Library RelationAlgebra.relalg
Require Export common lattice monoid kleene normalisation rewriting.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
generic lemmas
Lemma dottx `{laws} `{TOP ≪ l} n m (x: X n m): x ≦ top⋅x.
Proof. rewrite <-dot1x at 1. apply dot_leq; lattice. Qed.
Lemma dotxt `{laws} `{TOP ≪ l} n m (x: X m n): x ≦ x⋅top.
Proof. dual @dottx. Qed.
Lemma top_nnm `{laws} `{TOP ≪ l} n m: top' n n ⋅ top' n m ≡ top' n m.
Proof. apply leq_tx_iff. apply dottx. Qed.
Lemma top_mnn `{laws} `{TOP ≪ l} n m: top' m n ⋅ top' n n ≡ top' m n.
Proof. dual @top_nnm. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_id `{laws} `{AL+BOT ≪ l} n m (p q: X n m): p ⊓ q ≦ 0 → 1 ⊓ (p⋅q°) ≡ 0.
intro Hpq. apply leq_xb_iff. rewrite capC, capxdot. ra_normalise.
rewrite Hpq. ra.
Lemma dedekind `{laws} `{AL ≪ l} n m p (x : X n m) (y : X m p) (z : X n p):
x⋅y ⊓ z ≦ (x ⊓ (z⋅y°))⋅(y ⊓ (x°⋅z)).
Proof. rewrite <-(capI z) at 1. rewrite capA, capdotx, capxdot. ra. Qed.
algebraic properties of relations
we use typeclasses to infer those properties automatically whenever possible
typically, rewrite transitive will rewrite the first occurrence of a
pattern x⋅x such that x is provably transitive.
Ltac tc := solve [eauto with typeclass_instances].
Class is_nonempty {X: ops} n m (x: X n m) := nonempty: ∀ p q, top' p q ≦ top ⋅ x ⋅ top.
Notation is_nonempty' m := (is_nonempty (one m)).
Lemma nonempty_dom `{laws} `{TOP ≪ l} n m {x: X n m} {Hx: is_nonempty x}: is_nonempty' n.
Proof. intros i j. rewrite nonempty. mrewrite (leq_xt (x⋅top' _ j)). ra. Qed.
Lemma nonempty_cod `{laws} `{TOP ≪ l} n m {x: X n m} {Hx: is_nonempty x}: is_nonempty' m.
Proof. intros i j. rewrite nonempty. rewrite (leq_xt (top' i _⋅x)). ra. Qed.
Section props.
Context {l: level} {X: ops}.
Class is_reflexive n (x: X n n) := reflexive: 1 ≦ x.
Class is_irreflexive n (x: X n n) := irreflexive: x ⊓ 1 ≡ 0.
Class is_transitive n (x: X n n) := transitive: x ⋅ x ≦ x.
Class is_linear n (x: X n n) := linear: x ⊔ x° ≡ top.
Class is_symmetric n (x: X n n) := symmetric_: x° ≦ x. Class is_antisymmetric n (x: X n n) := antisymmetric: x° ⊓ x ≦ 1.
Class is_univalent n m (x: X n m) := univalent: x° ⋅ x ≦ 1.
Class is_injective n m (x: X n m) := injective: x ⋅ x° ≦ 1.
Class is_surjective n m (x: X n m) := surjective: 1 ≦ x° ⋅ x.
Class is_total n m (x: X n m) := total: 1 ≦ x ⋅ x°.
Class is_vector n m (v: X n m) := vector: v⋅top ≡ v.
Class is_point n m (p: X n m) := {
point_vector:> is_vector p;
point_injective:> is_injective p;
point_nonempty:> is_nonempty p}.
Class is_atom n m (a: X n m) := {
a_top_a': a⋅top⋅a° ≦ 1;
a'_top_a: a°⋅top⋅a ≦ 1;
atom_nonempty:> is_nonempty a}.
Class is_mapping n m (f: X n m) := {
mapping_univalent:> is_univalent f;
mapping_total:> is_total f}.
