Thierry DAUXOIS Last update: October, 1 2024 
Directeur de Recherche CNRS
Laboratoire de Physique (UMR CNRS 5672)
ENS de Lyon

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A.124 D. Varma, C. Pacary, T. Dauxois, S. Joubaud, Physical Review Fluids 9, 094806 (2024) -
Experimental study of superharmonic internal wave resonant triads in finite-depth nonuniform stratifications.

A.123 C. Pacary, T. Dauxois, E. Ermanyuk, P. Metz, M. Moulin, S. Joubaud, Physical Review Fluids 8, 104802 (2023) -
Observation of inertia-gravity wave attractors in an axisymmetric enclosed basin.

A.122 Y. Onuki, S. Joubaud, T. Dauxois, Journal of Physical Oceanography 53, 1591 (2023) -
Breaking of Internal Waves Parametrically Excited by Ageostrophic Anticyclonic Instability.

A.121 MY Laetitia, J-P Nguenang, P. Paglan, T. Dauxois, A. Trombettoni, S. Ruffo, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 117, 106917 (2023) -
IFractional dynamics and modulational instability in long-range Heisenberg chains.

A.120 D. Varma, M. Mathur, T. Dauxois, Mathematics in Engineering 5, 1-34 (2022) -
Instabilities in internal gravity waves.

A.119 S. Boury, I. Sibgatullin, E. Ermanyuk, N. Shmakova, P. Odier, S. Joubaud, L.R.M. Maas, T. Dauxois, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 926, A12 (2021) -
Vortex cluster arising from an axisymmetric inertial wave attractor.

A.118 B. R. Sutherland, Y. Ma, M. R. Flynn, D. Frank, P. F. Linden, D. Lemasquerier, M. Le Bars, C. Pacary, T. Jamin, T. Dauxois, S. Joubaud, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 924, A15 (2021) -
Plumes in rotating fluid and their transformation into tornados.

A.117 D. O. Mora, E. Monsalve, M. Brunet, T. Dauxois, P.-P. Cortet, Physical Review Fluids 6, 074801 (2021) -
Three-dimensionality of the triadic resonance instability of a plane inertial wave.

A.116 Y. Onuki, S. Joubaud, T. Dauxois, Journal of Fluid Mechanics Journal of Fluid Mechanics 915, A77 (2021) -
Simulating turbulent mixing caused by local instability of internal gravity waves.

A.115 T. Dauxois, T. Peacock, P. Bauer, C.P. Caulfield, C. Cenedese, C. Gorle, G. Haller, G.N. Ivey, P.F. Linden, E. Meiburg, N. Pinardi, N.M. Vriend, A. Woods, Physical Review Fluids 6, 020501 (2021) -
Confronting Grand Challenges in Environmental Fluid Dynamics.

A.114 T. Jamin, T. Kataoka, T. Dauxois, T. R. Akylas, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 907, A2 (2021) -
Long-time dynamics of internal wave streaming.

A.113 T. Dauxois, Reflets de la Physique 67, 26 (2020) -
La (dis-)simulation FPU : une Femme Physicienne Underground.

A.112 P. Husseini, D. Varma, T. Dauxois, S. Joubaud, P. Odier, M. Mathur, Physical Review Fluids 5, 074804 (2020) -
Experimental study on superharmonic wave generation by resonant interaction between internal wave modes.

A.111 G. Davis, T. Jamin, J. Deleuze, S. Joubaud, T. Dauxois, Physical Review Letters 124, 204502 (2020) -
Cascade of resonances to achieve internal wave turbulence.

A.110 V. Loladze, T. Dauxois, R. Khomeriki, S. Ruffo, Physical Review E 101, 030102 (2020) -
Negative Specific Heat induced by destabilization of Metastable states in Long-Range Dipolar Systems.

A.109 S. Biswas, C.B.Winkelmann, H. Courtois, T. Dauxois, H. Biswas, A.K. Gupta, Physical Review B 101, 024501 (2020) -
Elimination of thermal bistability in superconducting weak links by an inductive shunt.

