sphere upon the Zero-Field-splitting in cobalt complexes.
under the direction of Prof. Hélène Bolvin (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Electronic structure calculations (CASSCF,CASPT2,RASSI) are applied to cobalt complexes to see how the distortion of the first and second coordination spheres affect the zero-field splitting.
June - July 2006 : L3 Internship
Synthesis of diazinic macrocycles.
under the direction of Prof. Nelly Plé (IRCOF, Rouen, France)
Cross coupling reactions were tested to build macrocycles with diazinic building blocks.