Class is_per n (e: X n n) := {
per_symmetric:> is_symmetric e;
per_transitive:> is_transitive e}.
Class is_preorder n (p: X n n) := {
pre_reflexive:> is_reflexive p;
pre_transitive:> is_transitive p}.
Class is_order n (p: X n n) := {
ord_preorder:> is_preorder p;
ord_antisymmetric:> is_antisymmetric p}.
Context {L: laws l X}.
all properties are compatible with equality
Global Instance is_reflexive_weq {n}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_reflexive n).
Proof. intros ? ? E. unfold is_reflexive. now rewrite E. Qed.
Global Instance is_irreflexive_weq {n} `{CAP ≪ l}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_irreflexive n).
Proof. intros ? ? E. unfold is_irreflexive. now rewrite E. Qed.
Global Instance is_transitive_weq {n}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_transitive n).
Proof. intros ? ? E. unfold is_transitive. now rewrite E. Qed.
Global Instance is_linear_weq `{CUP+CNV ≪ l} {n}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_linear n).
Proof. intros ? ? E. unfold is_linear. now rewrite E. Qed.
Global Instance is_symmetric_weq `{CNV ≪ l} {n}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_symmetric n).
Proof. intros ? ? E. unfold is_symmetric. now rewrite E. Qed.
Global Instance is_antisymmetric_weq `{AL ≪ l} {n}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_antisymmetric n).
Proof. intros ? ? E. unfold is_antisymmetric. now rewrite E. Qed.
Global Instance is_univalent_weq `{CNV ≪ l} {n m}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_univalent n m).
Proof. intros ? ? E. unfold is_univalent. now rewrite E. Qed.
Global Instance is_injective_weq `{CNV ≪ l} {n m}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_injective n m).
Proof. intros ? ? E. unfold is_injective. now rewrite E. Qed.
Global Instance is_surjective_weq `{CNV ≪ l} {n m}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_surjective n m).
Proof. intros ? ? E. unfold is_surjective. now rewrite E. Qed.
Global Instance is_total_weq `{CNV ≪ l} {n m}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_total n m).
Proof. intros ? ? E. unfold is_total. now rewrite E. Qed.
Global Instance is_vector_weq {n m}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_vector n m).
Proof. intros ? ? E. unfold is_vector. now rewrite E. Qed.
Global Instance is_nonempty_weq {n m}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_nonempty X n m).
Proof. intros ? ? E. unfold is_nonempty. now setoid_rewrite E. Qed.
Lemma proper_weq_leq_iff n m (P: X n m → Prop): Proper (weq ==> impl) P → Proper (weq ==> iff) P.
Proof. intros HP ? ? E. split; now apply HP. Qed.
Global Instance is_point_weq `{CNV ≪ l} {n m}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_point n m).
Proof. apply proper_weq_leq_iff. intros ? ? E [? ? ?]. split; now rewrite <-E. Qed.
Global Instance is_atom_weq `{CNV ≪ l} {n m}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_atom n m).
Proof. apply proper_weq_leq_iff. intros ? ? E [? ? ?]. split; now rewrite <-E. Qed.
Global Instance is_mapping_weq `{CNV ≪ l} {n m}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_mapping n m).
Proof. apply proper_weq_leq_iff. intros ? ? E [? ?]. split; now rewrite <-E. Qed.
Global Instance is_per_weq `{CNV ≪ l} {n}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_per n).
Proof. apply proper_weq_leq_iff. intros ? ? E [? ?]. split; now rewrite <-E. Qed.
Global Instance is_preorder_weq {n}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_preorder n).
Proof. apply proper_weq_leq_iff. intros ? ? E [? ?]. split; now rewrite <-E. Qed.
Global Instance is_order_weq `{AL ≪ l} {n}: Proper (weq ==> iff) (@is_order n).
Proof. apply proper_weq_leq_iff. intros ? ? E [? ?]. split; now rewrite <-E. Qed.
alternative characterisation of is_surjective
Lemma surjective_tx `{TOP ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_surjective x} p: top' p _ ⋅ x ≡ top.
apply leq_tx_iff. transitivity (top' p _ ⋅ (x° ⋅ x)).
rewrite <-surjective. ra. rewrite dotA. apply dot_leq; lattice.
