Pierre Borgnat -- page professionnelle. Pour m'envoyer un e-mail : Pierre.Borgnat [at] ens-lyon.fr
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Directeur de Recherche 2e classe du CNRS (section 07)
Équipe Sisyphe (Signaux, Systèmes et Physique) du laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS de Lyon.

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Publications de recherche / List of publications

Or consult a Thematic list of publications, or a Publication list per year
Also my Google Scholar webpage is more reactive than this webpage....

[R10] Habilitation à diriger des recherches « Signaux, réseaux et graphes : analyses non stationnaires ou multi-échelles » Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, Laboratoire de physique, 10 avril 2014.
Télécharger le mémoire de l'HDR.
Jury : Marc Barthelemy, Patrick Flandrin, Matthieu Latapy, Eric Moulines, Jean-Yves Tourneret, Pierre Vandergheynst

Warning (Warning: 12/2022 -- Mise à jour en cours / Update in progress (not all article are yet downloadable from here, usually they are from HAL and/or ArXiv -- please ask me a reprint if needed).


-- 2023--

[J57] "Harmonic analysis on directed graphs and applications: From Fourier analysis to wavelets", H Sevi, G Rilling, P Borgnat. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 62, 390-440, 2023.
Preprint on arXiv:1811.11636

-- 2022--

[J56] "A multiscale time-Laplace method to extract relaxation times from non-stationary dynamic light scattering signals", F Liénard, É Freyssingeas, P Borgnat. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156 (22), 224901, 2022.

[J55] "Deep Learning-Based Extreme Heatwave Forecast", V Jacques-Dumas, F Ragone, P Borgnat, P Abry, F Bouchet. Frontiers in Climate, 4, 2022.

[J54] "The contours of a Cliophysics. How Can Econophysics enrich Cliometrics? Case studies in debt issues and global capital markets", P Abry, C Bastidon, P Borgnat, P Jensen, A Parent. Frontiers in Physics, 484, 2022.

[J-R] "Probabilistic forecasts of extreme heatwaves using convolutional neural networks in a regime of lack of data" G Miloshevich, B Cozian, P Abry, P Borgnat, F Bouchet arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.00971 Paper on Arxiv

-- 2021--

[J53] "Variational graph autoencoders for multiview canonical correlation analysis", Y Kaloga, P Borgnat, SP Chepuri, P Abry, A Habrard. Signal Processing, 188, 108182, 2021.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.16132

-- 2020--

[J52] "Hierarchical and Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning with Loukas’s Coarsening", L Béthune, Y Kaloga, P Borgnat, A Garivier, A Habrard, Algorithms, 13 (9), 206, 2020

[J51] "Spatial and temporal regularization to estimate COVID-19 reproduction number R(t): Promoting piecewise smoothness via convex optimization", Patrice Abry, Nelly Pustelnik, Stéphane Roux, Pablo Jensen, Patrick Flandrin, Rémi Gribonval, Charles-Gérard Lucas, Éric Guichard, Pierre Borgnat, Nicolas Garnier, PLoS ONE 15(8): e0237901, 2020

[J50] "Semi-automatic extraction of functional dynamic networks describing patient's epileptic seizures" G Frusque, P Borgnat, P Gonçalves, J Jung Frontiers in Neurology, 24, 2020

[J49] "Multiplex network inference with sparse tensor decomposition for functional connectivity", G Frusque, J Jung, P Borgnat, P Gonçalves, IEEE transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks 6, 316-328, 2020

[J48] "Who benefits most from Lyon’s bike sharing system?" Jordan Cambe, Patrice Abry, Julien Barnier, Pierre Borgnat, Marie Vogel, Pablo Jensen, PloS ONE 15 (4), e0231550, 2020

[J47] "Graph-based era segmentation of international financial integration" C Bastidon, A Parent, P Jensen, P Abry, P Borgnat Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 539, p. 122877, 2020

-- 2019--

[J46] "Learning Combination of Graph Filters for Graph Signal Modeling" F Hua, C Richard, C Jie, H Wang, P Borgnat, P Gonçalves, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 26:12, p. 1912-1916, 12/2019

[J45] "Fourier could be a data scientist: From graph Fourier transform to signal processing on graphs" B Ricaud, P Borgnat, N Tremblay, P Gonçalves, P Vandergheynst Comptes Rendus Physique 20 (5), p. 474-488, 07/2019

[J44] "An improved stationarity test based on surrogates" DB de Souza, J Chanussot, AC Favre, P Borgnat IEEE Signal Processing Letters 26 (10), p. 1431-1435, 2019

-- 2018--

[J43] "A nonparametric test for slowly-varying nonstationarities" D. Baptista de Souza, J. Chanussot, A.-C. Favre, P. Borgnat, Signal Processing, 143, p. 241-252, 2018

[J41] "Tracking the evolution of temporal patterns of usage in Bicycle-Sharing Systems using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization on multiple sliding windows", R. Cazabet, P. Jensen, P. Borgnat, International Journal of Urban Sciences 22(2), p 147-161, 2018

-- 2017--

[J42] "The Sliding Singular Spectrum Analysis: A Data-Driven Nonstationary Signal Decomposition Tool", J Harmouche, D Fourer, F Auger, P Borgnat, P Flandrin, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 66 (1), p. 251-263, 2017

[J40] "Multi-scale structural community organisation of the human genome" R. Boulos, N. Tremblay, A. Arneodo, P. Borgnat, B. Audit, Bioinformatics, 18:209, 11 Apr 2017

[J39] "Scaling in Internet Traffic: a 14 year and 3 day longitudinal study, with multiscale analyses and random projections" R. Fontugne, P. Abry, K. Fukuda, D. Veitch, K. Cho, P. Borgnat, H. Wendt IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networks, 25(4), p. 2152 - 2165, 2017.

[J38] "Bluetooth Data in Urban Context: Retrieving Vehicle Trajectories" G. Michau, A. Nantes, A. Bhaskar, E. Chung, P. Abry, P. Borgnat, Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2016.2642304, Volume: 18, Issue: 9, p. 2377 -- 2386, Sept. 2017

[J37] "A Primal-Dual Algorithm for Link Dependent Origin Destination Matrix Estimation" G. Michau, N. Pustelnik, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, A. Nantes, A. Bhaskar, E. Chung, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, Vol. 3, n. 1, p. 104-113, 03/2017.

-- 2016--

[J36] "Subgraph-based filterbanks for graph signals", N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 64, issue 15, pp. 3827-3840, 2016.
Preprint on arXiv:1509.05642
Download the Matlab Codes.

