Extended equipartition in a mechanical system subject to a heat flow: the case of localised dissipation

Alex Fontana, Richard Pedurand, Ludovic Bellon, J. Stat. Mech. 073206 (2020)


Statistical physics in equilibrium grants us one of its most powerful tools: the equipartition principle. It states that the degrees of freedom of a mechanical system act as a thermometer: temperature is equal to the mean variance of their oscillations divided by their stiffness. However, when a non-equilibrium state is considered, this principle is no longer valid. In our experiment, we study the fluctuations of a micro-cantilever subject to a strong heat flow, which creates a highly non-uniform local temperature. We measure independently the temperature profile of the object and the temperature yielded from the mechanical thermometers, thus testing the validity of the equipartition principle out of equilibrium. We demonstrate how the fluctuations of the most energetic degrees of freedom are equivalent to the temperature at the base of the cantilever, even when the average temperature is several hundreds of degrees higher. We then present a model based on the localised mechanical dissipation in the system to account for our results, which correspond to mechanical losses localised at the clamping position.

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Instrumentation for Thermal Noise Spectroscopy

Richard Pedurand, PhD Thesis, Université de Lyon (2019)

hal: tel-02612035

La rĂ©solution des interfĂ©romètres gravitationnels est limitĂ©e par le mouvement Brownien – ou bruit thermique – de leurs miroirs dans la partie centrale de leur bande de dĂ©tection, entre 10Hz et 1kHz. La rĂ©partition en frĂ©quence de ce bruit thermique est dictĂ©e par les mĂ©canismes de dissipation d’Ă©nergie mĂ©canique Ă  l’origine de cette vibration alĂ©atoire, en accord avec le thĂ©orème fluctuation-dissipation. Cette dissipation provient principalement des revĂŞtements optiques dĂ©posĂ©s sur les miroirs pour leur donner leur rĂ©flectivitĂ©. Dans le but de rĂ©duire le bruit thermique, une nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration de dĂ©tecteurs d’ondes gravitationnelles employant des miroirs refroidis Ă  tempĂ©rature cryogĂ©nique a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©e. Le dĂ©veloppement de nouveaux matĂ©riaux optiques en couche mince Ă  faible dissipation mĂ©canique, opĂ©rant Ă  la fois Ă  tempĂ©rature ambiante et tempĂ©rature cryogĂ©nique, demande donc de nouveaux outils expĂ©rimentaux. L’objet principal de cette thèse est la construction d’un nouvel instrument, le CryoQPDI, qui consiste en l’association d’un interfĂ©romètre haute rĂ©solution et d’un cryostat basĂ© sur un refroidisseur pulse tube. Il est capable de mesurer directement le mouvement Brownien d’un microlevier entre 300K et 7K. En combinant des mesures effectuĂ©es sur un microlevier avant et après le dĂ©pĂ´t d’une couche mince, il est possible de caractĂ©riser la dissipation mĂ©canique interne de cette couche mince. Cet instrument participera ainsi Ă  l’optimisation des revĂŞtements optiques des futurs interfĂ©romètres gravitationnels, dans le but de minimiser les nuisances dues au bruit thermique

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Extended Nyquist formula for a resistance subject to a heat flow

Benjamin Monnet, Sergio Ciliberto and Ludovic Bellon, J. Stat. Mech. 104011 (2019)


The Nyquist formula quantifies the thermal noise driven fluctuations of voltage across a resistance in equilibrium. We deal here with the case of a resistance driven out of equilibrium by putting it in contact with two thermostats at different temperatures. We reach a non-equilibrium steady state where a heat flux is flowing through the resistance. Our measurements demonstrate anyway that a simple extension of the Nyquist formula to the non uniform temperature field describes with an excellent precision the thermal noise. For a metallic ohmic material, the fluctuations are actually equivalent to those of a resistance in equilibrium with a single thermostat at the mean temperature between the hot and cold sources. 

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Method for estimating a stiffness of a deformable part

Ludovic Bellon, Patent US 2019/011343

A method for estimating a stiffness of a deformable part of a system including a four-photodiode detector for analyzing at least one characteristic of a sample. The method includes receiving the signals recorded by the four photodiodes, calculating the resultant signals from the recorded signals, calculating a cross-correlation of the resultant signals calculated for obtaining an intercorrelated signal, estimating the stiffness of the deformable part depending on the intercorrelated signal.

Patent information and full text on Espacenet: US 2019/011343

Detecting protein folding by thermal fluctuations of microcantilevers

Romina Muñoz, Felipe Aguilar-Sandoval, Ludovic Bellon, and Francisco Melo, PLoS ONE 12, e0189979 (2017)

doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189979

The accurate characterization of proteins in both their native and denatured states is essential to effectively understand protein function, folding and stability. As a proof of concept, a micro rheological method is applied, based on the characterization of thermal fluctuations of a micro cantilever immersed in a bovine serum albumin solution, to assess changes in the viscosity associated with modifications in the protein’s structure under the denaturant effect of urea. Through modeling the power spectrum density of the cantilever’s fluctuations over a broad frequency band, it is possible to implement a fitting procedure to accurately determine the viscosity of the fluid, even at low volumes. Increases in viscosity during the denaturant process are identified using the assumption that the protein is a hard sphere, with a hydrodynamic radius that increases during unfolding. This is modeled accordingly through the Einstein-Batchelor formula. The Einstein-Batchelor formula estimates are verified through dynamic light scattering, which measures the hydrodynamic radius of proteins. Thus, this methodology is proven to be suitable for the study of protein folding in samples of small size at vanishing shear stresses.