Lemma tx_surjective `{AL+TOP ≪ l} n m (x: X m n): top' n n ≦ top⋅x → is_surjective x.
intro E. unfold is_surjective.
transitivity (1 ∩ (top' n m ⋅ x)). rewrite <-E. lattice.
rewrite capC, capxdot. ra.
basic properties
Lemma symmetric `{CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_symmetric x}: x° ≡ x.
Proof. apply antisym. assumption. now cnv_switch. Qed.
Lemma irreflexive' `{BL ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_irreflexive x}: x ≦ !1.
Proof. now rewrite <-leq_cap_neg', Hx. Qed.
Lemma vector' `{TOP ≪ l} {n m} {v: X n m} {Hv: is_vector v} x: v ⋅ x ≦ v.
Proof. rewrite <-vector at 2. ra. Qed.
Lemma top_nonempty `{TOP ≪ l} {n m p} {Hm: is_nonempty' m}: top' n m ⋅ top' m p ≡ top.
Proof. apply leq_tx_iff. rewrite nonempty. ra. Qed.
instances for proof search
Global Instance point_surjective `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {p: X n m} {Hp: is_point p}: is_surjective p | 1.
Proof. apply tx_surjective. rewrite nonempty at 1. now mrewrite vector. Qed.
Global Instance atom_injective `{TOP ≪ l} {n m} {a: X n m} {Ha: is_atom a}: is_injective a.
Proof. unfold is_injective. rewrite <-a_top_a'. rewrite <-(leq_xt 1). ra. Qed.
Global Instance atom_univalent `{TOP ≪ l} {n m} {a: X n m} {Ha: is_atom a}: is_univalent a.
Proof. unfold is_univalent. rewrite <-a'_top_a. rewrite <-(leq_xt 1). ra. Qed.
Global Instance is_symmetric_neg1 `{BL+CNV ≪ l} {n}: is_symmetric (!one n).
Proof. unfold is_symmetric. rewrite <-dotx1. apply Schroeder_. rewrite negneg. ra. Qed.
Global Instance irreflexive_cnv `{AL+BOT ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_irreflexive x}: is_irreflexive (x°).
Proof. unfold is_irreflexive. cnv_switch. now ra_normalise. Qed.
Global Instance reflexive_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_reflexive x}: is_reflexive (x°).
Proof. unfold is_reflexive. cnv_switch. now ra_normalise. Qed.
Global Instance transitive_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_transitive x}: is_transitive (x°).
Proof. unfold is_transitive. cnv_switch. now ra_normalise. Qed.
Global Instance symmetric_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_symmetric x}: is_symmetric (x°).
Proof. unfold is_symmetric. now cnv_switch. Qed.
Global Instance antisymmetric_cnv `{AL ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_antisymmetric x}: is_antisymmetric (x°).
Proof. unfold is_antisymmetric. now rewrite cnv_invol, capC. Qed.
Global Instance injective_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_univalent x}: is_injective (x°).
Proof. unfold is_injective. now rewrite cnv_invol. Qed.
Global Instance univalent_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_injective x}: is_univalent (x°).
Proof. unfold is_univalent. now rewrite cnv_invol. Qed.
Global Instance surjective_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_total x}: is_surjective (x°).
Proof. unfold is_surjective. now rewrite cnv_invol. Qed.
Global Instance total_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_surjective x}: is_total (x°).
Proof. unfold is_total. now rewrite cnv_invol. Qed.
Global Instance preorder_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_preorder x}: is_preorder (x°).
Proof. constructor; tc. Qed.
Global Instance nonempty_cnv `{CNV+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_nonempty x}: is_nonempty (x°).
Proof. intros i j. cnv_switch. ra_normalise. apply Hx. Qed.
Global Instance atom_cnv `{CNV+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_atom x}: is_atom (x°).
rewrite cnv_invol. apply a'_top_a.
rewrite cnv_invol. apply a_top_a'.
apply nonempty_cnv.