[J35] "Relabeling Vertices According to the Network Structure by Minimizing the Cyclic Bandwidth Sum", R. Hamon, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, C. Robardet, Journal of Complex Networks, p. cnw006, 03/2016.
Preprint on ArXiv: cs 1410.6108

[J34] "Extraction of the Temporal Network Structures From Graph-Based Signals" R. Hamon, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, C. Robardet, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, Vol 2(2), p. 215-226, 06/2016
Preprint on arXiv:1505.03044

[J33] "A Kalman Filter adapted to the estimation of mean gradients in the Large-Eddy Simulation of Unsteady Turbulent Flows" J.. Boudet, E. Lévêque, P. Borgnat, A. Cahuzac, M.C. Jacob, in Press to Computers and Fluids, Volume 127, 20 March 2016, Pages 65–77.
Link to sciencedirect

-- 2015--

[J32] "Sensitivity of predictions in an effective model: Application to the chiral critical end point position in the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model" A. Biguet, H. Hansen, P. Costa, P. Borgnat, T. Brugière, The European Physical Journal A 51: 121, 2015.
Preprint : on ArXiv: hep-en 1409.0990.

[J31] "Multiscale Anisotropic Texture Analysis and Classification of Photographic Prints" P. Abry, S.G. Roux, H. Wendt, P. Messier, A.G. Klein, N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, S. Jaffard, B. Vedel, J. Coddington, L. Daffner, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 18-27, July 2015.

-- 2014--

[J30] "2-D Prony-Huang Transform: A New Tool for 2-D Spectral Analysis", J. Schmitt, N. Pustelnik, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, L. Condat, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.23, no.12, pp.5233--5248, December 2014.
On ArXiv: 1404.7680, Access through IEEExplore or download article.

[J29] "From bicycle sharing system movements to users: a typology of Vélo'v cyclists in Lyon based on large-scale behavioural dataset", M. Vogel, R. Hamon, G. Lozenguez, L. Merchez, P. Abry, J. Barnier, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, I. Mallon, C. Robardet, Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 41, Pages 280--291, December 2014.
Access through sciencedirect or download article.

[J28] "Graph Wavelets for Multiscale Community Mining", N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.62, no.20, pp.5227--5239, Oct.15, 2014.
Access through IEEExplore or download article.

[J27] "Network Application Profiling with Traffic Causality Graphs", H. Asai, K. Fukuda, P. Abry, P. Borgnat, H. Esaki, International Journal of Network Management, Volume 24, Issue 4, pages 289--303, July/August 2014.
download article.

[J26] "Empirical mode decomposition revisited by multicomponent non-smooth convex optimization" N. Pustelnik, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, Elsevier Signal Processing, Volume 102, September 2014, Pages 313-331, April 2014.
online on sciencedirect or download article.

[J25] "Cartographie des pratiques du Vélo’v : le regard de physiciens et d’informaticiens" J.-B. Rouquier, P. Borgnat, RSL (Revue Sciences/Lettres), ENS éditions, numéro 2, 2014.
Accès électronique à la revue ou accéder à l'article.

-- 2013--

[J24] "Bootstrapping under constraint for the assessment of group behavior in human contact networks" N. Tremblay, A. Barrat, C. Forest, M. Nornberg, J.F. Pinton, P. Borgnat, Physical Review E, vol. 88:5, p. 052812, Nov. 2013.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.88.052812 or preprint on arXiv

[J23] "Synoptic Graphlet : Bridging the Gap between Supervised and Unsupervised Profiling of Host-level Network Traffic", Y. Himura, K. Fukuda, K. Cho, P. Abry, P. Borgnat, H. Esaki, IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, Volume 21, Issue 4, pp. 1284-1297, August 2013.
doi:10.1109/TNET.2012.2226603 or Download preprint.

[J22] "Trend Filtering via Empirical Mode Decompositions", Azadeh Moghtaderi, Patrick Flandrin, Pierre Borgnat, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Volume 58, Pages 114–126, February 2013.
doi:10.1016/j.csda.2011.05.015 or Download article.

-- 2012--

[J21] « Stationnarité Relative et Approches Connexes », P. Flandrin, C. Richard, P.-O. Amblard, P. Borgnat, P. Honeine, H. Amoud, A. Ferrari, J. Xiao Traitement du signal, (numéro spécial ANR) Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 691-716, 2012.
Download preprint.

-- 2011--

[J20] ``Trend Filtering: Empirical Mode Decompositions vs. $\ell_1$ and Hodrick-Prescott'' Azadeh Moghtaderi, Pierre Borgnat, Patrick Flandrin, Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, p. 41-61, 2011.
doi:10.1142/S1793536911000751 or download here.

[J19] ``Shared Bicycles in a City: A Signal Processing and Data Analysis Perspective", Pierre Borgnat, Patrice Abry, Patrick Flandrin, Céline Robardet, Jean-Baptiste Rouquier, Eric Fleury, Advances in Complex Systems, Vol. 14, No. 3, p. 415-438, June 2011.
Download draft on HAL Download from editor: DOI: 10.1142/S0219525911002950.

-- 2010--

[J18] ``Smoothing Algorithms for Mean-Flow Extraction in Large-Eddy Simulation of Complex Turbulent Flows'', A. Cahuzac, J. Boudet, P. Borgnat, E. Lévêque, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 22, P. 12510408, 14 December 2010.
Download from the Editor: doi:10.1063/1.3490063 or Download a preliminary draft on HAL.

[J17] ``Unsupervised host behavior classification from connection patterns'', Guillaume Dewaele, Yosuke Himura, Pierre Borgnat, Kensuke Fukuda, Patrice Abry, Olivier Michel, Romain Fontugne, Kenjiro Cho, Hiroshi Esaki, International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 20, No 5, pages 317-337, 30 august 2010.
Download on HAL

[J16] ``Testing stationarity with surrogates: A time-frequency approach'', Pierre Borgnat, Patrick Flandrin, Paul Honeine, Cédric Richard, Jun Xiao, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 58:7, p 3459-3470, July 2010.
Access through ieeexplore; or Download on HAL.
Downlad Matlab Codes: Tests of Stationarity with Time-Frequency Surrogates.

[J15] ``Time-Frequency Energy Distributions Meet Compressed Sensing '', Patrick Flandrin, Pierre Borgnat, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 58:6, p 2974-2982, June 2010.
Access through ieeexplore; or Download on HAL.

