Library RelationAlgebra.ugregex
ugregex: untyped generalised regular expressions
Require Import kat lsyntax positives sups glang comparisons boolean.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section l.
Variable Pred: nat.
Notation Sigma := positive.
Notation Atom := (ord (pow2 Pred)).
Notation uglang := (traces_monoid_ops Atom traces_tt traces_tt).
Inductive ugregex :=
| u_var(i: Sigma)
| u_prd(p: expr (ord Pred))
| u_pls(e f: ugregex)
| u_dot(e f: ugregex)
| u_itr(e: ugregex).
| u_var(i: Sigma)
| u_prd(p: expr (ord Pred))
| u_pls(e f: ugregex)
| u_dot(e f: ugregex)
| u_itr(e: ugregex).
Definition u_zer := u_prd e_bot.
Definition u_one := u_prd e_top.
Definition u_str e := u_pls u_one (u_itr e).
Definition u_one := u_prd e_top.
Definition u_str e := u_pls u_one (u_itr e).
Fixpoint lang (e: ugregex): uglang :=
match e with
| u_var a ⇒ tsingle a
| u_prd p ⇒ tinj (fun i ⇒ eval (set.mem i) p)
| u_pls e f ⇒ lang e + lang f
| u_dot e f ⇒ lang e ⋅ lang f
| u_itr e ⇒ (lang e)^+
we get a KA structure, by interpretation into languages
Definition u_leq e f := lang e ≦ lang f.
Definition u_weq e f := lang e ≡ lang f.
Canonical Structure ugregex_lattice_ops :=
lattice.mk_ops _ u_leq u_weq u_pls u_pls id u_zer u_zer.
CoInductive ugregex_unit := ugregex_tt.
Canonical Structure ugregex_monoid_ops :=
monoid.mk_ops ugregex_unit _
(fun _ _ _ ⇒ u_dot) (fun _ ⇒ u_one) (fun _ ⇒ u_itr) (fun _ ⇒ u_str)
(fun _ _ _ ⇒ u_zer) (fun _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ u_zer) (fun _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ u_zer).
Notation tt := ugregex_tt.
Notation ugregex' := (ugregex_monoid_ops tt tt).
Global Instance ugregex_monoid_laws: monoid.laws BKA ugregex_monoid_ops.
apply (laws_of_faithful_functor (f:=fun _ _: ugregex_unit ⇒ lang)).
constructor; simpl ob. intros ? ?. constructor.
now intros ? ? ?.
now intros ? ? ?.
now intros _ ? ?.
intros _ [a|]; simpl; intuition; discriminate.
intros ? [a|]; simpl; intuition.
intros _ ? x. rewrite str_itr. simpl (lang _). apply cup_weq. 2: reflexivity.
intros [|]; simpl. intuition. tauto.
now intros ? ? ?.
now intros ? ? ?.
Global Instance ugregex_lattice_laws: lattice.laws BKA ugregex_lattice_ops.
Proof. apply (@lattice_laws _ _ ugregex_monoid_laws tt tt). Qed.
Note that ugregex actually comes with a KAT structure, but we do not need it
folding expressions
Coalgebraic characterisation of the language recognised by an expression
Fixpoint epsilon_pred a (e: expr_ops (ord Pred) BL) :=
match e with
| e_bot ⇒ false
| e_top ⇒ true
| e_var i ⇒ a i
| e_cup e f ⇒ epsilon_pred a e ||| epsilon_pred a f
| e_cap e f ⇒ epsilon_pred a e &&& epsilon_pred a f
| e_neg e ⇒ negb (epsilon_pred a e)
Fixpoint epsilon a (e: ugregex) :=
match e with
| u_var _ ⇒ false
| u_prd p ⇒ epsilon_pred a p
| u_pls e f ⇒ epsilon a e ||| epsilon a f
| u_dot e f ⇒ epsilon a e &&& epsilon a f
| u_itr e ⇒ epsilon a e
derivatives (specification, unoptimised)
Fixpoint deriv a i (e: ugregex'): ugregex' :=
match e with
| u_prd _ ⇒ 0
| u_var j ⇒ ofbool (eqb_pos i j)
| u_pls e f ⇒ deriv a i e + deriv a i f
| u_dot e f ⇒ deriv a i e ⋅ f + ofbool (epsilon (set.mem a) e) ⋅ deriv a i f
| u_itr e ⇒ deriv a i e ⋅ (e: ugregex')^*
corresponding coalgebraic notion of language
Fixpoint lang' (e: ugregex') (w: trace Atom) :=
match w with
| tnil a ⇒ is_true (epsilon (set.mem a) e)
| tcons a i w ⇒ lang' (deriv a i e) w
characterisation of epsilon through languages
Lemma epsilon_iff_lang_nil a e: epsilon (set.mem a) e ↔ (lang e) (tnil a).