Global Instance mapping_cnv `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_point x}: is_mapping (x°).
Proof. split; tc. Qed.
Global Instance order_cnv `{AL ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_order x}: is_order (x°).
Proof. constructor; tc. Qed.
Global Instance vector_cap `{CAP+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {v w: X n m} {Hv: is_vector v} {Hw: is_vector w}: is_vector (v ⊓ w).
unfold is_vector. apply antisym. 2: apply dotxt.
now rewrite dotcapx, 2vector.
Global Instance preorder_str `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): is_preorder (x^*).
Proof. split. apply str_refl. apply weq_leq, str_trans. Qed.
Global Instance symmetric_str `{STR+CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_symmetric x}: is_symmetric (x^*).
Proof. unfold is_symmetric. now rewrite cnvstr, symmetric. Qed.
Global Instance reflexive_itr `{STR ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_reflexive x}: is_reflexive (x^+).
Proof. unfold is_reflexive. rewrite reflexive. apply itr_ext. Qed.
Global Instance transitive_itr `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): is_transitive (x^+).
Proof. apply itr_trans. Qed.
Global Instance symmetric_itr `{STR+CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_symmetric x}: is_symmetric (x^+).
Proof. unfold is_symmetric. now rewrite cnvitr, symmetric. Qed.
Proof. apply tx_surjective. rewrite nonempty at 1. now mrewrite vector. Qed.
Global Instance atom_injective `{TOP ≪ l} {n m} {a: X n m} {Ha: is_atom a}: is_injective a.
Proof. unfold is_injective. rewrite <-a_top_a'. rewrite <-(leq_xt 1). ra. Qed.
Global Instance atom_univalent `{TOP ≪ l} {n m} {a: X n m} {Ha: is_atom a}: is_univalent a.
Proof. unfold is_univalent. rewrite <-a'_top_a. rewrite <-(leq_xt 1). ra. Qed.
Global Instance is_symmetric_neg1 `{BL+CNV ≪ l} {n}: is_symmetric (!one n).
Proof. unfold is_symmetric. rewrite <-dotx1. apply Schroeder_. rewrite negneg. ra. Qed.
Global Instance irreflexive_cnv `{AL+BOT ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_irreflexive x}: is_irreflexive (x°).
Proof. unfold is_irreflexive. cnv_switch. now ra_normalise. Qed.
Global Instance reflexive_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_reflexive x}: is_reflexive (x°).
Proof. unfold is_reflexive. cnv_switch. now ra_normalise. Qed.
Global Instance transitive_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_transitive x}: is_transitive (x°).
Proof. unfold is_transitive. cnv_switch. now ra_normalise. Qed.
Global Instance symmetric_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_symmetric x}: is_symmetric (x°).
Proof. unfold is_symmetric. now cnv_switch. Qed.
Global Instance antisymmetric_cnv `{AL ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_antisymmetric x}: is_antisymmetric (x°).
Proof. unfold is_antisymmetric. now rewrite cnv_invol, capC. Qed.
Global Instance injective_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_univalent x}: is_injective (x°).
Proof. unfold is_injective. now rewrite cnv_invol. Qed.
Global Instance univalent_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_injective x}: is_univalent (x°).
Proof. unfold is_univalent. now rewrite cnv_invol. Qed.
Global Instance surjective_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_total x}: is_surjective (x°).
Proof. unfold is_surjective. now rewrite cnv_invol. Qed.
Global Instance total_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_surjective x}: is_total (x°).
Proof. unfold is_total. now rewrite cnv_invol. Qed.
Global Instance preorder_cnv `{CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_preorder x}: is_preorder (x°).
Proof. constructor; tc. Qed.
Global Instance nonempty_cnv `{CNV+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_nonempty x}: is_nonempty (x°).
Proof. intros i j. cnv_switch. ra_normalise. apply Hx. Qed.
Global Instance atom_cnv `{CNV+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_atom x}: is_atom (x°).
rewrite cnv_invol. apply a'_top_a.
rewrite cnv_invol. apply a_top_a'.
apply nonempty_cnv.
