List of proposals
Zero-Knowledge proofs based on hard latticeproblems, with applications to crypto custody and post-quantummulti-party signatures,
with Matthieu Rambaud at Telecom Paris, palaiseau;
Mesure et analyse énergétiques de pipelines HPC en radio-astronomie,
with Anass Serhani at Inria, Lyon;
Smoothed Analysis: Bridging Theory and Practice in Dynamic Networks,
with Ami Paz at LISN: CNRS & Paris-Saclay University, Gif-sur-Yvette;
Distributed Dynamic Graph Algorithms,
with Ami Paz at LISN: CNRS & Paris-Saclay University, Gif-sur-Yvette;
Lower bounds on provenance and counting for recursive queries,
with Antoine Amarilli at Inria Lille, Lille;
Scalable Translation Validation for High-Performance Computing and Machine Learning,
with Christophe Alias at Inria Lyon, Lyon;
Re-computation and Memory Consumption in Parallelism Models for training Deep Neural Networks,
with Julien Herrmann at CNRS / IRIT / APO, Toulouse;
Re-computation and Memory Consumption in Parallelism Models for training Deep Neural Networks,
with Julien Herrmann at CNRS / IRIT / APO, Toulouse;
Exploring pipelining methods for a variable-width high-precision floating point arithmetic unit,
with Andrea BOCCO at CEA - LIST, Grenoble;
Rigorous development of database backends,
with Marc Shapiro at Sorbonne-Université (Campus Jussieu)— LIP6 & Inria, Paris (France);
A Kubernetes-based backend for the Varda distributed programming language,
with Marc Shapiro & Alessio Pagliari at Sorbonne-Université (Campus Jussieu)— LIP6 & Inria, Paris (France);
Verification for the Varda distributed programming language,
with Marc Shapiro at Sorbonne-Université (Campus Jussieu)— LIP6 & Inria, Paris (France);
Composition et communication directe entre fonctions serverless,
with Alessio Pagliari at Sorbonne-Université (Campus Jussieu)— LIP6, Paris (France);
Side-Channel Attacks on Post-Quantum Cryptography and Hybridation,
Side-Channel Attacks on Elliptic Curve Cryptography,
Augmented democracy in participatory budgeting,
with Umberto Grandi at IRIT, University Toulouse Capitole, Toulouse;
Demixing latent representations in generative self-supervised learning,
with Ricardo Borsoi at CNRS, CRAN, Université de Lorraine, Nancy;
Hydrology-guided underground model for realistic terrains,
with Guillaume Cordonnier at Inria, Sophia Antipolis;
Analyzing Mean Payoff Games Using Sums-of-Squares,
with Mateusz Skomra at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse;
Curved folding with inflatables,
with Mélina Skouras at Inria, Montbonnot;
Global (Graph) Transformation,
with Luidnel Maignan at, Créteil, Ile de France;
, funding to be discusses depending on the situation, possible application for a PhD.)) { ?>
Incertitude de mouvement,
with Francis Colas at Inria, Villers lès Nancy;
Gender Dynamics in Collaboration Networks,
with Rosa Figueiredo at Laboratoire Informatique d'Avignon, Avignon;
Private Sparse Histograms and Implementation in Open Source Library,
with Aurélien Bellet at Inria, Montpellier;
Generative AI Techniques for Network Management,
with Francesco Bronzino at ENS Lyon, Lyon;
Dynamic model serving for network traffic analysis,
with Francesco Bronzino at ENS Lyon, Lyon;
Approximate algorithms with performance guarantee for Fair Combinatorial Optimization,
with Patrice Perny at LIP6, Sorbonne Université, Paris;
Computational Design of Evolving Porous Structures,
with Jonàs Martínez at Inria, Nancy;
Heterogenous Architectures For Particle Reconstruction in High Energy Physics,
with Adriano Di Florio (CC-IN2P3) at CC-IN2P3, Lyon;
GTTP: Global Tracking Transfer Protocol,
with Desgeorges Loïc at University Claude Bernard, Lyon;
Setting up an observer (based on federated learning) to detect anomalies.,
with Desgeorges Loïc at University Claude Bernard, Lyon;
Formalizing the Optimization Problem for a Secure Multicontroller SDN Network.,
