Library RelationAlgebra.kat_reification
kat_reification: various definitions to ease the KAT reification process
Require Import lsyntax ordinal lset.
Require Export positives kat gregex syntax.
Section s.
Notation Idx := positive. Notation Sigma := positive. Notation Pred := positive.
Context {X: kat.ops}.
Dependently types positive maps
Inductive v: (Idx → ob X) → Type :=
| v_L: ∀ f', v f'
| v_N: ∀ f',
v (fun n ⇒ f' (xO n)) →
(Pred → tst (f' xH)) →
v (fun n ⇒ f' (xI n)) → v f'.
| v_L: ∀ f', v f'
| v_N: ∀ f',
v (fun n ⇒ f' (xO n)) →
(Pred → tst (f' xH)) →
v (fun n ⇒ f' (xI n)) → v f'.
v_get transforms such a tree into the corresponding function,
using to fill the gaps
Fixpoint v_get f' (t: v f') n p: tst (f' n) :=
match t with
| v_L _ ⇒
| v_N _ l m r ⇒
match n with
| xO n ⇒ v_get _ l n p
| xI n ⇒ v_get _ r n p
| xH ⇒ m p
match t with
| v_L _ ⇒
| v_N _ l m r ⇒
match n with
| xO n ⇒ v_get _ l n p
| xI n ⇒ v_get _ r n p
| xH ⇒ m p
Fixpoint v_add f' (t: v f') n: (Pred → tst (f' n)) → v f' :=
match t with
| v_L f' ⇒
match n with
| xH ⇒ fun x ⇒ v_N _ (v_L _) x (v_L _)
| xO n ⇒ fun x ⇒ v_N _
(v_add (fun n ⇒ f' (xO n)) (v_L _) n x) (fun _ ⇒ (v_L _)
| xI n ⇒ fun x ⇒ v_N _
(v_L _) (fun _ ⇒ (v_add (fun n ⇒ f' (xI n)) (v_L _) n x)
| v_N f' l y r ⇒
match n with
| xH ⇒ fun x ⇒ v_N _ l x r
| xO n ⇒ fun x ⇒ v_N _ (v_add (fun n ⇒ f' (xO n)) l n x) y r
| xI n ⇒ fun x ⇒ v_N _ l y (v_add (fun n ⇒ f' (xI n)) r n x)
match t with
| v_L f' ⇒
match n with
| xH ⇒ fun x ⇒ v_N _ (v_L _) x (v_L _)
| xO n ⇒ fun x ⇒ v_N _
(v_add (fun n ⇒ f' (xO n)) (v_L _) n x) (fun _ ⇒ (v_L _)
| xI n ⇒ fun x ⇒ v_N _
(v_L _) (fun _ ⇒ (v_add (fun n ⇒ f' (xI n)) (v_L _) n x)
| v_N f' l y r ⇒
match n with
| xH ⇒ fun x ⇒ v_N _ l x r
| xO n ⇒ fun x ⇒ v_N _ (v_add (fun n ⇒ f' (xO n)) l n x) y r
| xI n ⇒ fun x ⇒ v_N _ l y (v_add (fun n ⇒ f' (xI n)) r n x)
reified KAT expressions are just generic expressions
(syntax.expr) over the following alphabet, which includes
lsyntax.expr for Boolean expressions. The index type of the
Boolean expressions is declared only once, at the e_var nodes
switching from syntax.expr to lsyntax.expr
typing functions for this alphabet: use the packages for Kleene
variables, and the declared type for Boolean expressions
Definition s' (a: var) := match a with inl a ⇒ src_ fs a | inr (n,_) ⇒ n end.
Definition t' (a: var) := match a with inl a ⇒ tgt_ fs a | inr (n,_) ⇒ n end.
Definition t' (a: var) := match a with inl a ⇒ tgt_ fs a | inr (n,_) ⇒ n end.
final type of reified KAT expressions
additional constructors:
Definition e_inj n p: kat_expr n n := e_var (inr (n,p)).
Definition e_var i: kat_expr (src_ fs i) (tgt_ fs i) := e_var (inl i).
