Webpage of Thomas Budzinski
Who am I ?
Since the beginning of 2021, I am a "chargé de recherche" (Junior permanent research position) at the UMPA in the ENS Lyon. My office is MGN1-460. From 2019 to 2020, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the probability group of the Mathematics Department at UBC (Vancouver). From 2016 to 2019, I was a teaching assistant at the mathematics department of the ENS Paris. My main research interest is the study of random planar maps. I have completed my PhD about hyperbolic random planar maps in Orsay, under the supervision of Nicolas Curien. Here is my CV.
Research papers
- The critical Karp-Sipser core of Erdös-Rényi
random graphs, with Alice Contat, preprint [Mathematica sheet]
- Local limits of random bipartite maps in high genus: the general case, in Electronic Communications in Probability
- Distances and isoperimetric inequalities in random triangulations of high genus, with Guillaume Chapuy and Baptiste Louf, to appear in Annals of Probability [slides] [video by Guillaume]
- Maximum Agreement Subtrees and Hölder homeomorphisms between Brownian trees, with Delphin Sénizergues, in Journal de l'École Polytechnique [slides] [video]
- The critical Karp-Sipser core of random graphs, with Alice Contat and Nicolas Curien, to appear in Annals of Applied Probability [video by Alice]
- On Cheeger constants of hyperbolic surfaces, with Nicolas Curien and Bram Petri, preprint [slides]
- Multi-ended Markovian triangulations and robust convergence to the UIPT, in Annales Henri Lebesgue [slides]
- Local limits of bipartite maps with prescribed face degrees in high genus, with Baptiste Louf, in Annals of Probability
- Cooperative and stochastic multi-player multi-armed bandits: optimal regret with neither communication nor collisions, with Sébastien Bubeck and Mark Sellke, at COLT 2021
- Coordination without communication: optimal regret in two players multi-armed bandits, with Sébastien Bubeck, at COLT 2020 [slides] [video]
- Recurrence of the Uniform Infinite Half-Plane Map via duality of resistances, with Thomas Lehéricy, in Annals of Probability [slides] [video]
- The diameter of random Belyi surfaces, with Nicolas Curien and Bram Petri, in Algebraic and Geometric Topology
- On the minimal diameter of closed hyperbolic surfaces, with Nicolas Curien and Bram Petri, in Duke Mathematical Journal [slides]
- Universality for random surfaces in unconstrained genus, with Nicolas Curien and Bram Petri, in Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [slides]
- Local limits of uniform triangulations in high genus, with Baptiste Louf, in Inventiones Mathematicae [slides] [video]
- Supercritical causal maps: geodesics and simple random walk, in Electronic Journal of Probability [slides]
- Infinite geodesics in hyperbolic random triangulations, in Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré B
- On the mixing time of the flip walk on triangulations of the sphere, in Comptes-rendus mathématiques de l'Académie des Sciences [slides]
- The hyperbolic Brownian plane, in Probability Theory and Related Fields [slides]
Here are also my PhD thesis and the slides (in french) of the defense.
Other works (in french)
Nice pictures
This page contains various simulations of random triangulations.
This year I give an M2 course on Random walks at the ENS of Lyon. Here are a few references that can be useful to find exercises or to go further.
See here for previous years (in french).