Library imp
identifiers for memory locations
abstract state (or memory)
updating the state
Inductive prog :=
| skp
| aff (x: loc) (e: state → nat)
| seq (p q: prog)
| ite (t: dset state) (p q: prog)
| whl (t: dset state) (p: prog).
Declare Scope imp_scope.
Bind Scope imp_scope with prog.
Delimit Scope imp_scope with imp.
Notation "x <- y" := (aff x y) (at level 90): imp_scope.
Notation "p ;; q" := (seq p%imp q%imp) (left associativity, at level 101): imp_scope.
Arguments ite _%ra _%imp _%imp.
Arguments whl _%ra _%imp.
Bind Scope imp_scope with prog.
Delimit Scope imp_scope with imp.
Notation "x <- y" := (aff x y) (at level 90): imp_scope.
Notation "p ;; q" := (seq p%imp q%imp) (left associativity, at level 101): imp_scope.
Arguments ite _%ra _%imp _%imp.
Arguments whl _%ra _%imp.
using KAT expressions in the model of relations
Fixpoint bstep (p: prog): hrel state state :=
match p with
| skp ⇒ 1
| aff x e ⇒ upd x e
| seq p q ⇒ bstep p ⋅ bstep q
| ite b p q ⇒ [b] ⋅ bstep p + [!b] ⋅ bstep q
| whl b p ⇒ ([b] ⋅ bstep p)^* ⋅ [!b]
Inductive bstep': prog → hrel state state :=
| s_skp: ∀ s, bstep' skp s s
| s_aff: ∀ x e s, bstep' (x <- e) s (update x (e s) s)
| s_seq: ∀ p q s s' s'', bstep' p s s' → bstep' q s' s'' → bstep' (p ;; q) s s''
| s_ite_ff: ∀ (b: dset state) p q s s', b s = false → bstep' q s s' → bstep' (ite b p q) s s'
| s_ite_tt: ∀ (b: dset state) p q s s', b s = true → bstep' p s s' → bstep' (ite b p q) s s'
| s_whl_ff: ∀ (b: dset state) p s, b s = false → bstep' (whl b p) s s
| s_whl_tt: ∀ (b: dset state) p s s', b s = true → bstep' (p ;; whl b p) s s' → bstep' (whl b p) s s'.
Lemma bstep_eq p: bstep' p ≡ bstep p.
apply antisym.
- intros s s'. induction 1.
eexists; eassumption.
right. eexists. split. reflexivity. simpl; now rewrite H. assumption.
left. eexists. split. reflexivity. assumption. assumption.
∃ s. apply (str_refl ([b] ⋅ bstep p)). reflexivity.
simpl. unfold hrel_inj. simpl. now rewrite H.
destruct IHbstep' as [t ? [t' ? ?]]. ∃ t'. 2: assumption.
apply (str_cons ([b] ⋅ bstep p)). ∃ t. 2: assumption.
eexists; eauto. now split.
- induction p; unfold bstep; fold bstep.
intros ? ? <-. constructor.
intros ? ? →. constructor.
intros ? ? [? H1 H2]. econstructor. apply IHp1, H1. apply IHp2, H2.
intros ? ? [[? [<- H] H']|[? [<- H] H']].
apply s_ite_tt. assumption. apply IHp1, H'.
apply s_ite_ff. now apply Bool.negb_true_iff. apply IHp2, H'.
apply str_ind_l'.
intros ? ? [<- H]. apply s_whl_ff. now apply Bool.negb_true_iff.
rewrite <-dotA. intros s s'' [? [<- H] [s' H' H'']]. apply s_whl_tt. assumption.
econstructor. apply IHp, H'. assumption.
ad-hoc simplification tactic
Lemma dead_code b p q r:
(whl b p ;; ite b q r) ¬
(whl b p ;; r).
Proof. simp. kat. Qed.
Lemma dead_code' a b p q r:
(whl (a ⊔ b) p ;; ite b q r) ¬
(whl (a ⊔ b) p ;; r).
Proof. simp. kat. Qed.
(whl b p ;; ite b q r) ¬
(whl b p ;; r).
Proof. simp. kat. Qed.
Lemma dead_code' a b p q r:
(whl (a ⊔ b) p ;; ite b q r) ¬
(whl (a ⊔ b) p ;; r).
Proof. simp. kat. Qed.