[J14] ``Multitaper estimation of frequency-warped cepstra, with application to speaker verification'', J. Sandberg, M. Hansson-Sandsten, T. Kinnunen, R. Saeidi, P. Flandrin, P. Borgnat, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 17, N° 4, p. 343 - 346, April 2010.
Dowload on HAL

[J13] ``Investigating self-similarity and heavy-tailed distributions on a large scale experimental facility,'' P. Loiseau, P. Gonçalves, G. Dewaele, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, P. Vicat-Blanc Primet, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Vol. 18, N° 4, p. 1261 - 1274, August 2010.
Published online 03/2010: Access through ieeexplore
Preliminary version: Rapport de recherche INRIA inria-00263634, avril 2008, Download on HAL
Final version: Download on HAL

-- 2009--

[J12] ``Revisiting an old friend: On the observability of the relation between Long Range Dependence and Heavy Tail,'' P. Abry, P. Borgnat, F. Ricciato, A. Scherrer, D. Veitch, Telecommunication Systems Volume 43, Issue 3-4, pp 147-165, April 2010. DOI: 10.1007/s11235-009-9205-6.
Download on Springer website.
Preliminary version: Download on HAL

[J11] ``Stationarization via surrogates,'' P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment: Special issue UPoN 2008, P01001, January 2009. Publication online.. Also available as preprint on HAL

-- 2008--

[J10] « Sur un test temps-fréquence de stationnarité, » J. Xiao, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, Traitement du Signal, Vol. 25, N° 4, p. 357-366, 2008.
Preprint on HAL (french) and english abstract on HAL

[J9/P24] ``Revisiting and testing stationarity,'' P. Flandrin, P. Borgnat, J. Phys: Conf. Series ``2008 Euro American Workshop on Information Optics WIO'08'', vol. 139, p. 012004, IOP Publishing, Annecy, June 2008, Download Draft, or the published article.

[J8] ``Description and simulation of dynamic mobility networks,'' A. Scherrer, P. Borgnat, E. Fleury, J.-L. Guillaume, C. Robardet, Computer Networks, Volume 52, Issue 15, pp. 2842-2858, 23 October 2008. Electronic Access via ScienceDirect Also available as Preprint.

-- 2007--

[J7] « Une caractérisation non gaussienne et à longue mémoire du trafic Internet et de ses anomalies », P. Borgnat, P. Abry, G. Dewaele, A. Scherrer, N. Larrieu, P. Owezarski, Y. Labit, L. Gallon, J. Aussibal, Annales des télécommunications, vol. 62, n. 11-12, pp. 1401-1428 (november-december 2007). Download.

[J6] ``Non-Gaussian and Long Memory Statistical Characterisations for Internet Traffic with Anomalies'', A. Scherrer, N. Larrieu, P. Owezarski, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, IEEE Transaction on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 4, n. 1, pp.56-70 (january-march 2007).   Download draft ou Published version

-- 2005 and before --

[J5] ``Stochastic invariances and Lamperti transformations for Stochastic Processes'', P. Borgnat, P.O. Amblard, P. Flandrin, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., vol. 38, pp. 2081-2101 (february 2005).   Published version, or Download draft version in PS.

[J4] ``On the Chirp Decomposition of Weierstrass-Mandelbrot Functions, and their Time-Frequency Interpretation'', P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, vol. 15, pp. 134-146 (september 2003). Download PDF

[J3] ``Stochastic Discrete Scale Invariance '', P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin et P.O. Amblard, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 9, n. 6, pp. 181-184 (june 2002). Download PDF, or in ps.gz (draft version), or in pdf (draft version)

[J2] ``Narrowband Linear Selective Pulses for NMR'', P. Borgnat, A. Lesage, S. Caldarelli et L. Emsley, J. of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance series A, 119, p. 289-294 (1996).

[J1] ``Improved Sensitivity in Selective NMR Correlation Spectroscopy and Applications to the Determination of Scalar Couplings in Peptides and Proteins,'' P. Borgnat, A. Lesage, S. Caldarelli et L. Emsley, J. of Am. Chemical Soc., vol. 118, 39, p. 9320-9325 (1996).

ACTES DE CONFÉRENCES À COMITÉ DE SÉLECTION / Publications in conference Proceedings with review committee

-- 2022--

[P107] "A Simple Way to Learn Metrics Between Attributed Graphs", Yacouba Kaloga, Pierre Borgnat, Amaury Habrard. LoG -- Learning on Graphs Conference, Proceedings PMLR 198, Virtual Event, December 9–12, 2022. Paper on Arxiv

[P106] "Probleme inverse pour la localisation de tags RFID situés en zones immergées" B Tibi, N Pustelnik, P Borgnat, M Cassel, H Piégay 28e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2022, Nancy (France), Septembre 2022

[P105] "Transformée de Laplace Inverse multi-échelle pour l’analyse de signaux non stationnaires de Diffusion Dynamique de la Lumiere" F Liénard, E Freyssingeas, P Borgnat 28e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2022, Nancy (France), Septembre 2022

[P104] "Fast multiscale diffusion on graphs". S Marcotte, A Barbe, R Gribonval, T Vayer, M Sebban, P Borgnat, P Gonçalves. ICASSP 2022 (IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing),
Paper on Arxiv
Code on HAL, 2022/2/16

[P] "Reducing the complexity of directed percolation in temporal graphs.", Rémi Vaudaine, Pierre Borgnat, Paulo Gonçalves, Rémi Gribonval and Marton Karsai. Conference on Complex Systems, Palma de Mallorca, 10/2022

-- 2021--

[P103] "Optimization of the Diffusion Time in Graph Diffused-Wasserstein Distances: Application to Domain Adaptation". IEEE ICTAI (International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence ), 786-790, 11/2021 Long version on HAL

[P102] "Multiview Variational Graph Autoencoders for Canonical Correlation Analysis". Y Kaloga, P Borgnat, SP Chepuri, P Abry, A Habrard. ICASSP 2021 (IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing),

[P] "Variational Graph Autoencoders for Multiview Canonical Correlation Analysis", Yacouba Kaloga, Pierre Borgnat, Sundeep Prabahkar Chepuri, Patrice Abry and Amaury Habrard Conference on Complex Systems, Lyon, 10/2021

[P] "Deep Learning based Extreme Heatwave Forecast", Valerian Jacques-Dumas, Francesco Ragone, Freddy Bouchet, Pierre Borgnat and Patrice Abry Conference on Complex Systems, Lyon, 10/2021

-- 2020--

[P101] "Graph Diffusion Wasserstein Distances", A Barbe, M Sebban, P Gonçalves, P Borgnat, R Gribonvala, ECML-PKDD (European Conference on Machine Learning and and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases), 09/2020. Document on HAL

[P] Apprentissage de Représentations Hiérarchiques de Graphes avec Graph2Vec et la réduction de Loukas L Béthune, Y Kaloga, P Borgnat, A Garivier, A Habrard Conférence sur l'Apprentissage automatique (CAp) 07/2020

[P] "Transport Optimal entre Graphes exploitant la Diffusion de la Chaleur", A Barbe, M Sebban, P Gonçalves, P Borgnat, R Gribonval, Conférence sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (CAp) 07/2020

[P100] "Regularized Partial Phase Synchrony Index Applied to Dynamical Functional Connectivity Estimation", G Frusque, J Jung, P Borgnat, P Gonçalves, ICASSP 2020 (IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing), p. 5955-5959, 05/2020

[P] "Temporarily Activated Patterns for Multi-trial Functional Connectivity Data" Gaëtan Frusque, Julien Jung, Pierre Borgnat and Paulo Gonçalves, ASPAI' 2020 (Second International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence), 11/2020