with Desgeorges Loïc at University Claude Bernard, Lyon;
Anomaly Detection in Link Streams,
with Maroua Bahri at Sorbonne Universite, LIP6;
Learning-based optimization for power systems,
with Victor Magron at LAAS CNRS, Toulouse;
Polynomial optimization for time-delayed power systems,
with Victor Magron at LAAS CNRS, Toulouse;
IA et analyse d'images pour l’aide à la colposcopie,
with Isabelle Bloch at Sorbonne Université, LIP6, Paris;
Compression of large dynamic graphs,
with Binh-Minh Bui-Xuan at Sorbonne Université, Paris;
Incremental Maintenance of Queries on Dynamic Trees,
with Antoine Amarilli at Inria Lille, Lille;
Enumerating Simple Paths Satisfying a Regular Path Query,
with Antoine Amarilli at Inria Lille, Lille;
Online estimation of Sobol indices, stochastic mirror descent optimisation algorithm,
with Thierry Klein at IMT , Toulouse;
Online estimation of Sobol indices, stochastic mirror descent optimisation algorithm,
with Thierry Klein at IMT , Toulouse;
Identification of image circulation in large collections ofhistorical photographs,
with Isabelle Bloch at Sorbonne Université, LIP6 (I.Bloch), Paris;
Semantics and types for synchronous programming with state machines in a multi-periodic setting,
with Patrick Baillot, Julien Forget, Sylvain Salvati at CRIStAL, Lille;
Auditing Practical Privacy Guarantees of Differentially Private Machine Learning Models,
with Aurélien Bellet at Inria, Montpellier;
Realistic models of personal networks,
with Lionel Tabourier at LIP6 (Sorbonne Universite / CNRS), Paris;
Sensitivity Analysis for kernel testing with applications to Single Cell Genomics,
with Bertrand Michel at Ecole Centrale de Nantes / Université de Nantes, Nantes;
Spatial Processes for Single-Cell Transcriptomics,
with Franck Picard at CNRS - ENS Lyon, Lyon;
Generalization of Graph Neural Networks on Large Graphs,
with Nicolas Keriven at IRISA, CNRS, Rennes;
Kleene Algebra with Tests for probabilistic programs,
with Patrick Baillot at CRIStAL, Lille;
Reasoning on the execution time of programs with Kleene Algebra with Tests,
with Patrick Baillot at CRIStAL, Lille;
Learning a Regularizer by Approximating the Patch Manifold,
with Giovanni S. Alberti at Machine Learning Genoa Center (MaLGa), University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy;
Mathematics of Adaptive Acquisitions for Hyperspectral Single-pixel Imaging,
with Jérémy Cohen at CNRS CREATIS, Villeurbanne (Lyon);
Machine Learning and Brains, for the study of epilepsy: detection of the epileptogenic zone from iEEG and MEG,
with Pierre BORGNAT (DR CNRS), Adrien MEYNARD (MCf ENSL), Paulo Gonçalves (DR Inria, OCKHAM) at Laboratoire de Physique, ENS de Lyon, CNRS UMR 5572, équipe Sisyphe, Lyon;
: Utilisation des Modèles de Langage Visuels (VLM) pour l'Extraction des Éléments du Contexte Routier à partir de Vidéos GoPro 360 et l'Évaluation des Risques Routiers,
with Abderrahmane BOUBEZOUL at SATIE, Paris Saclay;
Generative models of chemotaxis and phototaxis,
with Grégoire Sergeant-Perthuis at LCQB, Sorbonne Université, PARIS;
Tensorial approaches in causal discovery,
with Marianne Clausel at University of Lorraine, Nancy;
GenAI for causality,
with Marianne Clausel at University of Lorraine, Nancy;
Logic for differential privacy of functional programs,
with Patrick Baillot at CRIStAL, Lille;
Infering Logical Abstractions of Reaction Networks by Neural Networks ,
with Joachim Niehren at Inria Center of the University of Lille, Lille;
Copoints enumeration in graph convexities,
with Oscar Defrain at LIS, Aix Marseille Université, Marseille;
Analyse des activités de régulation sur Stack Overflow,
with Maxime MORGE at LIRIS - Université Lyon 1, Lyon;
Mise en œuvre d’un algorithme décentralisé à base de consensus pour l’allocation de tâches,
with Maxime MORGE at LIRIS - Université Lyon 1, Lyon;
Orientations and Connectivity,
