Séminaires et Affiches
En Anglais
- L'échelle "Toblerone"
- Désordre et Commensurabilité : Le Verre de Mott
- Le réseau Kondo Heisenberg
- edge states in spin-1 chains and two
leg spin ladder
- edge states in a generalized two leg spin
ladder (LT23, Hiroshima, 2002)
- Disordered Quantum Smectic (ECRYS2002, Saint-Flour)
- Renormalization group study of a
¼-filled ladder(FRIQUS2003, Dresden)
- Anomalous thermal transport in spin
ladders ? (LDM03, Florence)
- Adiabatic-antiadiabatic crossover
in a spin-Peierls chain (CQS'05, Dresde)
- Low-dimensional dipolar gases
(BEC2008, Grenoble)
- Two leg spin ladders (CuHPCl and BPCP)
under magnetic field (Nagoya University 2009)
- Quantum Spin Hall edges and the
proximity effect ("Localization Phenomena in Novel
Phases of Condensed Matter", Trieste, 2010)
- Phenomenological bosonization in
multicomponent systems (BEC2010, Nice)
- Phenomenological bosonization in
multicomponent systems ("Correlations, Fluctuations and
Disorder", Grenoble, 2010)
- Density of states of a two-band
one-dimensional conductor (ICSM2010, Kyoto)
- Spectral Functions in a Two-Component
Luttinger Liquid (SCES2011, Cambridge)
- Magnetic impurity on the surface of a topological
insulator ("Innovations in strongly correlated electronic
systems", Trieste, 2012)
- Spin-orbit coupling in a 1D
interacting boson gas ("Mathematical physics for cold
atoms", Grenoble, 2015)
- Fermion transport near a topological
merging transition ("Workshop on Interacting Fermions: Precision
Theory and Experiment", Trieste, 2015)
- Bosonic two-leg ladder under flux
(séminaire au laboratoire de physique théorique de Toulouse, 2016)
- Ising and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless
phase transitions of a two-leg boson ladder in flux (Journées
de la matière condensée, Grenoble, 2018)
- Neel transition in coupled spin-1/2 XXZ spin
chains (Groupe de travail Matière condensée, ENS de Lyon, 2019)
- Lieb-Liniger wavefunctions in a variational ansatz for
interacting one-dimensional bosons (It and bit:quantum matter and information
, ENS de Lyon, 2019)
- Lieb-Liniger variational ansatz and one-dimensional dipolar gases (Cold Atoms Online Meeting
, 2020)
- Formation and fate of quantum droplets in
a quasi-1D dipolar Bose gas (Atomtronics@Benasque2022
- Extended Symmetry in a 4-leg spin tube (The Magic of Disorder and Correlations,2024)
- Hall Effect in Atomic Ladder Systems (Atomtronics@Benasque2024)
En Français