[P] "Extraction of functional dynamic networks describing patient's epileptic seizures" G Frusque, P Borgnat, P Gonçalves, J Jung, Conference on Complex Systems, 12/2020

[P] "COVID-19 Reproduction Number Estimation: Spatial and Temporal in Convex Optimization to Promote Piecewise Smoothness", P. Abry, N. Pustelnik, S. Roux, P. Jensen, P. Flandrin, R. Gribonval, C.-G. Lucas, E. Guichard, P. Borgnat, N. Garnier, Conference on Complex Systems, 12/2020

-- 2019 --

[P99] "Wavelet-based graph inference using multiple testing", S Achard, P Borgnat, I Gannaz, M Roux Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII 11138, p. 1113811, San Diego (CA), 08/2019 (see Proc. SPIE 11138, Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII, 1113811 (9 September 2019))

[P98] "Sparse tensor dimensionality reduction with application to clustering of functional connectivity"," G Frusque, J Jung, P Borgnat, P Gonçalves, in Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII, San Diego (CA) 08/2019, (see Proc. SPIE 11138, Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII, 111380N (9 September 2019))

[P97] "Segmentation de corrélations par débruitage pour explorer l’intégration financière internationale" P. Borgnat, C. Bastidon, P. Jensen, P. Abry, A. Parent 27e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2017, Lille (France), Août 2019

[P96] "Réduction de dimension tensorielle parcimonieuse: Application au clustering de connectivité fonctionnelle" G Frusque, J Jung, P Borgnat, P Gonçalves, 27e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2017, Lille (France), Août 2019

[P95] "Transport Optimal sous Contrainte de Régularité pour l'Adaptation de Domaines entre Graphes avec Attributs" D Barbe, P Borgnat, P Gonçalves, M Sebban, 27e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2017, Lille (France), Août 2019

-- 2018 --

[P94] "Modeling Signals over directed graphs through filtering" H Sevi, G Rilling, P Borgnat, IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), p. 718-722 November 2018.

[P93] "Multidimensional Analytic Signal with Application on Graphs", M. Tsitsvero, P. Borgnat, P. Gonçalves, IEEE Workshop SSP 2018, Freiburg (Germany), 10-13 June 2018.

-- 2017--

[P92] "Filtrage LMS sur Graphe. Algorithme et Analyse" R. Nassif, C. Richard, J. Chen, R. Couillet, P. Borgnat, 26e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2017, id. 271, Juan-les-Pins (France), 5-8 septembre 2017.

[P91] "Analyse fréquentielle et filtrage sur graphes dirigés" H. Sevi, G. Rilling, P. Borgnat, 26e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2017, id. 220, Juan-les-Pins (France), 5-8 septembre 2017.

[P90] "Multiresolution analysis of functions on directed networks'', H. Sevi, G. Rilling, P. Borgnat, Wavelets and Sparsity XVII, San Diego (CA, USA), August 2017

[P89] "Using degree constrained gravity null-models to understand the structure of journeys' networks in bicycle sharing systems" R. Cazabet, P. Borgnat, P. Jensen, ESANN 2017 (European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning), Bruges (Belgique), April 2017.

[P88] "Processing, mining and visualizing massive urban data" P. Borgnat, E. Côme, L. Oukhellou, ESANN 2017 (European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning), Bruges (Belgique), April 2017.

[P87] "Enhancing Space-Aware Community Detection Using Degree Constrained Spatial Null Model" R. Cazabet, P. Borgnat, P. Jensen, CompleNet 2017 (8th Conference on Complex Networks), Dubrovnik (Croatia), March 21-24, 2017.

[P86] "Online Empirical Mode Decomposition" R. Fontugne, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, IEEE Conference ICASSP 2017, New Orleans (USA), March 2017.

-- 2016 --

[P85] "Nonnegative Matrix Factorisation of Bike Sharing System Temporal Networks" R. Hamon, P. Borgnat, C. Févotte, P. Flandrin, C. Robardet. In Workshop MLITS NIPS 2016, Barcelone (Spain), December 2016.

[P84] "Accelerated Spectral Clustering Using Graph Filtering Of Random Signals" N. Tremblay, G. Puy, P. Borgnat, R. Gribonval, P. Vandergheynst, IEEE Conference ICASSP 2016, Shanghai (China), March 2016.
Preprint on arXiv:1509.08863

-- 2015 --

[P83] "On Wigner-based sparse time-frequency distributions" P. Flandrin, N. Pustelnik, P. Borgnat, accepted to CAMSAP 2015 (IEEE 6th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing) Cancun (Mexico), 13-16 Dec. 2015

[P82] "Multiscale Anisotropic Texture Unsupervised Clustering for Photographic Paper" S.G. Roux, N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, H. Wendt, P. Messier accepted to WIFS 2015 (7th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security) Rome (Italy), 16-19 Nov 2015

[P81] "Community Mining with Graph Wavelets for Correlation Matrices" P. Borgnat, P. Gonçalves, N. Tremblay, N. Willaime-Agonin accepted to Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2015 Pacific Grove, CA (USA), 8-11 Nov 2015

[P80] "Joint Filtering of Graph and Graph-Signals" N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat accepted to Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2015 Pacific Grove, CA (USA), 8-11 Nov 2015

[P79] "Estimating Link-Dependent Origin-Destination Matrices from Sample Trajectories and Traffic Counts" G. Michau, P. Borgnat, N. Pustelnik, P. Abry, A. Nantes, E. Chung 25e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2015, id. 282, Lyon (France), 8-11 septembre 2015.

[P78] "Factorisation de réseaux temporels : étude des rythmes hebdomadaires du système Vélo'v" R. Hamon, P. Borgnat, C. Févotte, P. Flandrin, C. Robardet 25e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2015, id. 102, Lyon (France), 8-11 septembre 2015.

[P77] "Texture classification of photographic papers: improving spectral clustering using filterbanks on graphs" N. Tremblay, S. G. Roux, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, H. Wendt, P. Messier 25e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2015, id. 254, Lyon (France), 8-11 septembre 2015.

[P76] "Applications des ondelettes sur graphe en génomique" R. Boulos, N. Tremblay, A. Arneodo, P. Borgnat, B. Audit 25e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2015, id. 288, Lyon (France), 8-11 septembre 2015.

[P75] "Une ou deux composantes : la réponse de l'analyse spectrale singulière", J. Harmouche, D. Fourer, P. Flandrin, F. Auger, P. Borgnat 25e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2015, id. 213, Lyon (France), 8-11 septembre 2015.

[P74] "Estimating Link-Dependent Origin-Destination Matrices From Sample Trajectories And Traffic Counts" G. Michau, P. Borgnat, N. Pustelnik, P. Abry, A. Nantes, E. Chung, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc., ICASSP 2015, Brisbane (AU), 20-24 april 2015.