with Florian Hörsch at CISPA, Saarbrücken;
Monotonous multi-thread programming,
with Dumitru Potop Butucaru at Inria Paris, Paris;
Embedded Machine Learning Programming,
with Dumitru Potop Butucaru at Inria Paris, Paris;
Conception d'un langage de programmation quantique de bas niveau,
with Ryan Kavanagh at Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada;
Exploring the functoriality of approximate posteriors for sheaf-structured models,
with Grégoire Sergeant-Perthuis at LCQB Sorbonne Université, PARIS;
Inferencing Logical Abstractions of Reaction Networks by Neural Networks,
with Joachim Niehren at Inria Center of the University of Lille, Lille;
Utilisation des champs de Markov pour le nommage d'embryons d'ascidie,
with Gregoire Malandain at INRIA, Sophia Antipolis;
Mathematical modeling and analysis for biological rhythms of 12 hours,
with Madalena Chaves at Centre Inria d'Universite Cote d'Azur, team MACBES, Sophia Antipolis;
Exact Register Allocation in the Jasmin Certified Compiler,
with Vincent Laporte at Inria Nancy, Nancy;
Perturbed graph and distributed proximal splitting algorithms,
with Silvia Villa at MaLGa, Università degli studi di Genova, Italy, Genoa, Italy;
Safe Composition of Jasmin & Rust for High-Assurance Cryptography,
with Vincent Laporte at Inria Nancy, Nancy;
Fast and high-quality computational imaging with simple lenses,
with Paul Escande at CNRS, Toulouse;
Matching markets: the role of correlation on efficiency and equity,
with Patrick Loiseau at Inria, Palaiseau;
Data selection and Shapley value in the linear case,
with Patrick Loiseau at Inria, Palaiseau;
Optimal graph exploration with partial observations in a stochastic and competitive environment,
with Prof. Y. HAYEL at Avignon Université, Avignon;
Développement de protocoles cryptographiques pour un vote électronique (plus) sûrs dans la vraie vie,
with Alexandre Debant at Inria, Nancy;
Convergent plug & play schemes for blind inverse problems,
with Luca Calatroni at CNRS (moving to MaLGa, Università degli studi di Genova), Genova, Italy;
Implementation security of post-quantum digital signatures,
with Antoon Purnal at PQShield, Remote or Paris (France);
Cryptographic watermarking for preventing deepfakes in media data,
with Thomas Prest, Thomas Espitau, Pierre-Yves Strub, Adrian Thillard at PQShield, Paris (France);
Fixed-point implementation of Falcon and FN-DSA,
with Thomas Prest at PQShield, Paris (France);
Reconnaissance de programmes par réseaux de neurones de graphes,
with Christophe Alias at Inria Lyon, ENS de Lyon, LYON;
Solving diversity problems,
with Julien Baste at Université de Lille - CRIStAL, Lille;
Towards formally verified configuration languages,
with Helene COULLON at IMT Atlantique, Nantes;
Learned Exact Relaxations for Sparse Optimization,
with Luca Calatroni ; Emmanuel Soubies at Università degli studi di Genova (Italy) ; CNRS (France), Genova (Italy) ; Toulouse (France);
Advanced Search Algorithms for Program Synthesis,
with Nathanaël Fijalkow at CNRS, LaBRI, Bordeaux;
Reinforcement learning for building energy systems control,
with Jiamin ZHU at IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN), Rueil-Malmaison;
Coloring graphs or digraphs,
with Ararat Harutyunyan at University Paris-Dauphine, PSL, Paris;
Rounding Error Analysis of Fast Fourier Transforms for Deep Learning Applications,
with Claude-Pierre Jeannerod at Inria AriC (LIP, ENS de Lyon), Lyon;
Machine Learning of Natural Language Processing for polarity analysis in Political Economy,
with Sébastien Gadat at Toulouse School of Economics, TOULOUSE;
Certified Fast Fourier Transforms for Fast Arithmetic,
with Jean-Michel Muller at CNRS, LIP, ENS Lyon, Lyon;
Formalisation des aspects dynamiques de lath ́eorie des bigraphes dans Coq,
with Celia Picard at ENAC, Toulouse;
Concentration of the geometry of empirical risks,
with Paul Escande at CNRS, Toulouse;
