Le tableau périodique : 150 ans d'évolution
- (Amphithéâtre Mérieux, Lyon, 21st March 2019, attendance : 500 high school students)
- (IUT Aix-Marseille, Marseille, 24th October 2019, 100 students of 1st year)
This conference was done in front of 500 high school students from Lyon and the Rhone department. It was done for the International Year of the Periodic Table (Unesco), the « Année de la chimie de l'école à l'université » (Ministry of National Education) and the 80th birthday of the CNRS. The event was sponsored by the ENS de Lyon and the ICL (Institut de Chimie de Lyon).
It covered 150 years of evolution, from Lavoisier (1789) to the discovery of Oganesson (2010). The conference was illustrated with live experiments (electrochemistry, spectroscopy) to show some historical aspects. Some special objects were created for this occasion with M1 students : a telluric screw, a timeline, and a 5×2 meters periodic table. The presentation is done with animated graphs to enrich the content (done with d3.js). A small highlight was done on rare-earth chemsitry thanks to Olivier Maury and François Riobé.
The conference was recorded and can be seen below. It lasts approximately 1h30. The presentation is available on this page.
L'électrochimie : de l'électron aux smartphones
- (Pint of science, Lyon, 15th May 2017)
À priori, rien ne semble relier nos smartphone, la botanique et le service des urgences. Et pourtant, tous ces domaines ont en commun le partage -- non pas d'une bière -- mais de quelque chose d'encore plus simple : l'électron. Nous verrons à quel point les applications de cette science -- l'électrochimie -- sont variées et originales.
- Slides (2.3 Mo, movies not included)
- Pint of science website
Electron transport through a molecular junction with a multiconfigurational description
- (CFCAM, Toulouse, 21st June 2011)
- (Group meeting, Lyon, 27th January 2012)
- (JujolsVI, Sevilla, 1st February 2012)
- (PhD Day, Lyon, 15th March 2012)
The importance of the multiconfigurational description of the junction electronic structure is investigated in quantum transport through molecular devices. Using an accurate wavefunction-based description of the low-energy spectroscopy, transport through a 2-electron/2-molecular orbital prototype is evaluated, covering lowly – H2-like – to highly – O2-like – correlated regimes. The contributions arising from the presence of competing singlet and triplet states in magnetic systems are analyzed. It is shown that the electronic conductivity provides a signature of the full multiplet energy spectrum, as well as of the multideterminant structure of wavefunctions.
- Slides (3.7 Mo)
Transport in organic radicals : ab initio spectroscopy and phenomenological approach.
- (LCQS, Strasbourg, 27th January 2011)
- (JujolsV, Horta de Sant Joan, 8-10 November 2010)
- (Master 2, Lyon, 15th July 2010)
- (ECMM, Paris, 22th November 2011)
- (GECOM-CONCOORD 2010, Lyon, 2010)
Chemistry of stable radicals opened a new insight for spintronics. The unpaired electron on an organic molecule is responsible for multiple properties : magnetism, conductivity, absorbance. Despite the abundance of experimental data, electronic phenomena linked to those properties are not yet fully understood. The further development of radical chemistry requires a deeper understanding thanks to high level computations. Thanks to these calculations, chemists will be able to fully master the properties of this family of molecules.
- Bibliographical Report (in french, 6.6 Mo)
- Slides (Bibliographical Report) (in french, 19.9 Mo)
- Final report (in french, 7.3 Mo)
- Slides (in french, 1.2 Mo)
- Poster (790Ko)