[P73] "Random Projection and Multiscale Wavelet Leader Based Anomaly Detection and Address Identification in Internet Traffic" R. Fontugne, P. Abry, K. Fukuda, P. Borgnat, J. Mazel, H. Wendt, D. Veitch, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc., ICASSP 2015, Brisbane (AU), 20-24 april 2015.

-- 2014 --

[P72] "Data Comparison using Gaussian Graphical Models", A. Costard, S. Achard, O.J.J. Michel, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, Proc. of 12th IEEE-ICSP, Hangzhou, China, October 2014.

[P71] "Graph empirical mode decomposition", N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, EUSIPCO (European Signal Processing Conference) 2013, pp. 2350--2354. Lisbonne, September 2014.

[P70] "2D Hilbert-Huang Transform", J. Schmitt, N. Pustelnik, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc., ICASSP 2014, Florence, 4-9 mai 2014.

[P69] "A new nonparametric method for testing stationarity based on trend analysis in the time marginal distribution" D. Baptista de Souza, J. Chanussot, A.-C. Favre, P. Borgnat, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc., ICASSP 2014, Florence, 4-9 mai 2014.

[P68] “Nonnegative matrix factorization to find features in temporal networks”, R. Hamon, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, C. Robardet, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc., ICASSP 2014, Florence, 4-9 mai 2014.

[P67] "Retrieving trip information from a discrete detectors network: the case of Brisbane Bluetooth detectors.", G. Michau, A. Nantes, E. Chung, P. Abry, P. Borgnat, Conference of Australian Institutes of Transport Research (CAITR),32nd, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, February 2014.

[P66] "Retrieving Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrices from Bluetooth Data", G. Michau, A. Nantes, E. Chung, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, Transportation Research Board, 93rd Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 12-16 January 2014.

-- 2013 --

[P65] "Community Mining in Large Networks using Graph Wavelet Transform of Random Vectors" N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, GlobalSIP 2013: IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (Symposium: Graph Signal Processing), Austin (TX, USA), December 3-5, 2013.

[P64] "Networks as Signals, with an Application to a Bike Sharing System" R. Hamon, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, C. Robardet, GlobalSIP 2013: IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (Symposium: Information Processing over Networks), Austin (TX, USA), December 3-5, 2013.

[P63] "Multiscale Detection of Stable Communities Using Wavelets on Networks" N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, European Conference of Complex Systems, ECCS 2013, Barcelona (Spain), September 2013.

[P62] "Tracking of a dynamic graph using a signal theory approach : application to the study of a bike sharing system" R. Hamon, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, C. Robardet, European Conference of Complex Systems, ECCS 2013, Barcelona (Spain), September 2013.

[P61] "Instantaneous counting of components in nonstationary signals" N. Saulig, N. Pustelnik, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, V. Sucic, 21th European Signal Processing Conf. EUSIPCO-13, Bucharest (RO), September 2013.

[P60] "Multiscale community mining in networks using spectral graph wavelets" N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, 21th European Signal Processing Conf. EUSIPCO-13, Bucharest (RO), September 2013.

[P59] "Partitionnement multi-échelle d’un graphe en communautés : détection des échelles pertinentes" N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, 24e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2013, id. 176, Brest (France), 3-6 septembre 2013.

[P58] "Encadrement du paramètre de pénalisation dans l’estimation bayésienne asymptotique de la structure d’un graphe initialisée par Graphical lasso" A. Costard, S. Achard, O. Michel, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, 24e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2013, id. 370, Brest (France), 3-6 septembre 2013.

[P57] "Transformation de graphes dynamiques en signaux non stationnaires" R. Hamon, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, C. Robardet, 24e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2013, id. 251, Brest (France), 3-6 septembre 2013.

[P56] "Hurst Exponent and IntraPartum Fetal Heart Rate: Impact of Decelerations", P. Abry, S. Roux, V. Chudacek, P. Borgnat, P. Gonçalves, M. Doret, IEEE CBMS 2013 (International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems) Porto (Portugal), 22-24 June 2013.
Best Paper Award of the conference.

[P55] "Mining Anomalous Electricity Consumption Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition", R. Fontugne, N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, H. Esaki, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc., ICASSP-2013, Vancouver (Canada), May 2013.

[P54] "Strip, Bind, and Search: A Method for Identifying Abnormal Energy Consumption in Buildings", R. Fontugne, J. Ortiz, N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, K. Fukuda, D. Culler, H. Esaki, IEEE/ACM Information Processing in Sensor Networks, ISPN'13, Philadelphia (PN, USA), 8-11 April 2013

-- 2012 --

[P53] "Constrained graph resampling for group assessment in human social networks" N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, J.-F. Pinton, A. Barrat, M. Nornberg, C. Forest, European Conference of Complex Systems, ECCS 2012, Bruxelles (Belgique), September 2012.

[P52] "A Multicomponent Proximal Algorithm for Empirical Mode Decomposition", N. Pustelnik, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, 20th European Signal Processing Conf. EUSIPCO-12, Bucharest (RO), August 2012.

[P51] "Using Surrogates and Optimal Transport for Synthesis of Stationary Multivariate Series with Prescribed Covariance Function and non-Gaussian Joint-Distribution" P. Borgnat, P. Abry, P. Flandrin ICASSP-2012, Kyoto (Japon), March 2012.
Matlab codes associated to this article:
Download Codes
These scripts and functions implement the algorithms and examples.

[P50] "A Modified Time-Frequency Method for Testing Wide-Sense Stationarity" D. Baptista de Souza, J. Chanussot, A.-C. Favre, P. Borgnat IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc., ICASSP-2012, Kyoto (Japon), Mars 2012.

[P49] "Gap-Filling by the Empirical Mode Decomposition" Azadeh Moghtaderi, Pierre Borgnat, Patrick Flandrin, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc., ICASSP-2012, Kyoto (Japon), Mars 2012.

-- 2011 --

[P48] "Dynamic Kalman filtering to separate low-frequency instabilities from turbulent fluctuations: Application to the Large-Eddy Simulation of unsteady turbulent flows Adrien Cahuzac, Jérôme Boudet, Pierre Borgnat, Emmanuel Lévêque, Colloque ETC-13 Warsaw (Poland), 12-15 septembre 2011.

[P47] ``Extraction de flot moyen dans des simulations numériques à grande échelle de fluides par filtre de Kalman adaptatif", Adrien Cahuzac, Jérôme Boudet, Emmanuel Lévêque, Pierre Borgnat, 23e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2011, id. 191, Bordeaux (France), 5-8 septembre 2011.

[P46] ``Peut-on attraper les utilisateurs de Vélo'v au Lasso ?", Gabriel Michau, Céline Robardet, Luc Merchez, Pablo Jensen, Patrice Abry, Patrick Flandrin, Pierre Borgnat, 23e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2011, id. 441, Bordeaux (France), 5-8 septembre 2011.