A.108 G. N. Chendjou Beukam, J. P. Nguenang, A. Trombettoni, T. Dauxois, R. Khomeriki, S. Ruffo, Journal of Statistical Mechanics 104015 (2019) -
Pulse solutions of the fractional effective models of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice with long-range interactions.

A.107 G. Davis, T. Dauxois, T. Jamin, S. Joubaud, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 880, 743-763. (2019) -
Energy budget in internal wave attractors experiments.

A.106 F. Staniscia, R. Bachelard, T. Dauxois, G. De Ninno, Europhysics Letters 126, 17001 (2019) -
Differences in the scaling laws of canonical and microcanonical coarsening dynamics for long range interacting systems.

A.105 M. Brunet, T. Dauxois, P.-P. Cortet, Physical Review Fluids 4, 03480 (2019) -
Linear and nonlinear regimes of an inertial wave attractor.

A.104 G. Pillet, L. Maas, T. Dauxois, European Journal of Mechanics/B Fluids 77, 1-16 (2019) -
Internal Wave Attractors in 3D Geometries: a dynamical systems approach.

A.103 L. Saint Raymond, T. Dauxois, Salon Culture et Jeux Mathématiques, 45-50 (2018) -
Quand les ondes dessinent des motifs géométriques.

A.102 G. Pillet, E.V. Ermanyuk, L. Maas, I.N. Sibgatullin, T. Dauxois, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 845, 203-225 (2018) -
Internal Wave Attractors in 3D Geometries : trapping by oblique reflection.

A.101 G. N. Chendjou Beukam, J. P. Nguenang, A. Trombettoni, T. Dauxois, R. Khomeriki, S. Ruffo, Commun. Nonlinear Science and Numer. Simulat. 60, 115-127 (2018) -
Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chains with harmonic and anharmonic long-range interactions.

A.100 T. Dauxois, S. Joubaud, P. Odier, A. Venaille, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 50, 131-156 (2018) -
Instabilities of internal wave beams.

A.99 Y. Dossmann, F. Pollet, P. Odier, T. Dauxois, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122, 9906-9917 (2017) -
Mixing and formation of layers by internal wave forcing.

A.98 C. Brouzet, I.N. Sibgatullin, E.V. Ermanyuk, S. Joubaud, T. Dauxois, Physical Review Fluids 2, 114803 (2017) -
Scale effects in internal wave attractors.

A.97 C. Brouzet, E.V. Ermanyuk, M. Moulin, G. Pillet, T. Dauxois, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 831, 101-127 (2017) -
Added mass: a complex facet of tidal conversion at finite depth.

A.96 G. Miloshevich, JP Nguenang, T. Dauxois, R. Khomeriki, S. Ruffo, Journal of Physics A 50, 12LT02 (2017) -
Traveling Solitons in Long-Range Oscillator Chains.

A.95 C. Brouzet, E.V. Ermanyuk, S. Joubaud, G. Pillet, T. Dauxois, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 811, 544-568 (2017) -
Internal wave attractors: different scenarios of instability.

A.94 Y. Dossmann, B. Bourget, C. Brouzet, T. Dauxois, S. Joubaud, P. Odier, Experiments in Fluids 57, 132 (2016) -
Mixing by internal waves quantified using combined PIV/PLIF technique.

A.93 S. Gupta, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Europhysics Letters 113, 60008 (2016) -
Out-of-equilibrium fluctuations in stochastic long-range interacting systems.

A.92 C. Brouzet, I. Sibgatullin, H. Scolan, E.V. Ermanyuk, T. Dauxois, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 793, 109-131 (2016) -
Internal wave attractors examined using laboratory experiments and 3D numerical simulations.

A.91 C. Brouzet, E.V. Ermanyuk, S. Joubaud, I. Sibgatullin, T. Dauxois, Europhysics Letters 113, 44001 (2016) -
Energy cascade in internal wave attractors.

A.90 S. J. Ghaemsaidi, S. Joubaud, T. Dauxois, P. Odier, T. Peacock, Physics of Fluids 28, 011703 (2016) -
Nonlinear internal wave penetration via parametric subharmonic instability.

A.89 A. Venaille, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Physical Review E 92, 011001(R) (2015) -
Violent relaxation in two-dimensional flows with varying interaction range.