Definition p_var := @lsyntax.e_var Pred.
Section e.
Definition e_var i: kat_expr (src_ fs i) (tgt_ fs i) := e_var (inl i).
Definition p_var := @lsyntax.e_var Pred.
Section e.
Interpretation of KAT reified expressions
Variable fp: ∀ n, Pred → tst (f' n).
Definition eval: ∀ n m, kat_expr n m → X (f' n) (f' m) :=
syntax.eval (fun a ⇒
match a return X (f' (s' a)) (f' (t' a)) with
| inl a ⇒ val (fs a)
| inr (n,p) ⇒ inj (lsyntax.eval (fp n) p)
End e.
Fixpoint vars {n m} (e: kat_expr n m): list Pred :=
match e with
| e_zer _ _
| e_top _ _
| e_one _ ⇒ []
| e_pls x y
| e_cap x y
| e_ldv x y
| e_rdv x y
| e_dot x y ⇒ union (vars x) (vars y)
| e_neg x
| e_itr x
| e_str x
| e_cnv x ⇒ vars x
| syntax.e_var (inr (_,x)) ⇒ lsyntax.vars x
| syntax.e_var _ ⇒ []
match e with
| e_zer _ _
| e_top _ _
| e_one _ ⇒ []
| e_pls x y
| e_cap x y
| e_ldv x y
| e_rdv x y
| e_dot x y ⇒ union (vars x) (vars y)
| e_neg x
| e_itr x
| e_str x
| e_cnv x ⇒ vars x
| syntax.e_var (inr (_,x)) ⇒ lsyntax.vars x
| syntax.e_var _ ⇒ []
index of an element in a list, as an ordinal.
Together with the list of all predicate variables indices appearing in a
reified term, this function will allow us to convert positive
indices to ordinal ones, as required byb gregex.
Fixpoint idx (x: Pred) (l: list Pred): option (ord (length l)) :=
match l with
| [] ⇒ None
| y::q ⇒
if eqb_pos x y then Some ord0 else
match idx x q with Some i ⇒ Some (ordS i) | None ⇒ None end
match l with
| [] ⇒ None
| y::q ⇒
if eqb_pos x y then Some ord0 else
match idx x q with Some i ⇒ Some (ordS i) | None ⇒ None end
From reified KAT expressions to gregex
Definition to_gregex (l: list positive):
∀ n m, kat_expr n m → gregex (length l) (src_ fs) (tgt_ fs) n m :=
syntax.eval (fun a ⇒
match a return gregex _ (src_ fs) (tgt_ fs) (s' a) (t' a) with
| inl a ⇒ g_var a
| inr (n,p) ⇒ g_prd _ _
(lsyntax.eval (fun x ⇒
match idx x l with
| Some i ⇒ lsyntax.e_var i
| None ⇒ lsyntax.e_top: lsyntax.expr_ BL
end) p)
∀ n m, kat_expr n m → gregex (length l) (src_ fs) (tgt_ fs) n m :=
syntax.eval (fun a ⇒
match a return gregex _ (src_ fs) (tgt_ fs) (s' a) (t' a) with
| inl a ⇒ g_var a
| inr (n,p) ⇒ g_prd _ _
(lsyntax.eval (fun x ⇒
match idx x l with
| Some i ⇒ lsyntax.e_var i
| None ⇒ lsyntax.e_top: lsyntax.expr_ BL
end) p)
correctness of the idx function
Lemma in_idx x l: In x l → ∃ j, idx x l = Some j ∧ nth j l xH = x.
induction l. intros []. intro Hl. simpl idx. case eqb_spec.
intros <-. ∃ ord0. now split.
destruct Hl as [<-|Hl]. congruence.
intros _. apply IHl in Hl as [j [-> Hj]]. ∃ (ordS j). split. reflexivity.
destruct j. assumption.
induction l. intros []. intro Hl. simpl idx. case eqb_spec.
intros <-. ∃ ord0. now split.
destruct Hl as [<-|Hl]. congruence.
intros _. apply IHl in Hl as [j [-> Hj]]. ∃ (ordS j). split. reflexivity.
destruct j. assumption.
