Edwige Cyffers

Phd Student in Privacy Preserving Machine Learning

Podcast on doing a PhD in Computer Science as a Woman

Interviewed for a podcast investigating current difficulties and solutions to do a PhD in computer Science as a woman

Rony is also a PhD student at Lille, and we met during the TV show Esprit sorcier. In parallel of his thesis, he is doing this very serious podcast about the reality of doing a PhD in France, covering a broad range of questions from his own experience.

I participate to the emission dedicated to PhD female student in computer Science. The other panelists were Marion Monier, another PhD student at Lille University, Helène Touzet, full professor and equality manager for the lab, and Isabelle Colet, the expert of gender equality in STEM.

You can listen to the 2-hour podcast

I have the opportunity to talk to several media:

  • A very nice article in CNRS journal
  • A radio interview, around 20 minutes at Vivre FM
  • A very short one (with sexist comment from the presenter at the end)
  • An article more oriented on my experience as women in Science
  • An article from the alumni of ENS Lyon
  • A surprising copy-paste, I swear that Clemence and I did not hallucinate the anwsers, they mismatched the questions
  • An article in Le Progrès.

I hope this could raise awareness on Privacy in Machine Learning!

Esprit Sorcier 2022

TV show in science popularization

I participated in a TV show on Artificial Intelligence. Esprit Sorcier is directed by Fred, former co-presenter in “C’est pas sorcier” a French educational TV show. With a group of PhD students of Lille and with the help of the lab Geriico we interacted with various public from children to researchers and businessmen to gather point of view on definitions and challenges in Artificial Intelligence.

Women at ENS

En mathématiques, les filles restent des inconnues

I was interviewed by Philippe Douroux et Magalie Danican after my success at the competition entrance in maths at ENS. We were only 4 women to succeed this year. Full article here.

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