Edwige Cyffers

Phd Student in Privacy Preserving Machine Learning

Oral presentation at Mate-SHS

Interdisciplinary gathering in Scienc Po Lille

I presented Differential Privacy and Federated Learning basics to the Mate-SHS community. For the 11th annual gathering of Mate-SHS networks, the topic was: Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Implications for the Engineering Profession in Social Sciences and Humanities.

I also participated in the round table on Implications of AI in Research Engineering.

I attended NeurIPS for presenting Muffliato and thus discovered the extravagant size of this gathering, and the jazz bars of the French district. Congrats to the majority of men that did not go to WiML to steal the places in mentoring sessions and did not insist several times to go for a drink with me, the few who failed prove that it remains a challenge!

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