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Ma pomme

Directeur de recherches CNRS

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
46 allée d'Italie
69364 Lyon Cedex 07
Office: 322 (Site Monnod - Main building - 3rd floor - South)
Phone: +33 4 72 72 80 00 / +33 4 26 73 14 55

Resident member of the
Rhône-Alpes Complex Systems Institute (IXXI)

[ Research | GT CoA | Students | Publications | Popularization | Teaching | Other ]

Upcoming Event

Past Event

My current researches include

  • DNA Computing: Algorithmic self-assembly, Molecular folding, Experiments (to come!)
  • Algorithms: approximation, randomized, online, distributed,…
  • Complex systems: such as
    • Complex networks: clustering and drawing of dynamical networks
    • Stochastic cellular automata: definition, analysis, intrinsic simulations, local probabilistic correlations,…
    • Small world phenomenon: analysis, algorithms design, modelization,…
    • Random systems

My work is supported by the “projet à risque” CalcADN (2025-2030), ANR Scalmazène (2022-2026), ANR NanoShapeLearn (2023-2027), the LIP Installation BQR (2017-18), MoPrExProgMol (2018) and AMARP (2018-20) by CNRS Mission pour l'interdisplinarité, and IXXI CalcASMol (2018-19) grants.

Internship proposal


  • Octave Hazard (M2, 2021; PhD advisor 2022-2025)
  • Nicolas Levy (M2, 2020; PhD advisor 2020-2023)
  • Pierre Marcus (M2, 2020; 4A, 2021; PhD Advisor 2022-2024)
  • Amaury Jacques (M1, 2021)
  • Daria Pchelina (M1, 2019) [ Report ]
  • Enka (Nikola) Blanchard (M2, 2015; PhD co-advisor with Ted Selker 2016-2019) :!: Prix de thèse PSL SHS “Interface Sciences/Humanités” [ web | Remise du prix ]
  • Alberto Vera Azócar (U. Chile, several research internships 2013, 2015)
  • Damien Regnault (PhD co-advisor with Éric Thierry, 2005-2008)
  • Julien Robert (PhD advisor, 2006-2009)
  • Emmanuelle Lebhar (PhD co-advisor with Michel Morvan, 2003-2005)
  • Sandeep Dey (Master thesis advisor, 2005)



