Library RelationAlgebra.gregex
gregex: generalised typed regular expressions, for KAT
- typed because we have to prove KAT completeness at the typed level
- generalised w.r.t. regular expressions since it has to embeds Boolean expressions, for tests
I is the set of objects of the category (or types, or indices)
Sigma is the set of (Kleene) variables, those interpreted as relations, for instance
pred is the number of predicate variables (elementary tests), so
that tests are just expressions with variables in ord pred
Note that we do not type elementary tests: we shall actually prove
a specific untyping theorem about KAT which makes this possible
generalised regular expressions are just typed regular
expressions, with an additional constructor, g_prd, for embedding
Boolean expressions
Inductive gregex: I → I → Set :=
| g_zer: ∀ {n m}, gregex n m
| g_prd: ∀ {n} (a: expr (ord pred)), gregex n n
| g_var: ∀ (i: Sigma), gregex (src i) (tgt i)
| g_pls: ∀ n m (e f: gregex n m), gregex n m
| g_dot: ∀ n m p (e: gregex n m) (f: gregex m p), gregex n p
| g_itr: ∀ n (e: gregex n n), gregex n n.
| g_zer: ∀ {n m}, gregex n m
| g_prd: ∀ {n} (a: expr (ord pred)), gregex n n
| g_var: ∀ (i: Sigma), gregex (src i) (tgt i)
| g_pls: ∀ n m (e f: gregex n m), gregex n m
| g_dot: ∀ n m p (e: gregex n m) (f: gregex m p), gregex n p
| g_itr: ∀ n (e: gregex n n), gregex n n.
1 is derived, as the injection of the top expression
to interpret an expressions, we need:
- a KAT X,
- an interpretation fo of syntactic types (I)
- a properly typed interpretation fs of each Kleene variable
- an interpretation fp of each predicate variable into the tests of X, at each type n
Context {X: kat.ops}.
Variable fo: I → ob X.
Variable fp: ∀ n, ord pred → tst (fo n).
Variable fs: ∀ i, X (fo (src i)) (fo (tgt i)).
Fixpoint eval n m (e: gregex n m): X (fo n) (fo m) :=
match e with
| g_zer ⇒ 0
| @g_prd n p ⇒ [lsyntax.eval (fp n) p]
| g_pls e f ⇒ eval e + eval f
| g_dot e f ⇒ eval e ⋅ eval f
| g_itr e ⇒ (eval e)^+
| g_var i ⇒ fs i
End e.
Variable fo: I → ob X.
Variable fp: ∀ n, ord pred → tst (fo n).
Variable fs: ∀ i, X (fo (src i)) (fo (tgt i)).
Fixpoint eval n m (e: gregex n m): X (fo n) (fo m) :=
match e with
| g_zer ⇒ 0
| @g_prd n p ⇒ [lsyntax.eval (fp n) p]
| g_pls e f ⇒ eval e + eval f
| g_dot e f ⇒ eval e ⋅ eval f
| g_itr e ⇒ (eval e)^+
| g_var i ⇒ fs i
End e.
generalised regular expressions form a model of KAT
Definition g_leq n m (x y: gregex n m) :=
∀ X (L: kat.laws X) fo fp fa, @eval X fo fp fa n m x ≦ @eval X fo fp fa n m y.
Definition g_weq n m (x y: gregex n m) :=
∀ X (L: kat.laws X) fo fp fa, @eval X fo fp fa n m x ≡ @eval X fo fp fa n m y.
∀ X (L: kat.laws X) fo fp fa, @eval X fo fp fa n m x ≦ @eval X fo fp fa n m y.