Internship with possible 3-year PhD position in Statistics - Machine Learning for Biological processes in IARC (World Health Organization), Lyon, France,
with Yohann De Castro at Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon;
Calculer avec les nombres à virgule flottante dans un contexte critique,
with Danko Ilik at Centre national d'études spatiales, Paris;
Réseaux Lipschitz pour la représentation neuronale implicite de simulations physiques,
with Paul Novello at IRT Saint Exupery, Toulouse;
Energy Problems for ω-automata,
with Philipp Schlehuber-Caissier at RST Telecom SudParis - NeSS SAMOVAR, EVRY;
Simulation sociospatiale à base d’agents des exploitations agricoles et du territoire de la moyenne vallée du Litani dans la Bekaa, Liban,
with Benoit Gaudou et Mehdi Saqalli at University Toulouse Capitole - IRIT lab, Toulouse;
Regional clustering for deep space communication,
with Olivier De Jonckère at LIRMM - MAORE, Montpellier;
Recanalisation prediction for stroke patient,
with Sofia Vargas Ibarra at IBISC - Paris Saclay, Evry-Courcouronnes;
Validated numerics and formal proof for differential equations,
with Florent Bréhard at CRIStAL, CNRS, Université de Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq;
Validated numerical software for algebraic curves with singularities,
with Florent Bréhard at CRIStAL, CNRS, Université de Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq;
Analysing Petri Nets with Higher Dimensional Automata,
with Hugo Bazille, Philippe Schlehuber-Caissier at LRE, Telecom SudParis, Courcouronnes;
Algorithmic aspects of arithmetic theories with division,
with Alessio Mansutti at IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid;
Detecting the tool and the filter lists used by ad blocking solutions,
with Pierre Laperdrix at CNRS, Lille;
Computational real algebraic geometry with a view towards optical system design,
with Mohab Safey El Din at Sorbonne Université, Paris;
A nerve net approach to the runtime verification of LTL properties,
with Rajshekar Kalayappan at Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad, Dharwad;
Development of Parameterized Algorithms for Accurate Graph Statistic Publications under Local Differential Privacy,
with Vorapong Suppakitpaisarn at The University of Tokyo, Tokyo;
Sequential Matching Games,
with Felipe Garrido Lucero at IRIT, Université Toulouse Capitole, Toulouse;
Beyond worst-case for distributed graph algorithms,
with Laurent Feuilloley and Théo Pierron at Université de Lyon et CNRS, Lyon;
Optimal quantization of ReLU neural networks,
with Rémi Gribonval, Elisa Riccietti at Inria, ENS Lyon, Lyon;
Learning to reconstruct from noisy data alone with applications to astronomical imaging.,
with Julian Tachella at CNRS & ENS Lyon, Lyon;
On Byzantine fault tolerance in dynamic networks,
with Binh-Minh Bui-Xuan et Sébastien Tixeuil at LIP6, CNRS -- SU UPMC., Paris;
Détection de défauts sur les réseaux ferroviaires via des modèles Transformers et leur déploiement sur des architectures embarquées GPU,
with Abderrahmane BOUBEZOUL at Chargé de recherche - HDR, Paris Saclay;
Infinite-state strategies for infinite-state quantitative systems,
with Sougata Bose, Mickael Randour, Pierre Vandenhove at Université de Mons, Mons;
Learning to predict the response to antidepressant drugs,
with Andrea Simonetto at ENSTA Paris, Palaiseau;
with Julien Salomon at Sorbonne Université & INRIA, Paris;
Schema-based Property Graph Data Integration,
with Angela Bonifati at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and IUF, Lyon or Grenoble;
Advancing Explainable AI in Medical Imaging,
with Dr. Vandana Bharti at IIT Dharwad, Dharwad;
Sensorimotor representation learning of manipulable objects,
with Jean-Charles Quinton, Mathieu Lefort, Frédéric Armetta at Univ Lyon 1 - LIRIS, Villeurbanne;
Classification des packings de l’espace projectif fini PG(3,3),