Global Instance mapping_cnv `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_point x}: is_mapping (x°).
Proof. split; tc. Qed.
Global Instance order_cnv `{AL ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_order x}: is_order (x°).
Proof. constructor; tc. Qed.
Global Instance vector_cap `{CAP+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {v w: X n m} {Hv: is_vector v} {Hw: is_vector w}: is_vector (v ⊓ w).
unfold is_vector. apply antisym. 2: apply dotxt.
now rewrite dotcapx, 2vector.
Global Instance preorder_str `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): is_preorder (x^*).
Proof. split. apply str_refl. apply weq_leq, str_trans. Qed.
Global Instance symmetric_str `{STR+CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_symmetric x}: is_symmetric (x^*).
Proof. unfold is_symmetric. now rewrite cnvstr, symmetric. Qed.
Global Instance reflexive_itr `{STR ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_reflexive x}: is_reflexive (x^+).
Proof. unfold is_reflexive. rewrite reflexive. apply itr_ext. Qed.
Global Instance transitive_itr `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): is_transitive (x^+).
Proof. apply itr_trans. Qed.
Global Instance symmetric_itr `{STR+CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n} {Hx: is_symmetric x}: is_symmetric (x^+).
Proof. unfold is_symmetric. now rewrite cnvitr, symmetric. Qed.
lemmas about relations of a specific shape
Lemma itr_transitive `{STR ≪ l} n (x: X n n): is_transitive x → x^+ ≡ x.
Proof. intro. apply antisym. now apply itr_ind_l1. apply itr_ext. Qed.
Lemma str_transitive `{KA ≪ l} n (x: X n n): is_transitive x → x^* ≡ 1+x.
Proof. intro. now rewrite str_itr, itr_transitive. Qed.
Lemma dot_mono `{AL ≪ l} n (x y: X n n): x ≦ 1 → y ≦ 1 → x⋅y ≡ x ⊓ y.
intros Hx Hy. apply antisym. apply leq_xcap.
rewrite Hy; ra.
rewrite Hx; ra.
transitivity (x⋅1 ⊓ y). ra.
rewrite capdotx. rewrite Hx at 2.
ra_normalise. apply dot_leq; lattice.
Lemma kernel_refl_antisym `{laws} `{CAP+CNV ≪ l} {n} {x: X n n}
{Hr: is_reflexive x} {Ha: is_antisymmetric x}: x° ⊓ x ≡ 1.
apply antisym. assumption.
apply cap_spec; split; trivial.
now rewrite <-reflexive.
Lemma dot_univalent_cap `{AL ≪ l} {n m p} {x: X n m} {y z: X m p}
{E: is_univalent x}: x ⋅ (y ∩ z) ≡ (x⋅y) ∩ (x⋅z).
Proof. apply antisym. ra. rewrite capdotx. mrewrite univalent. ra. Qed.
Lemma univalent_antisym `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {x y: X n m}
{Hy: is_univalent y}: y⋅top' m m ≦ x⋅top → x ≦ y → x ≡ y.
intros Ht Hxy. apply antisym. assumption.
transitivity (y ⊓ (x⋅(top' m m))). rewrite <- Ht, <- dotxt. lattice.
rewrite capC, capdotx.
ra_normalise. rewrite Hxy at 2. mrewrite univalent. ra.
Lemma surjective_injective_antisym `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {p q: X n m}
{Hp: is_surjective p} {Hq: is_injective q}: p ≦ q → p ≡ q.
intros Hpq. cnv_switch. apply univalent_antisym.
cnv_switch; ra_normalise. rewrite surjective_tx. lattice.
now cnv_switch.
Lemma disjoint_vect_iff `{BL+CNV ≪ l} {n m} {p q: X n m}
{Hq: is_vector q}: p ⊓ q ≦ 0 ↔ q°⋅p ≦ 0.
rewrite Schroeder_l, cnv_invol, negbot.
rewrite vector, capC. apply leq_cap_neg'.
