Honors Calculus III (UA-0129)
In Fall 2022 and Spring 2023, I taught the undergraduate course of Honors Calculus III (NYU, math department), covering the bases of multivariable calculus and vector analysis.

Honors Analysis I (UA-0328)
In Spring 2022, I taught the undergraduate course of Honors Analysis I at Courant (NYU, math department). The course targets fundamentals of analysis such as sequences and series of numbers, continuity, differentiation, and integration of functions, as well as sequences and series of functions.
Introduction to Math Analysis II (GA-1420)
In Spring 2021, I taught a Graduate course at Courant (NYU, math department) on Analysis. It covers fundamentals of topology of the real ensemble, Lebesgue mesure and integration theory, Fourier series and transforms, notably. You will find here materials for this class (in English).

Analytical Mechanics & Special Relativity
In 2018-2020, I taught a M2 class (préparation à l'agrégation, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France) on Analytical Mechanics (variationnal principles, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics, Noether's theorem) and Einstein's theory of relativity. You will find here materials for this class (in French).