factorisation of the interpretation function, through gregex
since the type of expressions is slightly to big (it contains
residuals and converse, for instance), we have to check that the
expression does not use such constructions, whence the first
Lemma to_gregex_eval {L: laws X} v n m e fp: e_level e ≪ BKA → vars e ≦ v →
eval fp n m e ≡
gregex.eval f' (fun n i ⇒ fp n (nth i v xH)) (fun i ⇒ val (fs i)) (to_gregex v n m e).
induction e; simpl e_level; simpl (vars _); intros Hl Hv;
try discriminate_levels; simpl; rewrite ?union_app in Hv.
symmetry. apply kat.inj_top.
apply cup_weq.
apply IHe1. solve_lower'. rewrite <- Hv. lattice.
apply IHe2. solve_lower'. rewrite <- Hv. lattice.
apply dot_weq.
apply IHe1. solve_lower'. rewrite <- Hv. lattice.
apply IHe2. solve_lower'. rewrite <- Hv. lattice.
apply itr_weq, IHe. solve_lower'. assumption.
rewrite kat.inj_top, <-str_itr. apply str_weq, IHe. solve_lower'. assumption.
destruct a as [a|[n p]]. reflexivity.
simpl. apply kat.inj_weq. clear Hl.
induction p; simpl; simpl (lsyntax.vars _) in Hv; rewrite ?union_app in Hv.
apply cup_weq.
apply IHp1. rewrite <-Hv. lattice.
apply IHp2. rewrite <-Hv. lattice.
apply cap_weq.
apply IHp1. rewrite <-Hv. lattice.
apply IHp2. rewrite <-Hv. lattice.
apply neg_weq, IHp. assumption.
simpl. destruct (in_idx a v) as [j [-> Hj]]. apply Hv; now left.
simpl. now rewrite Hj.
eval fp n m e ≡
gregex.eval f' (fun n i ⇒ fp n (nth i v xH)) (fun i ⇒ val (fs i)) (to_gregex v n m e).
induction e; simpl e_level; simpl (vars _); intros Hl Hv;
try discriminate_levels; simpl; rewrite ?union_app in Hv.
symmetry. apply kat.inj_top.
apply cup_weq.
apply IHe1. solve_lower'. rewrite <- Hv. lattice.
apply IHe2. solve_lower'. rewrite <- Hv. lattice.
apply dot_weq.
apply IHe1. solve_lower'. rewrite <- Hv. lattice.
apply IHe2. solve_lower'. rewrite <- Hv. lattice.
apply itr_weq, IHe. solve_lower'. assumption.
rewrite kat.inj_top, <-str_itr. apply str_weq, IHe. solve_lower'. assumption.
destruct a as [a|[n p]]. reflexivity.
simpl. apply kat.inj_weq. clear Hl.
induction p; simpl; simpl (lsyntax.vars _) in Hv; rewrite ?union_app in Hv.
apply cup_weq.
apply IHp1. rewrite <-Hv. lattice.
apply IHp2. rewrite <-Hv. lattice.
apply cap_weq.
apply IHp1. rewrite <-Hv. lattice.
apply IHp2. rewrite <-Hv. lattice.
apply neg_weq, IHp. assumption.
simpl. destruct (in_idx a v) as [j [-> Hj]]. apply Hv; now left.
simpl. now rewrite Hj.
as a corollary, we get the reification lemma
(The hypothesis that expressions do not use forbidden symbols will be easily
checked by reflection, dynamically.)
Corollary to_gregex_weq {L: laws X} n m e f fp:
e_level e + e_level f ≪ BKA →
(let v := vars (e_pls e f) in to_gregex v n m e ≡ to_gregex v n m f) →
eval fp n m e ≡ eval fp n m f.
intros Hl H. rewrite 2(to_gregex_eval (vars (e_pls e f)))
by (solve_lower' || simpl (vars _); rewrite union_app; lattice).
apply H, L.
End s.
Arguments e_inj _ _ _ _%positive _%last.
Arguments e_var _ _ _ _%positive.
Arguments p_var _%positive.
Load ML reification modules
Declare ML Module "coq-relation-algebra.kat".