Library RelationAlgebra.move

move: simple tactics allowing to move subterms inside products

(by exploiting commutation hypotheses from the context)

Require Import kat normalisation rewriting kat_tac.

Local Infix " ;" := (dot _ _ _) (left associativity, at level 40): ra_terms.

Lemma rmov_x_str `{L: monoid.laws} `{Hl: STR l} {n} (x e: X n n):
  x;e e;x x;e^* e^*;x.
Proof. apply str_move. Qed.

Lemma rmov_x_itr `{L: monoid.laws} `{Hl: STR l} {n} (x e: X n n):
  x;e e;x x;e^+ e^+;x.
Proof. apply itr_move. Qed.

Lemma rmov_x_pls `{L: monoid.laws} `{Hl: CUP l} {n m} x y (e f: X n m):
  x;e e;y x;f f;y x;(e+f) (e+f);y.
Proof. intros. ra_normalise. now apply cup_weq. Qed.

Lemma rmov_x_dot `{L: monoid.laws} {n m p} x y z (e: X n m) (f: X m p):
  x;e e;y y;f f;z x;(e;f) (e;f);z.
Proof. intros He Hf. rewrite dotA, He, <-dotA, Hf. apply dotA. Qed.

Lemma rmov_x_1 `{L: monoid.laws} {n} (x: X n n): x;1 1;x.
Proof. ra. Qed.

Lemma rmov_x_0 `{L: monoid.laws} `{Hl:BOT l} {n m p q} (x: X n m) (y: X p q): x;0 0;y.
Proof. ra. Qed.

Lemma rmov_x_cap `{L: laws} {n} (x: X n n) a b:
  x;[a] [a];x x;[b] [b];x x;[a b] [a b];x.
Proof. hkat. Qed.

Lemma rmov_x_cup `{L: laws} {n} (x: X n n) a b:
  x;[a] [a];x x;[b] [b];x x;[a b] [a b];x.
Proof. hkat. Qed.

Lemma rmov_x_neg `{L: laws} {n} (x: X n n) a:
  x;[a] [a];x x;[!a] [!a];x.
Proof. hkat. Qed.

Lemma rmov_inj `{L: laws} {n} (a b: tst n): [a][b] [b][a].
Proof. kat. Qed.

Ltac solve_rmov :=
    [ eassumption
    | symmetry; eassumption
    | eapply rmov_x_dot
    | apply rmov_x_pls
    | apply rmov_x_str
    | apply rmov_x_itr
    | apply rmov_x_cap
    | apply rmov_x_cup
    | apply rmov_x_neg
    | apply rmov_inj
    | apply rmov_x_1
    | apply rmov_x_0 ]; solve_rmov.

Ltac rmov1 x :=
  rewrite ?dotA;
  match goal with
    | |- context [@dot ?X ?n ?n ?m x ?e] ⇒
      let H := fresh "H" in
      let y := fresh "y" in
      evar (y: car (X m m));
      assert (H: x;e e;y) by (subst y; solve_rmov);
      rewrite H; subst y; clear H
    | |- context [@dot ?X _ ?n ?m (?f;x) ?e] ⇒
      let H := fresh "H" in
      let y := fresh "y" in
      evar (y: car (X m m));
      assert (H: x;e e;y) by (subst y; solve_rmov);
      rewrite <-(dotA f x e), H; subst y; clear H

Ltac lmov1 x :=
  rewrite <-?dotA;
  match goal with
    | |- context [@dot ?X ?m ?n ?n ?e x] ⇒
      let H := fresh "H" in
      let y := fresh "y" in
      evar (y: car (X m m));
      assert (H: y;e e;x) by (subst y; solve_rmov);
      rewrite <-H; subst y; clear H
    | |- context [@dot ?X ?m _ _ ?e (x;?f)] ⇒
      let H := fresh "H" in
      let y := fresh "y" in
      evar (y: car (X m m));
      assert (H: y;e e;x) by (subst y; solve_rmov);
      rewrite (dotA e x f), <-H; subst y; clear H