induction e; simpl.
intuition discriminate.
apply eq_bool_iff. simpl epsilon. induction p; simpl.
rewrite <-Bool.orb_lazy_alt. congruence.
rewrite <-Bool.andb_lazy_alt. congruence.
setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff. now apply cup_weq.
setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff. setoid_rewrite traces_dot_nil. now apply cap_weq.
split. ∃ O. simpl. tauto.
intros [i Hi]. rewrite IHe. clear IHe. induction i. assumption.
apply IHi. setoid_rewrite traces_dot_nil in Hi. apply Hi.
Lemma lang_0: lang u_zer ≡ 0.
Proof. intros [?|???]; simpl; intuition; discriminate. Qed.
Lemma lang_1: lang u_one ≡ 1.
Proof. intros [a|???]; simpl. intuition. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma lang_ofbool b: lang (ofbool b: ugregex') ≡ ofbool b.
Proof. case b. apply lang_1. apply lang_0. Qed.
Global Instance lang_leq: Proper (leq ==> leq) lang.
Proof. now intros ? ?. Qed.
Global Instance lang_weq: Proper (weq ==> weq) lang.
Proof. now intros ? ?. Qed.
Lemma lang_sup J: lang (sup id J) ≡ sup lang J.
Proof. apply f_sup_weq. apply lang_0. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma deriv_sup a i J: deriv a i (sup id J) = sup (deriv a i) J.
Proof. apply f_sup_eq; now f_equal. Qed.
characterisation of derivatives through languages
Lemma deriv_traces a i e: lang (deriv a i e) ≡ traces_deriv a i (lang e).
symmetry. induction e; simpl deriv. simpl lang.
rewrite lang_ofbool. apply traces_deriv_single.
rewrite lang_0. apply traces_deriv_inj.
setoid_rewrite traces_deriv_pls. now apply cup_weq.
generalize (epsilon_iff_lang_nil a e1). case epsilon; intro He1.
fold_ugregex. setoid_rewrite dot1x. simpl lang.
setoid_rewrite traces_deriv_dot_1. now rewrite IHe1, IHe2.
now rewrite <-He1.
fold_ugregex. setoid_rewrite dot0x. rewrite cupxb. simpl lang.
setoid_rewrite traces_deriv_dot_2. now rewrite IHe1.
rewrite <-He1. discriminate.
simpl lang.
setoid_rewrite traces_deriv_itr. now rewrite IHe, str_itr, <-inj_top.
the two definitions of languages (algebraic and coalgebraic) coincide,
by unicity of the coalgebra morphism from expressions to languages
Theorem lang_lang' e: lang e ≡ lang' e.
symmetry. intro w. revert e. induction w as [a|a i w IH]; simpl lang'; intro e.
- apply epsilon_iff_lang_nil.
- rewrite IH. apply deriv_traces.
as a consequence, lang' preserves equality
Corollary lang'_weq: Proper (weq ==> weq) lang'.
Proof. intros ? ? H. apply lang_weq in H. now rewrite 2 lang_lang' in H. Qed.
Proof. intros ? ? H. apply lang_weq in H. now rewrite 2 lang_lang' in H. Qed.
Fixpoint ugregex_compare (x y: ugregex) :=
match x,y with
| u_prd a, u_prd b
| u_var a, u_var b ⇒ cmp a b
| u_pls x x', u_pls y y'
| u_dot x x', u_dot y y' ⇒ lex (ugregex_compare x y) (ugregex_compare x' y')
| u_itr x, u_itr y ⇒ ugregex_compare x y
| u_var _, _ ⇒ Lt
| _, u_var _ ⇒ Gt
| u_prd _, _ ⇒ Lt
| _, u_prd _ ⇒ Gt
| u_itr _ , _ ⇒ Lt
| _, u_itr _ ⇒ Gt
| u_pls _ _ , _ ⇒ Lt
| _, u_pls _ _ ⇒ Gt
Lemma ugregex_compare_spec x y: compare_spec (x=y) (ugregex_compare x y).
revert y; induction x; destruct y; try (constructor; congruence); simpl.
case cmp_spec; constructor; congruence.
case cmp_spec; constructor; congruence.
eapply lex_spec; eauto. intuition congruence.
eapply lex_spec; eauto. intuition congruence.
case IHx; constructor; congruence.
Canonical Structure ugregex_cmp := mk_simple_cmp _ ugregex_compare_spec.
End l.