Lemma disjoint_vect_iff' `{AL+DIV+BOT+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {p q: X n m}
{Hq: is_vector q}: p ⊓ q ≦ 0 ↔ q°⋅p ≦ 0.
split; intro Hpq.
rewrite <-capxt, capdotx, cnv_invol, vector, Hpq. ra.
rewrite <-ldv_spec in Hpq. rewrite capC, Hpq.
rewrite <-vector at 1. rewrite capdotx. rewrite ldv_cancel. ra.
Lemma gen_point {Hl: CNV+TOP ≪ l} n m k (p: X n m):
is_nonempty' k → is_point p → is_point (p⋅top' m k).
intros Hk Hp. split.
unfold is_vector. now mrewrite top_mnn.
unfold is_injective. ra_normalise. mrewrite (leq_xt (top' m k ⋅ top' k m)).
mrewrite vector. apply injective.
intros i j. mrewrite (top_nonempty (n:=m) (m:=k) (p:=j)). apply nonempty.
Lemma leq_xyp `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m k} {p: X m k} {x: X n k} {y: X n m}
{Hp: is_point p}: x ≦ y⋅p ↔ x⋅p° ≦ y.
split; intro E.
rewrite <-(dotx1 y). rewrite <-injective. now mrewrite <-E.
rewrite <-(dotx1 x). rewrite surjective. now mrewrite E.
Lemma leq_pxq `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m k} {p: X n k} {q: X m k} {x: X n m}
{Hp: is_point p} {Hq: is_point q}: p ≦ x⋅q ↔ q ≦x°⋅p.
Proof. rewrite 2leq_xyp. now rewrite cnv_leq_iff', cnvdot, cnv_invol. Qed.
Lemma point_lattice_atom {Hl: AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {p v: X n m} {Hp: is_point p} {Hv: is_vector v}:
is_nonempty v → v ≦ p → v ≡ p.
intros Hv' Hvp. apply antisym. assumption.
assert (is_nonempty (p ∩ v)). rewrite leq_iff_cap in Hvp. now rewrite capC, Hvp.
apply leq_iff_cap. cnv_switch. ra_normalise.
apply univalent_antisym. 2: lattice. cnv_switch. ra_normalise.
rewrite (leq_xt (top⋅p)). rewrite nonempty. now rewrite <-dotA, vector.
Lemma dot_neg_inj {Hl: BL+CNV ≪ l} {n m p} {x: X n m} {y: X m p} {Hy: is_injective y}: !x ⋅ y ≦ !(x⋅y).
Proof. rewrite Schroeder_r, 2negneg. mrewrite injective. ra. Qed.
Lemma dot_neg_surj {Hl: BL+CNV ≪ l} {n m p} {x: X n m} {y: X m p} {Hy: is_surjective y}: !(x⋅y) ≦ !x ⋅ y.
rewrite leq_cap_neg. rewrite <-negcup, <-dotplsx, cupneg. now rewrite surjective_tx, negtop.
Lemma dot_neg_point {Hl: BL+CNV ≪ l} {n m k} {x: X n m} {p: X m k} {Hp: is_point p}: !x ⋅ p ≡ !(x⋅p).
Proof. apply antisym. apply dot_neg_inj. apply dot_neg_surj. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_vect_ext {Hl: BL+CNV ≪ l} {n m k} {x y: X n m} {x' y': X m k}
{Hx: is_vector x}: x ⊓ y ≦ 0 → (x ⋅ x') ⊓ (y ⋅ y') ≦ 0.
rewrite capC. intro H. apply disjoint_vect_iff in H.
rewrite capdotx. mrewrite H. ra.
Lemma atom_of_points_aux `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m k} {p: X n m} {q: X k m} {Hp: is_point p} {Hq: is_point q}:
p ⋅ q° ⋅ top ⋅ q ⋅ p° ≦ 1.
mrewrite surjective_tx. transitivity (p⋅(top⋅q)°⋅p°). ra.
mrewrite surjective_tx. ra_normalise. rewrite vector. now apply injective.
