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Ma pomme

Parce que la recherche ne pourra jamais être libre sous un reigne autoritaire, raciste et sexiste

Parce que nous n'accepterons jamais de compromis avec eux

Parce que nous ne pouvons plus accepter que le budget de la recherche continue de diminuer ni tolérer que la précarité devienne la norme

Le 30 juin et le 7 juillet Votez pour l'union populaire !!!

Directeur de recherches CNRS

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
46 allée d'Italie
69364 Lyon Cedex 07
Office: 322 (Site Monnod - Main building - 3rd floor - South)
Phone: +33 4 72 72 80 00 / +33 4 26 73 14 55

Resident member of the
Rhône-Alpes Complex Systems Institute (IXXI)

[ Research | GT CoA | Students | Publications | Popularization | Teaching | Other ]

Upcoming Event

Past Event

My current researches include

  • DNA Computing: Algorithmic self-assembly, Molecular folding, Experiments (to come!)
  • Algorithms: approximation, randomized, online, distributed,…
  • Complex systems: such as
    • Complex networks: clustering and drawing of dynamical networks
    • Stochastic cellular automata: definition, analysis, intrinsic simulations, local probabilistic correlations,…
    • Small world phenomenon: analysis, algorithms design, modelization,…
    • Random systems

My work is supported by the ANR Scalmazène (2022-2026), ANR NanoShapeLearn (2023-2027), the LIP Installation BQR (2017-18), MoPrExProgMol (2018) and AMARP (2018-20) by CNRS Mission pour l'interdisplinarité, and IXXI CalcASMol (2018-19) grants.

Internship proposal


  • Amaury Jacques (M1, 2021)
  • Octave Hazard (M2, 2021)
  • Nicolas Levy (M2, 2020; PhD advisor 2020-2023)
  • Pierre Marcus (M2, 2020; 4A, 2021)
  • Daria Pchelina (M1, 2019) [ Report ]
  • Enka (Nikola) Blanchard (M2, 2015; PhD co-advisor with Ted Selker 2016-2019) :!: Prix de thèse PSL SHS “Interface Sciences/Humanités” [ web | Remise du prix ]
  • Alberto Vera Azócar (U. Chile, several research internships 2013, 2015)
  • Damien Regnault (PhD co-advisor with Éric Thierry, 2005-2008)
  • Julien Robert (PhD advisor, 2006-2009)
  • Emmanuelle Lebhar (PhD co-advisor with Michel Morvan, 2003-2005)
  • Sandeep Dey (Master thesis advisor, 2005)



