Tangui Le Bahers

Principal Investigator of the ANR TeneMod.

I am a computational chemist, lecturer of the University Claude Bernard Lyon and member of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Lyon (UMR 5182). I have developed an expertise in optoelectronic properties of semiconductors and in spectroscopy. I decided to use my knowledge in computational spectroscopy and in solid state chemistry to investigate the fascinating tenebrescent materials.



Pauline Colinet

PhD student of the TeneMod project (2018-2021 period).

Pauline has a M2 degree and studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon in the chemistry department. She is improving the methodology developed during the internships of Antton and Aria, and she will apply the new methodology to other tenebrescent minerals.



Antton Curutchet

Master student (2016 period)

Antton has a M2 degree and studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon in the chemistry department. Antton was my master student during my first investigation of tenebrescent materials (work published in Inorganic Chemistry). He is now PhD student under my supervision on another project (water splitting project).



Aria Gheeraert

Master student (2017 period)

Aria has a M2 degree and studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon in the chemistry department. Aria continued the work of Antton during a 4 months M1 internship. She is now in 4th of ENS Lyon scholarship.



Umit Alci

M1 internship (2020)

Umit is a M1 student in chemistry at the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University. During his internship, he worked on the modelling of the absorption spectra of F-centers in aluminosilicates. He is now M2 student at the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University.



Quentin Desdion

stage de M2 (2021)

Quentin is a M2 student at the Bordeaux university. During his internship, he worked on the modelling of the polychromic minerals. (alexandrite, cordierite...)




Mika Lastusaari

External collaboration

Mika is at the head of the Inorganic Material Chemistry Group of Turku University (Finland).

He and his team are performing the experimental investigations of tenebrescent minerals properties.