[P45] "Transitional Surrogates" Pierre Borgnat, Patrick Flandrin, André Ferrari, Cédric Richard, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc., ICASSP 2011, Prague (Czech Republic), May 22-27, 2011. Pages 3600 - 3603.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946257

-- 2010 --

[P44] ``MAWILab : Combining Diverse Anomaly Detectors for Automated Anomaly Labeling and Performance Benchmarking'', R. Fontugne, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, K. Fukuda, in ACM CoNEXT 2010, Nov. 30-Dec. 3 2010, Philadelphia (PA). Download on HAL / HAL

[P43] ``Uncovering Relations Between Traffic Classifiers and Anomaly Detectors via Graph Theory'', R. Fontugne, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, K. Fukuda, In COST-TMA (Traffic Measurement & Analysis) Workshop 2010, Zurich (CH), April 2010.
Download on HAL / HAL

[P42] ``Statistical hypothesis testing with time-frequency surrogates to check signal stationarity'', C. Richard, A. Ferrari, H. Amoud, P. Honeine, P. Flandrin, P. Borgnat, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc. ICASSP-10, Dallas (TX), 14-19 mars 2010.
Download on HAL / HAL

[P41] ``Time-varying spectrum estimation of uniformly modulated processes by means of surrogate data and Empirical Mode Decomposition'', A. Moghtaderi, P. Flandrin, P. Borgnat, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc. ICASSP-10, Dallas (TX), 14-19 mars 2010.
Download on HAL / HAL

-- 2009 --

[P] "Trend filtering: EMD vs. l1 and l2", A. Moghtaderi, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, In Int. Conf. on Sparse Representation of Multiscale Data and Images: Theory and Applications, Singapore, December 2009. Invited conference.

[P40] ``On the role of flows and sessions in Internet traffic modeling: an explorative toy-model'', F. Ricciato, A. Coluccia, A. D'Alconzo, D. Veitch, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, IEEE GLOBECOM'09, December 2009
Download on HAL / HAL

[P39] ``Characteristics of the Dynamic of Mobile Networks'', P. Borgnat, E. Fleury, J.-L. Guillaume, C. Robardet, In 4th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems 09/12/2009.
Download on HAL / HAL

[P38] ``Towards Systematic Traffic Annotation'', R. Fontugne, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, K. Fukuda, In CoNEXT’09 Student Workshop Rome (Italy), December 1, 2009
Download on HAL / HAL

[P37] ``Spatial analysis of dynamic movements of Vélo'v, Lyon's shared bicycle program'', P. Borgnat, E. Fleury, C. Robardet, A. Scherrer, European Conference on Complex Systems, ECCS'09, Warwick University (UK), 21-25 September 2009. Dowload on HAL / HAL.

[P36] ``Studying Lyon's Vélo’V: A Statistical Cyclic Model'', P. Borgnat, P. Abry, P. Flandrin, J.-B. Rouquier, European Conference on Complex Systems, ECCS'09, Warwick University (UK), 21-25 September 2009. Dowload on HAL / HAL.

[P35] ``Modélisation statistique cyclique des locations Vélo'v à Lyon'', P. Borgnat, P. Abry, P. Flandrin, 22e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2009, Dijon (France), 8-11 septembre 2009. Download on HAL.

[P34] ``Sur la caractérisation de non-stationnaritié par la méthode des substituts'', H. Amoud, C. Richard, P. Honeine, P. Flandrin, P. Borgnat, 22e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2009, Dijon (France), 8-11 septembre 2009. Download on HAL.

[P33] ``Live E! Sensor Network: Correlations in Time and Space'', E. Ben Hamida, P. Borgnat, H. Esaki, P. Abry, E. Fleury, 22e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2009, Dijon (France), 8-11 septembre 2009.
Information on HAL and Download paper.

[P32] ``Towards practical large-eddy simulation of complex turbulent flows'', E. Leveque, J. Boudet, A. Cahuzac, P. Borgnat, F. Toschi, Advances in Turbulence XII: Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Marburg (Germany), Sept. 7 - 10, 2009. Find the proceedings.

[P31] ``Time-Frequency Learning Machines For NonStationarity Detection Using Surrogates'', H. Amoud, P. Honeine, C. Richard, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing SSP-2009, pp. 565--568, Cardiff (UK), 31 August-2 September 2009. Download on HAL.

[P30] ``Measurement Analysis of the Live E! Sensor Network: Spatial-Temporal Correlations and Efficient Data Aggregation'', E. Ben Hamida, H. Ochiai, H. Esaki, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, E. Fleury, IEEE 3rd International Workshop on Practical Applications of Sensor Networking, workshop in Conference SAINT 2009, Seattle (USA), 20-24 July 2009. Download on HAL/HAL.

[P29] ``Seven Years and One Day: Sketching the Evolution of Internet Traffic,'' P. Borgnat, G. Dewaele, K. Fukuda, P. Abry, K. Cho, Proceedings of the 28th IEEE INFOCOM 2009, pp. 711--719, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), May 2009. Final version: Download on HAL

-- 2008 --

[P28] ``Sparse time-frequency distributions of chirps from a compressed sensing perspective'' P. Flandrin, P. Borgnat, 8th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing, Cirencester (UK), 16-18 December 2008. Download on HAL

[P27] ``Time-Frequency Surrogates for Nonstationary Signal Analysis'' P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, 8th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing, Cirencester (UK) , 16-18 December 2008. Download on HAL

[P26] ``A Methodology to Identify Characteristics of the Dynamic of Mobile Networks,'' A. Scherrer, P. Borgnat, E. Fleury, J.-L. Guillaume, C. Robardet, in AINTEC 2008 (Asian Internet Engineering Conference), Bangkok, Thailand, 18-20 November 2008. Download.

[P25/C4] ``Evolving Networks,'' P. Borgnat, E. Fleury, J.-L. Guillaume, C. Magnien, C. Robardet, A. Scherrer, in Proceedings of NATO ASI 'Mining Massive Data Sets for Security', Françoise Fogelman-Soulié and Domenico Perrotta and Jakub Piskorski and Ralf Steinberg editors, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series D: Information and Communication Security, vol. 19, pp. 198-204, IOS Press, 2008. Download preprint.

[J9/P24] ``Revisiting and testing stationarity,'' P. Flandrin, P. Borgnat, J. Phys: Conf. Series ``2008 Euro American Workshop on Information Optics WIO'08'', Annecy, June 2008, to appear. Download.

[P23] ``Time-frequency localization from sparsity constraints,'' P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc. ICASSP-08, Las Vegas (NV), April 2008. Download.

[P22] ``Parameter estimation for sums of correlated gamma random variables. Application to anomaly detection in Internet Traffic,'' F. Chatelain, P. Borgnat, J.-Y. Tourneret, P. Abry, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc. ICASSP-08, Las Vegas (NV), April 2008. Download.