A.88 G. Miloshevich, J.-P. Nguenang, T. Dauxois, R. Khomeriki, S. Ruffo, Physical Review E 91, 032927 (2015) -
Instabilities and relaxation to equilibrium in long-range oscillator chains.

A.87 B. Bourget, H. Scolan, T. Dauxois, M. Le Bars, P. Odier, S. Joubaud, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 759, 739 (2014) -
Finite-size effects in parametric subharmonic instability.

A.86 M. Champion, A. Alastuey, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Journal of Physics A 47, 225001 (2014) -
Validity conditions of the hydrostatic approach for self-gravitating systems: A microcanonical analysis.

A.85 M. Peyrard, T. Dauxois, Physics of Life Reviews 11, 173 (2014) -
Can we model DNA at the mesoscale?

A.84 J-B Caussin, A. Solon, A. Peshkov, H. Chate, T. Dauxois, J. Tailleur, V. Vitelli, D. Bartolo, Physical Review Letters 112, 148102 (2014) -
Emergent spatial structures in flocking models: a dynamical system insight.

A.83 M. J. Mercier, L. Gostiaux, K. Helfrich, J. Sommeria, S. Viboud, H. Didelle, S. J. Ghaemsaidi, T. Dauxois, T. Peacock, Geophysical Research Letters 40, 5704-5709 (2013) -
Large-scale, realistic laboratory modeling of M2 internal tide generation at the Luzon Strait.

A.82 S. Gupta, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Journal of Statistical Mechanics 13, P11003 (2013) -
A stochastic model of long-range interacting particles.

A.81 G. Miloshevich, T. Dauxois, R. Khomerikhi, S. Ruffo, Europhysics Letters 104, 17011 (2013) -
Spontaneous magnetization of dipolar needles in the microcanonical ensemble.

A.80 H. Scolan, E. Ermanyuk, T. Dauxois, Physical Review Letters 110, 234501 (2013) -
Nonlinear fate of internal waves attractors.

A.79 B. Bourget, T. Dauxois, S. Joubaud, P. Odier, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 723, 1 (2013) -
Experimental study of parametric subharmonic instability for internal waves.

A.78 C. Nardini, S. Gupta, S. Ruffo, T. Dauxois, F. Bouchet, Journal of Statistical Mechanics 12, P12010 (2012) -
Kinetic theory of nonequilibrium stochastic long-range systems: Phase transition and bistability.

A.77 G. Bordes, A. Venaille, S. Joubaud, P. Odier, T. Dauxois, Physics of Fluids 24, 086602 (2012) -
Experimental observation of a strong mean flow induced by internal gravity waves.

A.76 M. J. Mercier, M. Mathur, L. Gostiaux, T. Gerkema, J. M. Magalhaess, Jose C. B. Da Silva, T. Dauxois, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 704, 37 (2012) -
Soliton generation by internal tidal beams impinging on a pycnocline : laboratory experiments.

A.75 S. Joubaud, J. Munroe, P. Odier, T. Dauxois, Physics of Fluids 24, 041703 (2012) -
Experimental parametric subharmonic instability in stratified fluids.

A.74 C. Nardini, S. Gupta, S. Ru ffo, T. Dauxois, F. Bouchet, Journal of Statistical Mechanics 1, L01002 (2012) -
Kinetic theory for non-equilibrium stationary states in long-range interacting systems.

A.73 G. Bordes, F. Moisy, T. Dauxois, P-P. Cortet, Physics of Fluids 24, 014105 (2012) -
Experimental evidence of a triadic resonance of plane inertial waves in a rotating fluid.

A.72 R. Bachelard, T. Dauxois, G. De Ninno, S. Ruffo, F. Staniscia, Physical Review E 83, 061132 (2011) -
Vlasov equation for long-range interactions on a lattice.

A.71 M. Mercier, R. Vasseur, T. Dauxois, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 18, 193-208 (2011) -
Resurrecting dead-water phenomenon.

A.70 R. Bachelard, F. Staniscia, T. Dauxois, G. De Ninno, S. Ruffo, Journal of Statistical Mechanics P03022 (2011) -
Stability of inhomogeneous states in mean-field models with an external potential.

