Publications and works in progress

  • Site frequency spectrum of a rescued population under rare resistant mutations, with C. Bonnet, preprint, arXiv :2303.04069, 2023. (link)
  • Continuous limits of large plant-pollinator random networks and some applications, with S. Billiard, T. Rey, C. Tran, accepted in MathematicS In Action, 2022. (link)
  • Origin and persistence of polymorphism in loci targeted by disassortative preference : a general model, with C. Coron, M. Costa, V. Llaurens and C. Smadi, J. Math. Biol. 86(4), 2023. (link)
  • Live-cell imaging and mathematical analysis of the "community effect" in apoptosis, with D. Coursier, D. Coulette, H.L., E. Grenier and G. Ichim. Apoptosis, 2022. (link)
  • Extinction time of logistic branching processes in a Brownian environment, with J.C. Pardo, ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 18:1859-1890, 2021 (DOI: 10.30757/ALEA.v18-70). (link)

  • Emergence of homogamy in a two-loci stochastic population model, with C. Coron, M. Costa, F. Laroche and C. Smadi, ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., 18:469-508, 2021. (link)

  • Extinction and coming down from infinity of CB-processes with competition in a Lévy environment, with J.C. Pardo, Journal of Applied Probability, 58(1):128-139, 2021 doi:10.1017/jpr.2020.77. (link)

  • A multi-scale eco-evolutionary model of cooperation reveals how microbial adaptation influences soil decomposition, with E. Abs and R. Ferrière, Commun Biol, 3: 520, 2020 (link, Supplementary material)

  • A stochastic model for reproductive isolation under asymmetrical mating preferences, Bulletin of mathematical biology, 80(9):2502-2525, 2018. (link)

  • Looking for the right mate in diploid species: How does genetic dominance affect the spatial differentiation of a sexual trait?, with C. Smadi and V. Llaurens, J. Theor. Biol., 447:154-170, 2018. (link)

  • A stochastic model for speciation by mating preferences, with C. Coron, M. Costa and C. Smadi, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 76(6):1421-1463, 2018. (link)

  • Convergence of an infinite dimensional stochastic process to a spatially structured trait substitution sequence, Stoch. Partial Differ. Equ. Anal. Comput., 1-36, 2016. (link)

  • Monte carlo methods for linear and non-linear poisson-boltzmann equation, with M. Bossy, N. Champagnat, S. Maire, L. Violeau, M. Yvinec, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, 48:420-446, 2015. (link)

  • Influence of a spatial structure on the long time behavior of a competitive Lotka-Volterra type system, with S. Méléard and S. Mirrahimi, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 20:469-493, 2015. (link)

  • Thesis: link.


  • You can find the C++ program that has been used for simulations of the article "Convergence of an infinite dimensional stochastic process to a spatially structured trait substitution sequence", link.


  • Post-doctorant-es :
  • Josué Tchouanti (2023-), co-encadrement : Amaury Lambert, Hélène Morlon.
  • Céline Bonnet (2020-2023), co-encadrement : Pierre Martinez.
  • Thuy Vo (2021-2022), co-encadrement : Amaury Lambert, Hélène Morlon.
  •  Doctorant :
    • Vianney Brouard (2021-), co-encadrement : Vincent Calvez.
  • Mémoire de master/licence :
  • Alice Fohr (M2, 2023), co-encadrement : Frédérique Clément.
  • Victor Gerner (L3, école d’ingénieur, 2022), co-encadrement : Céline Bonnet.
  • Hanane Hassainia (M2, 2021), co-encadrement : Arnaud Vigneron.
  • Vianney Brouard (M2, 2020).
  • Yéma Paul (M1, 2020).
  • Camilo González González (M2, 2018), co-encadrement : Juan Carlos Pardo.

Inria UMPA