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ProcĂ©dĂ© d’estimation d’une raideur d’une partie dĂ©formable

Ludovic Bellon, brevet FR3046466

N° et date de dépôt : FR1563492, 31/12/2015
N° et date de priorité : FR1563492, 31/12/2015
N° et date de publication de la demande : FR3046466, 07/07/2017

La prĂ©sente invention concerne un procĂ©dĂ© d’estimation d’une raideur d’une partie dĂ©formable d’un système incluant un dĂ©tecteur Ă  quatre photodiodes pour l’analyse d’au moins une caractĂ©ristique d’un Ă©chantillon, le procĂ©dĂ© comprenant, les Ă©tapes consistant Ă  : – recevoir (10) les signaux enregistrĂ©s par les quatre photodiodes, – calculer (20) des signaux rĂ©sultants Ă  partir des signaux enregistrĂ©s, – corrĂ©ler (30) les signaux rĂ©sultants calculĂ©s pour obtenir un signal corrĂ©lĂ©, – estimer (40) la raideur de la partie dĂ©formable en fonction du signal corrĂ©lĂ©.

Notice et texte du brevet sur le site de l’INPI : FR3046466

ProcĂ©dĂ© de caractĂ©risation des propriĂ©tes rhĂ©ologiques d’un materiau

Basile Pottier, Ludovic Bellon, Brevet FR3046460

N° et date de publication de la demande : FR3046460 – 07/07/2017
N° et date de dépôt FR1563493 : 31/12/2015
N° et date de priorité FR1563493 : 31/12/2015

La prĂ©sente invention concerne un procĂ©dĂ© de caractĂ©risation des propriĂ©tĂ©s rhĂ©ologiques d’un matĂ©riau Ă  partir de signaux enregistrĂ©s dans un système d’analyse incluant : – une source pour Ă©mettre un faisceau lumineux vers le matĂ©riau, – un capteur en aval de la source pour dĂ©tecter le faisceau rĂ©flĂ©chi ou transmis par le matĂ©riau, le dĂ©tecteur incluant au moins deux photodĂ©tecteurs pour enregistrer chacun un signal reprĂ©sentatif d’une portion respective du faisceau rĂ©flĂ©chi ou transmis par le matĂ©riau, le procĂ©dĂ© comprenant les Ă©tapes consistant Ă  :
○ recevoir (10) les signaux enregistrés par les photodétecteurs,
○ calculer (20) des premier et deuxième signaux résultants à partir des signaux enregistrés,
○ corréler (30) les premier et deuxième signaux résultants pour obtenir un signal corrélé,
○ modéliser (40) la déformation du matériau en fonction des signaux corrélés pour déterminer les propriétés rhéologiques du matériau.

Notice et texte intĂ©gral sur le site de l’INPI : FR3046460

Low thermal fluctuations in a system heated out of equilibrium

Mickael Geitner, Felipe Aguilar Sandoval, Eric Bertin and Ludovic Bellon, Phys. Rev. E 95, 032138

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.95.032138

We study the mechanical fluctuations of a micrometer sized silicon cantilever subjected to a strong heat flow, thus having a highly non-uniform local temperature. In this non-equilibrium steady state, we show that fluctuations are equivalent to the thermal noise of a cantilever at equilibrium around room temperature, while its mean local temperature is several hundred of degrees higher. Changing the mechanical dissipation by adding a coating to the cantilever, we recover the expected rise of fluctuations with the mean temperature. Our work demonstrates that inhomogeneous dissipation mechanisms can decouple the amplitude of thermal fluctuations from the average temperature. This property could be useful to understand out-of-equilibrium fluctuating systems, or to engineer low noise instruments.

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Dynamic stiffness of the contact between a carbon nanotube and a flat substrate in a peeling geometry

Tianjun Li,  Lorène Champougny and Ludovic Bellon,  Journal of Applied Physics 121, 094305 (2017)

doi: 10.1063/1.4977867

We study the physics of adhesion and the contact mechanics at the nanoscale with a peeling experiment of a carbon nanotube on a flat substrate. Using an interferometric atomic force microscope and an extended force modulation protocol, we investigate the frequency response of the stiffness of the nano-contact from DC to 20 kHz. We show that this dynamic stiffness is only weakly frequency dependent, increasing by a factor 2 when the frequency grows by 3 orders of magnitude. Such behavior may be the signature of amorphous relaxations during the mechanical solicitation at the nano-scale.

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