A.69 T. Dauxois, P. De Buyl, L. Lori, S. Ruffo, Journal of Statistical Mechanics P06015 (2010) -
Models with short and long-range interactions: phase diagram and reentrant phase.

A.68 P. de Anna, F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, A. J. McKane, T. Dauxois, Physical Review E 81, 056110 (2010) -
A spatial model of autocatalytic reactions.

A.67 M. Mercier, D. Martinand, M. Mathur, L. Gostiaux, T. Peacock, T. Dauxois, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 657, 308-334 (2010) -
New wave generation.

A.66 T. Peacock, M. Mercier, H. Didelle, S. Viboud, T. Dauxois, Physics of Fluids 21, 121702 (2009) -
A laboratory study of low-mode internal tide scattering by finite-amplitude topography.

A.65 A. Campa, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Physics Reports 480, 57-159 (2009) -
Statistical mechanics and dynamics of solvable models with long-range interactions.

A.64 T. Dauxois, F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, A. J. McKane, Physical Review E 79, 036112 (2009) -
Enhanced stochastic oscillations in autocatalytic reactions.

A.63 M. Mercier, N. Garnier, T. Dauxois, Physics of Fluids 20, 0866015 (2008) -
Reflection and diffraction of internal waves analyzed with the Hilbert transform.

A.62 T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Scholarpedia, 3(8):5538 (2008)-
Fermi-Pasta-Ulam nonlinear lattice oscillations.

A.61 F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois, D. Mukamel, S. Ruffo, Physical Review E 77, 011125 (2008) -
Phase space gaps and ergodicity breaking in systems with long range interactions.

A.60 T. Dauxois, Physics Today 61, 1, 55-57 (2008) -
Fermi, Pasta, Ulam and a mysterious lady.

A.59 T. Dauxois, R. Khomeriki, S. Ruffo, European Physical Journal Special Topics 147, 3-23 (2007) -
Modulational instability in isolated and driven Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattices

A.58 T. Dauxois, Journal of Statistical Mechanics N08001 (2007) -
Non Gaussian distributions under scrutiny

A.57 S. Paulin, A. Alastuey, T. Dauxois, Journal of Statistical Physics 128, 1391-1414 (2007) -
Analysis of path integrals at low temperature: box formula, occupation time and ergodic approximation.

A.56 Y. Yamaguchi, F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois, Journal of Statistical Mechanics P01020 (2007) -
Algebraic Correlation Function and Anomalous Diffusion in the HMF model.

A.55 L. Gostiaux, T. Dauxois, Physics of Fluids 19, 028102 (2007) -
Laboratory experiments on the generation of internal tidal beams over steep slopes.

A54. A. Antoniazi, D. Fanelli, J. Barre, P.H. Chavanis, T. Dauxois,  S. Ruffo, Physical Review E 75, 011112 (2007) -
Maximum entropy principle explains quasistationary states in systems with long-range interactions: The example of the Hamiltonian mean-field model.

A53. L. Gostiaux, H. Didelle, S. Mercier, T. Dauxois, Experiments in Fluids 42, 123-130 (2007) -
A novel internal waves generator.

A52. T. Dauxois, R. S. MacKay, G. Tsironis, Physica D 216,vii-ix (2006) -
Preface to Physica D, Volume 216, Issue 1 (2006).

A51. F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Europhysics News 37, 2, 9-10 (2006) -
Controversy about the applicability of Tsallis statistics to the HMF model.

A50. L. Gostiaux, T. Dauxois, H. Didelle, J. Sommeria, S. Viboux, Physics of Fluids 18, 056602 (2006) -
Quantitative laboratory observations of internal wave reflection on ascending slopes.