with Nicolas MAGAUD at Lab. ICube UMR 7357 CNRS Université de Strasbourg, France, STRASBOURG;
Mise en place d’un algorithme d’optimisation multi-fidélités appliqué au cas de dimensionnement des machines électriques,
with Andre Nasr at IFP Energies nouvelles, 1 et 4 avenue de Bois-Préau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison, France, Rueil-Malmaison;
Quantified reachability properties for provably explainable AI,
with Sylvie Putot at LIX, CNRS & Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau;
Learning with heavy-tailed inputs: Out-of-domain Generalization on Extremes,
with Sabourin Anne at MAP5, Université Paris Cité, Paris;
Optimisation de ressources via l’apprentissage statistique dans les réseaux de capteurs aéronautiques,
with E. Veronica Belmega at Université Gustave Eiffel (UGE), CNRS, LIGM , Marne-la-Vallée ;
Structured Binary Polynomial Optimization,
with Silvia Di Gregorio at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord & Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris Nord, Villetaneuse;
Reinforcement Learning on a Diet,
with Emmanuel Rachelson at ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse;
Causality-aware temporal graphs with connectivity constraints,
with Binh-Minh Bui-Xuan and Marcelo Dias de Amorim at LIP6, CNRS – SU UPMC, Paris;
and Marcelo Dias de Amorim )) { ?>
Vérification de propriétés sur les graphes temporels - vers un métathéorème,
with Nathalie Sznajder et Binh-Minh Bui-Xuan at LIP6, CNRS – SU UPMC, Paris., Paris;
et Binh-Minh Bui-Xuan )) { ?>
Algorithmic and Complexity Analysis of Computational Social Choice Problems,
with Jiehua Chen at TU Vienna, Vienna;
New tools for quantum rebound attacks,
with André Schrottenloher at Inria, Rennes;
Multi-Perspective Reasoning with Standpoint Logic,
with Lucia Gomez Alvarez at Université Grenoble Alpes, Inria, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LIG, France, Grenoble;
Impact of megafires on the equilibrium of forest ecosystems: simulation and study of a numerical model,
with Guillaume Cantin at Nantes Université / LS2N, Nantes;
Verification of neural networks by imprecise probabilities,
with Sylvie Putot at LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau;
The Snake Puzzle,
with Yan Gerard at LIMOS , Clermont-Ferrand (or Arles);
Simplification-based physical attacks on lattice-based cryptosystems,
with Brice Colombier at Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Étienne, France;
Design and Analysis of Randomized Search Heuristics,
with Benjamin Doerr at École Polytechnique, Palaiseau;
Balanced coloring,
with Reza NASERASR at IRIF, CNRS, Université de Paris, PARIS 13;
Enumération de quasi-cliques pour la contraction de très grands graphes,
with Hamida SEBA at LIRIS- Université Lyon 1, Villeurbanne;
Continuous Probabilistic Petri nets : specification and analysis,
with Alain Finkel, Serge Haddad, Lina Ye at LMF, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, Gif/Yvette;
Identifying anomalies that explain other anomalies in epidemiology,
with Charles Assaad at iPLesp, INSERM, Sorbonne Université, Paris;
Cost-effective interventional design for identifying causal effects in summary causal graphs,
with Charles Assaad at iPLesp, INSERM, Sorbonne Université, Paris;
Optimal adjustability of causal effects,
with Simon Ferreira at iPLesp, Sorbonne Université, INSERM, Paris;
Optimizing Programs with Sketch-Guided Polyhedral Compilation,
with Thomas Koehler and Christophe Alias at CNRS, ICube Laboratory and Inria CASH, LIP Laboratory, Strasbourg or Lyon;
Exploring Accuracy and Performance Trade-offs in Functional Array Programs,
with Thomas Koehler and Eva Darulova at CNRS, ICube Laboratory and Uppsala University, Strasbourg (France) or Uppsala (Sweden);
Numerical Analysis and Optimization of Functional Array Programs,