Definition g_weq n m (x y: gregex n m) :=
∀ X (L: kat.laws X) fo fp fa, @eval X fo fp fa n m x ≡ @eval X fo fp fa n m y.
packing all operations using canonical structures
Canonical Structure gregex_lattice_ops n m := {|
car := gregex n m;
leq := @g_leq n m;
weq := @g_weq n m;
cup := @g_pls n m;
bot := @g_zer n m;
cap := assert_false (@g_pls n m);
top := assert_false (@g_zer n m);
neg := assert_false id
Canonical Structure gregex_monoid_ops := {|
ob := I;
mor := gregex_lattice_ops;
dot := g_dot;
one := @g_one;
itr := g_itr;
str := g_str;
cnv n m := assert_false (fun _ ⇒ bot);
ldv n m p := assert_false (fun _ _ ⇒ bot);
rdv n m p := assert_false (fun _ _ ⇒ bot)
Canonical Structure gregex_kat_ops :=
kat.mk_ops gregex_monoid_ops (fun n ⇒ expr_ops _ BL) (@g_prd).
car := gregex n m;
leq := @g_leq n m;
weq := @g_weq n m;
cup := @g_pls n m;
bot := @g_zer n m;
cap := assert_false (@g_pls n m);
top := assert_false (@g_zer n m);
neg := assert_false id
Canonical Structure gregex_monoid_ops := {|
ob := I;
mor := gregex_lattice_ops;
dot := g_dot;
one := @g_one;
itr := g_itr;
str := g_str;
cnv n m := assert_false (fun _ ⇒ bot);
ldv n m p := assert_false (fun _ _ ⇒ bot);
rdv n m p := assert_false (fun _ _ ⇒ bot)
Canonical Structure gregex_kat_ops :=
kat.mk_ops gregex_monoid_ops (fun n ⇒ expr_ops _ BL) (@g_prd).
lattice laws
Global Instance gregex_lattice_laws n m: lattice.laws BKA (gregex_lattice_ops n m).
constructor; try right; try discriminate. constructor.
intros x X L fo fa fs. reflexivity.
intros x y z H H' X L fo fa fs. transitivity (eval fo fa fs y); auto.
intros x y. split.
intro H. split; intros X L fo fa fs. now apply weq_leq, H. now apply weq_geq, H.
intros [H H'] X L fo fa fs. apply antisym; auto.
intros Hl x y z. split.
intro H. split; intros X L fo fa fs; specialize (H X L fo fa fs); simpl in H; hlattice.
intros [H H'] X L fo fa fs. simpl. apply cup_spec; auto.
intros x X L fo fa fs. apply leq_bx.
constructor; try right; try discriminate. constructor.
intros x X L fo fa fs. reflexivity.
intros x y z H H' X L fo fa fs. transitivity (eval fo fa fs y); auto.
intros x y. split.
intro H. split; intros X L fo fa fs. now apply weq_leq, H. now apply weq_geq, H.
intros [H H'] X L fo fa fs. apply antisym; auto.
intros Hl x y z. split.
intro H. split; intros X L fo fa fs; specialize (H X L fo fa fs); simpl in H; hlattice.
intros [H H'] X L fo fa fs. simpl. apply cup_spec; auto.
intros x X L fo fa fs. apply leq_bx.
kleene algebra laws
Global Instance gregex_monoid_laws: monoid.laws BKA gregex_monoid_ops.
constructor; (try discriminate); repeat right; repeat intro; simpl.
apply gregex_lattice_laws.
apply dotA.
rewrite inj_top. apply dot1x.
rewrite inj_top. apply dotx1.
apply dot_leq; auto.
now rewrite dotplsx.
now rewrite dotxpls.
now rewrite dot0x.
now rewrite dotx0.
rewrite inj_top, <-str_itr. apply str_cons.
rewrite inj_top, <-str_itr. apply str_ind_l. now refine (H0 _ _ _ _ _).
rewrite inj_top, <-str_itr. apply str_ind_r. now refine (H0 _ _ _ _ _).
rewrite inj_top, <-str_itr. apply itr_str_l.
constructor; (try discriminate); repeat right; repeat intro; simpl.
apply gregex_lattice_laws.
apply dotA.
rewrite inj_top. apply dot1x.
rewrite inj_top. apply dotx1.
apply dot_leq; auto.
now rewrite dotplsx.
now rewrite dotxpls.
now rewrite dot0x.
now rewrite dotx0.
rewrite inj_top, <-str_itr. apply str_cons.
rewrite inj_top, <-str_itr. apply str_ind_l. now refine (H0 _ _ _ _ _).
rewrite inj_top, <-str_itr. apply str_ind_r. now refine (H0 _ _ _ _ _).
rewrite inj_top, <-str_itr. apply itr_str_l.