A49. J. Barre, F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo,Y. Y. Yamaguchi, Physica A 365, 177-183 (2006) -
The Vlasov equation and the Hamiltonian Mean-Field model

A48. T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, S. Ruffo, European Journal of Physics 26, S3-S11 (2005) -
The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam ``numerical experiment'': history and pedagogical perspectives

A47. T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, 386, 51-53 La Recherche (2005) -
La derniere experience d'Enrico Fermi

A46. T. Tatekawa, F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Physical Rev E. 71, 056111 (2005) -
Thermodynamics of the self-gravitating ring model

A45. T. Dauxois, F. Raynal, Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 871, 205-208 (2005) -
Archimede m'a tromper

A44. T. Dauxois, R. Khomeriki, F. Piazza, S. Ruffo, Chaos 15, 015110 (2005) -
The Anti-FPU problem

A43. J. Barre, F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Journal of Statistical Physics 119, 677-713 (2005) -
Large deviation techniques applied to systems with long-range interactions

A42. F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois, Physical Review E, 72, 045103(R) (2005) -
Prediction of anomalous diffusion and algebraic relaxations for long-range interacting systems, using classical statistical mechanics.

A41. J. Barre, T. Dauxois, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli S. Ruffo, Physical Review E 69, 045501 (2004) -
Statistical theory of high-gain free-electron laser saturation.

A40. T. Dauxois, A. Didier and E. Falcon, Physics of Fluids 16, 1936-1941 (2004) -
Observation of near-critical reflection of internal waves in a stably stratified fluid.

A39. Y. Y. Yamaguchi, J. Barre, F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Physica A 337, 36-66 (2004) -
Stability criteria of the Vlasov equation and quasi-stationary states of the HMF model.

A38. L. Gostiaux, T. Dauxois, Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 98, 25-40 (2004) -
Propagation et reflexion d'ondes internes dans l'ocean: le mystere de l'angle critique

A37. T. Dauxois, S. Lepri, S. Ruffo, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations 8, 375-387 (2003)
Clustering and ensembles inequivalence in the phi4 and phi6 mean-field Hamiltonian models.

A36. F. Gobet, S. Ciliberto, T. Dauxois, European Physical Journal B 34, 193-199 (2003)
Aging phenomena in nonlinear dissipative chains.

A35. J. Barre, F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Physical Review Letters 89, 110601 (2002)
Out-of-equilibrium states as statistical equilibria of an effective dynamics in a system with long range interactions.

A34. J. Barre, F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, European Physical Journal B 29, 577-591 (2002)
Birth and long-time stabilization of out-of-equilibrium coherent structures.

A33. T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard. N. Theodorakopoulos, Journal of Statistical Physics 107, 869 (2002).
Thermodynamic instabilities in one dimension: correlations, scaling and solitons.

A32. J. Barre, T. Dauxois, Europhysics Letters 55, 154 (2001).
Lyapunov exponents as a dynamical indicator of a phase transition.

A31. J. Barre, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Physica A 295, 254 (2001).
Clustering in a model with repulsive long-range interactions.

A30. T. Dauxois, P. Holdsworth, S. Ruffo, European Physical Journal B 16, 659-667 (2000).
Violation of ensemble equivalence in the antiferromagnetic mean-field XY model.

A29. N. Theodorakopoulos, T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, Physical Review Letter 85, 6-9 (2000).
Order of the phase transition in models of DNA thermal denaturation

A28. C. Laroche, T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, American Journal of Physics 68, 552 (2000).
Discreteness effects on soliton dynamics: a simple experiment.

A27. T. Dauxois, W. R. Young, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 390, 271-295 (1999).
Near critical reflection of internal waves.

A26. T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, A. Torcini,  Journal de Physique IV 8, Pr 6, 147-156 (1998).
Analytical estimation of the maximal Lyapunov exponent in oscillator chains.

A25. T. Cretegny, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, A. Torcini, Physica D 121, 109-126 (1998).
Localization and equipartition of energy in the beta-FPU chain : chaotic breathers.

A24. O. M. Braun, T. Dauxois, M. V. Paliy, M. Peyrard, B. Hu, Physica D 123, 357-367 (1998).
Kinks motion and underdamped dc-driven dynamics of atomic monolayers.

A23. T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, A. Torcini, Physical Review E 56, R6229-R6232 (1997).
Modulational estimate for the maximal Lyapunov exponent in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain.

A22. M. Paliy, O. M. Braun, T. Dauxois, B. Hu, Physical Review E 56, 4025-4030 (1997).
Dynamical phase diagram of the dc-driven underdamped Frenkel-Kontorova chain.

A21. O. M. Braun, T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, Physical Review B 56, 4987-4995 (1997).
Friction in a thin commensurate contact.