with Thomas Koehler at CNRS, Team Inria CAMUS, ICube Laboratory, France, Strasbourg;
Optimization of minimizer-based k-mer partitioning for genomic sequences,
with Camille Marchet at CNRS, Lille;
Théorie métrique et structurelle des graphes,
with Louis Esperet at G-SCOP, Grenoble;
Dynamic Time Warping with duplication cost,
with Gregory Kucherov at CNRS/Université Gustave Eiffel, Champs-sur-Marne;
Reasoning over Bounded First-Order Logic Ontologies,
with David Carral at Inria, LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, Montpellier;
10 internship offers @ CEA List : AI - Computer Vision - Scene understanding,
with CEA List - LVA at Laboratory of Vision and Learning for Scene Analysis (LVA), Palaiseau (91);
Efficient sketching for frequency estimation for heavy-tail distributions,
with Gregory Kucherov at CNRS/Université Gustave Eiffel, Champs-sur-Marne;
NP (non-deterministic polynomial time) & Analog computations.,
Complexity Theory for Models of Deep learning. Complexity Theory for Models of Very Deep learning.,
with Olivier Bournez at ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE, Palaiseau;
Pairs of square-free arithmetic progressions in infinite words,
with Pascal Ochem and Matthieu Rosenfeld at LIRMM, Montpellier;
Explaining object detection models,
with misbah razzaq at INRAe, Tours;
Parameterized Complexity – Structural and Fine-Grained,
with Michael Lampis at LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris;
Modélisation informatique des erreurs de décisions d’un opérateur humain en aviation ou en médecine,
with Nicolas Sabouret at Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay;
Reconstruction de mots par requêtes avec poids,
with Gwenaël Richomme and Matthieu Rosenfeld at LIRMM, Montpellier;
Comprendre, mesurer et renforcer la résilience d’un système en cas de crise humanitaire,
with Giacomo Kahn at Université Lyon 2 -- Laboratoire DISP, Lyon;
Learning automata from their traces,
with Eric Fabre at INRIA, Rennes;
Topological matching for the compression of combinatorial maps,
with Vincent Nivoliers at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 -- LIRIS, Lyon;
Graph-Based Generation of Realistic City Networks,
with Florian Sikora at LAMSADE, Paris;
FORMAPSY : Formalizing Psychological Theories,
with Alain Finkel at ENS Paris-Saclay, LMF, Gif/Yvette;
AUTOPSY : Automating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Modules,
with Alain Finkel at ENS Paris-Saclay, LMF, Gif/Yvette;
Robust clustering,
with Michaël Poss at LIRMM, Montpellier;
Controllers in Many-sided Reactive Synthesis: a Strategic Perspective,
with Mickael Randour at F.R.S.-FNRS & UMONS, Mons, Belgium;
Efficient algorithms for enumeration problems in graphs,
with Vincent LIMOUZY at Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France;
Analyse formelle de sécurité de protocoles DRM,
with Stéphanie Delaune & Joseph Lallemand at CNRS, IRISA, Univ. Rennes, Rennes;
Master thesis in Bioinformatics and Microbial Ecology for Green transition of Water Treatment,
with Michaël Pierrelée at Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby (within Copenhagen area, Denmark);
Méthodes symboliques pour la bi-déduction dans le contexte de la vérification de protocoles de sécurité,
with David Baelde (Prof. ENS Rennes) & Stéphanie Delaune (DR CNRS) at IRISA (Spicy team), Univ Rennes & CNRS, Rennes;
Defining nudging strategies in the specification of properties for multi-agent systems,
with Vadim Malvone at Telecom Paris, Paris;
Towards the verification of smart contracts,
with Vadim Malvone at Telecom Paris, Paris;
Defining dynamic coalitions within the specification of properties for multi-agent systems,
with Vadim MALVONE at Telecom Paris, Paris;
Formally Verifying Privacy in Cryptographic Protocols through Trace Properties,
with Lucca Hirschi at Inria, Nancy;
Dolev-Yao-Model-Guided Fuzzing of Cryptographic Protocols,
