Hyperspectral electromechanical imaging at the nanoscale: Dynamical backaction, dissipation and quantum fluctuations

Clément Chardin, Sébastien Pairis, Sabine Douillet, Moïra Hocevar, Julien Claudon, Jean-Philippe Poizat, Ludovic Bellon and Pierre Verlot, submitted to Nano Letters

arXiv: 2407.20740

We report a new scanning thermomechanical microscopy platform enabling to both heat and acquire the fluctuations of mechanical nanostructures with nanometric resolution. We use this platform to image the nanomechanical noise response of a 40 nm diameter nanowire while scanning a localized heat source across its surface. We develop a thermal backaction model, which we use to demonstrate a close connection between the structure of the nanowire, its thermal response, its dissipation and its fluctuations. We notably identify the presence of a localized thermoelastic defect, which we demonstrate behaves as a single fluctuation hub, whose e-beam excitation yields a far off-equilibrium vibrational state, largely dominated by the quantum fluctuations of the heating source. Our platform is of interest for future development of ultra-low loss nanophononic devices, and appears as a new playground for investigating quantum thermodynamics in the strongly dissipative regime and at room temperature.

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