A20. I. Daumont, T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, Nonlinearity, 10, 617-630 (1997).
Modulational instability: first step toward energy localization in nonlinear lattices.

A19. O. M. Braun, T. Dauxois, M. V. Paliy, M. Peyrard, Physical Review E 55, 3598-3612 (1997).
Nonlinear mobility of the generalized Frenkel-Kontorova model.

A18. F. Russell, Y. Zolotaryuk, J. Eilbeck, T. Dauxois, Physical Review B 55, 6304-6308 (1997).
Moving breathers in a chain of magnetic pendulums.

A17. O. M. Braun, T. Dauxois, M.V. Paliy, M. Peyrard, Physical Review Letters 78, 1295-1298 (1997).
Dynamical transitions in correlated driven diffusion in a periodic potential.

A16. O. M. Braun, T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, Physical Review B 54, 313-320 (1996).
Solitonic-exchange mechanism of surface diffusion.

A15. O. M. Braun, T. Dauxois, M. V. Paliy, M. Peyrard, Physical Review B 54, 321-332 (1996).
Mobility and diffusivity in a generalized Frenkel-Kontorova model.

A14. M. Peyrard and T. Dauxois, Mathematics and Computer in Simulation 40, 305-318 (1996).
DNA melting : a phase transition in one dimension.

A13. T. Dauxois, S. Fauve, L. Tuckerman, Physics of Fluids, 8, 487-495 (1996).
Stability of periodic arrays of vortices.

A12. T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, Physical Review E 51, 4027-4040 (1995)
Entropy driven transition in a one dimensional system.

A11. G. Gaeta, C. Reiss, M. Peyrard, T. Dauxois, Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 17, 1-48 (1994).
Simple models of nonlinear DNA dynamics.

A10. T. Dauxois, Physics of Fluids 6, 1625-1627 (1994).
Nonlinear stability of counter-rotating vortices.

A9. T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, C. R. Willis, Physical Review E 48, 4768-4778 (1993).
Discreteness effects on the formation and propagation of breathers in nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations.

A8. M. Peyrard, T. Dauxois, H. Hoyet, C. R. Willis, Physica D 68, 104-115 (1993).
Biomolecular dynamics of DNA: statistical mechanics and dynamical model.

A7. T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, A. R. Bishop, Physica D 66, 35-42 (1993).
Thermodynamics of a nonlinear model for DNA denaturation.

A6. T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, Physical Review Letters 70, 3935-3938 (1993).
Energy Localization in a Nonlinear lattices.

A5. T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, A. R. Bishop, Physical Review E 47, R44-R47 (1993).
Entropy driven DNA denaturation.

A4. T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, A. R. Bishop, Physical Review E 47, 684-695 (1993).
Dynamics and thermodynamics of a nonlinear model for DNA denaturation.

A3. M. Peyrard, T. Dauxois, H. Hoyet, Nanobiology 1, 313-324 (1992).
Dynamics of DNA melting.

A2. T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, C. R. Willis, Physica D 57, 267-282 (1992).
Localized breather-like solution in a discrete Klein-Gordon model and application to DNA.

A1. T. Dauxois, Physics Letters A 159, 390-395 (1991).
Dynamics of breather modes in a nonlinear ``helicoidal'' model of DNA.

Books and Reviews

B.11 M. Mezard, T. Dauxois (Eds), Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2017)
Proceedings of Statphys26.

B.10 A. Campa, T. Dauxois, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo, Oxford University Press (2014)
Physics of Long-Range Interactions.
B.9 T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo (Eds), Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2010)
Topical issue: Long-Range Interacting Systems.

B.8 T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, L. F. Cugliandolo (Eds), Lecture Notes of the August 2008 Les Houches Summer School: Volume 90, Oxford University Press (2009)
Long-Range Interacting Systems.

B.7 A. Campa, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Physics Reports 480, 57-159 (2009)
Statistical mechanics and dynamics of solvable models with long-range interactions.

B.6 T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, Cambridge University Press (2006)
Physics of solitons.
B.5 T. Dauxois, R. S. MacKay and G. Tsironis (Eds), Physica D 216, 1, 1-246 (2006)
Nonlinear Physics: Condensed Matter, Dynamical Systems and Biophysics - A Special Issue dedicated to Serge Aubry.

