Introduction: Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence. What would be a category of proofs? Core sequent calculus L
: sequents A ⊢ B, rules (ax) and (cut). Intepretation ⟦_⟧ of L
in a category. Kernel and image of ⟦_⟧. Cut reduction.
Adding a (endo)functor. Unary connective □ (modality), rule (□), categorical interpretation, cut reduction, axiom reduction.
Adding a (endo)bifunctor. Binary connective ⍟, rule (⍟), categorical interpretation, cut reduction, axiom reduction.
Sequent calculus IL
: intuitionistic sequents A1,...,An ⊢ B, left and right rules (⍟L) and (⍟R).
Homework 5: due on October 24th.
Monoidal categories (MC). Definition and basic properties. Mac Lane's coherence theorem (admitted, proof of λ₁ = ρ₁).
Left and right rules (1L) and (1R). Categorical interpretation ⟦_⟧ of IL
in monoidal categories.
Derivable and admissible rules. Axiom expansion.
Invariance of ⟦_⟧ under axiom expansion. Image of ⟦_⟧. Cartesian categories are monoidal.
Cut elimination for IL
. Sub-formula property.
Commutation: exchange rule. Symmetric monoidal categories (SMC). Cut elimination. Cartesian categories are symmetric monoidal.
Homework 6: due on November 7th.
Structural rules: contraction and weakening. Internal monoids and comonoids. Comonoid morphisms. Categories of comonoids are cartesian.
Implication. Symmetric monoidal closed categories (SMCC). Intuitionistic Multiplicative Linear Logic (IMLL
Finite products. Additive connectives & and ⊤.
Finite coproducts. Additive connectives ⊕ and 0. Distributivity of ⊗ over ⊕. Intuitionistic Multiplicative Additive Linear Logic (IMALL
Some provable properties in IMALL
Modalities. Modal logic IK
. Monoidal functors. Modal logic IS4
. Monoidal comonads.
Structural rules restricted to !A
as comonoid structures.
Categorical models of IMELL
and ILL
. Girard's translation vs coKleisli construction.