-- 2007 --

[P21] « Identification d'anomalies statistiques dans le trafic internet par projections aléatoires multirésolution », P. Borgnat, G. Dewaele, P. Abry, 21e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2007, Troyes (France), 11-14 septembre 2007. Download.

[P20] « Sur un test temps-fréquence de stationnarité », J. Xiao, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, 21e Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images. GRETSI-2007, Troyes (France), 11-14 septembre 2007. Download.
Downlad Matlab Codes.

[P19] ``Testing Stationarity with Time-Frequency Surrogates'', J. Xiao, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, 15th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO-2007, Poznan (Pologne), 3-7 septembre 2007. Download.
Downlad Matlab Codes.

[P18] ``Testing Stationarity with Surrogates -- A One-Class SVM Approach'', J. Xiao, P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin, C. Richard, IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing SSP-2007, Madison (Wisconsin, USA), 26-29 août 2007. Download.

[P17] ``Extracting Hidden Anomalies using Sketch and Non Gaussian Multiresolution Statistical Detection Procedures,'' Guillaume Dewaele, Kensuke Fukuda, Pierre Borgnat, Patrice Abry, Kenjiro Cho, SIGCOMM 2007, Workshop on Large-Scale Attack Defense (LSAD), Kyoto, Japon, 27-31 août 2007 Download.

[P16] « Base de traces d'anomalies légitimes et illégitimes » J. Aussibal, P. Borgnat, Y. Labit, G. Dewaele, N. Larrieu, L. Gallon, P. Owezarski, P. Abry, K. Boudaoud, 6th Conference on Security in Network Architectures and Informations Systems (SAR-SSI 2007), Annecy (France), 12-15 juin 2007. Download PDF

[P15] ``Sketch based Anomaly Detection, Identification and Performance Evaluation,'' Patrice Abry, Pierre Borgnat, Guillaume Dewaele, Workshop Measurement, IEEE-CS/IPSJ SAINT 2007, 15-19 janvier 2007, Hiroshima, Japon. Download PDF.

-- 2006 --

[P14] « Détection d'attaques de déni de service par un modèle non gaussien multirésolution », P. Borgnat, N. Larrieu, P. Owezarski, P. Abry, J. Aussibal, L. Gallon, G. Dewaele, K. Boudaoud, L. Bernaille, A. Scherrer, Y. Zhang, Y. Labit, Colloque Francophone d'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'2006), Tozeur (Tunisie), p. 303-314, 30 octobre - 3 novembre 2006. Download PDF.

[P13] « Une caractérisation non gaussienne et à longue mémoire du trafic Internet et ses anomalies », A. Scherrer, N. Larrieu, P. Owezarski, P. Borgnat et P. Abry, 5th Conference on Security in Network Architectures and Informations Systems (SAR-SSI 2006), Seignosse (France), 6-9 juin 2006. Download PDF.

[P12] ``On Sampling Methods for Linear Scale-Invariant Systems'', P. Borgnat, IEEE ICASSP 2006, Toulouse (France), 14-19 mai 2006. Download PDF.

[P11] « Non Gaussian and Long Memory Statistical Modeling of Internet Traffic, » A. Scherrer, N. Larrieu, P. Borgnat, P. Owezarski, et P. Abry, 4th Workshop IPS-MoMe, Salzburg (Autriche), p. 176-185, 27-28 février 2006. Download PDF.

-- 2005 and before --

[P10] « Détection d'attaques de ``Déni de Service" : ruptures dans les statistiques du trafic », P. Borgnat, N. Larrieu, P. Abry et P. Owezarski, Colloque GRETSI-05, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), 6-9 septembre 2005. Download PDF.

[P9]``Stochastic discrete scale invariance: Renormalization group operators and Iterated Function Systems'', P.O. Amblard, P. Borgnat, IMA Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing V, Cirencester (UK), 14-16 décembre 2004. Download PDF.

[P8] ``Symétrie des champs bidimensionnels et générateurs stationnaires,'' P. Borgnat, Journées d'étude sur les Méthodes pour les signaux complexes en traitement d'image de l'ARC Thalweg, INRIA Rocquencourt, 9 et 10 décembre 2003. Download PDF.

[P7] ``Invariances d'échelles brisées et accroissements stationnaires'', P. Borgnat, P.O. Amblard et P. Flandrin, Colloque GRETSI-03, Paris (France), 8-11 septembre 2003. Download PDF.

[P6] ``Stochastic processes with finite size scale invariance'', P.O. Amblard, P. Borgnat et P. Flandrin, SPIE Symposium on Fluctuations and Noise, Sante Fe (USA), 1-4 juin 2003. Download PDF.

[P5] ``Lamperti transformation for finite size scale invariance'', P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin et P.O. Amblard, Colloque PSIP 2003 : Physics in Signal and Image Processing, p. 177-180, Grenoble (France), 29-31 janvier 2003. Download PDF.

[P4] ``Generalized Lamperti Transformation for Broken Scale Invariance,'' P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin et P.O. Amblard, 36th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Groves (CA, USA), 3-6 novembre 2002. Download PDF.

[P3]  ``Une approche stochastique de l'invariance d'échelle discrète,'' P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin et P.O. Amblard, Colloque GRETSI-01, Toulouse (France), septembre 2001. Download PDF or in ps.gz.

[P2] ``Stochastic Discrete Scale Invariance and Lamperti Transformation,'' P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin et P.O. Amblard, IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing SSP-2001, p. 66-69, Singapour, août 2001. Download PDF or in ps.gz.

[P1]  ``From a Vortex Gas Model of Turbulence to Mellin Functions,'' P. Borgnat, O. Michel, C. Baudet et P. Flandrin, Advances in Turbulence VIII, proceedings of ETC-VIII, p. 988, Barcelone (Espagne), juin 2000. Abstract PDF or in ps.gz.

CONTRIBUTION À DES OUVRAGES COLLECTIFS / Contributed chapter in collective books

[C8] R Hamon, P Borgnat, P Flandrin, C Robardet “Transformation from Graphs to Signals and Back”, in Vertex-Frequency Analysis of Graph Signals (Ljubiša Stanković, Ervin Sejdić editors), p. 111-139, 2019
Preprint on arXiv:1502.04697

[C7] N Tremblay, P Gonçalves, P Borgnat, “Design of graph filters and filterbanks”, in Cooperative and Graph Signal Processing (P. Djuric, C. Richard Editors), 299-324, 2018
Preprint on arXiv:1711.02046

[C6] "A Dynamical Network View of Lyon's Vélo'v Shared Bicycle System", P. Borgnat, C. Robardet, P. Abry, P. Flandrin, J.-B. Rouquier, N. Tremblay, in Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks, Volume 2 (A. Mukherjee, M. Choudhury, N. Ganguly, F. Peruani, B. Mitra, eds.), Springer, 2013.
Download preprint.