B.4 M. Peyrard, T. Dauxois, "Savoirs Actuels", CNRS Editions-EDP Sciences (2004)
Physique des solitons.
B.3 T. Dauxois, A. Litvak-Hinenzon, R. MacKay, A. Spanoudaki (Eds), "Advanced Series in Nonlinear Dynamics", World Scientific (2004)
Energy Localisation and Transfer.

B.2 T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, E. Arimondo, M. Wilkens (Eds), Lecture Notes in Physics 602, Springer (2002)
Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems with Long Range Interactions.

B.1 S. Ciliberto, T. Dauxois, M. Droz (Eds), Editions Frontieres (1995).
Physics of Complexity

Chapters of Books

C6. T. Dauxois, E. Ermanyuk, C. Brouzet, S. Joubaud, I. Sibgatullin, in ``The Ocean in Motion: Circulation, Waves, Polar Oceanography'',
M. G. Velarde, R.Y. Tarakanov, A. V. Marchenko, Springer-Verlag, Oceanography Series (2017).
Abyssal mixing in the laboratory.

C5. B. Sutherland, T. Dauxois, T. Peacock in ``Modeling Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows: Insights from Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Simulations",
Eds. T. von Larcher, P. D. Williams, AGU Books, Wiley (2015).
Internal Waves in Laboratory Experiments, p. 193.

C4. N. Theodorakopoulos, M. Peyrard, T. Dauxois, in ``Localization and Energy Transfer in Nonlinear Systems'', Eds. Vasquez, World Scientific  (2003).
A nonlinear model for DNA melting.

C3. T. Dauxois, V. Latora, A. Rapisarda, S. Ruffo, A. Torcini, in B2 (2002)
The Hamiltonian Mean Field Model: from Dynamics to Statistical Mechanics and back

C2. T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, E. Arimondo, M. Wilkens, in B2 (2002)
Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems with Long Range Interactions: an Introduction.

C1. T. Dauxois and M. Peyrard, in ``Nonlinear excitations in biomolecules'', Eds. Peyrard (Springer) pp. 127-136 (1995).
A nonlinear model for DNA melting.

Proceedings of conferences

D23. I. Sibgatullin, E. Ermanyuk, L. Maas, X. Xu, T. Dauxois 2017 Ivannikov ISPRAS Open Conference (ISPRAS), Moscow, Russia (2017), IEEE 137-143 (2018).
Direct Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Inertial Wave Attractors.

D22. T. Dauxois, C. Brouzet, E. Ermanyuk, S. Joubaud, H. Scolan, I. Sibgatullin. 8th Stratified Flow Conference in San Diego (2016).
Energy cascade in internal wave attractors.

D21. P. Odier, Y. Dossmann, B. Bourget, C. Brouzet, S. Joubaud, T. Dauxois. 8th Stratified Flow Conference in San Diego (2016).
Tracking mixing by overturning internal waves.

D20. T. Dauxois, C. Brouzet, E. Ermanyuk, S. Joubaud, D. Le Tourneau, I. Sibgatullin, Procedia IUTAM 20, 120-127 (2017).
Energy cascade in internal wave attractors.

D19. B. Bourget, P. Odier, S. Joubaud, T. Dauxois. 21eme Congres Francais de Mecanique (2013).
Non-linear fate of internal wave attractors.

D18. H. Scolan, E. Ermanyuk, T. Dauxois. 21eme Congres Francais de Mecanique (2013).
Parametric subharmonic instability and mixing of stratified fluids .

D17. M. Mercier, T. Peacock, S. Saidi, S. Viboud, H. Didelle, L. Gostiaux, J. Sommeria, T. Dauxois, K. Helfrich. Stratified Flow Conference in Rome (2011).
The Luzon Strait experiment.

D16. P. Odier, J. Munroe, S. Joubaud, T. Dauxois. Stratified Flow Conference in Rome (2011).
Parametric Instability Growth Rates of Progressive Mode1 Internal Wave.