with Lucca Hirschi at Inria, Nancy;
Matroid-Constrained Clustering,
with Chien-Chung Huang at ENS Paris, Paris;
Casser des graphes,
with Matthieu Latapy at LIP6 - CNRS et Sorbonne Université, Paris;
Numeric-symbolic polynomial system solving,
with Grégoire LECERF at CNRS, Palaiseau;
Mixed degree conditions in hypergraphs (Conditions de degrés mixtes pour la théorie extrémale des hypergraphes),
with Victor Falgas-Ravry at Umeå Universitet (Suède), Umeå;
Subcube intersection graphs (Graphes d'intersections de sous-cubes),
with Victor Falgas-Ravry at Umeå Universitet (Suède), Umeå;
Maker-Breaker Percolation Games (Jeux de percolation Maker-Breaker) ,
with Victor Falgas-Ravry at Umeå Universitet (Suède), Umeå;
Formal verification of security protocols,
with Charlie Jacomme at Inria, Nancy;
The ecology of autocatalytic cycles, in the context of the origin of life,
with Denis Kuperberg - Sylvain Charlat at LIP, ENS Lyon and LBBE, University Lyon 1, Lyon;
Finding paths in hereditary graph classes,
with Dibyayan Chakraborty at School of Computing, University of Leeds, UK., LEEDS;
Evaluating the Experimental Complexity of Program Analysis,
with Raphaël Monat at Inria, Lille;
Quantum expansion testing,
with Simon Apers at Université Paris-Cité, CNRS, IRIF, Paris;
Back to the trees: Identifying plants with human intelligence,
with Simon Castellan at Inria, Rennes;
with David DEHARBE at CLEARSY, Aix-en-Provence;
Intel User Interrupt Improvement,
with Alain Tchana at LIG - Grenoble INP, Grenoble;
Probabilistic Search Algorithms with Applications in Biology,
with Pierre Fraigniaud at CNRS, Paris ;
Adaptive methods for safe machine learning,
with Yassine Laguel & Samuel Vaiter at Université d'Azur, Nice;
Understanding the reasons of algorithmic bias,
with Jean-Michel Loubes at Artificial and Natural Intellligence Institute of Toulouse , toulouse;
Modular Analysis for Formal Verification of Integrated Circuits at Transistor Level,
with Matthieu Moy at Univ. Lyon 1, Lyon;
DNA Computing and DNA nanotechnology,
with Prof Damien Woods at Hamilton Institute, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland;
Theoretical and practical aspects of spectral estimation for optimal optimization algorithms design,
with Remi Gribonval at INRIA, Lyon;
Using deep learning to detect epileptic spike from brain activity recordings,
with Romain QUENTIN at INSERM, Lyon;
Approximation algorithms using hierarchies,
with Alantha Newman at G-SCOP, Grenoble;
Various topics in formal logic and proof assistants ,
with Yannick Forster at Inria, Paris;
Exploration dynamique d'espaces multidimensionnels des paramètres de modèles de systèmes complexes,
with Gilles Ardourel - Christian Attiogbé at LS2N UMR 6004 - Nantes Université, Nantes;
Simulator inference by machine learning,
with Istvan David at McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada;
Continuous Optimization models for logical constraints,
with Sonia Cafieri et Marcel Mongeau at ENAC, Toulouse;
Ultrasound image simulation for virtual reality surgical training ,
with Carlos Rossa at Carleton University , Ottawa;
Résolution de systèmes linéaires creux pour la simulation de réseaux Électriques,
with Dr. Bruned Boris at RTE, Jonage (69330), Lyon;
Graph Problems in Massively Parallel Computing,
with Yannic Maus at TU Graz, Graz;
Formal verification of the cryptographic protocol verifier ProVerif with Isabelle/HOL,
with Sophie Tourret at Inria centre at Université de Lorraine, Loria, Nancy;
Kernel Testing for Spatial Distributions,
with Franck Picard at CNRS ENS-Lyon, Lyon;
Applications of Sinkhorn's alternative scaling to quantum information theory,
with Ion Nechita at CNRS, LPT Toulouse, Toulouse;
Exploration by model-checking of timing anomaly cancellation in a processor,
with Lionel Rieg at VERIMAG, GRENOBLE;
Analyzing fault parameters triggering timing anomalies,