[C5] "Time-Frequency Learning Machines For NonStationarity Detection Using Surrogates" Pierre Borgnat, Patrick Flandrin, Cédric Richard, André Ferrari, Hassan Amoud, Paul Honeine, Chapter in Data Mining and Machine Learning for Astronomical Applications K. Ali, A. Srivastava, J.D. Scargle, M.J. Way eds., Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2012.
Download preprint.

[C4/P25] ``Evolving Networks,'' P. Borgnat, E. Fleury, J.-L. Guillaume, C. Magnien, C. Robardet, A. Scherrer, in Proceedings of NATO ASI 'Mining Massive Data Sets for Security', Françoise Fogelman-Soulié and Domenico Perrotta and Jakub Piskorski and Ralf Steinberg editors, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series D: Information and Communication Security, vol. 19, pp. 198-204, IOS Press, 2008. Download preprint.

[C3] Les maths pour l'agreg. Cours complet et synthétique. Olivier Teytaud, Christophe Antonini, Pierre Borgnat, Annie Chateau, Edouard Lebeau, Dunod, Septembre 2007.
Pour en savoir plus.

[C2] ``Signal Processing Methods related to Models of Turbulence" P. Borgnat, in Harmonic Analysis and Rational Approximation: Their rôles in signals, control, and dynamical systems theory, J.D. Fournier, J. Grimm, J. Leblond and J.R. Partington editors, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences , vol. 327, pp. 277-301, Springer-Verlag, avril 2006. Download draft in PDF

[C1]  ``From stationarity to self-similarity, and back : Variations on the Lamperti transformation,'' P. Flandrin, P. Borgnat et P.O. Amblard , in Processes with Long-Range Correlations: Theory and applications, G. Rangarajan and M. Ding editors, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 26, pp. 88-117, Springer-Verlag, June 2003. Download draft in PDF

RAPPORTS, CONFÉRENCES AVEC ACTES NON PUBLIÉS ET AUTRES TEXTES : / Technical Reports, Conference Proceedings, Student Reports, and other papers

[R-J] "Asymptotic control of FWER under Gaussian assumption: application to correlation tests", S Achard, P Borgnat, I Gannaz, arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.00909

[R] "Solving NMF with smoothness and sparsity constraints using PALM", R Fabregat, N Pustelnik, P Gonçalves, P Borgnat, 10/2019
Preprint on arXiv:1910.14576

[R-J] "Analytic signal in many dimensions", M Tsitsvero, P Borgnat, P Gonçalves,
Preprint on arXiv:1712.09350

[R-J] "Combining traffic counts and Bluetooth data for link-origin-destination matrix estimation in large urban networks: The Brisbane case study", G Michau, N Pustelnik, P Borgnat, P Abry, A Bhaskar, E Chung
Preprint on arXiv:1907.07495

[R-P] "New Investigations on the Public Debt-Economic Growth Relation using Directed Information Tools", B. Guinard, P. Borgnat, P. Jensen, A. Parent, presented at Second International Conference of the Society of Economic Measurement (SEM), 22-24 July 2015, OECD, Paris, France.

[R10] Habilitation à diriger des recherches « Signaux, réseaux et graphes : analyses non stationnaires ou multi-échelles » Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, Laboratoire de physique, 10 avril 2014.
Télécharger le mémoire de l'HDR.
Jury : Marc Barthelemy, Patrick Flandrin, Matthieu Latapy, Eric Moulines, Jean-Yves Tourneret, Pierre Vandergheynst

[R-P] "Identifying a graph structure by combining Graphical lasso with Bayesian approaches", A. Costard, S. Achard, O. Michel, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, research report, 11/2012

[R-J] ``Generalized selfsimilar stochastic process with stationary increments'', Pepa Ramirez-Cobo, Pierre-Olivier Amblard, Pierre Borgnat, Patrick Flandrin, research report, 2011.

[R9] ``Investigating self-similarity and heavy tailed distributions on a large scale experimental facility,'' P. Loiseau, P. Goncalves, P. Primet, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, G. Dewale, Rapport de recherche INRIA inria-00263634, avril 2008, Download on HAL

[R8] ``Statistical Sketch based Anomaly Detection and Validation using an Anomaly Database'' G. Dewaele, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, J. Aussibal, L. Gallon, P. Owezarski, D. Veitch, Rapport de recherche du projet METROSEC, octobre 2006. Download PDF

[R7] ``Denial of service attack detection based on a non Gaussian and multiresolution traffic modeling'' P. Borgnat, P. Abry, G. Dewaele, N. Larrieu, P. Owezarski, Y. Zhang, Labit, J. Aussibal, L. Gallon, A. Scherrer, L. Bernaille, K. Boudaoud. Rapport de recherche du projet METROSEC, mai 2006. Download PDF

[R6] « Signaux de turbulence et Analyse de Mellin » P. Borgnat, texte d'un cours invité à l'école d'été Analyse Harmonique et Approximation Rationnelle : leurs rôles en théorie du signal, du contrôle et des systèmes dynamiques, Porquerolles (France), 14-20 septembre 2003.
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[R5] ``Random Processes with Discrete Scale Invariance: Methods of Synthesis'' P. Borgnat, P. Flandrin et P.O. Amblard, Colloque Autosimilarité et Applications, Clermont-Ferrand (France), 28-30 mai 2002 ; publication écrite pour les Annales Mathématiques de l'Université Blaise Pascal. Download PDF or in ps.gz.

[R4] PhD THESIS « Modèles et outils pour les invariances d'échelle brisées : variations sur la transformation de Lamperti et contributions aux modèles statistiques de vortex en turbulence » Thèse de Doctorat, École normale supérieure de Lyon, Laboratoire de physique, 22 novembre 2002.  In ps.gz (3.7 Mb) or in pdf (12 Mo).
Downlad Matlab Codes.

[R3] Master Thesis « Turbulence et structures cohérentes : une approche par les vortex de Lundgen » Rapport de stage de DÉA sous la direction de P. Flandrin et O. Michel au laboratoire de physique de l'ÉNSL (avril-août 1999). Introduction in PDF, or Download PDF ou in ps.gz

[R2] « Détermination du spectre de singularités d'un signal fractal par la méthode des maxima du module de la transformée en ondelettes » RApport de stage de maîtrise sous la direction de P.O. Amblard et P. Abry au CEPHAG (Centre d'étude des phénomènes aléatoires et géophysiques, maintenant Laboratoire des Images et Signaux, INPG Grenoble), en collaboration avec le laboratoire de physique de l'ÉNSL (avril-juillet 1996). Download PS

[R1]  « Impulsions linéaires sélectives en RMN » Rapport de stage de licence sous la direction de L. Emsley au laboratoire de STéréochimie et Interactions Moléculaires (juin-juillet 1995).  Download PS

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