D15. T. Gerkema, L. Gostiaux, M. Mathur, M. Mercier, N. Grisouard, J. Magelhaes, T. Dauxois, J.C.B Da Silva, C. Staquet. 19eme Congres Francais de Mecanique (2009).
Generation de solitons dans une pycnocline par un faisceau d'une onde interne.

D14. M. Mercier, N. Garnier, T. Dauxois. Rencontre du Non Lineaire (2008).
Demodulation complexe de signaux experimentaux appliquee aux ondes internes.

D13. L. Gostiaux, T. Dauxois. 18eme Congres Francais de Mecanique (2007).
Internal gravity waves and topography: emission, propagation and reflection.

D12. L. Gostiaux, D. Martinand, T. Dauxois. Stratified Flow Conference in Perth (2006).
Experiments on reflection of internal gravity waves: without and with rotation.

D11. A. Antoniazzi, J. Barre, T. Dauxois, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo. Berlin FEL Conference (2006).
Free Electron Laser as a paradigmatic example of systems with long-range interactions.

D10. L. Gostiaux, T. Dauxois, E. Falcon, N. Garnier Actes du colloque FLUVISU11 (2005).
Mesure quantitative de gradients de densite en fluides stratifies bi-dimensionnels.

D9. L. Gostiaux, T. Dauxois, E. Falcon, Journees de Physique Non lineaires (2005).
Reflexion critique d'ondes internes de gravite en fluides stratifies.

D8. F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois, Journal of Physics : Conference Series 7, 34-47 (2005).
Kinetics of anomalous transport and algebraic correlations in a long-range interacting system.

D7. F. Rastello, T. Dauxois, Workshop on Massively Parallel Processing (WMPP'2002), IEEE Computer Society Press.
Efficient tiling for an ODE discrete integration program: redundant tasks instead of trapezoidal shaped-tiles.

D6. M. Peyrard, T. Dauxois, and K. Forinash, in ``Fluctuating Phenomena: Disorder and Nonlinearity'', Eds. Vasquez (World Scientific, 1994).
Nonlinear energy localization in a disordered system. Application to DNA melting.

D5. M. Peyrard and T. Dauxois, in ``Physics Computing '94'', Eds. Gruber and Tomassini (EPS), pp. 269-276 (1994).
Role of the base sequence on the dynamics of DNA melting.

D4. T. Dauxois, in ``Nonlinear dynamical phenomena in physical, chemical and biological systems'', Eds. Christiansen and Mosekilde (IMACS), pp. 238-243(1994).
Nonlinear stability of 2D vortices.

D3. M. Peyrard, T. Dauxois, C. R. Willis, (Bayreuth 1994) Eds. Plenum (1993).
Energy localization in nonlinear lattices.

D2. T. Dauxois, M. Peyrard, in ``Nonlinear coherent structures in Physics and Biology'', Eds. Remoissenet and Peyrard (Springer), pp. 79-86 (1992).
Dynamics of breather modes in a nonlinear ``helicoidal'' model of DNA.

D1. M. Peyrard, T. Dauxois, A. R. Bishop, in ``Continuum Model and discrete systems'', Eds. Maugin (Longman), pp. 329-338 (1991).
Dynamics of the thermal denaturation of DNA.

Grey Literature

E6. R. Vasseur, M. Mercier, T. Dauxois, unpublished (2008) -
Dead Waters: Large amplitude interfacial waves generated by a boat in a stratified fluid.

E5. H. Qasmi, J. Barre, T. Dauxois, unpublished (2004) -
Links between nonlinear dynamics and statistical mechanics in a simple one-dimensional model.

E4. F. Rastello, T. Dauxois, Rapport de Recherche RR-01-42 (Novembre 2001).
Parallelization of the Numerical Lyapunov Calculation for the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Chain.

E3. T. Dauxois, E. E. Mac Phee, W. R. Young, unpublished (1999).
Near critical reflection of internal waves in a stably stratified fluid.

E2. T. Dauxois, Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches, Universite de Lyon 1 (1999).
Ondes Non Lineaires Localisees : Applications en Matiere Condensee et en Hydrodynamique.

E1. T. Dauxois, These de doctorat, Universite de Bourgogne (1993).
Dynamique non lineaire et mecanique statistique d'un modele d'ADN.