Edwige Cyffers

Phd Student in Privacy Preserving Machine Learning

Co-organizing NeurIPS@Paris

French local version of NeurIPS

I am part of the junior organizers of NeurIPS@Paris 2023. Its primary focus is to provide a human scale environment and a low CO2 emission version of NeurIPS. Authors of accepted papers at NeurIPS 2023 are given the opportunity to present their work through a short oral presentation and a poster session. I am especially organizing mentoring sessions for PhD students with senior researchers from all parts of the community.

We had to limit the participation to 250 persons as we reached max capacity, we are working on reproducing the same event in the next years while, if possible, not refusing so many participants. . I thank all the participants for their enthusiasm and interesting papers. Special thanks to Sibylle Marcotte for presenting her paper and letting me using the picture.

Fondation L'Oréal-UNESCO French Young Talents Award

Prestigious French grant for PhD student and Postdocs

I am thrilled to announce that I’ve been named one of Fondation L’Oréal-UNESCO French Young Talents! This is an award I proudly share with thirty-four other French PhD students and postdocs. It highlights the vital contributions of Women In Science.

The prize includes a grant of 15,000€ for my research. It is open to all French female PhD students and postdocs in science. This year, over six hundred women applied.

However, it’s not just the financial support that’s exciting, but also the opportunity to meet other inspiring women from various research fields. These connections are invaluable, especially as women can often feel isolated, particularly in Computer Science.

6-month break in PhD

A short visit to finance

During this summer, I was fortunate to discover the work of Quantitative Researcher in finance at GResearch. As I knew nothing about this field (and what is the meaning of PnL?) it was opportunity to have a glance to a different community. I thank my mentor Leo Miolane

Coordinator at MEMO

Correcting Algebra problems at the Middle European Mathematical Olympiad in Bern, Switzerland

While in high school, I enjoyed being a contestant at EGMO, and it was a key moment to decide to pursue in STEM. Since then, I am happy to volunteer in such event. I was coordinator for Algebra during the MEMO.

Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning summer school

A week for discovering crypto side of PPML in Copenhagen

I attended this Summer School. It was a very nice opportunity to discover FHE and MPC and the current challenges and expectations in the crypto community. It was for me a good introduction to Fully Homomorphic Encryption, from high level principles to concrete-ml use, the occasion to look at attacks on machine learning while meeting with a lot of other PhD students.

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