Lemma atom_of_points `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m k} {p: X n m} {q: X k m} {Hp: is_point p} {Hq: is_point q}:
is_atom (p⋅q°).
split. ra_normalise. apply atom_of_points_aux.
ra_normalise. apply atom_of_points_aux.
intros i j. mrewrite (surjective_tx (x:=p)). now apply nonempty_cnv.
Lemma point_a_top `{CNV+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {a: X n m} {Ha: is_atom a}: is_point (a⋅top' m m).
unfold is_vector. now mrewrite top_nnm.
unfold is_injective. ra_normalise. mrewrite top_nnm. apply a_top_a'.
intros i j. mrewrite top_nnm. apply atom_nonempty.
Lemma point_a'_top `{CNV+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {a: X n m} {Ha: is_atom a}: is_point (a°⋅top' n n).
Proof. apply point_a_top. Qed.
Lemma a_top_a_aux `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {a: X n m} {Ha: is_atom a}: (a ⋅ top) ∩ (top ⋅ a) ≡ a.
apply antisym.
rewrite capdotx. mrewrite a'_top_a. ra.
rewrite <-2(leq_xt 1). ra.
Lemma a_top_a `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {a: X n m} {Ha: is_atom a}: a ⋅ top ⋅ a ≡ a.
rewrite <-a_top_a_aux at 3.
apply antisym.
rewrite <-(leq_xt (top⋅a)), <-(leq_xt (a⋅top)). ra.
rewrite capdotx. mrewrite <-(leq_xt (a°⋅top' n n)). ra.
Global Instance atom_transitive `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n} {a: X n n} {Ha: is_atom a}: is_transitive a.
Proof. unfold is_transitive. rewrite <-a_top_a at 3. rewrite <-(leq_xt 1). ra. Qed.
Lemma atom_mono `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n} {a: X n n} {Ha: is_atom a}: a⋅a ≦ 1.
transitivity (a⋅a ⊓ a). apply leq_xcap. reflexivity. apply atom_transitive.
rewrite dedekind. transitivity ((a⋅a°)⋅(a°⋅a)). apply dot_leq; lattice.
mrewrite (injective (x:=a)). mrewrite (univalent (x:=a)). ra.
Lemma atom_points `{AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m k} {a: X n m} {Ha: is_atom a} {Hk: is_nonempty' k}:
∃ p q: X _ k, is_point p ∧ is_point q ∧ a ≡ p⋅q°.
∃ (a⋅top). ∃ (a°⋅top).
split. rewrite <-top_nnm, dotA. apply gen_point. assumption. apply point_a_top.
split. rewrite <-top_nnm, dotA. apply gen_point. assumption. apply point_a'_top.
ra_normalise. mrewrite (top_nonempty (n:=m) (p:=n)). now rewrite a_top_a.
Lemma atom_lattice_atom {Hl: AL+TOP ≪ l} {n m} {a x: X n m} {Ha: is_atom a}:
is_nonempty x → x ≦ a → x ≡ a.
intros Hx Hax.
pose proof point_a_top as Hat.
assert(Hxt: is_vector (x ⋅ top' m m)). unfold is_vector. now mrewrite top_nnm.
apply univalent_antisym. apply weq_geq. apply point_lattice_atom.
intros i j. mrewrite top_nnm. apply nonempty.
now rewrite Hax.
End props.
lemmas obtained by duality
Lemma total_xt `{laws} `{TOP ≪ l} {n m} {x: X n m} {Hx: is_total x} p: x⋅top' _ p ≡ top.
Proof. now dual @surjective_tx. Qed.
Lemma xt_total `{laws} `{AL+TOP ≪ l} n m (x: X n m): top' n n ≦ x⋅top → is_total x.
Proof. now dual @tx_surjective. Qed.
Lemma dot_cap_injective `{laws} `{AL ≪ l} {n m p} {x: X m n} {y z: X p m}
{Hx: is_injective x}: (y ∩ z) ⋅ x ≡ (y⋅x) ∩ (z⋅x).
Proof. revert Hx. dual @dot_univalent_cap. Qed.