KAT laws
Global Instance gregex_kat_laws: kat.laws gregex_kat_ops.
constructor. apply gregex_monoid_laws. intro. apply lower_lattice_laws.
constructor; try discriminate; repeat intro.
apply inj_leq, H, tst_BL.
apply inj_weq, H, tst_BL.
apply inj_cup.
apply inj_bot.
repeat intro. apply inj_cap.
constructor. apply gregex_monoid_laws. intro. apply lower_lattice_laws.
constructor; try discriminate; repeat intro.
apply inj_leq, H, tst_BL.
apply inj_weq, H, tst_BL.
apply inj_cup.
apply inj_bot.
repeat intro. apply inj_cap.
additional properties of the injection (g_prd)
Definition inj_cup := @inj_cup _ gregex_kat_laws.
Definition inj_bot := @inj_bot _ gregex_kat_laws.
Definition inj_cap := @inj_cap _ gregex_kat_laws.
Definition inj_top := @inj_top _ gregex_kat_laws.
Definition inj_weq := @inj_weq _ gregex_kat_laws.
Definition inj_leq := @inj_leq _ gregex_kat_laws.
Lemma inj_sup n I J (f: I → expr_ BL): @g_prd n (sup f J) ≡ \sup_(i\in J) g_prd (f i).
Proof. apply f_sup_weq. apply inj_bot. apply inj_cup. Qed.
Definition inj_bot := @inj_bot _ gregex_kat_laws.
Definition inj_cap := @inj_cap _ gregex_kat_laws.
Definition inj_top := @inj_top _ gregex_kat_laws.
Definition inj_weq := @inj_weq _ gregex_kat_laws.
Definition inj_leq := @inj_leq _ gregex_kat_laws.
Lemma inj_sup n I J (f: I → expr_ BL): @g_prd n (sup f J) ≡ \sup_(i\in J) g_prd (f i).
Proof. apply f_sup_weq. apply inj_bot. apply inj_cup. Qed.
injection of atoms
(guarded string) language of a generalised regular expression.
unlike for regular expressions, we define it inductively
this interpretation function is a KA morphism, by definition
Global Instance lang_leq n m: Proper (leq ==> leq) (@lang n m).
Proof. intros e f H. apply H. apply tglang_kat_laws. Qed.
Global Instance lang_weq n m: Proper (weq ==> weq) (@lang n m) := op_leq_weq_1.
Lemma lang_0 n m: @lang n m 0 = 0.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma lang_1 n: @lang n n 1 ≡ 1.
Proof. intros [|]; simpl; intuition. Qed.
Lemma lang_pls n m (e f: gregex n m): lang (e+f) = lang e + lang f.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma lang_dot n m p (e: gregex n m) (f: gregex m p): lang (e⋅f) = lang e ⋅ lang f.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma lang_itr n (e: gregex n n): lang (e^+) = (lang e)^+.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma lang_sup n m I J (f: I → _): @lang n m (sup f J) = \sup_(i\in J) lang (f i).
Proof. apply f_sup_eq; now f_equal. Qed.
languages of atoms
Lemma lang_atom n a: lang (g_atom n a) ≡ tatom n a.
intros [b|]. 2: intros; compute; intuition discriminate.
simpl. setoid_rewrite eval_var.
split. intros H. now apply eval_atom in H as <-.
intro E. injection E. clear E. intros <-.
unfold atom. rewrite eval_inf.
rewrite is_true_inf. intros i _.
case_eq (set.mem a i); simpl; intros ->; reflexivity.
End s.
Arguments g_var {pred src tgt} i.