Definition subst x v (A: dset state): dset state :=
fun s ⇒ A (update x (v s) s).
Definition esubst x v (e: state → nat): state → nat :=
fun s ⇒ e (update x (v s) s).
fun s ⇒ A (update x (v s) s).
Definition esubst x v (e: state → nat): state → nat :=
fun s ⇒ e (update x (v s) s).
is x fresh in the expression e
Definition fresh x (e: state → nat) := ∀ v s, e (update x v s) = e s.
Hypothesis update_twice: ∀ x i j s, update x j (update x i s) = update x j s.
Hypothesis update_comm: ∀ x y i j s, x≠y → update x i (update y j s) = update y j (update x i s).
Hypothesis update_twice: ∀ x i j s, update x j (update x i s) = update x j s.
Hypothesis update_comm: ∀ x y i j s, x≠y → update x i (update y j s) = update y j (update x i s).
Lemma aff_stack x e f:
(x <- e ;; x <- f) ¬
(x <- esubst x e f).
simp. rewrite frel_comp.
apply frel_weq; intro s.
apply update_twice.
Lemma aff_idem x e: fresh x e → (x <- e ;; x <- e) ¬ (x <- e).
intro. rewrite aff_stack.
intros s s'. cbv. rewrite (H (e s)). tauto.
Lemma aff_comm x y e f: x≠y → fresh y e →
(x <- e ;; y <- f) ¬ (y <- esubst x e f ;; x <- e).
intros Hx Hy. simp. rewrite 2frel_comp. apply frel_weq; intro s.
rewrite update_comm by congruence.
now rewrite (Hy _).
delaying choices
Lemma aff_ite x e t p q:
(x <- e ;; ite t p q)
(ite (subst x e t) (x <- e ;; p) (x <- e ;; q)).
assert (H: upd x e ⋅ [t] ≡ [subst x e t] ⋅ upd x e)
by (cbv; firstorder; subst; eauto).
Embedding Hoare logic for partial correctness
Lemma Hoare_eq A p B:
Hoare A p B ↔
∀ s s', A s → bstep p s s' → B s'.
- intros H s s' HA Hp. case_eq (B s'). reflexivity. intro HB.
destruct (H s s'). ∃ s'. ∃ s.
now split. assumption. split. reflexivity. simpl. now rewrite HB.
- intros H s s' [? [? [<- HA] Hp] [-> HB]]. simpl in HB.
rewrite (H _ _ HA Hp) in HB. discriminate.
Hoare A p B ↔
∀ s s', A s → bstep p s s' → B s'.
- intros H s s' HA Hp. case_eq (B s'). reflexivity. intro HB.
destruct (H s s'). ∃ s'. ∃ s.
now split. assumption. split. reflexivity. simpl. now rewrite HB.
- intros H s s' [? [? [<- HA] Hp] [-> HB]]. simpl in HB.
rewrite (H _ _ HA Hp) in HB. discriminate.
deriving Hoare logic rules using the hkat tactic
Lemma weakening (A A' B B': dset state) p:
A' ≦ A → Hoare A p B → B ≦ B' → Hoare A' p B'.
Proof. hkat. Qed.
Lemma rule_skp A: Hoare A skp A.
Proof. simp. kat. Qed.
Lemma rule_seq A B C p q:
Hoare A p B →
Hoare B q C →
Hoare A (p;;q) C.
Proof. simp. hkat. Qed.
Lemma rule_ite A B t p q:
Hoare (A ⊓ t) p B →
Hoare (A ⊓ !t) q B →
Hoare A (ite t p q) B.
Proof. simp. hkat. Qed.
Lemma rule_whl A t p:
Hoare (A ⊓ t) p A →
Hoare A (whl t p) (A ⊓ neg t).
Proof. simp. hkat. Qed.
Lemma rule_aff x v (A: dset state): Hoare (subst x v A) (x <- v) A.
rewrite Hoare_eq. intros s s' HA H.
now inversion_clear H.
Lemma wrong_rule_whl A t p:
Hoare (A ⊓ !t) p A →
Hoare A (whl t p) (A ⊓ !t).
Proof. simp. Fail hkat. Abort.
Lemma rule_whl' (I A: dset state) t p:
Hoare (I ⊓ t) p I →
I ⊓ !t ≦ A →
Hoare I (whl t p) A.
Proof. eauto 3 using weakening, rule_whl. Qed.
End s.