with Lionel Rieg at VERIMAG, GRENOBLE;
Finding completely independant spanning trees in transitive graphs,
with Olivier Togni at Université de bourgogne, LIB, Dijon;
Machine learning approaches to learn automata from their traces,
with Eric Fabre at INRIA, Rennes;
Policy properties for greedy adaptive submodular maximization,
with Sivan Sabato at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada;
Interactive Learning with explanations,
with Sivan Sabato at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada;
Causal explanations for embedded systems,
with Gregor Gössler at INRIA, Grenoble;
Formal Verification for Quantum Programming,
with Christophe Chareton, Sébastien Bardin at CEA/LIST, Palaiseau;
Easily generate hard instances,
with Florian Sikora at LAMSADE, Paris;
Privacy Analysis of Hidden-State Noisy-SGD with Applications to Sampling,
with Shahab Asoodeh at McMaster University, Hamilton;
Résolution de problèmes entiers paramétriques linéaires par SAT,
with Sid Touati at Université Côte d'Azur, Sophia Antipolis;
Parameterized Approximation Algorithms,
with Andreas Emil Feldmann at University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK;
Lexicographic Enumeration of Maximal Independent Sets,
with Arnaud Labourel at LIS, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, Marseille;
Coupling formal methods and MBSE approach for the development of resilient complex systems,
with Nasrine DAMOUCHE at ISAE-SUPAERO (, Toulouse;
Formal Methods for Consistent Requirements Specification in Cyber-Physical Systems,
with Nasrine DAMOUCHE at ISAE-SUPAERO (, Toulouse;
Controllers in Many-sided Reactive Synthesis: a Strategic Perspective,
with Mickael Randour at F.R.S.-FNRS & UMONS, Mons, Belgium;
Spatial Modeling and Simulation: creating advanced models for with spatial features,
with Gabriel Wainer at Carleton University, Ottawa;
Development of Cyber-Physical systems using a discrete-event approach,
with Gabriel Wainer at Carleton University, Ottawa;
Patterns in combinatorial objects inspired by biological structures,
with Sergey Kirgizov at LIB, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon;
Formal Methods for the Verification of Self-Adapting Distributed Systems,
with Radu Iosif at VERIMAG, Grenoble;
Optimized Memory Representation for Algebraic Data Types,
with Gabriel Radanne at Inria, Team CASH, LIP, Lyon;
Formal verification of trajectories,
with Yves Bertot at Inria Université Côte d'Azur, Sophia Antipolis;
Allocation de registres pour langage dédié à la cryptographie,
with Sid Touati at Université Côte d'Azur, Sophia Antipolis;
Quantum algorithms and dynamic data structures,
with Simon Apers at CNRS, IRIF, Paris;
Compilation of a DSL based on transducers to SIMD optimized programs,
with Charles Paperman at CRIStAL, Université de Lille, Lille;
Contrastive Representation Learning in Medical Imaging,
with Pietro Gori at Telecom Paris, Paris;
Fine-grained complexity of query answering,
with Nofar Carmeli at Inria, LIRMM, Montpellier;
Complexity theory with Discrete Differential Equations/Finite differences,
Characterization of complexity and computability classes with Ordinary Differential Equations Continuous time Analog machines and models of computation,
Computability and Complexity Theory for Models of Very Deep Learning,
Visualization and queries for biology in de Bruijn graphs,
with Charles Paperman at CRIStAL, Université de Lille, Lille;
Typing Behaviours for Elixir,
with Giuseppe Castagna at IRIF: CNRS - Université Paris Cité, Paris;
Reconnaissance de programmes par réseaux de neurones de graphes,
with Sid Touati at Inria, Université Côte d'Azur, Sophia-Antipolis;
Jeux sur automates légèrement nondéterministes/Games on mildly nondeterministic automata,
with Karoliina Lehtinen at CNRS, LIS, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille;