[26] |
C. Jeon, S. Boury, K.-H. Cho, J.-H. Park, and T. Peacock. Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. Observation of temporal and spatial variability of deep near-inertial waves in the western Arctic Ocean. |
[25] |
C.R. Meyer, J.J. Buffo, F. Nimmo, A. Wells, S. Boury, M. Fox-Powell, T.C. Tomlinson, J.R.G. Parkinson, and G. Vasil. Geophysical Research Letters, 52, e2024GL111929 (2025). A potential mushy source for the geysers of Enceladus and other icy satellites. |
[24] |
S. Boury, B.R. Sutherland, S. Joubaud, T. Peacock and P. Odier. Physical Review Fluids, 9, 124801 (2024). Axisymmetric internal wave tunneling. |
[23] |
S. Joubaud, S. Boury, and P. Odier. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 25:S3, 1-27 (2024). Internal gravity waves versus inertial waves in the laboratory -- Ondes internes de gravity versus ondes inertielles au laboratoire. |
[22] |
S. Boury, S. Weady, and L. Ristroph. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121, e2322411121 (2024). Yardangs sculpted by erosion of heterogeneous material. |
[21] |
S. Boury, S. Weady, and L. Ristroph. Physical Review Fluids, 8, 110503 (2023). Sculpting the Sphinx. |
[20] |
S. Boury, O. Bühler, and J. Shatah. Physical Review E, 108, 055101 (2023). Fast-Slow Wave Transitions Induced by a Random Mean Flow. |
[19] |
S. Boury, P. Maurer, S. Joubaud, T. Peacock, and P. Odier. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 957, A20 (2023). Triadic resonant instability in confined and unconfined axisymmetric geometries. |
[18] |
S. Boury, R. Supekar, E.C. Fine, R. Musgrave, J.B. Mickett, G. Voet, P. Odier, T. Peacock, J.A. MacKinnon, and M. Alford. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2022JC018906 (2022). Observations of Double Diffusive Staircase Edges in the Arctic Ocean. |
[17] |
J. Devautour Choi and S. Boury. Digital Creativity, 33:2, 157-170 (2022). Random walks through poetry. |
[16] |
S. Boury. Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens, 116:795--808, 1046 (2022). Le phénomène de double diffusion. |
[15] |
H. Piot-Durand--Lecomte, N. Dagès, A. Gayout, S. Vincent, S. Boury. Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens, 115:1013--1025, 1038 (2021). Une introduction à la viscosité : des fluides simples aux fluides complexes. |
[14] |
S. Boury, C.R. Meyer, G. Vasil, and A. Wells. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 926, A33 (2021). Convection in a mushy layer along a vertical heated wall. |
[13] |
S. Boury, I. Sibgatullin, E. Ermanyuk, N. Shmakova, P. Odier, S. Joubaud, L.R.M. Maas, and T. Dauxois. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 926, A12 (2021). Vortex cluster arising from an axisymmetric inertial wave attractor. |
[12] |
S. Boury, T. Peacock, and P. Odier. Physical Review Fluids, 6:064801 (2021). Experimental generation of axisymmetric internal wave super-harmonics. |
[11] |
J.A. MacKinnon, H.L. Simmons, J. Hargrove, J. Thomson, T. Peacock, M.H. Alford, B. Barton, S. Boury, S. Brenner, N. Couto, S. Danielson, E.C. Fine, H. Graber, J. Guthrie, J.E. Hopkins, S. Jayne, T. Klenz, C. Lee, Y.-D. Lenn, A.J. Lucas, B. Lund, C. Mahaffey, L. Rainville, M. Smith, S. Torres-Valdes, and K. Wood. Nature Communications, 12:2418 (2021). A warm jet in a cold ocean. |
[10] |
S. Boury, S. Joubaud, and M. Le Bars. Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens, 114:617--633, 23211 (2020). Pourquoi les meddies existent-ils ? |
[9] |
S. Boury, R.S. Pickart, P. Odier, P. Lin, M. Li, E.C. Fine, H.L. Simmons, J.A. MacKinnon, and T. Peacock. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50:1717--1732 (2020). Whither the Chukchi Slope Current? |
[8] |
S. Boury, P. Odier, and T. Peacock. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 886, A8 (2020). Axisymmetric internal wave transmission and resonant interference in non-linear stratifications. |
[7] |
S. Boury, H. Piot-Durand, L. Menou, R. Menu, and J. Thibaut. Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens, 114:145--156, 23145 (2020). Vagues solitaires: tsunamis en laboratoire. |
[6] |
S. Boury, T. Peacock, and P. Odier. Physical Review Fluids (Editor's Suggestion), 4:034802 (2019). Excitation and resonant enhancement of axisymmetric internal waves. |
[5] |
S. Boury, V. de Zotti, and C.-E. Lecomte. Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens, 112:1249--1259, 22806 (2018). Pourquoi le sablier a-t-il remplacé la clepsydre ? |
[4] |
S. Boury, B. Thiria, R. Godoy-Diana, G. Artana, J.E. Wesfreid, and J. D'Adamo. Physical Review Fluids (Rapid Communication), 3:091901 (2018). Forced wakes far from threshold: Stuart–Landau equation applied to experimental data. |
[3] |
J. Crassous, A. Humeau, S. Boury, and J. Casas. Reflets de la physique, 58, 16--19 (2018). Pièges à fourmis. |
[2] |
V. de Zotti, S. Boury, P. Husseini, H. Piot-Durand, and C. Rouvière. Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens, 112:725--735, 22711 (2018). Des courants de gravité en laboratoire. |
[1] |
J. Crassous, A. Humeau, S. Boury, and J. Casas. Physical Review Letters (Editor's Suggestion), 119 (5), 058003 (2017). Pressure-Dependent Friction on Granular Slopes Close to Avalanche. |