
Informatique Fondamentale stands for computer science foundations.

PhD (2022-, ENS de Lyon)

Graphs of bounded treewidth: algebraic and categorical approaches, supervised by Amina Doumane and Damien Pous.

PLR (2021-2022, ENS de Lyon)

  • Internship: Axiomatization of the isomorphism of graphs of treewidth at most kk, supervised by Amina Doumane and Damien Pous;
  • Internship: Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality, the return, supervised by Jurriaan Rot.

M2 Informatique Fondamentale (2019-2020, ENS de Lyon)

M1 Informatique Fondamentale (2018-2019, ENS de Lyon)

L3 Informatique Fondamentale (2017-2018, ENS de Lyon)